Last Updates:
26 Feb 2025: 125 magic book content listings added, and a few
30 Jan 2025 - Happy New Year! About 120 book contents listings
BLOG for details of
specific book updates by date.
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How can you help? Four ways:1)
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2) Added Descriptions: Send me updates/corrections
to existing listings. Some listings below only list the
content, with no description of the effect. Even a
description as short as "card trick" or "coin trick" is
helpful as it is often difficult to tell what kind of trick
a particular effect is just from the title.
3) Book Cover Images: Some listings are missing book
cover images or are of poor quality. If you have one of the
books that are missing a cover image, a scan or a digital
photo would be most helpful!
4) Updates/Corrections: Finally, if you see errors or have
missing information (copyright date, illustrator, etc.) that can
make any of the existing contents listings even better, that is
appreciated as well.
*I generally try to make 1 update per month, but as you may see
from the Blog, I don't always make that!
Don't see the contents listed for the book you're looking for
here? Try one of these websites:
Denis Behr's Conjuring Archive: (highly detailed database!)
(need to register; lots and lots of book table of content listings
- some are replicated here)
Chris Wasshuber's (a commercial ebook website
but they detail most of their magic books contents):
Entries listed in RED are the newest entries
Magic Book Author | Title | Pub Date |
Descriptions? |
Aaronson, Sam |
Originals |
1950 |
Full |
Aaronson, Sam |
Sam Aaronson Lecture
No. 1 |
1960s |
Full |
Abbott, Bill |
Cabaret Card
Magic |
2008 |
Full |
Abbott, Bill |
Cocktail Card
Magic |
2009 |
Full |
Abbott, Bill |
Party Magic |
2011c |
ToC |
Abbott, Bill |
Pleasing Magic |
2006 |
Full |
Abbott, Bill |
Smart Stuff Book |
2009 |
ToC |
Abbott, Bill |
Table Magic |
2010 |
ToC |
Abbott, David |
Behind the
Scenes with the Mediums |
1907 |
ToC |
Abbott David |
David P.
Abbott's Book of Mysteries |
1977 |
ToC |
Abbott, David |
Creations of Joseffy |
1908 |
Full |
Abbott, Percy |
Easy-to-Do Card Tricks With Any Deck |
1940c |
ToC |
Abbott, Percy |
A Lifetime in Magic |
1960 |
Full |
Abbott, Percy, Tom Zeno |
Abbott's Cigarette
Magic |
1936 |
ToC |
Abbott, Percy |
Abbott's Practical
Patter |
1935 |
Full |
Abbott, Percy |
Vintage Collection of Old Magic Instructions 1930's and
1940's |
ToC |
Abbott, Percy |
Magic |
1945c |
Full |
Abbott, Percy |
Escapes |
1955 |
ToC |
Abbott, Percy |
Magic Card System |
1940s |
Full |
Abbott, Percy |
Magic for
Magicians |
1934 |
Full |
Abbott, Percy | Paper
Magic |
ToC |
Abbott, Percy |
Spirit Cabinet Act |
1954 |
ToC |
Abbott, Percy |
Silks |
1940 |
ToC |
Abbotts Magic Co. | Abbott's Cups and
Balls Routine |
ToC |
Abbotts Magic Co. |
Dark Energy
Secrets - Expanded PDF |
2019 |
ToC |
Abich, Roz & Boche Kaplan |
Mixed Bad of
Magic Tricks (Easy-to-Do Magic Tricks) |
1973 |
Full |
Ablett, Stephen |
Tricks |
2007 |
ToC |
Abraham, R.M. | Easy to
Do Entertainments and Diversions (or Winter Nights
Entertainments) |
1932 |
ToC |
Abraham, R.M. |
Tricks and
Amusements (or Diversions and Pastimes) |
1935 |
ToC |
Abrams, Max (Editor) |
Annemann The
Life and Times of a Legend |
1992 |
ToC |
Abrams, Max |
J.G. Thompson Jr. Bibliography |
1976 |
ToC |
Acer, David |
by Michel Huot |
2003 |
Full |
Acer, David |
7 by Patrik Kuffs |
2004 |
Full |
Acer, David |
7 by
Rick Bronson |
2005 |
Full |
Acer, David | Bread
& Butter |
1991 |
ToC |
Acer, David & Jay Sankey |
Crossroads |
2000 |
ToC |
Acer, David & Marc
DeSouza |
See entry under DeSouza |
2001 |
Full |
Acer, David | Keys to the Kingdom | 1992 |
Full |
Acer, David |
More Power to You |
2011 |
ToC |
Acer, David | Natural Selections | 1995 |
Partial |
Acer, David | Natural Selections II | 1999 |
Full |
Acer, David & Jay Sankey |
Before, The |
1996 |
ToC |
Acer, David |
Thickens, The |
ToC |
Acer, David | Random Acts of Magic | 2004 |
ToC |
Acer, David |
Sanders Close Up Assassin |
1998 |
ToC |
Acer, David | Selections From The Magic Menu | 1998 |
ToC |
Acer, David |
Sudden Impact |
1998 |
ToC |
Acer, David |
is a Circle |
2001 |
ToC |
Acer, David | Toast
& Jam |
1993 |
ToC |
Acer, David |
Views, The |
2003 |
Full |
Ackerman, Allan |
Ackerman 2004 |
2004 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan |
Cardpone, a.k.a. Cardface |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan |
Card Theater |
2019 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan |
Cardjurer, The |
2012 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan |
Handlings |
1999 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan | Day of
Magic Lecture Notes |
1992 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan | Esoterist,
The |
1971 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan | Every Move a
Move |
1992 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan | Here's My
Card |
1978 |
Full |
Ackerman, Allan |
How to Tame a
Moose |
1995 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan | I Can't
Believe It's Not All Cards Lecture Tour |
1997 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan | Magical
Mafia Effects |
1970 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan |
Magic Castle
Lecture Notes |
1991 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan | Las Vegas Kardma | 1994 |
ToC |
Ackerman, Allan |
Wednesday Nights
Spring 1994 Lecture |
1994 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
A La Zombie |
1965 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
La Zombie Plus |
1970 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
A1 Magic by IA |
1987 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Adair's Ideas -
A Collection of Novel Mysteries |
1960ca |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Dove Act |
1960 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian | Complete Guide to Card Conjuring | 1980 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Guide to Conjuring |
1979 |
Chapters |
Adair, Ian |
Conjuring as a
Craft; or Magic Step by Step |
1970 |
Full |
Adair, Ian |
Magic Part 1 |
1960 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Dove Magic Volume 1 |
1968 |
Chapters |
Adair, Ian | Encyclopaedia
of Dove Magic Volume 2 |
1968 |
Chapters |
Adair, Ian | Encyclopaedia
of Dove Magic Volume 3 |
1972 |
Chapters |
Adair, Ian |
Dove Magic Volume 4 |
1975 |
Chapters |
Adair, Ian | Encylcopaedia
of Dove Magic Volume 5 |
1987 |
Chapters |
Adair, Ian |
How to Become a
Supreme Magician |
1987 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Ian Adair
Lecture-Demonstration - Adair's Ideas |
1968 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian | Ian Adair's 21 |
1962 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Kids' Show
Selection |
2012 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Menu Course Three Illusions |
1962 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Notions |
1981 |
ToC |
Adair, Ian | Oceans
of Notions |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Antics |
1975c |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Pot-Pourri |
ToC |
Adair, Ian |
Puppet Magic |
1969 |
Full |
Adams, Howard | 666
Mentalism |
2007 |
ToC |
Adams, Howard |
Aspellonu |
2003 |
ToC |
Adams, Howard |
Volume 3 |
1980 |
ToC |
Adams, Martin |
Nexus |
2009 |
Full |
Adams, Morley |
That Anyone Can Do |
1911 |
Chapters |
Adams, Peter |
Wizard's Magic
Book, The |
1930 |
Partial |
Adams Press (publisher) |
and Home Entertainment |
1924 |
Full |
Adams, Ralph |
Illusions of Ralph Adams, The |
1994 |
ToC |
Adams, S.S. Co. |
Mysteries |
1915c |
ToC |
Adolphus |
Coincidentalism |
ToC |
Ainslie, Arthur |
Water Wizardry |
1922 |
ToC |
Alan, Don | Close-Up Time |
1951 |
Full |
Alan, Don |
Alan's Bowl Routine |
Full |
Alan, Don; T.A. Whitney (ed) |
Don Alan's Bowl
Routine (Revised) |
2021 |
ToC |
Alan, Don | Pretty Sneaky | 1956 |
Full |
Alan, Don | Professional
Presentation of the Chop Cup |
Full |
Alan, Don |
Circus |
1958 |
ToC |
Albenice |
Reel Magic |
1941 |
ToC |
Alberstat, Paul |
Can You
Keep a Secret? |
2002 |
ToC |
Albertus |
Conjuring, Hypnotism, Muscle Reading, Mind Reading |
1900c |
ToC |
Alborough, John |
Manipulative Magic |
1978 |
ToC |
Albright, Howard P. |
Card Magic |
1948 |
Full |
Albright, Howard P. | Albright's
Blankety-Blank Routine |
Full |
Albright, Howard P. | Albright's
Exclusives |
1934 |
ToC |
Albright, Howard P. |
Forbidden Wisdom |
1948 |
Full |
Albright, Howard P. |
Kapers No. 1 |
1934ca |
Full |
Albright, Howard P. |
Klever Kard
Kodes |
1934 |
Full |
Albright, Howard P. | Lady
Luck Card Effects |
1933 |
Partial |
Albright, Howard P. |
Card Magic |
1935 |
ToC |
Albright, Howard P. | Party-Trix
Ala Carte |
1936 |
ToC |
Albright, Howard P. |
Psychic's 5-Minute Card Reading System |
ToC |
Albright, Howard P. |
Mental Effects |
1948 |
ToC |
Albright, Howard P. | Super
Sensitive Fingertips |
1933 |
ToC |
Alburger, James |
Get Your
Act Together |
1978 |
ToC |
Aldine |
of Numbers, The |
1895 |
ToC |
Aldini |
Magic Sermonettes |
1962 |
ToC |
Aldini |
Concepts in Magic |
1970 |
ToC |
Aldini |
Concepts With Cards |
1970 |
Full |
Aldini |
Yours |
1969 |
ToC |
Alexander, C. |
The Life and
Mysteries of the Celebrated Dr. "Q" |
1921 |
ToC |
Alexander, Jack |
Shalt Not Steal Except Magic Ideas |
1983 |
Full |
Alexander, Jorg | F.F.F.F.
2000 Lecture Notes |
2000 |
Full |
Alexander, Jorg |
Lecture Notes, The |
2002 |
ToC |
Alexander, Scott |
Denny Haney
Collected Wisdom |
2020 |
ToC |
Alexander the Magician |
Magic Show Book,
The |
1937 |
Full |
Alfonso |
2001 |
2001 |
ToC |
Alfonso |
In the Capital 94 |
1994 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason & Jack
Parker |
Ashes to Ashes |
2004 |
Full |
Alford, Jason | Cyber Sessions | 1999 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason |
Deal or No Deal |
2008 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason | Freebie |
1999 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason | Freebie
2 |
2000 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason | Freebie
3 |
2002 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason & Luke Dancy |
4 |
2003 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason |
5 |
2004 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason |
6 |
2005 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason |
7 |
2006 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason |
Freebie 8 |
2007 |
ToC |
Alford, Jason | Thinking And Wondering | 1998 |
Full |
Alfredson, James B. | Jean Hugard | 1997 | ToC |
Allen, Alexander |
Than Before! |
1997 |
ToC |
Allen, Alexander | Natural
& Close Up |
2009c |
ToC |
Allen, Bruce & David Williamson |
For Your
Eyes Only |
ToC |
Allen, Alexander |
Secrets of Card Magic |
1997 |
ToC |
Allen, CC |
Legend of Mac
McDonald, The |
1986 |
Full |
Allen, Harry & Irv Cook |
Notes of Impromptu Magic |
1982 |
ToC |
Allen, Harry |
of Foot in Mouth |
1985 |
Full |
Allen, Harry |
Sleight of Lips |
1986 |
Full |
Allen, Harry |
Sleight of
One Liners |
1992 |
Full |
Allen, Harry |
Sleight of
Tongue |
1982 |
Full |
Allen, Harry |
of Tongue in Cheek |
1984 |
Full |
Allen, Jon | "B"
Movies, The |
2003 |
Partial |
Allen, Jon | Director's
Cut |
1995 |
ToC |
Allen, Jon |
Director's Cut
the Sequel |
2003 |
ToC |
Allen, Jon |
Magic Tricks |
2005 |
ToC |
Allen, Ken |
Ken Allen's
Do-It-Yourself Lecture No. 1 |
1957 |
ToC |
Allen, Ken, McCarron (ed) |
Pilfered Patter
(revised) |
1958 |
ToC |
Allen, Ken |
T.I.P.S. |
1959 |
ToC |
Allen, Stan |
Cruise Ship
Magic - The Lecture |
1984 |
ToC |
Allen, Stan |
Magic Live! 2019 |
2019 |
ToC |
Allen, Tom |
Tom Allen's Garden
Path |
ToC |
Allerton, Bert |
Disarming Card
Deceptions |
2020 |
Full |
All India Magic Circle |
Maharajah of Magic |
1966 |
ToC |
Altgelt, Frederick |
Mind Magic |
1978 |
ToC |
Amato, Bruce |
'Em & Fool 'Em |
1988 |
ToC |
Amato, Bruce |
That And The Other |
1991 |
ToC |
Amberg, Ted |
Outside the Box |
2001 |
ToC |
Amira, Pablo |
Miracles With 5 ESP Cards |
Full |
Amira, Pablo |
Anywhere |
2010 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael | 3D Rabbits by Gosh | 2000 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael |
Aspen Bar Magic |
1990 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael | Command Performance Series
Premier Issue |
1980 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael | Command Performance Series
2 |
1980 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael | Complete Cups and Balls | 1998 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael |
Crazy Man's
Handcuffs, The |
1989 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael |
Easy to Master
Lecture |
1995 |
ToC |
Ammar, Michael | Encore II (Command
Performance Series 3) |
1981 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael | Encore 3 | 1983 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael |
World Lecture Tour |
1995 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael |
Notes April May Lectures 1981 |
1981 |
ToC |
Ammar, Michael |
Lecture Notes
2010 (circa) |
2010c |
Full |
Ammar, Michael |
Lecture 2000 |
2000 |
ToC |
Ammar, Michael |
Magical Arts Journal
(hardcover book) |
2010 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael | Magical Arts Journal
(individual issues) |
1989 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael | Magic of Michael Ammar | 1991 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael |
Michael Ammar Notes
2016 |
2016 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael | Notes de
Conférence, Version 2004 (In French) |
2004 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael |
Paul Harris
The Act |
1990c |
Full |
Ammar, Michael | Spanish Lecture
2007 (In Spanish) |
2007 |
Full |
Ammar, Michael |
Success and
Magic Progress Guide |
1984 |
ToC |
Ammar, Michael | Third National
Tour Notes |
1990c |
Full |
Ammar, Michael | Topit
Book, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Ammar, Michael |
Topit Book
2.0, The |
2014 |
ToC |
Anderson, A. | How
to Become a Conjurer |
1894 |
Full |
Anderson, A. |
to Do 40 Tricks With Cards |
1902 |
Full |
Anderson, A. | How
to Do 60 Tricks With Cards |
1902 |
ToC |
Anderson, A. |
How to Do
Chemical Tricks |
1898 |
ToC |
Anderson, A. | How to Do
Mechanical Tricks |
1902 |
Full |
Anderson, A. | How
to Do Sleight of Hand |
1898 |
Full |
Anderson, A. | How to Do The
Black Art |
1895 |
ToC |
Anderson, A. | How
to Do Tricks - Card Tricks and Magic |
1890 |
Full |
Anderson, A. |
How to Make
Magic Toys |
1902 |
Full |
Anderson, Brooks & H. Clause Enslow |
Want to Make a Buck |
1977 |
ToC |
Anderson, Doug |
'Em Nuts! Lecture One |
1984 |
ToC |
Anderson, Doug |
Straight Talk
About Theme Park Magic |
1984 |
ToC |
Anderson, Gene |
Anderson the Book |
2016 |
ToC |
Anderson, Gene & Francis Marshall | Newspaper Magic |
1968 |
Full |
Anderson, Gene |
Time Pro, The |
1975 |
ToC |
Anderson, Gene | Topper's Mad, Mad Magic | 1974 |
Full |
Anderson, Gene |
Tricks for
the Part Time Pro |
1989 |
Full |
Anderson, George |
Mentalism |
1979 |
ToC |
Anderson, George |
George B.
Anderson's Lecture Notebook |
1980 |
ToC |
Anderson, George |
How to Be a
Junior Magician |
1959 |
ToC |
Anderson, George |
It Must
Be Mind Reading |
1949 |
Full |
Anderson, George | Let
the Audience Do the Show |
ToC |
Anderson, George |
Magic Digest:
Fun Magic for Everyone |
1972 |
Full |
Anderson, George |
Pendulum, The |
1980 |
ToC |
Anderson, George | My Favorite
Easy Mental Card Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Anderson, George | My Favorite
Sucker Card Tricks |
1980 |
ToC |
Anderson, George | You, Too,
Can Read Minds |
1968 |
ToC |
Anderson, Harry & Turk Pipkin |
Games You
Can't Lose |
1989 |
ToC |
Anderson, Harry | Last Monte, The | 1994 |
Full |
Anderson, Harry |
and Other Card Mysteries, The |
1982 |
ToC |
Anderson, Scott |
40 Tricks
with a Hot Rod |
1986 |
ToC |
Andrade, Will (Charles A. Prince) | 50 Simple
Card Tricks |
193x |
ToC |
Andrade, Will (Charles A. Prince) |
Simple card Tricks |
1935 |
ToC |
Andrews, Carl Jr. | Magic From Maui | 2003 | Full |
Andrews, Carl Jr. |
Making a
Living in Magic |
1999 |
ToC |
Andrews, Max |
Magazine, The Volume 1 |
1952 |
Full |
Andrews, Max |
Magazine, The Volume 2 |
1952 |
Full |
Andrews, Max | Magic
Magazine, The Volume 3 |
1952 |
Full |
Andrews, Max | Magic
Magazine, The Volume 4 |
1955 |
Full |
Andrews, Max |
Magazine, The Volume 5 (last) |
Andrews, Max |
Card Index Gems |
1943 |
ToC |
Andrews, Max |
Sixteen Thumbtie
Gems |
1934 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val | Balloon
Modeler's Companion |
1982 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Show, The |
Full |
Andrews, Val | Cabaret
- Comedy |
1961 |
Partial |
Andrews, Val |
Rises |
1980 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val | Circus
Magic |
1965c |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Club Comedy |
1965 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Coin and
Card Magic of Bobby Bernard |
1982 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val | Dedicated
Magic |
1971 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Egg Bags and Egg
Gags |
ToC |
Andrews, Val | Explosive
Comedy! |
1970c |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Show Fun and Fantasy |
1960 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val & Bruce Armstrong (ed) |
Seasons in the Life of Val Andrews |
1984 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Fred Culpitt A
Brief Biography |
2001 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
From Here
to Obscurity |
1960 |
Full |
Andrews, Val |
Mr. Dante |
1978 |
Chapters |
Andrews, Val |
How to Give a
Magical Lecture |
1979 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
How to Write
a Magical Best Seller |
1978c |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Idiot at the
Card Table, The |
1969 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Komedy for
Kid Shows |
1960 |
Full |
Andrews, Val |
Impromptu Show |
1975c |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Magical Clown, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Manual of
Balloon Modeling Vol 1 |
1981 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Murray |
1974 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
The Encore |
1988 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Once Hung a
Gilded Lamp (Will Goldston) |
1986 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Comedy Magic |
1957 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Patter Supreme |
Full |
Andrews, Val |
to Showmanship |
1981 |
Full |
Andrews, Val |
Audacity, and Bluff |
1971 |
Full |
Andrews, Val |
Spook-Show-Stoppers |
1984 |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Stand and
Deliver (the Gags!) |
ToC |
Andrews, Val |
Book Test |
1985 |
ToC |
Andrus, Jerry |
Andrus Deals
Again! |
1957 |
Full |
Andrus, Jerry |
Andrus Deals
You In |
1956 |
ToC |
Andrus, Jerry |
Notes |
2004 |
Full |
Andrus, Jerry |
Card Control -
Volumes 1 & 2 |
1976 |
ToC |
Andrus, Jerry |
Five Dollar
Trix |
1973 |
ToC |
Andrus, Jerry |
Sleightly Slanted |
1977 |
ToC |
Andrus, Jerry | Nameless
Notes |
1964 |
ToC |
Andrus, Jerry | New Jerry Andrus Linking Pins, The (Instructions) | Full |
Andrus, Jerry |
Pin-Trix |
1956 |
ToC |
Andrus, Jerry |
Slanted |
1974 |
ToC |
Andrus, Jerry | Special
Magic |
1974 |
ToC |
Andrus, Jerry |
and Palms |
1961 |
ToC |
Andrus, Jerry |
Up Close with
Andrus |
1957 |
Full |
Andruzzi, Tony (Maskelyn Ye Mage) | Compleat
Invocation Volume 3 |
1992 |
Partial |
Andruzzi, Tony (Maskelyn Ye Mage) |
Diary |
1982 |
ToC |
Andruzzi, Tony (Maskelyn Ye Mage) |
of the Mages, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Andruzzi, Tony (Maskelyn Ye Mage) |
Negromicon of
Masklyn Ye Mage |
1977 |
ToC |
Annemann, Theodore |
202 Methods of
Forcing |
1933 |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
$50 Manuscript |
1932 |
ToC |
Annemann, Theodore |
Buried Treasure |
1952 |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
Anneman's Card
Miracles |
1944 |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore | Annemann's Card
Magic (contains both Card Miracles and Full Deck) |
1942 |
ToC |
Annemann, Theodore |
Complete One Man Mental and Psychic Routine |
1935 |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
Enigma (CD Collection) |
2008 |
ToC |
Annemann, Theodore (J.J.
Cummins, Ed) |
Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks |
1943 |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore | Annemann's
Miracles of Card Magic |
1948 |
ToC |
Annemann, Theodore | Annemann's Mental Bargain Effects | 1935 |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
Mental Mysteries (The Cabinet of Mental Mysteries) |
1929 |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
Practical Mental Effects /Magic |
1944 |
ToC |
Annemann, Theodore |
Super Card Miracles |
1929 |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
Book Without
a Name, The |
1931 |
ToC |
Annemann, Theodore |
En Rapport | 1937 |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
Strange Secrets, The |
1939 |
ToC |
Annemann, Theodore |
Programme No. 1 Club Act of Magic |
1950c |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
Programme No. 2 Mental Club Act |
1950c |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
Programme No. 3 Magical Club Programme |
1950c |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
Programme No. 4 No Card Mystery Act |
1950c |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
Jinx Programme No.
5 No Code Telepathy |
1940 |
Full |
Annemann, Theodore |
It's a Secret |
1934 |
ToC |
Anonymous |
24 Tricks From
Your Vest Pocket |
1940c |
Full |
Anonymous |
25 Party
Games For You To Play |
Full |
Anonymous |
Art of
Modern Conjuring |
1909 |
Full |
Anonymous |
Control Manuscript |
ToC |
Anonymous |
Card & Conjuring Tricks and Book of Riddles |
1910c |
Full |
Anonymous (C.V. Nickerson, Pub) |
Hocus Pocus or
the Whole Art of Legerdemain |
1830 |
Full |
Anonymous |
Hocus Pocus Junior,
2nd Ed |
1635 |
Full |
Anonymous |
Houdini - The
Adventurous Life of a Versatile Artist |
1922 |
Full |
Anonymous |
Ten Side Show
Tricks Exposed |
ToC |
Anonymous (Worthington Co. Pub) |
Parlor Magic A
Series of Tricks Made Easy |
1889 |
ToC |
Anverdi, Tony |
Years of Magical Creations |
1992 |
ToC |
Anverdi, Tony |
Lezing Seminar Series 1962 |
1962 |
Full |
Anverdi, Tony |
Lezing Seminar Series 1963 |
1963 |
Full |
Anverdi, Tony |
Miracles With Liquids |
1965 |
ToC |
Aragón, Woody |
Book in English |
2011 |
ToC |
Aragón, Woody | Memorandum |
2017 |
ToC |
Arcana, Homer |
Arcana |
2013 |
Full |
Arce, Greg | Deep
Thought |
2004 |
Full |
Arce, Greg |
Four Thought |
2006 |
Full |
Arce, Greg |
In Thought |
2006 |
Full |
Arce, Greg |
Minded |
2004 |
ToC |
Arch, Dave |
New Tricks for Trainers |
1998 |
Full |
Arch, Dave | Tricks
4 Trainers |
1993 |
ToC |
Archer, Danny | 3 Ball Routine | 1998c |
Full |
Archer, Danny |
Alone Again |
2012c |
Full |
Archer, Danny |
Target |
2007 |
Full |
Archer, Danny |
Working Alone |
1995c |
Full |
Archer, Danny |
Working Alone |
1994c |
Full |
Arcturus |
Psychic Magic |
1986 |
ToC |
Armour, R (editor) |
Magic of the
Scottish Conjurer's Association |
1947 |
ToC |
Armstrong, Bruce |
Presentation of Chimeric Ideas |
1975 |
ToC |
Armstrong, Bruce (Ed) |
Hades Encyclopedia of Suspencions and Levitations |
1976 |
ToC |
Armstrong, George |
Tricks of
the Trade |
1946 |
Full |
Armstrong, Jon |
Adventures of Jon Armstrong |
ToC |
Armstrong, Jon | Thoughts
From a Former Boy Wonder |
2006 |
ToC |
Armstrong, Jon |
You Don't
Know Union Jack! |
2007 |
ToC |
Army, Dan |
Black |
2007 |
Full |
Arneson, D.J. |
Graves Magic Book |
1977 |
Full |
Arnold, George and Frank Cahill |
Own Book, The |
1857 |
ToC |
Arnold, Peter |
Card Tricks |
2002 |
ToC |
Aronson, Simon |
Approach, The |
1990 |
ToC |
Aronson, Simon |
Decko, Compositions With Cards |
2014 |
ToC |
Aronson, Simon |
A Stack to
Remember |
1979 |
ToC |
Aronson, Simon | Bound To Please | 1994 |
ToC |
Aronson, Simon |
Ideas of Simon Aronson, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Aronson, Simon |
Notes |
ToC |
Aronson, Simon and David
Solomon |
Sessions |
1982 |
ToC |
Aronson, Simon |
Shuffle-Bored |
1980 |
ToC |
Aronson, Simon |
Simply Simon |
1995 |
ToC |
Aronson, Simon |
the Impossible |
2001 |
ToC |
Arrowsmith, G.E. |
Assorted Mysteries |
1967 |
ToC |
Arrowsmith, G.E. | Arrowsmith's
Mystery Box |
ToC |
Arrowsmith, G.E. |
Mentalia |
1942 |
ToC |
Arrowsmith, G.E. | Magical Originalia |
1944c |
ToC |
Arthur, R.E. |
New Look for
the Magic Show |
1950 |
ToC |
Ascanio, Arturo de |
the Handling of Double Cards |
1981 |
ToC |
Ascanio, Arturo de |
of Ascanio - Knives and Color-Blindness |
2008 |
Full |
Ascanio, Arturo de |
of Palming |
1982 |
ToC |
Asher, Lee | Catch 33 | 2003 |
Full |
Asher, Lee |
Close Cover Before
Striking |
2000 |
Full |
Asher, Lee |
Board Double |
2005 |
Full |
Asher, Lee |
Hand Jobs |
2001 |
Full |
Asher, Lee |
Le Asher |
1999 |
Full |
Asher, Lee |
Pulp Friction |
2000 |
Full |
Asher, Lee |
Sex Sells |
1998 |
Full |
Asher, Lee |
Thinking Out Loud |
1998 |
Full |
Asher, Lee | Thunderbird |
2007 |
ToC |
Astor, Victor Jamnitzky |
Top Secrets - Sealed
Miracles No. 4 |
Full |
Atkins, Jeffery |
Atkins Lecture - Demonstration The Atkins Touch |
1975 |
ToC |
Atkins, Jeffery |
Atkins Lecture - Demonstration British Made Magic |
1971 |
Full |
Atkins, Jeffery |
Atkins Lecture - Demonstration Magic Medley |
1971 |
ToC |
Atmore, Joseph |
Brain Busters |
2001 |
ToC |
Attacky |
Mo Mo |
Partial |
Auer, James |
Is Willing, The |
1961 |
ToC |
Austin, Guy K. |
Practical Magic with
Popular Patter |
1900c |
ToC |
Austin, Larry A. |
Coins and Balloons |
1971 |
ToC |
Aviles, Rich |
the Fold |
2010 |
Full |
Avis, Jack & Lewis Jones |
Ahead of the Pack |
2002 |
ToC |
Avis, Jack & John Derris |
Vis a Vis, a Jack Avis
Book |
1998 |
ToC |
Axtel, Steve |
for Axtel Productions Products |
1987 |
ToC |
Ayala, Joaquin |
I Think |
2016 |
ToC |
Ayling, William |
Art of Illusion |
1978 |
ToC |
Ayling, William |
Chain, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Ayling, William |
Presentations |
1972c |
Full |
Ayling, William | Knowing the Chop Cup | 1989 |
Full |
Ayling, William | Knowing the Egg Bag | 1988 |
Full |
Ayling, William |
Knowing the
Rising Cards |
1991 |
ToC |
Ayling, William |
Knowing the Ropes |
1987 |
ToC |
Ayling, William |
The |
1987 |
ToC |
Ayling, William |
Conjuring and Magic |
1981 |
ToC |
Ayres, Micky & Robert Moreland |
Holy City
Session, The |
2004 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Bacon, Reginald W. |
Manual of Cigar Box Manipulation & Balance |
1983 |
ToC |
Backentoss, Drew (Scott Andrews) |
of the Mind |
2019 |
ToC |
Baffel, Will |
Conjuring Without Apparatus |
1923 |
Chapters |
Bagley, William A. |
Man Show |
1940c |
Chapters |
Bagshawe, Edward |
Proudlock's Egg Bag and Four Ace Presentation |
1938 |
Full |
Bagshawe, Edward |
Proudlock's Routine With Thimbles |
1942 |
ToC |
Bagshawe, Edward |
Proudlock's Version of the Sympathetic Silks |
1936 |
ToC |
Bagshawe, Edward |
Problems in Magic |
1924 |
ToC |
Bagshawe, Edward |
Walke Mysteries, The |
1927 |
Full |
Bagshawe, Edward | More
Magical Mysteries |
1925 |
ToC |
Bagshawe, Edward | Novel Mysteries | 1940-42 |
Full |
Bagshawe, Edward |
Mysteries Part One: Original Silk Effects |
1926 |
Full |
Bagshawe, Edward | Novel
Mysteries Part Two: Original Card Effects |
1927 |
Full |
Bagshawe, Edward | Novel
Mysteries Part Three: Original Pocket Effects |
1929 |
Full |
Bagshawe, Edward | Novel
Mysteries Part Four: Original Spiritualistic Effects |
1928 |
Full |
Bagshawe, Edward | Novel
Mysteries Part Five: Miscellaneous Effects |
1930 |
Full |
Bagshawe, Edward | Novel
Mysteries Part Six: More Miscellaneous Magic |
1932 |
Full |
Bagshawe, Edward |
Magical Novelties |
1930 |
ToC |
Bailey, S. Wilson &
Harold Osborne |
Wrinkles |
1910c |
ToC |
Baillie, Marilyn (editor) |
Magical Fun |
1992 |
ToC |
Baker, Al |
Al Baker's Book |
1933 |
Full |
Baker, Al |
Al Baker's Book Two
(Second Book) |
1935 |
Full |
Baker, Al | Al Baker's Magical Ways And Means | 1941 |
Full |
Baker, Al |
Yours |
1934 |
Full |
Baker, Al |
Mental Magic |
1949 |
ToC |
Baker, Al |
Pet Secrets |
1951 |
ToC |
Baker, Al (Todd Karr, editor) |
Secret Ways of Al Baker |
2003 |
ToC |
Baker, Al |
Five Dollar Manuscript |
1950c |
Full |
Baker, Bob |
Thoughts |
1985 |
ToC |
Baker, James |
Illustrated |
1984 |
ToC |
Baker, Ken | 21 Himber Wallet Routines | 1992 |
Full |
Baker, Matt |
Vista Shuffle Club, The |
2019 |
ToC |
Baker, Red & Milt Larsen |
Parade Number One |
Full |
Baker, Roy |
Baker's Brainwaves |
1981 |
ToC |
Baker, Roy |
Baker's Capers |
1983 |
ToC |
Baker, Roy |
Method Behind
the Madness |
ToC |
Baker, Roy |
Shell-Coin Routines |
1979 |
ToC |
Baker, Roy |
Flies |
1983 |
Partial |
Baker, Roy | Yell-up For Kids | 1977 |
ToC |
Baker, William F. | A
Baker's Dozen |
1988c |
ToC |
Baker, William F. | A Basic Library for Magicians | 1970s |
ToC |
Baker, William F., Jr. |
Close-Up Gospel
Magic |
1989 |
ToC |
Baldwin, Samri S. |
of Mahatma Land Explained |
1895 |
ToC |
Bamberg, Theodore with Robert Parrish |
on Magic |
1952 |
ToC |
Bamberg, Theodore (Okito) |
Magic |
1921 |
Full |
Banachek |
Lecture Notes |
2009 |
ToC |
Banachek |
Presents His 2005
Lecture Series |
2005 |
ToC |
Banachek (Steve Shaw) |
Pre-Thoughts |
1990 |
ToC |
Banachek (Steve Shaw) | Psychokinetic
Time |
1992 |
Full |
Banachek (Steve Shaw) |
Touches |
1994 |
Full |
Banachek |
Subtleties |
1998 |
ToC |
Banachek |
Subtleties 2 |
2006 |
ToC |
Banachek |
Psychological Subtleties 3 |
2009 |
ToC |
Banachek |
Thought Reading |
2002 |
ToC |
Bandy, Albert (Father) |
All About Linking Rings | 1976 |
ToC |
Bandy, Albert (Father) |
Ahead, I'll Wait! More Magic of Johnny Brown |
1975 |
ToC |
Bandy, Albert (Father) | Isn't
That Good? The Magic of Johnny Brown |
1974 |
Full |
Banerjee, Ananta Deb | Designed to Deceive | 1998 |
ToC |
Banfield, Jake |
Magic Tricks
With Coins, Cards and Everyday Objects |
2017 |
Full |
Bannon, John |
Avant Carde I |
1989 |
Full |
Bannon, John |
Bullet Party |
2011 |
Full |
Bannon, John | Dear Mr. Fantasy | 2004 |
ToC |
Bannon, John |
Zero |
2015 |
ToC |
Bannon, John |
Caliber |
2013 |
ToC |
Bannon, John | Impossibilia | 1990 |
Full |
Bannon, John |
Mentalissimo |
2016 |
ToC |
Bannon, John |
Mirage |
1986 |
ToC |
Bannon, John |
Secret Weapons |
1990 |
Full |
Bannon, John |
Impossible. Things. |
2009 |
Full |
Bannon, John | Smoke & Mirrors | 1991 |
Full |
Bannon, John |
Impossibilia |
1991 |
Full |
Bannon, John |
Without, V1 N1 |
1989 |
ToC |
Barkann, Roger |
Patent Pending |
1944 |
ToC |
Bargatze, Stephen | Four Tricks
From All Four of Us |
ToC |
Bargatze, Stephen |
of Stephen, The |
2003 |
ToC |
Barnhart, Norm |
Magic Tricks Beginner Level |
2009 |
Full |
Barnhart, Norm |
Magic Tricks Apprentice Level |
2009 |
Full |
Barnhart, Norm | Amazing
Magic Tricks Expert Level |
2009 |
Full |
Barnhart, Norm | Amazing Magic
Tricks Master Level |
2009 |
Full |
Barnhart, Norm | Comedy
Balloon Hats |
1997 |
ToC |
Barnhart, Norm |
Magic With Balloons |
1992 |
ToC |
Barnhart, Russell T. |
Master Palm, The |
1975 |
ToC |
Barnhart, Russell T. |
Two Second
Deals |
1974 |
ToC |
Barnowsky, Larry |
Century Coin Mechanics |
2005 |
Full |
Barnowsky, Larry |
of Destiny, The |
2011 |
ToC |
Barnowsky, Larry | Counting
on Deception |
2013 |
Full |
Barnowsky, Larry |
Kingdom of the
Red |
2007 |
Full |
Barnowsky, Larry | Magica
Analytica |
2014 |
ToC |
Barnowsky, Larry | Magica
Analytica II |
2015 |
ToC |
Barnowsky, Larry | Magica
III - Gems From the Repertoire |
2017 |
ToC |
Barnowsky, Larry | Magica
IV - Secrets From the Vault |
2018 |
ToC |
Barnum, Vance |
Strong The Boy Wizard |
1916 |
Full |
Baron, Harry |
Tricks for Beginners |
1960 |
ToC |
Baron, Harry | Close
Up Magic for Beginners |
1972 |
ToC |
Baron, Harry |
Close Up Magic
for Beginners - Two Volumes in One |
1978 |
ToC |
Baron, Harry |
Instant Magic,
the 65th Lecture |
1980 |
ToC |
Baron, Harry | Magic for
Beginners |
1967 |
ToC |
Baron, Harry |
Simplified |
1954 |
ToC |
Baron, Harry |
Best Card Trick |
1953 |
ToC |
Baron, Harry | My
Best Close Up Trick |
1954 |
Full |
Barr, George |
Tricks and Magic for Young People |
1968 |
ToC |
Barrows, Jack |
An Introduction
to Magic |
1976 |
ToC |
Barry, Dick |
With Class |
1998 |
ToC |
Barry, Joe & John Cottle (editors) |
(Modus) Operandi
Magazine |
2016 |
ToC |
Barry, Sheila Anne |
& Stunts to Fool Your Friends |
1984 |
Chapters |
Bartholemew, Charles L. |
Chalk Talk
and Crayon Presentation |
1922 |
ToC |
Bartlett, George B. |
New Games
for Parlor and Lawn |
1882 |
Full |
Barton, Fred |
Land of Make
Believe, The |
1972 |
ToC |
Bartram, Richard Jr. |
Close-Up of
the Damned |
1984 |
ToC |
Bartram, Richard Jr. | Mystification |
1993 |
ToC |
Bartram, Richard Jr. |
Trephine |
1997 |
Full |
Batchelor, Tom |
Card Control |
1971 |
ToC |
Bauer, Joel |
Hustle, The Magic of Business |
1983 |
ToC |
Bauer, Ron | Complete Don
Alan's Chop Cup, The |
2005 |
Full |
Bauer, Ron |
Devano Card Rise |
1999 |
Full |
Bauer, Ron |
Dixie! |
1998 |
Full |
Bauer, Ron |
Again! |
1998 |
Full |
Bauer, Ron |
Mechanical Deck |
1999 |
Full |
Bauer, Ron |
Kort Lecture Notes |
1963c |
ToC |
Bauer, Ron |
Bauer 2008 Lecture |
2008 |
ToC |
Bauer, Ron |
Ron Bauer's
Mechanical Deck |
1999 |
Full |
Bauer, Ron |
Siamese Goose Egg
Bag |
2003 |
ToC |
Bauer, Ron |
Xerox Money |
2000 |
Full |
Baukin, Larry |
Souls and Other Bizarre Visitations |
1990 |
ToC |
Baumann, Fred, Janet Traynor |
A Magical Duet |
1995 |
ToC |
Baumann, Fred |
In Coin Magic |
1981 |
ToC |
Baumann, Fred |
Of Classic Coin Sleights |
1983 |
ToC |
Baxt, Robbert |
Stabbed In the
Baxt |
1987 |
ToC |
Baxter, Ian |
Ten on
Deck |
1970 |
ToC |
Baxter, Thomas | Nail
Writer Anthology, The |
2010 |
ToC |
Baxter, Thomas |
Prediction Project |
2011 |
Partial |
Beam, Steve |
52 - The Buffalo Gathering |
2017 |
Full |
Beam, Steve |
Book, The |
1979 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
F.F.F.F. Teach-A-Trick |
2011 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Card Tricks
From Mount Olympus |
1980 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
of the Cards, The |
1982 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Digital Effects, the Magic of Joe Mogar | 1997 |
Full |
Beam, Steve |
Card Tricks |
2001 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve & Don Morris |
Outs Or For My Next Trick I'll Try One That Works |
1979 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Magic for
the British Aisles |
1996 |
Full |
Beam, Steve |
Magic The
Vanishing Art |
1979 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
With No Entertainment Value |
1989 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Magic With
No Entertainment Value II |
1993 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Noteworthy |
2008 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Semi-Automatic Card Tricks I | 1993 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Semi-Automatic Card Tricks II | 1995 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Semi-Automatic Card Tricks III | 2000 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Semi-Automatic Card Tricks IV | 2002 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Semi-Automatic Card
Tricks V |
2004 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VI | 2006 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Semi-Automatic Card Tricks VII | 2006 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Card Tricks VIII |
2010 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Semi-Automatic
Card Tricks IX |
2015 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Semi-Automatic
Card Tricks X |
2015 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Semi-Automatic Cart Tricks XI | 2019 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve | Steve
Beam On Coins Volume I |
1981 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Steve Beam on Coins
Volume II |
1982 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Tea Time With
the Pasteboards |
2016 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
They Don't
Make Trap Doors Like They Used To |
1978 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Volume One, The |
1984 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Shuffled, The |
2001 |
ToC |
Beam, Steve |
Notes |
1995 |
Full |
Bean, Gordon & Bill Goodwin |
The (magazine) |
2002 |
Full |
Beaumont, Henry |
Famous Three
Shell Game, The |
1975 |
Full |
Beck, Joycee |
Performance Skills |
1996 |
ToC |
Beck, Norman & Jared Kopf (ed) |
Ear Full of Cider |
ToC |
Becker, Fred |
Magic |
2001 |
ToC |
Becker, Herbert |
All the
Secrets of Magic Revealed |
1994 |
ToC |
Becker, Larry |
Touches, The |
ToC |
Becker, Larry |
Castle Lecture 1984 |
1984 |
ToC |
Becker, Larry & Lee Earle |
Super Symposium II |
2004c |
Full |
Becker, Larry |
for Magicians |
1981 |
Full |
Becker, Larry |
Mentalism for
the Millennium |
1998 |
ToC |
Becker, Larry |
Mentalism for Magicians, a Lecture |
1990 |
ToC |
Becker, Larry |
Mostly Card
Mental Lecture |
1990 |
ToC |
Becker, Larry |
Myth Mash! |
1990 |
Full |
Becker, Larry |
Stunners! |
1996 |
Full |
Becker, Larry |
Lecture |
1990 |
ToC |
Becker, Larry |
Stunners! Plus! |
2003 |
Full |
Becker, Larry & Lee Earle |
Secrets |
1993 |
ToC |
Becker, Larry |
of Super Mentalism Book One |
1977 |
ToC |
Becker, Larry |
of Super Mentalism Book Two |
1989 |
ToC |
Beckwith, Tobias |
Deception |
2007 |
ToC |
Beckwith, Tobias |
Deception Volume 2 |
2014 |
ToC |
Bedwell, Ray |
Treasures Magic |
1971 |
ToC |
Bedwell, Steve |
Schtick! |
2000 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | 100 of the
Greatest Magic Tricks of the Past 50 Years |
1974 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Mental Secrets of C.A. George Newman |
1990 |
Chapters |
Behnke, Leo |
of Magic, The |
2000 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Cues - Variations of the
Second Sight Act |
2005 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
With Cards |
1962 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Close-Up |
1962 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Fake Card Tricks |
2002 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Find the Ace |
1993 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Magic From the Magic Castle |
1980 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of Magic #01: Rope Magic | 1990 |
Full |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of Magic #02: Linking Rings | 1990 |
Full |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library
of Magic #03: Cups and Balls |
1991 |
Full |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of Magic
#04: Canes |
1990 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of
Magic #05: Milk Pitcher |
1990 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of
Magic #06: Folding Coin |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of
Magic #07: Force Decks |
1990 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of
Magic #08: Bill Tube |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of Magic #09: Sponge Balls | 1991 |
Full |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of Magic
#10: Dime & Penny |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library
of Magic #11: Spring Flowers |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of
Magic #12: Card Boxes |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Magic City Library of Magic #13: Egg Bag | 1991 |
Full |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of Magic #14: Trick Decks | 1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of Magic
#15: Reels |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of Magic
#16: Wands |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of
Magic #17: Dove Pan |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of
Magic #18: Change Bags |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Magic City Library of
Magic #19: Flash Paper |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Magic City Library of
Magic #20: Zombie |
1991 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
for Bartenders - Encore! |
1992 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Party Magic from the
Magic Castle |
1980 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Professional Close Up |
1995 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo |
Baffling Card Tricks |
1992 |
ToC |
Behnke, Leo | Thread Reference | 1992 |
Full |
Behnke, Leo |
Rock Presents... |
2007 |
Chapters |
Behr, Denis |
Handcrafted Card
Magic |
2007 |
Full |
Behr, Denis |
Card Magic Volume 3 |
2018 |
ToC |
Belcher, Len |
Best of
Belcher |
1980 |
ToC |
Bell, Bob |
Magic |
ToC |
Bell, Ron |
If This Be Magic Let
It Be An Art |
2005 |
Full |
Bellew, Frank |
of Amusing, The |
1866 |
Full |
Bellman, Dan |
Conjuring |
1938 |
ToC |
Bellman, Dan |
Patter Tricks
and Quips |
1933 |
ToC |
Bellon, Alain |
Oblique |
2003 |
ToC |
Ben, David |
Grand Expose of the Science of Gambling |
2010 |
ToC |
Ben, David |
Vernon, a Biography |
2006 |
Chapters |
Ben, David |
The |
1985 |
ToC |
Ben, David |
New York Notes |
ToC |
Ben, David |
Tricks |
2003 |
Full |
Ben, David |
A Lifetime of Magic |
2008 |
ToC |
Benatar, Rafael & Arturo de Ascanio | Ascanio's
Favorites 1 |
1989 |
ToC |
Benatar, Rafael & Arturo de Ascanio |
Favorites 2 |
1989 |
ToC |
Benatar, Rafael & Arturo de Ascanio | Ascanio's
Favorites 3 |
1989 |
ToC |
Benatar, Rafael |
Benatar's Best |
Partial |
Benatar, Rafael |
Castle Notes
2004 |
2004 |
ToC |
Benatar, Rafael |
Technique Lecture Notes |
1993 |
ToC |
Benatar, Rafael |
E-Cups, a Cups and
Balls Routine |
2012 |
Partial |
Benatar, Rafael |
Parlour |
2012 |
Full |
Benatar, Rafael | Three
Professional Card Routines |
1993 |
ToC |
Benatar, Rafael |
Cups and Balls |
1989 |
Full |
Bender, Carol |
One From Column A |
1992 |
Full |
Bender, Steve |
& Pieces |
1983 |
ToC |
Bender, Steve, Dave Ebel | Laugh With a Gospel Slant | ToC |
Bender, Steve |
is Contagious, Start an Epidemic |
1982 |
ToC |
Bender, Steve |
Sixteen of
My Current Favorites |
2002 |
ToC |
Benge, Ken |
Art of Juggling,
The |
1977 |
ToC |
Bengel, Robert W. |
to Basics II |
1995 |
Full |
Bengel, Robert W. |
Best of Spades |
1995 |
ToC |
Bengel, Robert W. | Close Up Lecture
#3 |
1995c |
ToC |
Bengel, Robert W. |
Ways and Means |
1996 |
ToC |
Bengel, Robert W. |
Close-Up Convention Close Up Lecture |
ToC |
Bengel, Robert W. |
Getting Back to
Basics |
1992 |
ToC |
Bengel, Robert W. |
Super Highway, The |
1994 |
ToC |
Bengel, Robert W. |
Times 6 |
1995 |
ToC |
Bengtson, Nicholas |
Presents DreamWeaver |
2003 |
Full |
Bennett, Charles |
Games of Skill
and Conjuring |
1861 |
Full |
Bennett, Doug | Business Merger | 1984 |
Full |
Bennett, Doug |
Extra Sensory
Deceptions |
1984 |
Full |
Bennett, Horace |
Handlings |
1983 |
ToC |
Bennett, Horace |
Bennett's Best |
1975 |
Full |
Bennett, Horace |
Bennett's Fourth
Book |
1981 |
ToC |
Bennett, Horace |
Palm Technique |
1981 |
ToC |
Bennett, Horace | Familiar Themes | 1984 |
Full |
Bennett, Horace |
Magic Afoot |
1989 |
ToC |
Bennett, Horace |
On Your Feet |
1978 |
ToC |
Bennett, Nils |
Creating New
Magic |
2004 |
ToC |
Benson, Roy |
on Magic |
1972 |
ToC |
Benzais, John |
Best of Benzais, The |
1967 |
ToC |
Beresford, Bill |
Comic's Trip |
1987 |
ToC |
Berg, Harvey |
Las Vegas |
2005 |
ToC |
Berg, Harvey |
Chronicles, The |
2009 |
ToC |
Berg, Harvey |
Sleight of Mind |
1997 |
ToC |
Berg, Harvey |
Wanderings |
1997 |
ToC |
Berg, Joe, David Avadon, Eric Lewis | Berg
Book, The |
1983 |
Full |
Berg, Joe & Nelson Hahne |
Magic |
1930 |
ToC |
Berg, Joe |
Here's NEW Magic |
1937 |
ToC |
Berg, Joe & Al Aldini |
Stuff |
1956 |
ToC |
Berg, Joe |
Deceptive Card Magic of Joe Berg |
ToC |
Bergen, Edgar |
How to Become
a Ventriloquist |
1938 |
Chapters |
Berger, Ben |
Magic |
1941 |
Full |
Bergeron, Bev | 7-11 |
2006 |
ToC |
Bergeron, Bev | Bev
Bergeron In Print |
1975 |
Full |
Bergeron, Bev | Clown
Magic |
1988 |
Full |
Bergeron, Bev |
Magic |
1981 |
ToC |
Bergeron, Bev |
Quod Non Intelligunt |
1984 |
Full |
Bergeron, Bev |
Time |
1989 |
ToC |
Bergeron, Bev |
Willard the Wizard |
1978 |
ToC |
Berglas, David & Peter Warlock |
Berglas File No. 1, The |
1976 |
Full |
Berglas, David |
David Berglas
Lecture 1976 |
1976 |
ToC |
Berglas, David |
Berglas Lecture Notes, The |
ToC |
Berglas, David |
Berglas Lecture Notes FISM 91 |
1991 |
ToC |
Berglas, David |
Newspaper Prediction, The |
1996 |
ToC |
Berglas, Marvin |
110 Amazing
Magic Tricks With Everyday Objects |
2002 |
Full |
Berland, Samuel | Amazing Tricks With Paper Cups | 1942 |
Full |
Berland, Samuel |
Berland's Blue
Ribbon Card Tricks |
1942 |
ToC |
Berland, Samuel |
Berland Book
of Routines Volume No. 1 |
1950 |
ToC |
Berland, Samuel |
New and Original Tricks |
1933 |
Full |
Berland, Samuel |
Novel Cigarette Tricks |
1934 |
ToC |
Berland, Samuel | Berland's
Soap Swindle |
1942 |
Full |
Berland, Samuel |
Super Thimble Routine |
ToC |
Berland, Samuel | Berland's Thimble Routine | Full | |
Berland, Samuel |
Tricks and Routines |
Full |
Berland, Samuel |
Twenty Tricks with Wiztax |
1941 |
ToC |
Berland, Samuel |
Xclusive TriX |
1935 |
ToC |
Berland, Samuel | Biltrix
Series No. 2 |
1945c |
Full |
Berland, Samuel | Magic
of Sam Berland, The |
1986 |
ToC |
Berland, Samuel |
Match-Effex |
1940 |
ToC |
Berland, Samuel |
and Original Tricks With Watches |
1942 |
Full |
Berland, Samuel |
New Applause
Winning Tricks |
1956 |
Full |
Berland, Samuel |
Cigarette Tricks |
1934 |
ToC |
Berland, Samuel | Portfolio of
More Exclusive Tricks |
1950c |
Partial |
Berland, Samuel & |
Wiztax |
2007 |
Full |
Berland, Samuel |
Berland's Lecture Tricks and Routines 1975 |
1975 |
Full |
Berland, Samuel |
Tear-a-Bill |
Full |
Berland, Samuel | Twenty Tricks
With Wiztax |
1941 |
Full |
Berman, Sam |
Berman's Lecture Notes |
1975c |
Full |
Bernstein, Bruce | A Matter of
Time |
1987 |
ToC |
Bernstein, Bruce | Bruce
Bernstein 1982 Lecture Notes |
1982 |
ToC |
Bernstein, Bruce | Center
Tear Technique |
1980 |
Full |
Bernstein, Bruce |
Classics |
1998 |
ToC |
Bernstein, Bruce |
Going South With
His Secrets |
1994 |
Full |
Bernstein, Bruce | Perception
is Everything |
1999 |
Full |
Bernstein, Bruce |
Psi-Kicks |
1997 |
ToC |
Bernstein, Bruce |
Psi-Tech |
1985 |
ToC |
Bernstein, Bruce |
Three |
2004 |
Full |
Bernstein, Bruce |
Effects for Psychic Entertainers |
1981 |
ToC |
Bernstein, Bruce |
Unreal |
2012 |
ToC |
Berry, Jay Scott |
Magic for
the New World |
1986 |
ToC |
Berry, Jay Scott |
Secrets - Eclipse Effects |
1990 |
ToC |
Berry, Jay Scott | Scorcerer's
Secrets - The Genesis Scrolls |
1989 |
ToC |
Berry, Jay Scott |
Secrets - Totally Eclipse |
1995 |
Full |
Bertini, Giacomo |
Sleights of
Coin |
ToC |
Bertram, Charles |
A Magician In
Many Lands |
1910 |
Full |
Bertram, Charles |
Isn't It
Wonderful? |
1896 |
ToC |
Bertram, Ross | Magic and Methods of Ross Bertram | 1978 |
Full |
Bertol, Louis & Frances Marshall (editor) |
Stuff of Louis Bertol, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Bey, Mohammed (S. Leo Horowitz) | Mohammed
Bey's Routine With the Okito Coin Box |
1953 |
Full |
Bey, Mohammed (S. Leo Horowitz) | More
Mohammed Bey Routines With the Okito Coin Box |
1956 |
Full |
Bey, Mohammed (S. Leo Horowitz) |
Okito Coin Box Routines | 1963 |
Full |
Bich, Mathieu |
Mathieu Bich on PDF |
2006 |
Full |
Bigbee, North |
New Mental Mysteries |
1962 |
ToC |
Bigbee, North |
Mentalism |
1962 |
ToC |
Bilek, Phedon |
Proteus |
2017 |
ToC |
Bilis, Bernard |
Close Up,
French Style |
1976 |
ToC |
Bilis, Bernard |
French Pasteboards |
1980 |
Full |
Binarelli, Tony |
Vegas 2000 |
2000 |
ToC |
Binarelli, Tony |
My Way to
Mentalism |
2000 |
ToC |
Binarelli, Tony |
Playmagic |
1976 |
ToC |
Binarelli, Tony |
2 |
1979 |
ToC |
Bingham, Euan | 20
Things Marlo Didn't Publish |
Full |
Bingham, Euan |
Cardboard Capers |
2004 |
Full |
Bingham, Euan | Free
From Filler |
2003 |
Full |
Bingham, Euan | MDP |
2005 |
Full |
Bingham, Euan |
Quirky Card
Magic |
2006c |
Full |
Biow, Dick | Sponge Ball
King's Cups and Balls, The |
1994 |
Full |
Bird, Malcolm and Alan Dart | Magic Handbook,
The |
1992 |
Full |
Biro, Pete |
Comedy Magic
Lecture! |
1971 |
Full |
Biro, Pete |
Indian Cups and
Balls |
ToC |
Biro, Pete |
Biro Lecture No. 1 |
1969 |
ToC |
Biro, Pete |
Pete Biro Lecture No. 2 |
1970c |
Full |
Biro, Pete |
Biro's Magic 12 Funny Stuff |
2013 |
ToC |
Biro, Pete |
Secrets of the Chinese Linking Rings, The |
2012 |
ToC |
Biro, Pete |
Son of Greater
Magic Vol. One |
1975 |
Full |
Bishop, Billy |
and Magic of Billy Bishop, The |
2000 |
ToC |
Bishop, Glenn |
Early Bishop
Card Effects |
2000 |
Full |
Bishop, Glenn | My Blog Magic
Routines Volume One |
2005 |
Full |
Bishop, Glenn | My Blog Magic Routines Volume Two | 2005 |
Full |
Bishop, Glenn | My Blog Magic Routines Volume Three | 2005 |
Full |
Bishop, Glenn |
My Blog Magic
Routines Volume Four |
2005 |
Full |
Bishop, Glenn |
Tricks for Table-Side Tricksters |
2000 |
ToC |
Bishop, Jonathan |
Sleights |
2017 |
ToC |
Bishop, Ron |
Laughter All
The Way |
1968 |
ToC |
Bishop, Washington Irving |
Sight Explained |
1880 |
Chapters |
Biss, James |
Messing With
Minds |
2005 |
ToC |
Bixby, Bill |
50 Magic Tricks |
1974 |
Full |
Bjorklund, H.C. |
Fun for All! |
1942 |
Full |
Black Artefacts |
Enter The
Devil |
1997 |
ToC |
Blackman, James |
Book of Tricks and Magic, The |
1962 |
ToC |
Blackman, James |
Lewis Book of Tricks and Magic, The |
1962 |
ToC |
Blackmore, Kent |
Levante, His Life, No
Illusion |
1997 |
Chapters |
Blackstone, Harry, Jr. |
Book of Magic & Illusion |
1985 |
ToC |
Blackstone, Harry, Sr. |
Annual of Magic |
1929 |
ToC |
Blackstone, Harry, Sr. |
Magic |
1930 |
ToC |
Blackstone, Harry, Sr. | Blackstone's
Modern Card Tricks |
1932 |
ToC |
Blackstone, Harry, Sr. |
Modern Card Tricks and Secrets of Magic |
1941 |
ToC |
Blackstone, Harry, Sr. | Blackstone's
Secrets of Magic |
1975 |
Full |
Blackstone, Harry, Sr. |
of Magic |
1929 |
Full |
Blackstone, Harry |
Tricks Anyone Can Do |
1949 |
Full |
Blackstone, Harry, Sr. |
Magic for Everyone |
1911 |
ToC |
Blackstone, Harry |
Secrets of Magic |
1947 |
ToC |
Blackstone, Harry, Sr. |
of Magic |
ToC |
Blackstone, Harry |
and Entertainments |
1929 |
ToC |
Blaine, David |
Stranger |
2002 |
Chapters |
Blaisdell, Frank |
More of Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Blaisdell, Frank |
Magic |
1976 |
Chapters |
Blake, George |
Magic |
1974 |
ToC |
Blake, George |
Card Magic |
1972 |
ToC |
Blake, George |
Magic |
1967 |
Chapters |
Blake, George | Loopy Loop, A Treatise on the Endless Chain | 1949 |
Full |
Blake, George |
Master Magic |
1961 |
ToC |
Blake, George |
Magic |
1968 |
ToC |
Blake, George |
More Master
Magic |
1964 |
ToC |
Blake, George, et al. | Routines With the Himber Style Linking Finger Ring | 1978c |
Full |
Blake, George |
a Note! |
1966 |
ToC |
Blitz, Signor |
Fifty Years
In the Magic Circle |
1871 |
ToC |
Bloch, Richard |
Are a Few of My Favorite Things |
1985 |
ToC |
Bloch, Richard | These
Are a Few of My Favorite Things, Third Edition |
1990 |
ToC |
Block, Dan |
Busters |
1996 |
ToC |
Bloom, Gaetan | Boite
A Idees (in French) |
1999 |
ToC |
Bloom, Gaetan |
Full Bloom Volume
I |
2013 |
ToC |
Bloom, Gaetan | Full Bloom Volume II | 2013 |
ToC |
Bloom, Gaetan |
Bloom 1999 |
1999 |
ToC |
Bloom, Gaetan |
Bloom 86 |
1986 |
Full |
Bloom, Gaetan |
Gaetan Bloom Series
No. 1 |
1982 |
Full |
Bloom, Gaetan | Gaetan
Bloom Top Chrono |
1996 |
ToC |
Blyth, Will |
Conjuring |
1928 |
ToC |
Blyth, Will |
Magic |
1922 |
ToC |
Blyth, Will |
How to Become a
Conjurer |
1934 |
ToC |
Blyth Will |
Conjuring |
1924 |
ToC |
Blyth, Will |
Magic |
1921 |
ToC |
Blyth, Will |
Magic |
1926 |
ToC |
Blyth, Will |
Paper Magic |
1920 |
Full |
Boarde, C.L. | Mainly
Mental Vol 1 |
1947 |
ToC |
Boarde, C.L. |
Mental Volume Two Book Tests |
1950 |
ToC |
Boarde, C.L. | Mainly
Mental Volume Three One-Man Routines |
1999 |
ToC |
Boarde, C.L. |
Mentalism |
1997 |
ToC |
Boaz, Herman |
Oracle |
1820 |
ToC |
Bobo, J.B. |
Bobo Lecture
Miracles of Magic |
1955c |
Full |
Bobo, J.B. |
Magic Show, The |
1984 |
ToC |
Bobo, J.B. |
Coin Magic |
1952 |
Full |
Bobo, J.B. | New Modern Coin Magic | 1966 |
Full |
Bobo, J.B. | Watch This One! | 1947 |
Full |
Bodley, Rev. Donald | Lessons in
Scripture |
1951 |
Full |
Bodley, Rev. Donald |
Lessons in Scripture |
1954 |
ToC |
Bohlen, Henry |
Five Original Performance Proven Mysteries |
1946 |
Full |
Boles, Don |
Midway Magic |
1963 |
Chapters |
Boles, Don |
Showman, The |
1967 |
ToC |
Boleware, Tom |
Magician, The |
2007 |
ToC |
Boleware, Tom, Danny Orleans |
Magician (Updated), The |
2018 |
ToC |
Bonerjee, Arun |
Us A Trick |
1993 |
ToC |
Bonfeld, Murray | Faro Concepts | 1977 |
ToC |
Bongo, Ali |
1983 |
1983 |
ToC |
Bongo, Ali |
Bongo's Book of Magic |
1981 |
ToC |
Bongo, Ali |
Bongo Mania '92 |
1992 |
ToC |
Bongo, Ali |
Bongo Mania '92
Tokyo |
1992 |
ToC |
Bongo, Ali |
Bongo's Bazaar |
1970c |
Full |
Bongo, Ali |
Lecture Notes by Ali
Bongo 1986 iTBFA |
1986 |
ToC |
Bongo, Ali |
Lecture Notes by Ali
Bongo 1994 |
1994 |
ToC |
Bongo, Ali |
Lecture Notes by Ali
Bongo 1998 |
1998 |
ToC |
Bongo, Ali |
Notes by Ali Bongo 2001 (Blue) |
2001 |
Partial |
Bongo, Ali | Lecture
Notes by Ali Bongo 2001 (Tan) |
2001 |
Partial |
Bongo, Ali | Lecture
Notes by Ali Bongo 2003 (Red) |
2003 |
Partial |
Bongo, Ali |
Lecture Notes for Ali
Bongo's Pongolian Delights |
1978 |
ToC |
Bongo, Ali | Bongo Book, The |
1966 |
ToC |
Bonville, Frank |
Secrets, The |
1985 |
ToC |
Booth, Eric |
Magic Is In The
Mind |
ToC |
Booth, John | Extending Magic Beyond Credibility | 2001 |
Full |
Booth, John |
Ahead in Magic |
1939 |
ToC |
Booth, John |
Mentalism |
1931 |
ToC |
Booth, John |
Marvels of
Mystery |
1941 |
ToC |
Booth, John |
Paradoxes |
1984 |
ToC |
Booth, John |
Magical Miracles |
1930 |
ToC |
Booth, John |
of Magic |
1986 |
Chapters |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber |
Magic Collection V1 Percy Abbott Years |
2018 |
ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V2 Recil Borner Years |
2018 | ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V3 Greg Bordner Years |
2018 | ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V4 Secrets and Routines |
2018 | Full |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V5 Mentalism |
2018 | Full |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V6 Halloween Magic |
2018 | Full |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V7 Stage Illusion Plans |
2018 | ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V8 Grand Illusion Plans |
2018 | ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V9 Carnival Magic |
2018 | Full |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V10 Gospel Magic Routines |
2018 | ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V11 Ventriloquism |
2018 | ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V12 Coin Magic & Routines |
2018 | ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V13 Rope Magic & Routines |
2018 | ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber; Gordon Miller |
Magic Collection V14 Card Magic & Routines |
2018 | Full |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V15 Silk Magic & Routines |
2018 | ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott
Magic Collection V16 Paper Magic & Routines |
2018 | ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott Magic Collection V17 Escape Routines | 2018 |
ToC |
Bordner, Greg; Chuck Kleiber | Abbott Magic Collection Volume 18 Supplement & Potpourri | 2019 |
Full |
Bordner, Greg | Hellstromism |
1937c |
ToC |
Bordner, Greg |
Treasury of Halloween Magic |
2011 |
ToC |
Born, John |
God's Way |
2003 |
Full |
Born, John | Meant
to Be... |
2006 |
ToC |
Born, John |
Natural Born Killa's |
2005 |
Full |
Born, John |
the Bridge |
2012 |
ToC |
Bornstein, Mike | Encyclopedia of Money Magic | 1980 |
Full |
Bornstein, Mike |
Money Magic of Mike Bornstein No. 3 |
1988 |
ToC |
Bornstein, Mike & Gloria Kindred |
Bornstein's Eye Popper Money Magic #5 |
1994 |
Full |
Bornstein, Mike & Walt Lees (editor) |
Bornstein's Triumph Outdone |
1982 |
ToC |
Bornstein, Mike, Oscar Weigle, & Alan
Dell |
Magic of Mike Bornstein, The (#1) |
1980 |
Full |
Bornstein, Mike & Walt Lees (editor) |
More Money
Magic of Mike Bornstein (#2) |
1984 |
Full |
Bornstein, Mike |
New Commercial
Money Magic #4 |
1990 |
ToC |
Borodin (Ulf Bolling) |
Final Curtain |
2004 |
ToC |
Borodin (Ulf Bolling) & Bill Palmer |
Sheherazade |
1999 |
Partial |
Bortz, Gerald John |
Reaching and
Teaching Kids |
2005 |
ToC |
Boston, George & Robert Parrish |
Magic |
1947 |
ToC |
Boudreau, Leo |
Psimatrika |
1986 |
ToC |
Boudreau, Leo | Skullduggery |
1989 |
ToC |
Boudreau, Leo | Spirited
Pasteboards |
1987 |
ToC |
Bouffard, James Charles,
Psy.D., Ph.D. |
Magician's Fight,
The |
2008 |
Full |
Bowell, Ken |
Magi-Go-Round |
1958 |
ToC |
Bowen, A.F. |
Lesson in Magic - My Coin Combination |
1959c |
Full |
Bowman, Robert P. |
50 Magic Tricks
Using Common Objects That Teach Children Strategies for
Success |
2002 |
ToC |
Bowman, Robert P. |
Counselor, The |
2004 |
ToC |
Bowman, Wallace & William Bard |
Mental Magic |
1929 |
ToC |
Boyar, Vynn |
Secrets and Suggestions |
1953 |
Full |
Boyd, David |
Stunts, and Props for the Quality Clown |
1984 |
ToC |
Boys' Magazine |
of Magic & Christmas Conjuring |
1932c |
ToC |
Boys' Magazine |
Secrets of
Famous Magicians |
1932 |
ToC |
Boz, Tom |
K.I.S.S. |
1991 |
ToC |
Bradbook, Julian |
Bar Tricks and
Magic 1 |
2004 |
Full |
Brahams, Anthony |
A Last
Look at Leech |
2004 |
ToC |
Brahams, Anthony & Davide Costi |
Close Up
Elegance by David Costi |
2004 |
Partial |
Brahams, Anthony | Fred Kaps' Cups and Balls, As Taught to Trevor Lewis | 1995 |
Full |
Brahams, Anthony |
Fred Kaps'
Currency |
1994 |
ToC |
Brahams, Anthony |
Fred Kaps'
Purse |
1994 |
ToC |
Brahams, Anthony |
Norman 40 Years at the Forks |
1995 |
ToC |
Brahams, Anthony |
Ken Brooke's Magic Place |
1995 |
Full |
Brahams, Anthony |
Rara Avis |
2006 |
ToC |
Branch, Justin |
Assemblies |
1983 |
ToC |
Branch, Justin |
Card Magic |
1985 |
ToC |
Brando |
Notes |
1970s |
ToC |
Brandon, James |
Step |
1993 |
ToC |
Brandon, Ruth |
and Many Deaths of Harry Houdini, The |
1993 |
Chapters |
Brandt, Howard |
Three Shell
and a Pea |
1967 |
Full |
Branson, L.H. (as Elbiquet) |
Text-Book of Magic |
1913 |
ToC |
Branson, L.H. |
Indian Conjuring |
1922 |
Full |
Branson, L.H. (as Elbiquet) | Supplementary
Magic |
1917 |
ToC |
Brant, Bob |
As I See It |
Full |
Braude, Dr. Ben B. |
and Treats |
1970 |
ToC |
Braue, Fred |
Fred Braue on False
Deals |
1978 |
ToC |
Brearley, Doug |
All Wind
& Twists |
1975 |
ToC |
Brearley, Doug | All Wind
& Twists Part Two |
1975 |
ToC |
Brearley, Doug |
More Wind
& Twists |
1978 |
ToC |
Brearley, John |
ConJUNIORing |
1947 |
ToC |
Bree, Loris |
Kid's Magic Secrets | 2003 |
Full |
Breedon, James & Walt Lees |
the Lamp |
1986 |
ToC |
Breese, Martin |
Bombshell, The |
1985 |
ToC |
Breese, Martin |
Best of
Pentagram Card Magic, The |
1990 |
ToC |
Breese, Martin |
Magic of Al
Koran, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Brejtfus, Caj |
The Clowns and Jesters Deck of Magic Gaff Cards |
2009c |
Full |
Brent, Christopher |
The Flying
Silk |
2002 |
Full |
Brent, Lu |
Card Mysteries |
2018 |
ToC |
Brent, Lu | Fifteen
Star Card Effects |
1956 |
ToC |
Brent, Lu |
Star Card Effects |
1943 |
ToC |
Brent, Lu |
Lu Brent's Best
Magic Tricks |
1969 |
ToC |
Brent, Lu | Lu
Brent's Best Magic Tricks Volume Two |
1974 |
ToC |
Brent, Lu | Lu
Brent's Best Magic Tricks Volume Three |
1980 |
ToC |
Brent, Lu |
Lu Brent's
Exclusive Card Mysteries |
1934 |
ToC |
Brent, Lu |
Magic |
1932 |
Full |
Brent, Lu |
Refreshing Ideas and Carefully Kept Secrets (TRICKS) |
1966 |
ToC |
Brewer, Doug |
Box Killers |
2009 |
Full |
Brewer, Doug |
High Impact Card
Magic |
1999 |
ToC |
Brewer, Doug | High Impact Coin Magic | 1999 |
Full |
Brewer, Doug | It's In the
Other Hand! |
1997 |
ToC |
Brewer, Doug |
Modern Coin Cup |
2003 |
Full |
Brewer, Doug |
Miracle Routines With the Miracle Coin Cup |
1997 |
ToC |
Brewer, Doug | Unexpected Visitors | 2001 |
Full |
Bridwell, Don |
for Laughs |
1966 |
ToC |
Bridwell, Jack |
B-Witcheries |
1978 |
ToC |
Bridwell, Jack |
Galaxy of Mentalism |
1988 |
ToC |
Bridwell, Jack |
Flashes |
1980 |
ToC |
Bridwell, Jack |
Ahead With Your Magic |
1982 |
ToC |
Briggs, J. Albert |
Magic |
1920c |
Full |
Brigg, J. Albert (Merbak) |
Revelations |
1935 |
Full |
Brinegar, Ron |
Deals |
1976 |
ToC |
Britland, David |
Kinetics |
1988 |
ToC |
Britland, David & Marc Russell |
Cardopolis |
1984 |
ToC |
Britland, David |
Canasta a Remarkable Man |
2000 |
ToC |
Britland, David |
Equinox |
1984 |
ToC |
Britland, David |
Mind &
Magic of David Berglas |
2002 |
ToC |
Britland, David (editor) |
Talon Vol 1 No. 1 |
1986 |
Full |
Britland, David (editor) | New
Talon Vol 1 No. 2 |
1986 |
Full |
Britland, David (editor) |
Talon Vol 1 No. 3 |
1986 |
ToC |
Britland, David & Gazzo |
of the Card Table |
2003 |
ToC |
Britland, David |
Psycho-Mancy |
1986 |
ToC |
Britland, David |
Terri Rogers'
Boromian Link |
1986 |
Full |
Britland, David | Terri Rogers' Star Gate | 1985 |
Full |
Britland, David |
Zenner Effect |
2005 |
ToC |
Britland, David |
Zennerism |
1980 |
ToC |
Broadway Magic Shop |
Manuscript |
1936 |
ToC |
Brock, Tudor |
Wong's Routine for the Chinese Rings |
1960 |
ToC |
Brodien, Marshall |
100 Magic
Tricks |
1992 |
Full |
Brodien, Marshall |
101 Card
Tricks |
1974 |
ToC |
Brodien, Marshall |
102 Magic
Tricks |
1972 |
Partial |
Brodien, Marshall |
4 Amazing
Tricks Set #6 Instructions |
1999 |
Full |
Brodien, Marshall |
50 Card and
Dice Tricks Instructions |
1999 |
Partial |
Brodien, Marshall |
Amazing 25
Trick Set Instructions |
2005c |
Partial |
Brodien, Marshall |
TV Magic Tricks |
1970c |
Full |
Brodien, Marshall |
Magician's Set 6 Instructions |
1995 |
Full |
Brodien, Marshall |
of 100 Magic Tricks |
2005 |
Chapters |
Brodien, Marshall |
TV Magic
Cards |
1973 |
Full |
Brodien, Marshall; TV Mystery Products |
TV Magic Set
Secret Instructions |
1970c |
Partial |
Brodien, Marshall |
TV Miracle
Cards |
1970c |
Full |
Bronstrup, Dr. Charles L. II |
Showlines and Snappy
Bits |
2000 |
Full |
Brook, Charles |
Magic In the
Real World |
2001 |
ToC |
Brook, Paul |
of Lies, The |
2010 |
ToC |
Brook, Paul | Brook
Test, The |
2007 |
ToC |
Brook, Paul |
Chrysalis Of A
Polymath, The |
2008 |
ToC |
Brook, Paul |
NIX4 |
2013 |
ToC |
Brook, Paul |
Brook's Self Service |
2009 |
ToC |
Brook, Paul; Colin McLeod |
This Way Up |
2011 |
ToC |
Brook, Tony |
Hidden In
Plain Sight |
2001 |
ToC |
Brooke, Ken |
A Lifetime of Joy |
1982 |
ToC |
Brooke, Ken | Ken Brooke and Friends and the Malini Egg Bag | 1974 |
Full |
Brooke, Ken |
Ken Brooke's Magic
the Unique Years |
1980 |
ToC |
Brooke, Ken |
Ken Brooke
Series Number 1 The Magic Box |
1981 |
Partial |
Brooke, Ken |
Brooke Series Number 2 The Chop Cup |
1981 |
ToC |
Brooke, Ken | Ken Brooke
Series Number 6 Al Koran's Three Silver Rings |
1982 |
Full |
Brooke, Ken |
Ken Brooke Series Number 8
Flawless; Hamman Count |
1984 |
Full |
Brooke, Maxey |
Fun for the Money;
Coin Games and Puzzles |
1963 |
ToC |
Brooks, L.R. |
Attack |
1998 |
ToC |
Brown, Bob |
333 More
Science Tricks & Experiments |
1984 |
Chapters |
Brown, Bob |
333 Science
Tricks & Experiments |
1984 |
Chapters |
Brown, Bob |
The |
1980 |
Full |
Brown, Bob | Magical Miscellany II: Jottings of a Generalist | ToC | |
Brown, Bob | Two Extra Acts and a Few Good Tricks | ToC | |
Brown, Dave & Paul Reeve |
Magic Tricks |
1995 |
Full |
Brown, Derren | Absolute
Magic: A Model for Powerful Close-Up Perforamnce |
2003 |
ToC |
Brown, Derren | Pure Effect: Direct Mindreading and Magical Artistry | 2000 |
Full |
Brown, Ed | Feints
and Temps of Harry Riser, The |
1996 |
Full |
Brown, Floyd D. |
Methods for Switching Decks |
1943 |
ToC |
Brown, Mel (Editor) |
Bruecker & Mike Rogers Present Their Three Shell Game
Routine |
1985 |
ToC |
Brunel, George |
With Magic |
1901 |
ToC |
Brunelle, Jon |
Science |
1988 |
ToC |
Bruno |
From Holland |
1964 |
ToC |
Brush, Charles AKA Baffles |
Magic |
1933 |
ToC |
Brusselback, Bryan |
The Right
Way to Buy Magic |
2000 |
ToC |
Bruton, Paul |
Conjuring 50 Novel Illusions |
1940c |
ToC |
Bryant, Steve |
on Cards |
1977 |
ToC |
Bryant, Steve |
Egypt Book of Numbers |
2004 |
ToC |
Bryden Dean |
With Cards |
1927 |
Full |
Buchanan, Lovell |
Magic Lamp |
1977 |
ToC |
Buck, Dan and Dave | Artifice
Ruse and Subterfuge in the Hands |
2000 |
Toc |
Buck, Dan and Dave | Card Men |
2014 |
Full |
Buck, Dan and Dave |
Five: The Notes |
2004 |
Full |
Buck, Dan and Dave |
Nursery Rhymes Volume
1 |
2001 |
Full |
Buck, Dan and Dave |
Nursery Rhymes Volume
2 |
2002 |
Full |
Buck, Dan and Dave |
Nursery Rhymes Volume
3 |
2003 |
Full |
Buck, Dan and Dave |
Magical |
2006 |
Full |
Buckingham, Geoffrey | 50 Years
of Magic (notes) |
1976 |
ToC |
Buckingham, Geoffrey |
It's Easier
Than You Think (Single Volume) |
1952 |
ToC |
Buckingham, Geoffrey |
It's Easier
Than You Think Volume 1 |
1952 |
ToC |
Buckingham, Geoffrey | It's Easier
Than You Think Volume 2 |
1952 |
ToC |
Buckingham, Geoffrey | It's Easier
Than You Think Volume 3 |
1952 |
ToC |
Buckingham, Geoffrey |
Notes |
1959c |
ToC |
Buckingham, Geoffrey | Magic
Moments |
ToC |
Buckley, Arthur H | Buckley Trilogy: Card Control | 1946 |
ToC |
Buckley, Arthur H |
Trilogy: Gems of Mental Magic |
1947 |
ToC |
Buckley, Arthur H | Buckley Trilogy: Principles and Deceptions | 1948 |
ToC |
Buckley, Arthur H |
and Original Card Problems |
1924 |
ToC |
Buckley, Arthur H |
With Cards Number One, The Triple Climax |
1921 |
ToC |
Buckley, Arthur H | Effects With
Cards Number Two, The Burglar |
1921 |
ToC |
Buckner, Charles | Charlie's
Brain Twisters |
1997 |
ToC |
Buckner, Charles | Charlie's
Brain Twisters II |
1997 |
ToC |
Buckner, Charles |
Dunninger |
1996 |
ToC |
Buff, R.C. |
Mysteries |
1942 |
ToC |
Buff, R.C. |
of Knotsville, The |
1985 |
ToC |
Buffaloe, Jim |
Buffaloe'd: The Magic of Jim Buffaloe | 1998 |
Full |
Buffum, Richard |
Owen Book - Keep The Wheels Turning Volume 1 |
1977 |
ToC |
Bugbee, Willis N. |
Nutty Stunts |
1937 |
ToC |
Bullivant, Cecil Henry | Drawing
Room Entertainer, The |
1903 |
ToC |
Bullivant, Cecil Henry |
Fun |
1910 |
Full |
Buonocore, Bud |
How? |
Full |
Burden, Lawrence |
Latest Magical Gospel Magic Lessons
Number 4 |
1975 |
ToC |
Burden, Lawrence |
Gospel Lessons 1 |
1970c |
Full |
Burger, Eugene & Philip
Willmarth |
Involvement |
1982 |
Full |
Burger, Eugene |
Craft of Magic,
The |
1984 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene | Experience
of Magic, The |
1989 |
Full |
Burger, Eugene | Growing In the Art of Magic | 1992 |
Full |
Burger, Eugene |
Intimate Power |
1983 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene & Robert E. Neale | Magic and Meaning | 1995 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene | Mastering the Art of Magic | 2000 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene & Jeff McBride |
Mystery School |
2003 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene | On Matt
Schulien's Fabulous Card Discoveries |
1983 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene | Performance of Close Up Magic, The | 1987 |
Full |
Burger, Eugene |
Rediscoveries |
1996 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene |
of Restaurant Magic, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene |
and Mysteries for the Close Up Entertainer |
1982 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene | Solomon's Mind - The Card Mysteries of David Solomon | 1997 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene |
Theatre |
1986 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene |
Ceremonies |
1991 |
ToC |
Burger, Eugene |
Teaching Magic |
2017 |
ToC |
Burgoon, Tom |
Bones for Fun and Profit |
2004c |
ToC |
Burgoon, Tom |
Burgoon's Magic Lecture Notes |
Full |
Burke, Corey |
Sense |
2002 |
Full |
Burke, Eddie | Club and
Cabaret Mentalism |
1970 |
ToC |
Burke, Eddie |
Professional Mental Secrets |
Full |
Burlingame, Hardin J. |
the World With a Magician and a Juggler |
1891 |
ToC |
Burlingame, Hardin J. |
The Magician |
1897 |
Full |
Burlingame, Hardin J. | History
of Magic and Magicians |
1895 |
ToC |
Burlingame, Hardin J. |
How to Read
People's Minds |
1904 |
Full |
Burlingame, Hardin J. |
From Conjurers' Scrap Books |
1891 |
ToC |
Burlingame, Hardin J. | Tricks in
Magic Vol I |
1895 |
ToC |
Burlingame, Hardin J. | Tricks in
Magic Vol III |
1898 |
Full |
Burlingame, Price |
Salazar Chinese Linking Rings |
1980 |
ToC |
Burrows, J.F. |
of Magicians |
1907 |
ToC |
Burrows, J.F. |
New Magic |
1905 |
ToC |
Burton, Lance |
Master Magician Lance
Burton Magic Set |
1998 |
ToC |
Busby, Jeff | Larry Jennings on Card and Coin Handling | 1977 |
Full |
Busby, Jeff |
& Handlings for the Sterling Egg Bag |
1982 |
ToC |
Busby, Jeff |
Secret of the
Palmettos |
1998 |
Partial |
Busby, Jeff & Shigeo
Takagi |
Takagai's One Cup Routine & New One Cup Routine |
1977 |
Full |
Busch, Richard | Mother's
Home Companion |
1996 |
Full |
Busch, Richard |
Performances |
2000 |
Full |
Butler, Paul |
Ravel's Theatrical Pickpocketing |
1988 |
ToC |
Butterworth, Philip |
on the Early English Stage |
2005 |
ToC |
Buttitta, Hope |
It's Not Magic,
It's Science! |
2005 |
Full |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Calhoun, Mary |
Show |
1976 |
ToC |
Calvert, John |
Calvert's Lecture and Program |
ToC |
Cameron, Charles W. |
Devil's Diary |
1976 |
ToC |
Cameron, Charles W. | Handbook of
Horror |
1969 |
Full |
Cameron, Charles W. |
Macabre and
Mental Mysteries |
1981 |
ToC |
Cameron, Charles W. |
Mind Your
Magic |
1972c |
ToC |
Cameron, Charles W. | Witches Brew |
1967 |
Full |
Cameron, Douglas & Walt Lees |
Magic of
Steven Hamilton, The |
2013 |
ToC |
Campbell, Jeffrey, Ronald Dayton |
Jeffrey L.
Campbell's Crystal Cups |
1983 |
ToC |
Campbell, Loring |
Magic That
Is Magic |
1946 |
Full |
Campbell, Loring |
This is Magic! |
1945 |
ToC |
Campbell, Loring |
is Magic - That is Magic |
1985 |
ToC |
Canar, Harry A. |
Poker Deal - a
Deal-Lightful Routine |
1958 |
ToC |
Canasta, Chan |
of Oopses |
1966 |
Full |
Canavan, Thomas |
Tricks |
2013 |
ToC |
Cannell, John Clucas |
Best Tricks, The |
1930 |
ToC |
Cannell, John Clucas | Master Book of
Magic, The |
1935 |
ToC |
Cannell, John Clucas | Modern
Conjuring |
1947 |
Full |
Cannell, John Clucas |
Modern Conjuring
for Amateurs |
1938 |
Full |
Cannell, John Clucas |
Secrets of
Houdini, The |
1931 |
ToC |
Canning, Doug |
Card Capers |
2011 |
ToC |
Cannon, Andy |
404 |
2015 |
ToC |
Capehart, Chris |
Make $1500 a
Week Doing It On the Streets |
1998 |
ToC |
Carey, Elwyn Chris |
Do The Stuff That's You! |
1980 |
ToC |
Carey, Elwyn Chris | Find the
Stuff That's You! |
1989 |
ToC |
Carey, Elwyn L. |
In Magic |
1968 |
ToC |
Carey, John |
With Carey |
2015 |
ToC |
Carey, John |
Carey Files, Volume
1 |
2016 |
Full |
Carey, John |
Me, My Cards and I |
2017 |
Full |
Carey, John |
Minimalistica |
2015 |
ToC |
Carey, John |
Very Best of John
Carey |
2021 |
ToC |
Carey, Vin |
Mirako Act, The |
1949 |
ToC |
Carey, Vin |
Carey's Paper Tearing Act |
ToC |
Carl, James |
Conjuring |
1911 |
Full |
Carlisle, Stanton |
Mentalism |
1979 |
ToC |
Carlisle, Stanton |
Yours |
1980 |
ToC |
Carlisle, Stanton |
of ESP, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Carlisle, Stanton | Master
Mentality |
1975 |
ToC |
Carlisle, Stanton |
de Luxe |
1978c |
Full |
Carlisle, Stanton | Mentalism
for Connoisseurs |
1980 |
ToC |
Carlson, Laurie |
Harry Houdini
for Kids |
2009 |
Full |
Carlton, Paul |
Handy Book of Cigarette Tricks |
1933 |
Partial |
Carlyle, E. Raymond (Edward Fowler) |
Notes |
1998 |
Full |
Carlyle, Francis |
Carlyle Lecture Notes Volume One |
1970s |
ToC |
Carnazzo, Paul |
Altriotto |
2012 |
Full |
Carnegie, Dean Alan |
One & Done
Lecture |
2010 |
ToC |
Carney, John |
of Secrets |
2002 |
Full |
Carney, John |
Knowledge |
1983 |
ToC |
Carney, John |
Uncovered |
1987 |
ToC |
Carney, John |
Up Close |
1987 |
ToC |
Carney, John | Conjuring
Con Carney |
1987 |
ToC |
Carney, John |
Enigma |
1976 |
ToC |
Carney, John |
Sleights &
Insights |
2020 |
ToC |
Carpenter, Jack | Castle
Collection |
1994 |
ToC |
Carpenter, Jack |
Portfolio No. 1, The |
1997 |
ToC |
Carpenter, Jack |
Portfolio No. 2, The |
2017 |
Full |
Carpenter, Jack & Jamie Masterson |
& Shake |
2020 |
ToC |
Carpenter, Jack | Steve Mayhew's Angels May Shuffle But The Devil Still Deals | 1999 |
Full |
Carreon, Luis | Danzas de
Monedas |
201x |
Full |
Carreon, Luis |
Tricks From
the Border |
201x |
Full |
Carrington, Hereward |
Book of Magic, The |
1920 |
ToC |
Carrington, Hereward | Handcuff
Tricks |
1913 |
ToC |
Carrington, Hereward |
Magic; Hindu Magic Self Taught (Little Blue Book No. 1277) |
1909 |
ToC |
Carrington, Hereward | Magic
is Fun, Magic for Everyone |
1920 |
Full |
Carrington, Hereward | Side
Show and Animal Tricks |
1913 |
ToC |
Carrington, Hereward | Side
Show Tricks Explained |
1928 |
ToC |
Carroll, Don |
Feats of Memory |
1983 |
ToC |
Carroll, Harrison | Shell Game,
The |
1994 |
Full |
Carroll, Jene |
Routines You'd Love to Steal! |
1982 |
ToC |
Carroll, Jose |
Lovers |
1988 |
ToC |
Carroll, Jose |
Lovers Vol II |
1991 |
ToC |
Carrothers, Ted |
Toothpaste |
1984 |
ToC |
Carter, Chas. J. |
Magic and
Magicians |
1903 |
ToC |
Carter, Christopher |
Christopher Carter Lecture Notes |
1990 |
ToC |
Carter, Christopher |
Jake Spade and
Other Strange Stories |
1990 |
ToC |
Carton, Bernard |
Conjuring for
Connoisseurs |
1921 |
ToC |
Caruba, Bill | Art of
Folding Money (Books 1 & 2) |
1979 |
ToC |
Caruba, Bill | Magic of
Folding Money, The |
1979 |
ToC |
Casaubon, Dr. George E. |
Short Card |
1987 |
ToC |
Cass, Phil |
Oh No! Not a
Magician! |
1993 |
ToC |
Cassell and Co. |
Apparatus Up to Date |
1912 |
ToC |
Cassell and Co. |
Amusements, Card Games, and Fireside Fun |
1891 |
ToC |
Cassell and Co. | Stage
Illusions and Entertainments |
1923 |
ToC |
Cassidy, Mike |
Lecture Notes |
ToC |
Cassidy, Robert E. |
Art of
Mentalism, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Cassidy, Robert E. |
Art of Mentalism 2,
The |
1995 |
ToC |
Cassidy, Robert E. | Art of
Mentalism Part One Revisited |
2002 |
ToC |
Cassidy, Robert E. | Black Book
of Mentalism |
2003 |
ToC |
Cassidy, Robert E. |
Fundamentals |
2003 |
ToC |
Cassidy, Robert E. | Principia Mentalia Fire | 1995 |
ToC |
Cassidy, Robert E. | Pseudo-Mentally
Yours |
1977 |
ToC |
Cassidy, Robert E. | Strange
Impressions |
2002 |
ToC |
Cassidy, Robert E. | Theories
and Methods for the Practical Psychic |
2002 |
ToC |
Cassidy, Robert E. |
Universe |
2005 |
ToC |
Castle, Fred |
Magic With
Giant Cards |
1981 |
Full |
Castro, Rick & Mr. Lefty |
The |
2001 |
Full |
Cattarius, Manfred |
Seilroutinen |
1984 |
ToC |
Cavalli, Paolo |
Upsilon |
2004 |
Full |
Caveney, Mike |
the Great |
1994 |
ToC |
Caveney, Mike |
Leon, The |
1987 |
ToC |
Caveney, Mike | Harry
Anderson, Wise Guy |
1993 |
Full |
Caveney, Mike | Ideas - A Lecture | 1982 |
Full |
Caveney, Mike | Magicomedy | 1981 |
Full |
Caveney Mike |
Caveney Wonders & The Conference Illusions |
2013 |
ToC |
Cawolsky, Richard |
Struck |
1978 |
ToC |
Cecil, Harry |
That Perks |
1937 |
ToC |
Cerceda, Adolfo and William King |
Money Plus Make Money Selling Money |
1963 |
ToC |
Cervon, Bruce |
Black and
White Trick and Other Assorted Mysteries |
1989 |
ToC |
Cervon, Bruce |
Secrets of Bruce Cervon |
1976 |
ToC |
Cervon, Bruce | Cervon File, The | 1988 |
ToC |
Cervon, Bruce |
Monte, The |
1984 |
ToC |
Cervon, Bruce & Keith Burns |
He Fooled
Houdini - Vernon Chronicles Vol 4 |
1992 |
ToC |
Cervon, Bruce | Ultra Cervon | 1990 |
ToC |
Cestkowski, Jerry | Encyclopedia
of Playing Card Flourishes, The |
2002 |
ToC |
Chadwick, Bruce |
Ministry |
2002 |
ToC |
Chambers, Lloyd W. |
Original Ideas
in Magic |
1941 |
ToC |
Chandler, Howard |
Magical Varieties |
1970 |
ToC |
Chanin, Jack |
Sleeving |
1937 |
ToC |
Chanin, Jack |
Further Adventures
of the Seven In One |
1938 |
Full |
Chanin, Jack |
Grand Finale Silks
At Your Fingertips |
1940 |
Full |
Chanin, Jack |
Hello, Sucker!
(Original) |
1934 |
Full |
Chanin, Jack |
Sucker! Encyclopedia of the 3 Shell Game |
1948 |
Full |
Chanin, Jack |
J.C. Cigar Magic
Cigar Manipulations |
1937 |
ToC |
Chanin, Jack |
Coin Routines - Handle With Gloves |
1941 |
ToC |
Chanin, Jack |
Jaysee Silk Color
Change Supreme |
1936 |
Full |
Chapman, Frank |
20 Clever
Magic Tricks |
1932 |
Full |
Chapman, Frank |
Another Six
Bits |
1936 |
Full |
Chapman, Frank | Chap's
Scrapbook |
1938 |
ToC |
Chapman, Frank | Fountain of
Silks |
1942 |
Full |
Chapman, Frank | Quick
Tricks |
1942 |
Full |
Chapman, Frank | Six
Bits |
1919 |
Full |
Chapman, Frank | Six
Bits More |
1936 |
Full |
Chapman, Frank |
Three Six Bits |
1947 |
ToC |
Chapman, Frank | Ten
Stunners With a Nail Writer |
1941 |
ToC |
Chapman, Frank |
Stunners With a Nail Writer |
1944 |
ToC |
Chapman, Greg |
Details of
Deception |
2017 |
ToC |
Chapman, Greg |
Staircase, The |
2014 |
ToC |
Charles III |
Book, The |
1990 |
ToC |
Charles, Christopher |
Mirrors |
1947 |
Full |
Charles, Kirk | Complete
Guide to Restaurant and Walk-Around Magic |
1998 |
ToC |
Charles, Kirk & Boris Wild |
Hidden In
Plain Sight |
2005 |
Partial |
Charles, Kirk |
of Restaurant Magic |
1987 |
ToC |
Charles, Kirk |
For Life |
2002 |
ToC |
Charles, Kirk |
Up Surrounded |
1989 |
ToC |
Charles, Kirk |
Tips on
Table Hopping |
1981 |
Full |
Charles, Kirk | Tricked
Again |
1990c |
ToC |
Charles, Lance |
Magic for the
Few |
1935 |
ToC |
Charles, Lance | Tricks for
the Few |
1933 |
Full |
Charney, David |
The Great Illusions Revealed and Explained |
1975 |
ToC |
Charney, Steve | Amazing
Tricks With Everyday Stuff |
2011 |
ToC |
Charney, Steve | Awesome
Coin Tricks |
2011 |
ToC |
Charney, Steve | Cool
Card Tricks |
2011 |
ToC |
Charney, Steve | Incredible
Tricks at the Dinner Table |
2011 |
ToC |
Charney, Steve | Kid's Guide to
Magic Tricks |
2013 |
ToC |
Chartwell Books, Inc. |
Card & Magic
Tricks Handbook |
2008 |
Chapters |
Charvet, David |
Alexander - The Man
Who Knows |
2007 |
Chapters |
Charvet, David |
Magician's Handbook, The |
1997 |
ToC |
Charvet, David | Bill
in Lemon Book, The |
1990 |
ToC |
Charvet, David |
Jack Gwynne |
1986 |
ToC |
Charvet, David |
Willard, a Life Under
Canvas |
2008 |
Chapters |
Chaudhuri, Tony |
Bedazzled! |
1977 |
ToC |
Chavel (compiler) |
Reelistic Magic |
1956 |
Full |
Chavez, Marian (Marion) |
of Dove Magic |
1968 |
ToC |
Chavez, Marian |
of Dove Magic (Revised) |
1979 |
ToC |
Chelman, Christian |
Tales |
1993 |
ToC |
Chemcraft (Porter Chemical Co.) |
Chemcraft Book
for Chemcraft No. 2 |
1915 |
ToC |
Chemcraft (Porter Chemical Co.) |
Chemcraft Chemical
Magic |
1937 |
ToC |
Cheng, Danny, Jeremiah Zuo (ed) |
Coin Monster |
2020 |
Full |
Chesbro, Bob |
Tipnician, The |
1982 |
ToC |
Chesbro, Verne & Larry West |
Tricks You
Can Count On |
1968 |
ToC |
Chesbro, Verne |
Color Separation |
1963 |
Full |
Chesbro, Verne |
Color Separation No. 2 |
1964 |
ToC |
Ching, Michael A. |
Animations |
1991 |
ToC |
Chislett, T.H. |
In The House |
1949 |
Chapters |
Choquette, Alain |
A Tribute
to Gary Ouellet 1945-2002 |
ToC |
Chowdhury, Deepak Roy |
Jadoo Aur
Kahani (Magic And Story) |
1993 |
ToC |
Christian, Brad |
Klub - Heat of the Battle |
2003c |
ToC |
Christianer, Louis F. | Cigarette
Tricks |
1916 |
ToC |
Christianer, Louis F. | Effective
Card Tricks |
1915 |
Partial |
Christianer, Louis F. | Effective
Tricks |
1915 |
Full |
Christianer, Louis F. | Magical
Notions |
1917 |
Full |
Christianer, Louis F. | Modern
Magical Effects |
1917 |
Full |
Christianer, Louis F. | More
Effective Card Tricks |
1919 |
Full |
Christianer, Louis F. | More
Effective Tricks |
1916 |
Full |
Christianer, Louis F. | New
Magical Conceptions |
1919 |
Full |
Christianer, Louis F. | Original
Deceptions |
1919 |
Full |
Christianer, Louis F. |
Tricks |
1923 |
Full |
Christianer, Louis F. |
Tricks |
1916 |
ToC |
Christianer, Louis F. |
Manipulation |
1920c |
Partial |
Christopher, Dee |
Effects |
2011 |
ToC |
Christopher, Milbourne | 100 Latest
Tips on Tricks |
1953 |
Full |
Christopher, Milbourne & Maurine Brooks |
Favorite Routines |
2000 |
ToC |
Christopher, Milbourne | Conjuring
With Christopher |
1949 |
ToC |
Christopher, Milbourne | ESP,
Seers & Psychics |
1970 |
ToC |
Christopher, Milbourne |
Tricks With a Thumbtip |
1948 |
Full |
Christopher, Milbourne |
Stretching a Rope |
1938 |
Full |
Christopher, Milbourne | Houdini
A Pictorial Life |
1976 |
Chatpers Only |
Christopher, Milbourne |
The Untold Story |
1969 |
ToC |
Christopher, Milbourne |
History of Magic, The |
1973 |
Chatpers Only |
Christopher, Milbourne |
A Picture History; Panorama of Magic |
1962 |
Full |
Christopher, Milbourne &
Hen Fetsch |
Magic At
Your Fingertips |
1947 |
ToC |
Christopher, Milbourne |
Magic From
M-U-M |
1954 |
ToC |
Christopher, Milbourne | Mediums,
Mystics & The Occult |
1975 |
Chapters |
Christopher, Milbourne | Milbourne
Christopher's Magic Book |
1977 |
Full |
Christopher, Milbourne | More
One Man Mental Magic |
1954 |
ToC |
Christopher, Milbourne |
More Tips on
Tricks |
1945 |
Full |
Christopher, Milbourne |
Golden Jubilee Book of Magic, The; 50 Years of Great Magic
- The Golden Years |
1951 |
Full |
Christopher, Milbourne |
Tips on
Tricks |
1942 |
ToC |
Christopher, Milbourne | Varied
Deceptions |
1953 |
ToC |
Chuan, Tan Hock |
of Tan Hock Chuan, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Chuan, Tan Hock | Rough
& Smooth Possibilities |
1949 |
ToC |
Claflin, Edward & Jeff Sheridan |
Magic |
1977 |
ToC |
Clark, Hyla M. |
Greatest Magic, The |
1976 |
ToC |
Clark, James L |
Magic & Mentalism for Dummies |
2012 |
ToC |
Clark, Keith |
Cigarettes |
1943 |
ToC |
Clark, Keith |
of Cigarette Tricks |
1937 |
ToC |
Clark, Keith & John Braun (editor) | Original
Nite Club Act |
1944 |
ToC |
Clark, Keith & John Braun (editor) | Rope
Royale |
1942 |
ToC |
Clark, Keith & John Braun (editor) |
Supreme |
1942 |
ToC |
Clark, Robert & R. Claude Buff (editor) |
Sleightly Done |
1954 |
ToC |
Clark, Tony |
Clark's Lecture Notes |
1990 |
ToC |
Clark, Tony |
Unmasks Award Winning
Dove Techniques |
1992 |
ToC |
Clarke, Graham S. | Book That
Never Was, The |
1990 |
ToC |
Clarke, Graham S. |
More |
1997 |
ToC |
Clarke, Harry |
Boy's Book of
Magic |
1949 |
ToC |
Clarke, Harry |
Burke's Pastime
Series for Boys - Magic |
1962 |
ToC |
Clarke, Sidney |
of Conjuring, The |
2001 |
Chapters |
Clarke, William |
Boy's Own Book |
1829 |
Full |
Clarke, William |
Boy's Own
Book, A New Edition |
1880 |
Full |
Clarke, William, Paul Preston et al. |
Boy's Own Book
Extended |
1855 |
Full |
Cleve, Van |
How to Win a
Magic Contest |
1978 |
ToC |
Clever, Eddie |
Wings Onward |
1945c |
ToC |
Clifton, John Lee |
Dr. Doom's Theatre of Blood |
1970c |
ToC |
Clive, Paul |
Tricks Without Skill |
1968 |
Full |
Close, Michael |
Workers Series Sampler |
1994 |
ToC |
Close, Michael | Closely Guarded Secrets | 2005 |
Full |
Close, Michael | On the Road
Again |
2005 |
ToC |
Close, Michael |
the Road Again UK Tour 2006 |
2006 |
Full |
Close, Michael |
I'm Gone... |
2000 |
ToC |
Close, Michael | Workers 1 | 1990 |
Full |
Close, Michael | Workers 2 | 1991 |
Full |
Close, Michael | Workers 3 | 1993 |
Full |
Close, Michael | Workers 4 | 1994 |
Full |
Close, Michael | Workers 5 | 1996 |
Full |
Clothier, Tim |
Illusion Projects |
2005 |
Full |
Cloutier, Carl |
Cloutier Magician Lecture Notes |
1993 |
Full |
Coby, Rudy |
How to
Become a World Famous Magician |
1997 |
ToC |
Cockings, David |
Entertainment for Children |
ToC |
Cohen, Al |
Mish-Mosh And Other Shtik |
2009 |
Full |
Cohen, Al | Magical Mish-Mosh (And Other Tricky Trivia) | 1985 |
Full |
Cohen, Al | Thimble Rigging | 1987 |
Full |
Cohen, Cambria, Elizabeth Wood, Lisa Melton,
Eric Ladizinsky |
150 Nifty Crafts, Magic
Tricks and Science Experiments |
1993 |
Full |
Cohen, Daniel |
Real Magic |
1982 |
Full |
Cohen, Morris (The Amazing Maurice) |
Funnel Magic |
1969 |
ToC |
Cohen, Morris (The Amazing Maurice) | Mentalistrix | 1964 |
ToC |
Cohen, Morris (The Amazing Maurice) | Mentalistrix
Encore |
1969 |
ToC |
Cohen, Morris (The Amazing Maurice) | Paper Bag Magic | 1969 |
ToC |
Cohen, Steve & Richard Kaufman |
Ingenious - a Compendium |
2013 |
Full |
Cohen, Steve |
Max Malini, King of
Magicians, Magician of Kings |
2021 |
ToC |
Cole, Bryan |
Lecture Notes
No. 2 Bits and Pieces |
Full |
Cole, Joe | MicroEconomics |
2006 |
ToC |
Cole, Joe (a different Joe) |
Hopping Tonics |
ToC |
Collier, L.C. | A Three Ring
Routine |
2003 |
Full |
Collier, L.C. | Big
Ring on String |
2003 |
Full |
Collier, L.C. | Complete
Two Ball Sponge Ball Routine |
2003 |
Full |
Collier, L.C. |
Circle Rope Routine |
2003 |
Full |
Collier, L.C. |
How to
Perform for Kids & Stay Out of Trouble |
2003 |
Full |
Collier, L.C. |
Three Way
Coloring Book Routine |
2003 |
Full |
Collins, A. Frederick |
Book of Magic, The |
1915 |
Full |
Collins, A. Frederick |
Boy Chemist,
The |
1924 |
Full |
Collins, A. Frederick |
Magic of
Science, The |
1917 |
ToC |
Collins, A. Frederick |
Mirth and
Mystery |
1931 |
ToC |
Collins, Stanley |
Conjuring Melange |
1947 |
ToC |
Collins, Stanley |
Collins's Card
Conceits |
1920 |
ToC |
Collins, Stanley & Abert Fellows |
Conceptions in Magic |
1920 |
ToC |
Collins, Stanley |
Creations |
1915c |
Full |
Collis, Len |
Tricks for Children |
1989 |
Full |
Collosini |
Meanderings |
1960c |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo | 11 Great
Tricks |
ToC |
Colombini, Aldo |
A Set Up With Aldo |
2007 |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo | Band,
The |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo |
Trips |
2004 |
ToC |
Colombini, Aldo |
CardsDotCom |
2004 |
ToC |
Colombini, Aldo | Chinese
Purse, The |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo et al. |
Close-Up and
In the Parlour |
2004 |
ToC |
Colombini, Aldo |
Close Up
Magic of Aldo Colombini, The |
1994 |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo | Cone-Tact |
2008 |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo |
Hits |
1996 |
ToC |
Colombini, Aldo | Ensemble |
1999 |
ToC |
Colombini, Aldo & Will Ayling (Ed) |
Fabian's Magic
Notes |
1986 |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo |
Impressions |
1999 |
ToC |
Colombini, Aldo | Impact | 1991 |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo |
Card Magic |
2003 |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo | Make
'Em Laugh |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo |
The Ropes |
1995 |
ToC |
Colombini, Aldo | Pre Deck
Ability |
1996 |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo | React:
New Cards, Coins Ropes Balloons, Thimbles |
1994 |
ToC |
Colombini, Aldo | Ringing
Around Too! |
Full |
Colombini, Aldo | Throw In
The Sponge |
1996 |
Partial |
Colombini, Aldo |
Tight Rope |
1997 |
ToC |
Colombini, Aldo |
What's Up Deck? |
1995 |
ToC |
Colombini, Rachel |
Magnets for Magic |
2001 |
ToC |
Colucci, Donato |
of Egg Magic |
2002 |
Chapters |
Congreave, Chris |
Curiosities |
2017 |
Full |
Congreave, Chris |
Curiouser &
Curiouser |
2021 |
Full |
Conley, Ron | Chicken
Soup for Magicians |
2007 |
ToC |
Conley, Ron |
Drugs, Strangers
and Other Dangers |
1997 |
ToC |
Conn, Doug & Jon Racherbaumer (editor) |
Conn-Fidential |
1996 |
Full |
Conn, Doug |
Conn-juring |
2004 |
Full |
Conn, Doug |
2 |
2003 |
ToC |
Conn, Doug |
Connundrums |
2006 |
Full |
Conn, Doug |
Theories |
2013 |
Full |
Conn, Doug |
Coin Routine |
200x |
ToC |
Connor, R. Brooks, Jr. |
Rings, The |
2001 |
ToC |
Conradi, F.W. |
of Exquisite Conjuring; Cloth Painting by H.W. Tagrey |
1921 |
Full |
Conradi, F.W. & Tagrey H.W. |
Some More
Exquisite Conjuring & Soap Bubbles |
1928 |
Full |
Contento, Marcelo |
Notes |
1998 |
ToC |
Conway, Pat & Walt Lees (editor) |
Way to Con, The |
1987 |
ToC |
Cook, Cecil |
Fifty One
Impromptu Conjuring Tricks |
1946 |
Full |
Cook, James W. |
of Deception, The |
2001 |
Chapters |
Cook, Steve |
Legend: An
Anecdotal Tribute to Ken Brooke |
2008 |
ToC |
Coppa, Francesca; Lawrence Hass; James Peck |
Performing Magic on the Western
Stage |
2008 |
ToC |
Cooper, Johnny |
Presentations |
1980 |
ToC |
Copper, Ger |
Presents Magic
From Holland |
1970 |
ToC |
Copperfield, David; Richard Wiseman; David
Britland |
Copperfield's History of Magic |
2021 |
Chapters |
Copperfield, David; Janet Berliner |
Copperfield's Tales of the Impossible |
1995 |
ToC |
Corbitt, Steve |
Favorite Uncle |
2001 |
ToC |
Corinda |
Steps to Mentalism |
1958 |
ToC |
Corinda & Ralph Read |
Guide to Billet-Switching |
ToC |
Corinda |
of Darkness, The |
1975 |
Full |
Corinda |
1: The Nail Writer Swami Gimmick |
1958 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step
2: Pencil, Lip, Sound, Touch and Muscle Reading |
1958 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step 3: Mnemonics and Mental Systems | 1958 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step 4:
Predictions |
1958 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step 5:
Blindfolds & X-Ray Eyes |
1958 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step
6: Billets |
1959 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step
7: Book Tests and Supplement |
1959 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step
8: Two Person Telepathy |
1959 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step 9:
Mediumistic Stunts |
1959 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step
10: Card Tricks |
1959 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step 11:
Question and Answer (Readings) |
1959 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step
12: Publicity Stunts |
1960 |
ToC |
Corinda | Step
13: Patter and Presentation |
1960 |
ToC |
Cornelius, John |
Secrets No. 1 |
1988 |
ToC |
Cornelius, John |
Magic of
John Cornelius Lecture No. 1 |
1975c |
Full |
Costello, Matthew J | Magic Everywhere | 1999 |
ToC |
Costi, Davide |
For Friends
Only... |
1987 | ToC |
Cowan, Geoffrey |
With Magic |
1973 |
Full |
Cox, Raymond L. |
Tips and Tricks |
1934 |
ToC |
Cox, Robert |
Cox at the Castle |
1996 |
ToC |
Cox, Robert |
Magic From
the Front Line |
1994 |
ToC |
Cox, Robert |
With Magic Is..., The |
2003 |
ToC |
Cox, William |
and Magicians |
1972 |
ToC |
Crabb, Tabby |
Magic |
2009 |
ToC |
Craddock, Justin & Alex Linian |
19/20 |
2020 |
ToC |
Craggs, Douglas |
of Ventriloquism |
1944 |
ToC |
Craggs, Douglas |
of Magic |
1946 |
ToC |
Cramer, Stuart |
Germain the
Wizard and His Legerdemain |
1966 |
ToC |
Cramer, Stuart |
Secrets of
Karl Germain, The |
1962 |
ToC |
Crandall, Clarke (Senator) |
Dice Routine |
1959 |
Full |
Crandall, Clarke (Senator) |
How to Stack
Dice for Fun and No $! |
1974 |
Full |
Crandall, Clarke (Senator) | Meet the
Senator |
1950 |
ToC |
Crandall, Clarke (Senator) |
MGA Lecture
Notes 1952 |
1952 |
ToC |
Crandall, Clarke (Senator) |
Now You Can Get the
Best of Senator Crandall |
1969 |
ToC |
Crandall, Clarke (Senator) |
Returns, The |
1959 |
ToC |
Craven, Tom |
Hat Full of Stuff |
1988 |
ToC |
Craven, Tom |
Magic of John Quine, The |
1997 |
ToC |
Craven, Tom |
Lecture |
2012 |
ToC |
Craven, Tom |
Jon Quines
B.S. timations |
ToC |
Craven, Tom | My
(Almost) 50 Years in Magic |
2011 |
ToC |
Craven, Tom |
Presents Magic You
Can Do Lecture Notes |
ToC |
Craven, Tom |
Second 16th
Card Book |
2007 |
ToC |
Craven, Tom |
Old Something New Something Borrowed Something For You |
2008 |
Full |
Craven, Tom |
Tom In Print Somewhere |
1990 |
ToC |
Craven, Tom | Tom
Craven's 16th Card Book |
ToC |
1982 |
Craven, Tom |
Tom Craven's
Pallbearers Review Lecture |
1982 |
ToC |
Crawhall, Joseph |
Magic Oracle or
Conjuror's Guide, The |
1856 |
Full |
Crayford, Charles T |
Fifty Best
Conjuring Tricks, The |
1915 |
Full |
Crayford, Charles T. |
Deceptions |
1946 |
Full |
Crayford, Charles T. |
New &
Original Conjuring Tricks |
1926 |
ToC |
Creasey, Scott |
the Restraints of Reality |
2004 |
ToC |
Creasey, Scott | Mental(Magic)ism |
2008 |
ToC |
Cremer, W.H.; Wiljalba Frikell |
Panky |
1877 |
ToC |
Cremer, W.H.; Wiljalba Frikell | Magic
No Mystery |
1876 |
Full |
Cremer, W.H.; Wiljalba Frikell | Secret
Out (The), Or 1000 Tricks With Cards |
1859 |
Full |
Crew, Robert & Colette Muir |
Believe It Or Not! Magic and Magicians |
1982 |
ToC |
Crichton, Knox |
Magoria - the Magic of the Magi |
1978 |
Full |
Cristall Leslie |
My 25 Years of
Magic |
1966 |
ToC |
Criswell, Chastain |
From the
Stall |
2004 |
Full |
Crockett, Jeremy |
Calling |
1970s |
Full |
Crockwell, Colin |
Business of
Children's Entertainment, The |
1990 |
ToC |
Cros, Daniel |
Close-Up Magic of
Daniel Cros |
1983 |
ToC |
Cros, Daniel |
Magic by Request |
1980c |
ToC |
Cross, Pat (Pat the Clown) |
Magic Circus
Party |
1992 |
ToC |
Croskery, Bob Forsythe |
Magic Profit Primer |
1987 |
ToC |
Crosthwaite, Roger | Arcadia |
1999 |
ToC |
Crosthwaite, Roger |
Card Notes |
1982 |
ToC |
Crosthwaite, Roger |
1 |
ToC |
Crosthwaite, Roger | Goodliffe
Memorial Lecture, The |
1998 |
ToC |
Crosthwaite, Roger |
Crosthwaite's Lecture Notes 1 |
1982 |
ToC |
Crosthwaite, Roger |
Crosthwaite's Lecture Notes 2 |
1982 |
ToC |
Crosthwaite, Roger & Justin Higham |
Thesaurus |
1994 |
Full |
Croucher, Donald |
Magic by
Miller |
2015 |
ToC |
Crow, Raymonde |
As the Crow
Flies |
2003 |
Full |
Crow, Raymonde |
Bird's Eye, The |
2007 |
Full |
Crush, Peter |
Folding Coin
Secrets |
1981 |
ToC |
Culpitt, Frederick |
and Legerdemain |
1928 |
ToC |
Cummings, Walter |
Balls |
1980 |
ToC |
Cummins, Paul | FASDIU
II |
2002 |
Full |
Cummins, Paul |
From a
Shuffled Deck in Use (FASDIU) Part 1 |
1996 |
Full |
Cummins, Paul | From a
Shuffled Deck in Use (FASDIU) Part 2 |
1996 |
Full |
Cummins, Paul W & Doc Eason | Fusillade: A Treatise on the Multiple Selection Routine | 2000 |
ToC |
Cummins, Paul | Tricks of My Trade - The Magic of Doug Conn | 1999 |
Full |
Curry, Paul | Magician's Magic | 1965 |
ToC |
Curry, Paul |
Out of This World |
1942 |
ToC |
Curry, Paul |
Out of
This World and Beyond |
1975 |
ToC |
Curry, Paul | Paul
Curry Presents |
1974 |
ToC |
Curry, Paul |
Power of Thought,
The |
1947 |
ToC |
Curry, Paul |
Special Effects |
1977 |
ToC |
Curry, Paul |
Beyond |
2001 |
ToC |
Curtis, Tony |
Curtis (Lecture) |
ToC |
Curzon, Roger |
Blood On The Tricks | 1995c |
ToC |
Curzon, Roger |
Guild of
Magicians Nottingham Lecture Notes |
1989 |
ToC |
Curzon, Roger | Roger
Curzon's Lecture Notes |
1980 |
ToC |
Curzon, Roger |
Roger Cruzon's Sublimations | 2007c |
ToC |
Cutts, Tom |
Magazine July 2002 |
2002 |
Full |
Cyprian, Father |
Collectors, The |
1971 |
ToC |
Cyprian, Father |
Stand Up Close |
1980 |
ToC |
Cyprian, Father | T.V.
Card Rise |
1982 |
ToC |
Cyprian, Father | You Are Magic
No. 6; Featuring a Holey Trick |
1977 |
Partial |
Cyprian, Father |
You Are Magic
No. 7, Door to Door Card Sharp |
1979 |
ToC |
Cyprian, Father |
You Are Magic
No. 10 |
1983 |
Full |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Daisy Bank |
Bank Book of Tricks |
1914 |
Full |
Daisy Bank | Forty
Tricks With Cards |
1915 |
Full |
Dalal, Sam |
42 Amazing
Tricks & Stunts with Rope |
2002 |
Full |
Dalal, Sam |
Cabaret Capers
Vol. 1 |
1970 |
ToC |
Dalal, Sam |
Change Bags
and 101 Tricks |
2002 |
ToC |
Dalal, Sam |
Magic With a
Marked Deck |
1976 |
ToC |
Dalal, Sam | Magic
With an ESP Deck |
1972 |
Full |
Dalal, Sam |
Mantra Magazine Complete |
1975 |
Full |
Dalal, Sam |
Psychic Dominoes |
2004 |
Full |
Dalal, Sam |
Sound Mentalism |
1979c |
Full |
Dalal, Sam |
Swami A
Monthly Magazine of Exotic Mysteries |
1974 |
Full |
Dalal, Sam |
Gimmick, The |
1990 |
ToC |
Dalal, Sam | Three Color Changing Pen Knife (White - Black - Red) | 1990c |
Full |
Dameon |
Lecture Notes |
ToC |
Damon, Dwight |
Balloonatrix |
1962 |
ToC |
Dancy, Luke |
the Floor |
2005 |
Full |
Daniels, Paul |
Popular Card Games & Tricks |
1985 |
ToC |
Daniels, Paul |
Magic for Adults |
1997 |
Full |
Daniels, Paul |
Paul Daniels
Under No Illusion |
2000 |
Chapters |
Dante (Harry August Jansen) |
Tricks for Everybody |
1941c |
Full |
DaOrtiz, Dani | Basic Moves
of the Multieffect Wallet |
2005 |
ToC |
DaOrtiz, Dani | Card Magic Semi Automatic | 2011 |
ToC |
DaOrtiz, Dani | Card
Magic Semi Automatic 2 |
2013 |
ToC |
DaOrtiz, Dani |
de Expresion (Psychology Force) |
ToC |
DaOrtiz, Dani | My Personal
Stack |
2006 |
ToC |
DaOrtiz, Dani |
Playing With
Dani DaOrtiz |
2005 |
ToC |
Darbyshire, Lydia (editor) | Magic Book, The |
1997 |
Full |
Darci, Steve |
Close Up |
1973 |
Full |
Darci, Steve |
Master Routines,
The |
2002 |
Full |
Darci, Steve & Sid Lorraine |
Fantasy Plus Tricks With Micro-Penny |
1972 |
Full |
D'Arcy, Peter |
Parties a Specialty |
1972 |
ToC |
Darling, Aage |
I'll Read
Your Mind |
1953 |
ToC |
Darwin, Gary |
Darwin's 101
Thumb Tip Tricks |
1994 |
ToC |
Darwin, Gary | Darwin's
Close Up Miracles |
1982 |
Full |
Darwin, Gary |
Inexpensive Illusions |
1996 |
ToC |
Darwin, Gary |
Darwin's Thumb
Tip Miracles |
1981 |
ToC |
Darwin, Gary |
Darwin's Thumb
Tip Secrets #1 |
1984 |
ToC |
Darwin, Gary |
Thumb Tip
Thinking |
1986 |
Full |
Daryl (Martinez) |
4F XII |
2012 |
ToC |
Daryl (Martinez) |
Session #1 Lecture Notes |
1980 |
Full |
Daryl (Martinez) | Daryl
Does Den Haag |
1988 |
Full |
Daryl (Martinez) | Daryl
Martinez Magic Lecture Notes |
1979 |
Full |
Daryl (Martinez) | Daryl's Psychological Assembly or The Jolly Jumping Jokers | 1985 |
Full |
Daryl (Martinez) |
Rope Routine |
1997 |
ToC |
Daryl (Martinez) | Double-Dazzling
Triumph |
1979 |
Full |
Daryl (Martinez) | Fechter's
Finger Flicking Frolic Session 1992 |
1992 |
Full |
Daryl (Martinez) | Fooler
Droolers |
2003 |
Full |
Daryl (Martinez) | New Millennium World Tour | 1999 |
Full |
Daryl (Martinez) | Something for Everyone - Magic Lecture #2 | 1982 |
Full |
Das, B. |
Levitation Secrets |
1999 |
ToC |
Das, B. |
Sawing Illusion
Secrets |
2000 |
ToC |
Davies, Toby (editor) |
Ten for Thom |
2022 |
Full |
Davis, Jimmy |
Balloon Zoo |
1966 |
Full |
Davis, Scott |
Davis World of Balloon Art II |
1985 |
ToC |
Davis, Stanley |
Presented |
1944 |
Full |
Davison, Robert |
Mysteria |
1905 |
Full |
Dawes, Edwin |
in the Circle, The |
1983 |
Chapters |
Dawes, Edwin & Arthur
Setterington |
Book of Magic, The |
1986 |
Chapters |
Dawes, Edwin & Michael Bailey |
Without End (The Magic Circle 1905-2005) |
2005 |
ToC |
Dawes, Edwin & Arthur Setterington |
of Magic, The |
1989 |
Chapters |
Dawes, Edwin |
Illusionists, The |
1979 |
Chapters |
Dawes Edwin & Michael Dawes |
John Henry
Anderson The Great Wizard of the North |
2014 |
Chapters |
Dawes, Edwin & Arthur Setterington |
Making Magic |
1986 |
Full |
Dawes, Edwin |
Stodare - the
Enigma Variations |
1998 |
Chapters |
Daws, Jamie |
Guise |
2018 |
Full |
Daws, Jamie |
Opening Daws |
2016 |
ToC |
Daws, Jamie |
Shipwrecked |
2008 |
Full |
Day, Jon |
Let's Make Magic |
1992 |
Full |
Dayton, Ronald | A Conjuror's
Collage |
1980 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald |
A Darker Light |
20015 |
Partial |
Dayton, Ronald |
in My Pajamas - Magical Appetizers #2 |
2006 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald (KOTAH) |
By Darkness
Influenced |
2006 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Cord-Ially
Yours |
1973 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Dayton's
Delights |
1992 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Hung
Up On Ropes / Off The Beaten Path |
1986 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Jenny-U-Wan
Magic Part 1 - Silks-N-Ropes-N-Rings |
1984 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Jenny-U-Wan
Magic Part 2 - Tissues-N-Money |
1984 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Jenny
U-Wan Magic Part 3 - Magic 'N The Grab Bag |
1984 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Legerdemine |
1981 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald |
Playground |
1998 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald |
One of a Kind
Magic |
1983 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Press-Tidigitation |
1981 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald |
Professor's Nightmare
The Awakening |
2007 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Ropes With a
Different Twist |
1979 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald & R.C. Buff |
Rope Without
End |
1981 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald & Joseph K. Schmidt |
Worker a Tribute to R.C. Buff |
1993 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald |
Thoughts |
1983 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Simply
Amazing |
1987 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Spoof...It's Magic | 1993 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Strange
Reflections |
1989 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald | Visual
Fantasies |
1986 |
ToC |
Dayton, Ronald |
Whole Art of
Clippo |
1986 |
ToC |
Dean, Dicky |
Dean Speaks, The |
1969 |
ToC |
Dean, George |
Everyone Else Isn't Doing |
1984 |
ToC |
Dean, Jack |
Choice, The |
1994 |
ToC |
Dean, Jack |
The |
1996 |
ToC |
Dean, Jack |
FouRings |
1996 |
Full |
Dean, Jack |
Lecture Notes 1 |
ToC |
Dean, Jack |
Psychic Sight |
1994 |
ToC |
Dean, Jack |
Soothsayer |
1989c |
ToC |
Dean, Jason |
Parts of Jason Dean |
2006c |
Full |
Deb, Soumya | Soumya's Brainstorms | 1998 |
ToC |
DeBarros, Jules | Coins of Ishtar, The |
1971 |
Full |
DeBarros, Jules |
Techniques and
Principles of Sleight of Hand Vol. 1 |
1982 |
Partial |
De Bevere, L. |
Mysteries |
1984 |
ToC |
Decamps, Eric |
I |
1985 |
ToC |
DeCaston, Herbert |
Prestidigitation |
1910 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken | 33
Tricks With the P-A-T-E-O Force |
1980 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
A Case for Cards |
1982 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
Dinner Technique |
1980 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken | At
the Drop of a Match |
1970 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
Game of 31 |
1978c |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken | Blue
Spotitis (and Other Oddities) |
1980 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken & Jack Yates |
Yates' Card Caprice |
1979 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken | Cards
in Cabaret |
1980 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken | Creditable
Conjuring |
1982 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
Discourse |
1976 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken | Dubbelkross
and Simulkross |
1955 |
Partial |
De Courcy, Ken | Even Stephen |
1982 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken | Exclusive
Card Magic Series Numbers 1-3 |
1986 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken |
Ace Intro's |
1983 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
Improbabilities |
1949 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
on Kards |
1965 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken |
Leslie's Triple Colour Cups and Balls |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken & Ian Adair |
Jumbo Chinese Coin, The |
1983 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken | Mistress of
Pentertain |
1976 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken |
Card, Sir! |
1967 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
One Dream
Bottle |
1975c |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken |
Obscure |
1964 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
Pentertain |
1972c |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken | Pin-Points |
1979 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
Rink's Goes Loop
La-La |
1980 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
the World With a Pack of Cards |
1980 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken & Duke Stern | Royal Magic Nimble Thimbles | 1998 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken |
Easier |
1989 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken | Son of
Pentertain |
1974 |
Full |
De Courcy, Ken |
Tricks for
Travelling Tricksters |
1982 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
Fastest Card Trick, The |
1980 |
ToC |
De Courcy, Ken |
Telepathy |
1951 |
Full |
De Cova, Alexander |
Lecture 2006 |
2006 |
Full |
De Cova, Alexander |
Treasures |
2001 |
ToC |
d'Egerdon, Ebert |
Aids to
Wizardry |
1908 |
Partial |
DeKram, Dr. A.C. |
of the DeKram Deck |
1994 |
ToC |
DeLage, Al |
Magic of DeLage and Margaret, The |
1985 |
ToC |
De La Mano |
or Magic Made Easy |
1881c |
Full |
DeLawrence, Geo | A
Vaudeville Magic Act |
1919 |
Full |
DeLawrence, Geo | Another
Vaudeville Magic Act |
1922c |
ToC |
DeLawrence, Geo |
Manuscript |
1925 |
Full |
DeLawrence, Geo | How to
Answer Questions in Crystal Gazing |
1922 |
ToC |
DeLawrence, Geo | Impromptu
Magic With Patter |
1922 |
ToC |
DeLawrence, Geo | Miscellaneous
Handkerchief Tricks |
1921 |
ToC |
DeLawrence, Geo |
Modern Card Effects
and How to Perform Them |
1920 |
Full |
DeLawrence, Geo | Some Card Effects and Magical Talks | 1919 |
ToC |
DeLawrence, Geo |
Pithy Patter
for the Parlor |
1920 |
ToC |
DelGaudio, Derek & Glenn Kanio |
A. Bandit, A
Secret Has Two Faces |
2018 |
ToC |
DelGaudio, Derek |
Magic Con
Notes 2010 |
2010 |
Full |
DelGaudio, Derek |
Notes |
2008 |
ToC |
Dell, Alan |
Nu Way Cut
and Restored Bill |
1980 |
Partial |
Dell, Ralph |
With a Smile |
Full |
Dellini, The Great |
Miracles |
1979 |
ToC |
Delvin, Jack |
Magic In
the Family Circle |
1956 |
ToC |
Delvin, Jack |
Magic of the
Masters |
1977 |
Chapters |
Demaline, Jesse |
Jesse Demaline's
DeMagic |
1990 |
ToC |
Denhard, Harold | How to Do Rope Tricks | 1973 |
Full |
Denton, and Others |
Unmasked, The |
1790 |
ToC |
Derman, Bill |
Tricks That Get the Money |
1992 |
ToC |
Derman, Lou |
Add Comedy To
Your Act! |
1972 |
Chapters |
Derman, Lou (SAM 22) |
Capers |
1970 |
ToC |
Derris, John (editor) | Come A Little Closer | 1998 |
ToC |
Derris, John |
2013 |
ToC |
Derris, John |
Derris Lecture Notes |
Full |
Desmond, Frank |
Guide to Conjuring |
1899 |
Full |
Desmond, Graham |
How to
Entertain With a Trick Pack of Playing Cards |
1970s |
Partial |
Desmond, Paul |
Art of Emceeing,
The |
1979 |
ToC |
DeSouza, Marc | Art of Artifice, The |
1995 |
ToC |
DeSouza, Marc |
DeCeptions |
2001 |
Full |
DeSouza, Marc | Flights of
Fantasy |
1987 |
ToC |
DeSouza, Marc |
Let's Fake a Deal |
1979 |
ToC |
DeSouza, Marc |
Master Works
of Conjuring - The Lecture |
2010 |
ToC |
DeSouza, Marc |
Tricks I
Have Turned |
1979 |
Full |
DeSouza, Marc | Tri-Fecta |
1978 |
Full |
Detweiler, Clinton |
That Teach Bible Truths Vol 2 |
1980 |
ToC |
De-Val, David |
to Escapes |
1978 |
ToC |
De-Val, David | Lock Picking (Part One) | 1987 | ToC |
De-Val, David |
Lock Picking (Part
Two) |
1988 |
ToC |
Devant, David |
Tricks and How to Do Them, The |
1931 |
Full |
Devant, David |
Lessons In
Conjuring |
1922 |
Full |
Devant, David |
Made Easy |
1903 |
Full |
Devant, David |
Magic Life |
1931 |
Full |
Devant, David & Nevil
Maskelyne |
Our Magic |
1911 |
Chapters |
Devant, David |
Secrets of My
Magic |
1936 |
Full |
Devant, David |
Tricks for
Everyone |
1910 |
Full |
Devant, David |
of a Wizardcoll |
1903 |
Full |
Deveen, David |
Cigarette Magic and
Manipulation |
1928 |
Full |
Deveen, David |
Cigarette Magic |
1935 |
Full |
DeVega (A.M. Stewart) | Conventional Conjuring | 1938 |
ToC |
DeVega (A.M. Stewart) |
Manipulations & Effects |
Full |
DeVega (A.M. Stewart) | More Selected Secrets | 1931 |
Full |
DeVega (A.M. Stewart) | Patterettes | 1929 |
ToC |
DeVega (A.M. Stewart) | Selected Secrets | 1930c |
Full |
DeVega (A.M. Stewart) | Sensational Secrets | 1930c |
ToC |
DeVega (A.M. Stewart) |
Sorcery |
1939 |
ToC |
Devereux, Eve & Peter Eldin |
Card &
Magic Tricks |
2004 |
Full |
Devereux, Eve |
Start-A-Craft Card
Tricks |
1996 |
Full |
Devine, David |
of Mystery and Magic, The |
1930 |
Full |
Dewey, Herb & Roy Miller (ed) | Psycho-Babble | 1996 |
ToC |
Dewey, Herb & Thomas Saville, Ph.D |
Red Hot
Cold Reading |
1984 |
ToC |
Dewey, Ralph |
Dewey's Amusing
Rubber Antics |
1989 |
Full |
Dewey, Ralph |
Balloon & Clown Notebook |
1981 |
ToC |
Dewey, Ralph |
Basic Balloon Sculpturing Course |
1978 |
ToC |
Dewey, Ralph |
Bubble Buddies |
1968 |
ToC |
Dewey, Ralph | Dewey's Gospel Balloon Routines #1 | 1977 |
Full |
Dewey, Ralph | Dewey's Gospel Clown Skits #1 | 1986 |
Full |
Dewey, Ralph |
Dewey's NEW
Balloon Animals |
1976 |
ToC |
Dewey, Ralph | Dewey's
Zany Balloons |
1991 |
ToC |
Dexter, S. Edward |
With Contact Mind Reading |
1952 |
ToC |
Dexter, Will |
101 Magic
Secrets |
1958 |
ToC |
Dexter, Will |
Magic Tricks for Amateurs |
1958 |
ToC |
Dexter, Will |
Little Magic Among Friends |
1981 |
ToC |
Dexter, Will |
Book of Magic |
1956 |
ToC |
Dexter, Will |
Famous Magic
Secrets |
1955 |
Full |
Dexter, Will |
Magic for Mentalists |
1975 |
ToC |
Dexter, Will |
Book of Magic Tricks, The |
1957 |
ToC |
Dexter, Will | Magic Circle
Magic |
1963 |
ToC |
Dexter, Will |
Riddle of
Chung Ling Soo |
1955 |
Chapters |
Dexter, Will |
Vision |
1956 |
ToC |
Dexter, Will | Secrets
of the Conjurer's Craft |
1965 |
Chapters |
Dexter, Will |
This Is Magic |
1958 |
Full |
Dexter, Will | Uncanny
Power |
1979 |
ToC |
Dhotel, Jules, M.D. |
Magic With
Small Apparatus |
1947 |
ToC |
Diaconis, Persi & Ron Graham |
Mathematics |
2012 |
ToC |
Diamond, Hal |
in Motion |
1981 |
ToC |
Diamond, Paul | Curtain Call: The Final Lecture of Paul Diamond | 1985 |
Full |
Diamond, Paul | Billie
Dunn's Himber Wallet Routine |
1980c |
Full |
Diamond, Paul |
Humble and Friends Impromptu Magic |
1988c |
ToC |
Diamond, Paul |
Diamond Entertains |
1986 |
ToC |
Diamond, Paul | Paul Diamond's Gambling Expose: "The Real Work" | 1988c |
ToC |
Diamond, Paul |
Paul Diamond's
Lecture Notes Misc. Magic |
1987 |
ToC |
Diamond, Paul | Russ
Burns' Coin of Black Thoughts |
1980c |
Full |
Diamond, Paul |
Very Best of Paul Diamond...So Far, The |
1990 |
Full |
Diamond, Ronald C. |
Complete Guide
to The Miracle Cups and Coins |
Full |
Diamond, Todd & Michael
Wild |
Bar Magician |
2004 |
ToC |
Dick & Fitzgerald (Publishers) | Boy's
Own Conjuring Book, The |
1880c |
ToC |
Dick & Fitzgerald (Publishers) | How to
Amuse an Evening Party |
1869 |
ToC |
Dick & Fitzgerald (Publishers) |
Magician, The |
1860 |
ToC |
Dick & Fitzgerald (Publishers) |
Play Room, or
Indoor Sports for Boys and Girls, The |
1866 |
ToC |
Dick, William Brisbane |
Dick's One Hundred
Amusements |
1879 |
Full |
Dickson, Craig R. | For the Entertainer | 1990 |
ToC |
Dickson, Craig R. | For the Entertainer II | 2003 |
ToC |
Dickson, Craig R. |
For the
Entertainer Collection No. 1 |
1990 |
ToC |
Dickson, Craig R. |
For the
Entertainer Lecture 2 |
1997 |
ToC |
Dietrich, Bud & Dick Jarrow |
Show Handbook, The |
1973 |
ToC |
Dimelow, Dominic |
Presentations |
1959 |
Full |
Dingle, Derek | Additional Deceptions from Derek Dingle: Lecture Notes No. 2 | 1975 |
Full |
Dingle, Derek | Complete
Works of Derek Dingle (Notes), The |
1982 |
ToC |
Dingle, Derek |
Deceptions |
1971c |
ToC |
Dingle, Derek & Charles Reynolds | Innovations
No. 1 Master Poker Demonstration |
1972 |
ToC |
Dingle, Derek & Charles Reynolds | Innovations
No. 2 Royal Triumph |
1973 |
ToC |
Dingle, Derek & Charles Reynolds |
No. 3 Illusion Aces |
1976 |
ToC |
Dingle, Derek |
Notes by Derek Dingle |
ToC |
Dingle, Derek | More Additional Deceptions: Lecture Notes No. 3 | 1987 |
Full |
Dixie, Raymond |
Magician, The |
1922 |
ToC |
Dixon, Doc |
Funnier With Monkeys |
1997 |
Full |
Dixon, Doc | Magic
of Cox Dixon, The |
1999 |
Full |
Dixon, Doc |
Magic Tricks
David Ginn Can't Do |
1997 |
ToC |
Dixon, Doc |
MonkeyShines Volume
One |
2009 |
Full |
Dixon, Doc |
Volume Two |
2009 |
Full |
Dobrowolski, Tom |
All Done
By Coindness |
2016 |
Full |
Dobrowolski, Tom | Arizona 2021
Notes |
2021 |
Full |
Dobrowolski, Tom | Experts
At The Breakfast Table, The |
2014 |
Full |
Dobrowolski, Tom | First,
Find a Layman |
2019 |
Full |
Dobrowolski, Tom | Game
of Tom |
2015 |
Full |
Dobrowolski, Tom | Retirement
Notes, The |
2020 |
Full |
Dobrowolski, Tom | Tom And
His Merry Men |
2014 |
Full |
Dobski, Chester |
Thimble Trix;
Thimble Thimon |
1955 |
Full |
Dobson, Steve |
Dimensions |
1994 |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne |
Kind of Magic |
1999 |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne & Stephen Tucker |
Choice |
2002 |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne & Stephen Tucker | Dobson's
Choice 2 The Sequel |
2003 |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne & Stephen Tucker | Dobson's
Choice 3 The Final Cut |
2004 |
Full |
Dobson, Wayne & Stephen Tucker | Dobson's
Choice Special Effects |
2010 |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne, & Stephen Tucker |
Look, No Hands |
2011 |
Full |
Dobson, Wayne |
Look No
Hands - the Lecture |
2014c |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne |
More Look No
Hands |
2013 |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne |
Outlines |
1991 |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne |
& Pong |
2008 |
Full |
Dobson, Wayne |
Pro-File |
1984 |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne |
Masterpieces |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne |
WD40 |
2007 |
ToC |
Dobson, Wayne |
Young Ideas |
Partial |
Dobson, Wayne |
Z6 Or
How I Overcame My Fear of the Z-Fold Wallet |
ToC |
Docherty, Doc et al | East Coast Super Session Book One | 2006 |
Full |
Docherty, Doc | Cards Remain the Same, The | 2009c |
ToC |
Docherty, Doc |
Under Cards |
2016 |
ToC |
Dodson, Goodlette |
Exhibition Card
Fans |
1935 |
ToC |
Doerflinger, William |
Catalogue, The |
1977 |
Chapters |
Doggett, Robert L. (Dr. Bob) |
Chop Cup, The |
1993 |
Full |
Doggett, Robert L. (Dr. Bob) |
Close-Up Easy Stuff A
Lecture |
1992 |
ToC |
Doggett, Robert L. (Dr. Bob) |
Coin Box, The |
1995 |
Full |
Doggett, Robert L. (Dr. Bob) | Matrix
Mania |
1993 |
ToC |
Doherty, Paul Ph.D. and John
Cassidy |
Magnetic Magic |
1994 |
Full |
Dokov, Sylvio |
Bit, The |
1979 |
Full |
Dolan, Edward F. Jr. |
Beginner's Guide to Magic, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Dore, Theo |
Magnetrix |
1971 |
ToC |
Dornfield, Werner C. | Dorny's
Comedy Blackouts |
1962 |
ToC |
Dornfield, Werner C. |
Dorny on Trix |
1954 |
ToC |
Dornfield, Werner C. |
Trix &
Chatter |
1921 |
ToC |
Douglas, Bert | ABC
Book of Patter |
ToC |
Douglas, Bert |
Douglas's Magical Patter |
1932 |
Full |
Douglas, Bert |
Magic |
1930 |
ToC |
Douglas, Bert |
Magic As You
Like It |
1935 |
Full |
Douglas, Bert | Magical
Patter |
1932 |
Full |
Douglas, Bert |
Magic Worth
Knowing |
1934 |
ToC |
Douglas, Bert | Masonic
Magical Creations; Masonic Magic |
1920 |
Full |
Douglas, Bert |
Master Club
Tricks With Patter |
1934 |
ToC |
Douglas, Bert | Modern
Club Act |
1935 |
Full |
Douglas, Bert |
Modern Magic |
1941 |
ToC |
Douglas, Bert | More
Club Magic Part 1 |
1932 |
Full |
Douglas, Bert |
Club Magic Part 2 |
1932 |
Full |
Douglas, Bert |
Magic for All |
1927 |
ToC |
Douglas, Bert | Original
Magical Problems |
1942 |
Full |
Douglas, Bert | Patter
in Rhyme |
1939 |
Full |
Downs, Thomas Nelson | Art of Magic, The | 1906 |
ToC |
Downs, Thomas Nelson |
Book of New
Coin Tricks |
1913 |
Full |
Downs, Thomas Nelson & Nathan Dean |
With Coins |
1916 |
ToC |
Downs, Thomas Nelson | Modern Coin Manipulation | 1900c |
ToC |
Downs, Thomas Nelson &
William Hilliar |
Tricks With
Coins |
1902 | ToC |
Dracup, Rev. Jim | A Magician
Goes to Church |
1964 |
Chapters |
Dracup, Rev. Jim |
Magic That
Gives and Upward Lift |
1986 |
Full |
Dracup, Rev. Jim | Magic That
Points to the Upward Life |
1987 |
Full |
Dracup, Rev. Jim | Magic With
an Upward Look |
1985 |
Full |
Drake, David |
Working the
Tables |
1996 |
Full |
Drake, Don & Gary Darwin |
Black Art Breakthroughs |
1999 |
ToC |
Drake Publishers |
Book of Magic, The |
1976 |
ToC |
Drane, E.O. (Enardoe) |
Color Changing
Knives |
1974 |
Full |
Drane, E.O. (Enardoe), Robert Parrish |
Tru-Tone Life-Time Linking Rings |
1975 |
ToC |
Draun, Steve |
Magic of Steve Draun,
The |
1987 |
ToC |
Dreher, Carl |
Keeping an
Eye on Close-Up |
1983 |
ToC |
Dreher, Carl |
Close Up Volume One |
1981 |
Full |
Dreher, Carl |
and Corollaries on Good Magic and Card Trick |
1980 |
Full |
Driscoll, Bruce & Sam Koobrick |
Coin Set |
1976 |
Full |
Dropo, Dr. |
How to Do
Balancing Tricks and Stunts |
1998 |
ToC |
Duce, Bert |
For All |
1918 |
ToC |
Duck, Russel (Russduck) |
Magazine, The |
1969 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
4 Most |
2005 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
7 A Collection of Miracles |
2006 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
21 Card Tricks |
2000 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter & Jerry Sadowitz |
Card Magic |
1982 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter | Applications | 1993 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Area 52 |
2000 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Card Addict |
2000 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter | Card Compulsions | 1995 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter & Robin Robertson | Card Conspiracy Vol 1 | 2003 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter & Robin Robertson | Card Conspiracy Vol 2 | 2003 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Card Flair |
1998 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Card Magic USA |
2010 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Card School |
1995 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Secrets Unlocked |
2005 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Card Selection |
1993 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter & Jerry Sadowitz | Card
Zones |
2001 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Cardeceits |
2003 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Cards By All
Means |
2001 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Cards In
Principle |
1994 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Cards Insight |
2000 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter | Close-Up
To the Point |
1984 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter & Jerry Sadowitz | Contemporary Card Magic | 1984 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Covert Concepts |
1998 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Celtic Cabal |
2010 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter & Robin Robertson | Diamonds from Coal | 2004 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter | Dave Campbell Legacy | 1994 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Deck Direct |
1998 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Decknology |
Full |
Duffie, Peter & Robin Robertson | Diamonds
From Coal |
2004 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter | Double
Indemnity |
1988 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter | Duet |
1984 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter | Effortless Card Magic | 1997 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter (editor) |
England Up
Close |
2006 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
5 Times Five
Scotland |
1998 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Agenda |
1992 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter, Colombini, Robertson |
Koncepts |
2004 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter & Fred Robinson |
of Fred Robinson, The |
2009 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Method In
Effect |
1996 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter (editor) |
Mind Blasters II |
2009 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Minds |
2007 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
N.D.E. A Near Deck
Experience |
1997 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Inspirations |
2000 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Open Secrets |
1995 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Quartet |
1986 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Scotland Up
Close |
2005 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Miracles |
2005 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
Trio |
1985 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Ulterior Motifs |
1992 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Untold |
2002 |
Full |
Duffie, Peter |
Miracles |
2004 |
ToC |
Duffie, Peter |
With Cards |
2000 |
Full |
Duffy, Trevor |
the Fine Line |
2005 |
ToC |
Duncan, Bill | Tribute |
2004 |
Full |
Duncan, Bill |
Tubthumping |
2003 |
Full |
Dunhill, Ed |
Miracles in
Magic From My Friends |
1990 |
Chapters |
Dunn, Bob |
for All |
1946 |
ToC |
Dunn, Ricki | Bat
Magic |
1966 |
ToC |
Dunn, Ricki |
Stage Pickpocket, The |
2006 |
ToC |
Dunn, Tony |
My Stuff
Plus the Best Tricks I Know |
1987 |
ToC |
Dunninger, Joseph | 100 Classic
Houdini Tricks You Can Do |
1954 |
ToC |
Dunninger, Joseph |
Dunninger's Book of
Magic |
1979 |
ToC |
Dunninger, Joseph |
Complete Encyclopedia of Magic |
1967 |
ToC |
Dunninger, Joseph |
How to Make
a Ghost Walk |
1936 |
ToC |
Dunninger, Joseph |
Inside the
Medium's Cabinet |
1935 |
Chapters |
Dunninger, Joseph |
to Magic |
1974 |
ToC |
Dunninger, Joseph & Joseph H. Kraus | Popular
Magic Vol I |
1926 |
ToC |
Dunninger, Joseph |
Magic Vol II |
1929 |
ToC |
Dunninger, Joseph & Joseph H. Kraus |
Magic and Card Tricks Vol III |
1929 |
ToC |
Dunninger, Joseph |
What's On Your
Mind? |
1944 |
ToC |
Durham, Geoffrey |
Durham Professional Secrets |
2008 |
ToC |
Dusenbery, H. Syril |
Magic Pay |
1923 |
ToC |
Dusheck, Steve & James. M. Klein |
Dusheck's Card
Magic |
1992 |
Full |
Dusheck, Steve& James. M. Klein | Dusheck's
Close-Up Magic |
1994 |
Full |
Dusheck, Steve& James. M. Klein | Dusheck's Coin
Magic |
1992 |
Full |
Dusheck, Steve& James. M. Klein | Dusheck's
Mental Magic |
1993 |
ToC |
Dusheck, Steve& James. M. Klein | Dushek's Thumb
Tip Magic |
1991 |
Full |
Dusheck, Steve |
Lecture No. 1 |
1980 |
Full |
Dutscher, Willis (Dr. X) |
On The
Other Side of the Footlights |
1922 |
ToC |
Dutt, A.K. |
and Flower Magic |
1995 |
Full |
Duval Ade |
Rhapsody in Silk |
1962 |
ToC |
Duvivier, Dominique |
The |
Full |
Duvivier, Dominique | Lecture Notes
'99 American Tour |
1999 |
ToC |
Duzer, Eric Van |
Basic Secrets of Illusion Design, The |
2005 |
ToC |
Dwinells, Matthew |
Your Family Show One Step Further! |
ToC |
Dyke, Van |
Fun With Balloons |
1959 |
ToC |
Dyke, Van |
More Fun With
Balloons |
1986 |
ToC |
Dyment, Doug |
Thoughts |
2021 |
ToC |
Dyment, Doug |
Mindsights |
2002 |
ToC |
Dyment, Doug |
Stimulacra |
2008 |
ToC |
Dyment, Doug |
Tricyclic |
2010 |
ToC |
Dyne, Ken |
Bairn |
2014 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Eanes, Greg |
and Other Visual Paradoxes |
2004c |
ToC |
Earl, Benjamin |
F For Fiction |
2015 |
Full |
Earl, Benjamin |
Inside Out |
2021 |
Full |
Earl, Benjamin |
Less Is More |
2017 |
ToC |
Earl, Benjamin |
Shift Volume 1, The |
2019 |
Full |
Earl, Benjamin | Shift Volume 2, The |
2019 |
Full |
Earl, Benjamin | Shift Volume 3, The |
2020 |
Full |
Earle, Lee | Lee
Earle 1-2-3 Trilogy |
2002 |
Full |
Earle, Lee |
Melange a Trois |
1992 |
Full |
Earle, Lee |
Mentalism In New Directions |
2003 |
Full |
Earle, Lee | On Second Thought |
1989 |
ToC |
Earle, Lee |
Pieces of My Mind |
1995 |
ToC |
Earle, Lee |
Syzygy, The Journal of Contemporary
Mentalism, the First Five Volumes |
2003 |
ToC |
Earle, Lee |
Syzygy's Best |
1995 |
ToC |
Earle, Lee |
Syzygy's Best
Volume 3 |
1997 |
Full |
Easley, Bert and Eric P.
Wilson |
Magic for Youngsters |
1948 |
ToC |
Eason, Doc |
A Shot in the Act |
1994 |
Full |
Eason, Doc | Notes From a
Working Repertoire |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. | Choice Magic | 1933 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. |
Magic (later edition) |
1933 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. | Enthusiastic
Magic |
1935 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. | Expert
Manipulative Magic |
1933 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. & David Lustig |
the Mirror With Ventriloquial Section |
1939 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. | Inspired
Magical Effects |
1934 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. |
Brent's Exclusive Card Mysteries |
1934 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. |
Magic For You |
1934 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. |
Magic |
1934c |
Partial |
Eastman, Charles C. |
Manipulative Magic |
1929 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. | Odds
and Ends |
1975 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. |
Subtle Card
Sleights |
1932 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. |
a Look |
1939 |
ToC |
Eastman, Charles C. |
All |
1932 |
Full |
Eastman, Charles C. |
Winner's All and Take a
Look! |
1939c |
ToC |
Eaton, Jeff |
Rodney |
1978 |
Full |
Eaton, Michael |
Thoughts |
2002 |
Full |
Eckl, Ed |
Gardyloo |
1977 |
Full |
Ecklund, Bob |
Perception |
1958c |
Full |
Edmonds, Gregory |
Rules of Thumb |
2001 |
ToC |
Edmonds, I.G. |
Magic Makers, The |
1976 |
Chapters |
Edmonds, I.G. |
Man, The; The Life of Robert-Houdin |
1972 |
Chapters |
Edmundson, Gerald |
Jocomo's Best
Kept Secrets of Card Magic |
1992 |
ToC |
Edmundson, Gerald |
Ostrich Factor: A
Practice Guide for Magicians |
2004 |
ToC |
Educational Insights |
Magic Show
25 Tricks |
2006 |
ToC |
Educational Insights | Magic Show
75 Tricks |
2006 |
ToC |
Edward, Mark |
Plots |
1997 |
Partial |
Edward, Mark |
Top Ten
Mentalism With Cards |
2004 |
ToC |
Edwards, Doug |
Brass Knuckles -
Hard Hitting Magic |
2006 |
Full |
Edwards, Doug |
Cardmania |
1978 |
ToC |
Edwards, Doug |
Edwards Lecture, The |
2003 |
ToC |
Edwards, Doug |
Nukes |
2013 |
ToC |
Edwards, Syd & Eve |
Box Lecture Notes, The |
1980c |
ToC |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Easy-to-Learn Magical Illusions, Amazing Puzzles &
Stunning Stunts |
2007 |
ToC |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Cool Magic Tricks With Cards |
2013 |
Full |
Einhorn, Nicholas | Alakazam!
Sensational Magic Tricks With Silk, Thimbles, Paper, and
Money |
2013 |
Full |
Einhorn, Nicholas | Art of
Magic and Sleight of Hand; Practical Encyclopedia of Magic |
2002 |
Full |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Card Magic |
2003 |
Full |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
How to Learn 101
Magic Tricks |
Full |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Puzzle of the Missing Dollar Bill |
2010 |
ToC |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Encyclopedia of Magic, The |
2002 |
Full |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Jaw-Dropping Magic With Dinner Table Objects |
2013 |
Full |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Scale Magic, Party Tricks and Optical Illusions |
2009 |
ToC |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Stand Up
Magic and Optical Illusions |
2011 |
ToC |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Stunts, Stand-up Magic and Stage Illusions |
2008 |
ToC |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Puzzles and Stage Illusions |
2011 |
ToC |
Einhorn, Nicholas |
Compendium of Magic Tricks, The |
2009 |
ToC |
Eldin, Peter |
Amaze and Amuse
Your Friends |
1973 |
Chapters |
Eldin, Peter |
Crazy Magic |
1989 |
Full |
Eldin, Peter |
FunFax Magic
Card Tricks |
1994 |
Full |
Eldin, Peter |
FunFax Magic
Illusions |
1994 |
Full |
Eldin, Peter |
FunFax Magic Tricks |
1994 |
Full |
Eldin, Peter |
Giant Book of
Tricks and Puzzles |
1987 |
Partial |
Eldin, Peter |
Presto! |
1980 |
Chapters |
Eldin, Peter |
Make Magic |
1981 |
Chapters |
Eldin, Peter |
Magic, Presenting the
World's Greatest Magicians, Tricks, Illusions |
1997 |
ToC |
Eldin, Peter |
Excellent Book of How to Be a Magician |
1996 |
Full |
Eldin, Peter |
Excellent Book of How to do Card Tricks, The |
1996 |
Full |
Eldin, Peter |
Pocket Book of
Magic; The Magic Handbook |
1985 |
Full |
Eldin, Peter |
Copper, Brass Routines |
1985 |
Full |
Eldin, Peter |
Handbook |
1976 |
Full |
Eldridge, David |
Gems |
2007 |
ToC |
Elias, Neal |
the Table Tricks |
1946 |
Full |
Elias, Neal |
Notes |
2000 |
ToC |
Elias, Neal |
Card Controls |
2001 |
ToC |
Elliott, Bruce |
Best in Magic, or
Magic 100 New Tricks |
1956 |
ToC |
Elliott, Bruce | Classic Secrets of Magic | 1953 |
Full |
Elliott, Bruce | Magic as a Hobby | 1958 |
Full |
Elliott, Bruce |
Magic Made Easy |
1959 |
Full |
Ellis, Tim | 24 Years
of Working Next Door To Ellis |
2010 |
Full |
Ellis, Tim |
In Wonderland |
2010 |
Full |
Ellis, Robert |
Vishnu, the Perfect
Rope Miracle |
1942 |
Full |
Elmsley, Alex |
Alex Is At It
Again |
1997 |
ToC |
Elmsley, Alex |
Cunning a Lecture Demonstration |
1959 |
ToC |
Elmsley, Alex |
Magic |
2000 |
ToC |
Elray |
Behind the Scenes
With the Night Club Magician |
1937 |
ToC |
Elsdon, Mark | Eye-Popping
Magic |
1998 |
ToC |
Elsdon, Mark |
Magic |
2000 |
ToC |
Elsdon, Mark | Half a Dozen of the Other | Full |
Elsdon, Mark |
Reveals |
2010 |
ToC |
Elsdon, Mark |
Mad |
1995 |
ToC |
Elsdon, Mark | Rubik
Notes |
2009 |
ToC |
Elsdon, Mark | Six of
One |
2006 |
ToC |
Elsdon, Mark | Thinks
Things |
1994 |
ToC |
Emerson, Arthur J., Jr. |
Emerson's S'Witch Craft |
1983 |
Full |
Emerson, Arthur J., Jr. |
Imports |
1983 |
ToC |
Emerson, Arthur J., Jr. | Fifth Evening At the
Magic Circle, The |
1990c |
Full |
Emerson, Arthur J., Jr. | Second Evening
at the Magic Circle, The |
1990c |
Full |
Emerson, Arthur J., Jr. | Sixth Evening At the
Magic Circle, The |
1990c |
ToC |
Emerson, Arthur J., Jr. | Third Evening at the
Magic Circle, The |
1990c |
ToC |
Endlich, Dr. William M. |
Practical Liquid and Chemical Effects |
1931 |
ToC |
Enfield, William |
Amusements in Philosophy and Mathematics |
1821 |
ToC |
England, Don |
Magic Lecture |
1979 |
ToC |
England, Don | 1989
Magic Lecture |
1989 |
ToC |
Engstrom, A.B. |
Magician Unmasked |
1836 |
Full |
Enochs, E. Lloyd | Master Manipulation of Thimbles | 1931 |
Full |
Enochs, E. Loyd |
Lighted Cigarettes |
1936 |
ToC |
Erdnase, S.W. | Expert at the Card Table, The | 1902 |
Full |
Erens, Oliver |
for Pasteboard |
2000 |
ToC |
Ernst, Bernard & Hereward Carrington |
Houdini and
Conan Doyle |
1932 |
ToC |
Ernst, John |
Escape King, the
Story of Houdini |
1975 |
ToC |
Ervin, E.G. |
Deceptions |
1947 |
Full |
Etcheverry, Jesus & Arturo Ascanio |
Magic of
Ascanio More Studies of Card Magic |
2005 |
ToC |
Etcheverry, Jesus & Arturo Ascanio | Magic of
Ascanio The Structural Conception of Magic |
2005 |
Full |
Etcheverry, Jesus & Arturo Ascanio |
of Ascanio Studies of Card Magic |
2006 |
ToC |
Evans, Cheryl & Ian Keable-Elliott |
Complete Book of Magic, The |
1989 |
ToC |
Evans, Henry |
More Than an Illusion |
2000c |
Full |
Evans, Henry Ridgely |
Master of Modern Magic |
1932 |
Chapters |
Evans, Henry Ridgely | Adventures In Magic |
1927 |
Chapters |
Evans, Henry Ridgely | History of Conjuring and Magic |
1928 |
Chapters |
Evans, Henry Ridgely | Hours With the Ghosts |
1897 |
ToC |
Evans, Henry Ridgely |
Magic and Its Professors |
1902 |
Full |
Evans, Henry Ridgely | Old & The New Magic, The |
1906 |
ToC |
Evans, Henry Ridgely | Some
Rare Old Books on Conjuring and Magic |
1943 |
Full |
Evans, Henry Ridgely |
Spirit World Unmaksed, The |
1897 |
ToC |
Evans, Jay Lloyd |
Other Side of the
Coin, The |
1988 |
Full |
Evans, Joey & Alexandra |
Objects, Extraordinary Comedy Magic |
ToC |
Evans, Shawn |
Build Your Own
Psychic Calculator |
2012 |
ToC |
Evans, Shawn |
Card Through
Window |
2011 |
ToC |
Evans, Shawn | Deceptions
that Dare to Dazzle & Delight |
2012 |
ToC |
Evans, Shawn |
Geeking Gallium
Gaffs & Gimmicks |
2013 |
ToC |
Evans, Shawn |
How to Hack
Handcuffs Like Houdini |
2013 |
ToC |
Evans, Shawn |
Houdini Handcuff Hacks |
2018 |
ToC |
Evans, Shawn |
Safe Cracking By the Numbers |
2022 |
Chapters |
Evans, Shawn |
Mimic Money Methods |
2012 |
ToC |
Evans, Shawn |
Prestige Pen
Projects |
2012 |
ToC |
Evans, Shawn |
Real World
Card Control Magic - The Locators |
2010 |
ToC |
Evans, Shawn |
Card Delivery System, The (Mene-Tekel) |
Chapters |
Evans, Shawn | Techno-Tactile
Card Marking Techniques for Cardicians |
2016 |
Chapters |
Evans, Val |
Gags, and Bits of Business for Magicians |
1935 |
ToC |
Evans, Val |
Stacks and Stacks
of Cards |
1941 |
ToC |
Ewing, Thomas |
and Cornfields |
1999 |
ToC |
Ezell, Jeff |
Jeff Ezell's
Close-Up & Parlor Magic Lecture Notes |
2002 |
Full |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Fabian |
Cups & Balls Routine |
1946 |
Full |
Fabian |
Linking Rings Routine |
1947 |
Full |
Fabian |
TNT Twelve New
Tricks |
1946 |
Full |
Fabjance, John | 101
Professional Card Tricks - Card Tricks With Trick Cards |
1986 |
ToC |
Fabjance, John |
What You
Need To Know About the Svengali Deck |
1971 |
Full |
Fajuri, Gabe | Cups & Balls: A Treatise on the World's Oldest Deception | 2003 |
Full |
Fajuri, Gabe |
Encyclopedia of Magic & Conjuring |
2008 |
Chapters |
Fajuri, Gabe |
Slush! |
2001 |
ToC |
Fajuri, Gabe |
Sponge Ball
Magic |
2001 |
ToC |
Falkenstein, Glenn & Frances Willard |
Step Mentalism Lecture Notes |
1995 |
ToC |
Falkner, Bob |
Magic! A
Communications Tool Vol 1 |
1974 |
ToC |
Fallon, Pat |
Old Ideas, New
Twists Lecture One |
1995 |
ToC |
Faltersack, Fred |
A Riot of
Laughs |
1969 |
Full |
Fantasio | Lecture Notes |
ToC |
Fantasio |
Magic With Canes
& Candles |
1970c |
ToC |
Fantasio | My Canes and Candles | 2000 |
ToC |
Fare, Jean |
Card Tricks,
French Style |
1977 |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor |
Magic |
1933 |
Full |
Farelli, Victor |
Coin Magic |
1946 |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor | Farelli's
Controlled Coincidence |
1931 |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor | Farelli's
Master Speller |
1930 |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor (Editor) |
Four Little
Beans by John Ramsay |
1952 |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor |
Ramsay's Cylinder and Coins |
1948 |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor |
Ramsay's Routine With Cups and Balls |
1948 |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor | John
Ramsay's Triple Restoration |
1949 |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor |
Lend Me Your
Pack |
1935 |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor |
Leipzig's Card Stab |
1952 |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor | Odin
Rings, The |
1940 |
ToC |
Farina, Joe |
Lecture Notes From
the Magic Touch |
ToC |
Farelli, Victor |
Thanks to
Leipzig! |
1948 |
ToC |
Farmer, Bob |
Bammo Ten
Card Deal Dossier, The |
2015 |
ToC |
Farmer, Bob |
Beat'em Cheat'em
Leave'em Bleedin' |
1994 |
ToC |
Farmer, Bob |
Cyclops |
1998 |
ToC |
Farmer, Bob |
Deja Voodoo |
1989 |
ToC |
Farmer, Bob |
Headhunter |
1990 |
ToC |
Farmer, Bob |
Tsunami |
1987 |
ToC |
Fay |
Fay's Latest
Mystifying Tricks |
1930c |
ToC |
Fayne, Chuck |
Bald-Faced Liar, Lecture 85.2 |
1985 |
ToC |
Fayne, Chuck |
Old, Something New |
1999 |
ToC |
Fearson, Steve |
Pack |
2003 |
Full |
Fearson, Steve | Presents Lecture Notes #2 | 1992 |
Full |
Fedko, John |
Best of
John Fedko, The |
Full |
Fedko, John | Best of
John Fedko, NR 2 |
ToC |
Fedko, John |
Magic Close Up Number Two |
Partial |
Fedko, John |
Children's Magic
Stage Number Two |
Partial |
Fedko, John |
Joe Cossari
Card Act |
1978 |
ToC |
Fedko, John | Magic Classics |
1975 |
Full |
Fedko, John |
Magic Classics II |
1977 |
Full |
Fedko, John |
Magic Classics
1979c |
ToC |
Fedko, John |
Magic Classics VI |
ToC |
Fedko, John |
Magic Classics
Partial |
Fedko, John |
Magic Classics
X |
1985c |
Partial |
Fedko, John & Nick Merlo |
Magic of
John Fedko, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Fedko, John | Magic Treasures | 1996 |
Full |
Feinman, Jeffrey |
Catalogue of
Magic, The |
1979 |
ToC |
Felder, Ralph |
Miracles |
2017 |
ToC |
Felsman, Arthur | Thirty-Seven Effective After Dinner Tricks | 1920 |
Full |
Felsman, Arthur | Thirty-Two Impromptu Card Tricks | 1930c |
Full |
Fenik |
Code, The |
2019 |
ToC |
Fern, Will |
Bring It |
2012 |
ToC |
Ferrell, Tom & Lee Eisenberg |
Sneaky Feats |
1975 |
Full |
Ferrentino, John | Comedy Clubs for Magicians | 1984 |
Full |
Ferrentino, John & Joe Silkie |
Stuff Ltd Lecture Notes |
1994 |
Full |
Ferris, Ron |
Animations and Aces |
1973 |
Full |
Ferris, Ron |
Ferris Wheels and
Deals |
1980 |
ToC |
Fetsch, Hen | Chinatown Quarter Magic | 1955 |
Full |
Fetsch, Hen |
Five O' Fetsch |
1956 |
ToC |
Fetsch, Hen |
Magic With Canes |
1960 |
ToC |
Fetsch, Hen |
Pitcher Magic |
1946 |
ToC |
Fetsch, Hen | Miniature
Card Magic |
1943 |
Full |
Fiedler, Lubor | Brain Twisters | 1980 |
ToC |
Fields, Keith |
An Alien With
Extraordinary Ability! |
2009 |
ToC |
Fields, Keith |
If Ever a Wiz There
Was |
2012 |
ToC |
Fields, Keith |
If Ever a Wiz
There Was 2 |
2016 |
Full |
Fields, Keith |
Tricks |
1995 |
ToC |
Fields, Sean |
Content |
2007 |
ToC |
Fife, Bruce |
Birthday Party
Business |
1998 |
ToC |
Findlay, James B. |
Collectors' Annual |
1952 |
ToC |
Findlay, James B. |
How's Your
Library? |
1958 |
Full |
Findlay, James B. |
Collectors' Annual |
1954 |
ToC |
Findlay, James B. |
Tenth Collectors'
Annual |
1994 |
ToC |
Finley, Jerome |
Thought Dial |
2008c |
Chapters |
Finley, Stu |
Hot Stuff |
1982 |
Partial |
Finnell, Gene |
Free Cut
Principle |
1967 |
ToC |
Finnell, Gene & Karl Fulves (editor) |
Finnell's Card Magic |
1973 |
ToC |
Firman, Pete |
Tricks to Freak
Out Your Friends |
2006 |
ToC |
Fischer, Ottokar |
Magic |
1931 |
ToC |
Fiscus, Dave |
Birthday Magician's
Handbook |
1980 |
ToC |
Fisher, Aaron |
2003 |
2003 |
ToC |
Fisher, Aaron |
The |
2010 |
ToC |
Fisher, Aaron |
Studio Sessions |
1997 |
Full |
Fisher, Aaron | Paper Engine, The | 2002 |
Full |
Fisher, Aaron | Sleight Album, The | 1995 |
ToC |
Fisher, Cody |
Reading |
2001 |
Partial |
Fisher, Cody |
Secret Magic |
2003 |
ToC |
Fisher, John |
Magic |
1979 |
ToC |
Fisher, John |
Fisher's Magic Book |
1971 |
ToC |
Fisher, John |
Magic of
Lewis Carroll, The |
1973 |
ToC |
Fisher, John | Never Give a Sucker an Even Break | 1976 |
Full |
Fisher, John | Paul Daniels and the Story of Magic | 1987 |
ToC |
Fisher, John |
Tommy Cooper
Always Leave them Laughing |
2006 |
Chapters |
Fisher, John |
Tommy Cooper's
Mirth, Magic & Mischief |
2010 |
ToC |
Fisher, Rick & Cheryl | Three Magic Words, The | 1994 |
ToC |
Fisher, Rick & Cheryl |
Three Magic
Words: Just Say No! |
1995 |
ToC |
Fisher, Rick & Cheryl | 3 Magic Words - Just Say No! Volume II | 1994 |
ToC |
Fitch, Bob |
Hidden Secrets |
2002 |
ToC |
Fitch, Bob |
My Secrets |
2002 |
ToC |
Fitikides, Pieras |
Crystal Card |
2007 |
Full |
Fitzgerald, Tom |
Snappy Magic As You
Like It |
1944 |
ToC |
Fitzkee, Dariel | Card
Expert Entertains, The |
1948 |
ToC |
Fitzkee, Dariel | Contact Mind Reading - Expanded | 1935 |
ToC |
Fitzkee, Dariel |
Cut and
Restored Rope Manipulation |
1929 |
Full |
Fitzkee, Dariel | Jumbo Card Manipulation | 1929 |
ToC |
Fitzkee, Dariel | Linking Ring Manipulation | 1930 |
ToC |
Fitzkee, Dariel |
Magic By
Misdirection |
1945 |
ToC |
Fitzkee, Dariel | Misdirection for Magicians | 1935 |
ToC |
Fitzkee, Dariel | Rings In Your Fingers | 1946 |
Full |
Fitzkee, Dariel | Rope Eternal, or The Only Six Ways to Restore A Rope | 1944 |
Full |
Fitzkee, Dariel |
Showmanship for
Magicians |
1943 |
ToC |
Fitzkee, Dariel | Strange Inventions of Dr. Ervin, The | 1937 |
ToC |
Fitzkee, Dariel |
Trick Brain, The |
1944 |
ToC |
Fitzsimons, Raymund |
Death and
the Magician - The Mystery of Houdini |
1981 |
Chapters |
Fixen, Laura | True Secret of Mindreading, The | 1912 |
ToC |
Fleischer, Adam | Jeff McBride's Changing the Face of Magic | 1984 |
ToC |
Fleisher, Adam (Editor) |
Hedonists Brainstorm In the Bahamas, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Fleischman, Sid |
Cocktails, With a Packet of Matches |
1939 |
ToC |
Fleischman, Sid & Bob
Gunther |
Blue Bug, The |
1947 |
ToC |
Fleischman, Sid |
Handbook, The |
1993 |
ToC |
Fleischman, Sid |
Escape! The Story of
the Great Houdini |
2006 |
Chapters |
Fleischman, Sid | Mr.
Mysterious's Secrets of Magic |
1975 |
ToC |
Fleischman, Sid & Bob Gunther |
Top Secrets |
1947 |
ToC |
Fleming, Paul |
Fleming Book Reivews Volume I |
1944 |
ToC |
Fleming, Paul | Paul Fleming Book Reviews Volume II, The | 1946 |
ToC |
Fleming, Paul |
Paul Fleming
Book Reviews Volume III, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Fleshman, Dan |
Close Up with Dan
Fleshman |
Full |
Fleshman, Dan |
Up With Dan Fleshman Lecture No. Two |
1985c |
Full |
Fleshman, Dan |
Coin Miracles |
1991 |
ToC |
Fleshman, Dan | Encounters of the Close-Up Kind | 1995 |
ToC |
Fleshman, Dan |
Lecture Tour
2004 |
2004 |
ToC |
Fleshman, Dan | Lecture Tour 2005 | 2005 |
ToC |
Fleshman, Dan |
Tour 2007 |
2007 |
Full |
Fleshman, Dan | Puzzling
Pasteboards |
ToC |
Fleshman, Dan | Very Best, Yet!, The | 1990 |
Full |
Fleshman, Dan |
In Restaurants for Fun & Profit |
1993 |
Full |
Flom, Scott M. |
Fun With
Magic & Ventiloquism |
ToC |
Flom, Scott M. | More
Creative Magic and Vent Ideas for You |
ToC |
Flom, Scott M. | Still
More Creative Magic & Vent Ideas for You |
ToC |
Flosso, Al |
Our Mysteries | 1941 |
Full |
Flosso, Jackie |
Close Up Magic of the Masters | 1985 |
Full |
Fogel, Maurice |
Fogel's Top
Secrets No. 1 The Gambling Ghost |
1961 |
ToC |
Fogel, Maurice |
Fogel Gives Himself Away |
1978 |
ToC |
Ford, Jim |
101 Best Stunts |
1933 |
Full |
Ford, Leonard A |
Chemical Magic |
1959 |
ToC |
Forman, Al |
Handbook of
Telephone Telepathy |
1963 |
ToC |
Forrest, Albert |
Eighth Wonder, The |
1940c |
ToC |
Forrest, David |
Fandango Part 1 |
2007 |
Full |
Forrest, David |
Fandango Part 2 |
2008 |
Full |
Forrest, David |
Inside the Head of
Donny Orbit |
2007 |
Full |
Forrest, David | Quickfire | 2005 |
Full |
Forrest, David | Ripped & Repaired | 2004 |
Full |
Forrest, Stephen |
Art of
Street Magic, The |
1989 |
ToC |
Forton, Piet |
Forton Lecture Notes |
Full |
Fortune, Jay |
Magic the Interviews Session One |
2006 |
ToC |
Forzetting, Milan | Paragons & Paradoxes | 1995 |
ToC |
Foster, Neil (Editor) |
TOPS 1962
Trick Annual |
1962 |
ToC |
Foster, Neil (Editor) |
TOPS 1963 Trick Annual |
1963 |
ToC |
Foster, Neil (Editor) | TOPS
Treasury of Cigarette Magic |
1965 |
Full |
Foster, Neil (Editor) |
TOPS Treasury
of Dove Magic |
1965 |
Full |
Foster, Neil (Editor) | TOPS
Treasury of Illusions |
1965 |
ToC |
Fox, Karrell |
AbraKFox |
1983 |
ToC |
Fox, Karrell |
Another Book |
1979 |
ToC |
Fox, Karrell |
Clever Like a
Fox |
1976 |
ToC |
Fox, Karrell |
A La Card |
1960 |
ToC |
Fox, Karrell |
Final Edition |
1960c |
Full |
Fox, Karrell |
For My Next
Trick |
1986 |
ToC |
Fox, Karrell |
Features |
1990 |
Partial |
Fox Karrell | Foxy Foolers | 1986 |
ToC |
Fox Karrell | Goodies | 1991 |
ToC |
Fox, Karrell |
Fox Lecture Notes |
1980s |
ToC |
Fox Karrell | Kornfidentially Yours | 1953 |
ToC |
Fox, Karrell |
As a Hobby |
1947 |
Full |
Fox Karrell | Much Ado About Something! | 1995 |
ToC |
Fox, Karrell | My
Latest Book |
1988 |
ToC |
Fox, Karrell |
"New" Lecture
Notes |
1978 |
Partial |
Fox, Karrell |
New Trix for '86
Lecture Notes |
1986 |
Full |
Fox, Karrell |
Magic Lecture Notes |
1991 |
Full |
Fox, Wayne |
ChatterFox |
Partial |
Foxwell, Philip |
Magician Philip Foxwell |
1989 |
ToC |
Foy, Msgr. Vincent |
A Cut
Above |
2011 |
ToC |
Frailich, Ariel | Card Stories | 1996 |
Full |
Frailich, Ariel |
Sub Rosa |
2019 |
ToC |
Frame, Lawrence |
Close Up
Framework |
1986 |
ToC |
Frame, Tom |
Operations |
1997 |
ToC |
Frame, Tom |
Framed! |
1991 |
ToC |
Frame, Tom |
Framework |
2015 |
ToC |
Frame, Tom |
Magic |
2011 |
ToC |
Frame, Tom |
Hypercard Project |
2006 |
ToC |
Frame, Tom |
Scary Hotels |
1995 |
ToC |
Frame, Tom |
Ministrations |
2006 |
ToC |
Francis, Cameron |
Aberrations |
2011 |
ToC |
Francis, Cameron | Headroom | 2011c |
ToC |
Francis, Cameron |
About Anywhere |
2013 |
ToC |
Francis, Douglas | Right Under Your Nose | 1947 |
ToC |
Francis, Douglas |
Choice |
1953 |
ToC |
Franco, Dick |
Three Club
Juggling |
1987 |
ToC |
Frank, Gary | Classic Color Changing Knives and Paddle Routines | 1993 |
Full |
Franke, Harry G. |
Magic No. Two |
1987 |
ToC |
Franke, Harry G. |
Round Table Lecture, The |
1980 |
ToC |
Franklin, Eric |
Kamut - The Art of
Making Pictures in String |
1946 |
ToC |
Fraps, Thomas, et. al. (Flicking Fingers) | 7 Close-Up |
ToC |
Fraps, Thomas, et. al. (Flicking Fingers) |
Book or Don't Forget
to Point!, The |
1998 |
Full |
Frederick, Charles | Book of Magic, The | 1994 |
Chapters |
Frederick, Guy |
Best Magic Tricks |
1956 |
ToC |
Freed, Lee | Freed At Last | 1991 |
ToC |
Freed, Lee | Second Time Around | 1991 |
ToC |
French, Edwin & Chas. Eastman (ed) |
Manipulative Magic With Additions |
1930 |
Full |
French, Edwin |
French's Mysteries |
1931 |
ToC |
French, Edwin |
Mentalism |
1931 |
ToC |
Friebe, Dennis |
Insomnia - The Card
Notes of Dennis Friebe |
2001 |
ToC |
Friedhoffer, Bob |
How to
Haunt a House for Halloween |
1989 |
ToC |
Friedhoffer, Bob | Magic Tricks, Science Facts | 1990 |
Full |
Friedhoffer, Bob | Magic Show, The |
1994 |
Full |
Friedhoffer, Bob |
Ravings |
1998 |
ToC |
Friedman, Jonathan |
80's Called They
Want Their Magic Book Back, The |
2015 |
Full |
Friedman, Jonathan |
Magic of
Jonathan Friedman, The Musical |
2018 |
ToC |
Fromer, Roy | Cups: A Manual of
Cups & Balls Magic, The |
1972 |
Full |
Fromer, Roy |
Floating Ball
Magic |
1972 |
ToC |
Frost, Ron |
Lecture Notes |
1996 |
ToC |
Frost, Ron |
To the Point |
1983 |
ToC |
Frost, Ron |
Tricks From the Wax
Museum |
1980 |
Full |
Frost, Thomas |
Lives of the
Conjurors, The |
1876 |
ToC |
Frost-Sharrat, Cara |
101 Clever Card
Tricks |
2006 |
ToC |
Fujiyama, Shintaro |
Notes |
1980c |
ToC |
Fullman, Joe |
Big Book of Magic Tricks; Great Big Book of Magic Tricks |
2008 |
Full |
Fullman, Joe |
Magic Handbook -
Card Tricks |
2008 |
Full |
Fullman, Joe |
Magic Handbook -
Coin and Rope Tricks |
2008 |
Full |
Fullman, Joe |
Magic Handbook - Mind
Tricks |
2008 |
Full |
Fullman, Joe |
Magic Handbook -
Sleight of Hand |
2008 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl | 28
Card Tricks |
1991 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl & Bob Ostin |
Ostin's New Submarine Card |
1983 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Book of Numbers, The | 1971 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Cards #1
Four-Card Brainwave |
1978 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Cards #2 51 Faces
North |
1978 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Cards #3
Interlock |
1980 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Cards
#4 Side Steal |
1981 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Cards #5
The Multiple Shift |
1989 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Counting |
1982 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Card Under Glass |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Card Tricks |
1992 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Charles T.
Jordan Collected Tricks |
1975 |
Chapters |
Fulves, Karl |
Magic Kit |
1980 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Chris
Capehart's 3 Ring Routine |
1981 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Chronicles, The
(full compilation) |
1997 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl | Chronicles
No. 8, The |
1979 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl |
No. 13, The |
1979 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl | Clockwork | 2005 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Close
Up Folio No. 12 Rope Magic |
1979 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl |
Mental Magic |
1974 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Norton's Omega Wallet |
1980c |
Full |
Fulves, Karl |
Color Quik |
1980 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Combo | 1998 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Combo II | 2005 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Handkerchief Magic |
1987 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Contemporary
Handkerchief Magic Part Two |
1987 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Crooked Tales |
1994 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Cryptology |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Curioser |
1980 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Deceptive Practices | 1992 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Easy Magic |
1995 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Easy to Do Card
Tricks for Children |
1989 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl |
Easy to Do
Magic Tricks for Children |
1993 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Stanyon's Best Card Tricks |
1999 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Epilogue | 1993 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Faro
Possibilities |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Card Tricks for the Amateur Magician |
2009 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
FourCast |
1981 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Four Color
Problems |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Third Lesson |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Hex Squared | 2001 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Impromptu
Holdouts |
1977 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Inner
Sanctum |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Jack
In the Box |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Kaleidoscope |
1989 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Magic Book The; or Big Book of Magic Tricks | 1977 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl |
Magic of
Slydini...And More (Best of Slydini) |
1976 |
Chapters |
Fulves, Karl | Magical
World of Slydini |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Methods With Cards (Part One) | 1975 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Methods With Cards (Part Two) | 1975 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Methods With Cards (Part Three) | 1975 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Mexican Monte and
Other Tricks |
1972 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Millennium
Aces |
1981 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Money
Moves |
1989 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
More Self
Working Card Tricks |
1984 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
My Best
Self Working Card Tricks |
2001 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | New Card Rises | 1996 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Self-Working Card Tricks |
2001 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Test, The |
1998 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Nyria
Effect, The |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Octet |
1981 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Origins |
1981 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Packet
Switches Part Three |
1977 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Packet
Switches Part Four |
1977 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Packet
Switches Part Five |
1977 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Parallel
Lines |
1980 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Prolix
Issues 1-6 |
2008 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Prototype |
1989 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Puzzle Kit |
1982 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Quick
Card Tricks |
1989 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Shuffle Controls Part Two - Blocking Off |
1996 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Riffle
Shuffle Technique |
1971 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Robert Neale's
Trapdoor Card |
1983 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl; Sam Schwartz |
Sam Schwartz
Day for Any Date |
1997 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Self-Working Card Tricks | 1976 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl |
Magic |
1995 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Self-Working Coin Magic | 1989 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl |
Handkerchief Magic |
1988 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Magic |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Magic |
1983 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Self-Working Paper Magic | 1985 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl |
Magic |
1990 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Self-Working Table Magic | 1981 |
Full |
Fulves, Karl |
Setting Up
Exercises |
1995 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Shamrock
Code, The, & The Parallel Principle |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Shape
Changers |
1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Six Impromptu
Card Tricks |
1982 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Swindle & Cheat | 1991 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl | Teleportation Notes | 1979 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Trix |
1978 |
ToC |
Fulves, Karl |
Wireless II |
1982 |
ToC |
Furman, Frederick F. |
Deceptions |
1919 |
Partial |
Furman, Irv |
Amazing Irv's
Handbook of Everyday Magic |
2002 |
Full |
Furman, Irv |
for the Complete Klutz |
1987 |
ToC |
Furota, Masatoshi | Thoughts
of Tenkai, The |
1971 |
ToC |
Furota, Masatoshi |
of Tenkai Lecture Notes |
1988 |
ToC |
Furst, Arnold |
Magicians of the World |
1957 |
Full |
Furst, Arnold |
Great Magic
Shows |
1968 |
Full |
Furst, Arnold |
Lecture Notes No. 1 |
Full |
Furst, Arnold | Lecture Notes of Arnold Furst | ToC |
Furst, Arnold |
Notes of Shigeo Takagi |
1976c |
ToC |
Furst, Arnold |
Magic for
Monsters |
1960 |
Full |
Furst, Arnold |
Than the Bullet |
1961 |
Partial |
Futagawa, Shigeo | European
Coinmagic Symposium 2010 |
2010 |
ToC |
Futagawa, Shigeo | Introduction to Coin Magic | 1978 |
Full |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Gagnon, Tom |
Avant-Cards |
2011 |
ToC |
Gagnon, Tom |
Original |
1981 |
ToC |
Gagnon, Tom |
Unfiltered |
2019 |
ToC |
Gallo, Mike & Richard Kaufman (editor) |
Gallo lecture |
1983 |
ToC |
Galloway, Andrew |
Card Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Galloway, Andrew |
Coin Magic |
2006 |
ToC |
Galloway, Andrew |
Classics, The |
1977 |
Chapters |
Galloway, Andrew | Ramsay Finale,
The |
1982 |
Chapters |
Galloway, Andrew |
Ramsay Legend,
The |
1969 |
Full |
Galloway, Andrew |
Ramsay Legend,
The, Revised & Enlarged |
1985 |
Chapters |
Gann, Ronnie |
of Odds, The |
1964 |
Full |
Gans, Arthur D. |
Lessons in Selling Safety |
1925 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
A Magician
Explains |
1955 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
A New Look
at Card Fans |
1978 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
A New Look
At the Okito Box |
1983 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis | Annotated
Magic of Slydini, The |
2001 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis | Art of Close Up Volume 1, The | 1966 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis | Art of Close Up Volume 2, The | 1967 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
Bags of
Everything |
1956 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
Lesson on Coin Magic |
1978 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Lesson on Dice Stacking |
1979 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Card Magic By
Manipulation |
1953 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis & Aldo
Colombini |
Colombini's Cups and Balls | 1981 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis & Aldo Colombini | Colombini's
Supreme |
1978 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis | Colour Changing Pocket Knife Trick | 1999 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
Ganson Magic Teach-In Series |
2010 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Routined Manipulation |
1981 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
Connection, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis & Cy
Endfield |
Entertaining Card Magic Part One |
1955 |
ToC |
Lewis & Cy Endfield |
Cy Endfield's Entertaining Card Magic Part Two | 1956 |
ToC |
Lewis & Cy Endfield |
Entertaining Card Magic Part Three |
1958 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis & Dai Vernon |
Dai Vernon Book of Magic | 1957 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
Dai Vernon
Cups and Balls |
1978 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
Dai Vernon's
Ball, Cone and Handkerchief |
1969 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis & Dai Vernon |
Dai Vernon's Further Inner Secrets of Card Magic | 1961 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis & Dai
Vernon |
Vernon's Inner Card Trilogy |
1996 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis & Dai Vernon |
Dai Vernon's Inner Secrets of Card Magic | 1959 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis & Dai Vernon |
Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets of Card Magic | 1961 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis & Dai Vernon |
Dai Vernon's Symphony of the Rings | 1958 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis & Dai Vernon |
Dai Vernon's
Tribute to Nate Leipzig |
1963 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis & Dai Vernon |
Dai Vernon's Ultimate Card Secrets | 1967 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis & Cy
Endfield |
Card Magic of Cy Endfield, The (parts 1, 2, and 3) |
2009 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Dai Vernon |
2009 |
Books |
Ganson, Lewis | Expert Manipulation of Playing Cards | 2003 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Floating and
Dancing Cane, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis | Fooling
With Hula-Fooler |
1975 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Book, The |
1982 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
Give a
Magician Enough Rope...And He'll Do a Trick! |
1965 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Hindu Thread
Trick, The |
1980 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis | How Right You
Are, Aces in Deception |
1948 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis | Lewis
Ganson's Fan Finale |
1976 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis | Magic of
Frederica, The |
1981 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Magic of
Slydini, The |
1958 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Magic of the
Mind |
1959 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
With Faucett Ross |
1975 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis (Ed) & Dai Vernon |
Malini and His
Magic |
1962 |
Chapters |
Ganson, Lewis & Hugh Miller |
(Unique) Silk Magic |
1964c |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis & Mark
Weston |
Continuous Cigarette Production |
1977 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Matching the
Cards |
1977 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis | Mini
Slate Magic |
1973 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis | Mystery
of Magic, The |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Page's Cards to Pocket |
1981 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Magic |
1961ca |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis | Routined Manipulation (Part One) | 1950 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
Manipulation Part Two |
1950 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis | Routined Manipulation Finale | 1954 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
Rovi Reveals |
1980 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Sympathetic Silks, The | 1977 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Three Card
Monte As Entertainment, The |
1980 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Chinese Rings |
1977 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Two In the Hand
and One In the Pocket |
1979 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Magic |
1956 |
Full |
Ganson, Lewis |
Thimbles; A Fantasy in Thimbles |
1979 |
ToC |
Ganson, Lewis |
Zombie |
1977 |
ToC |
Ganthony, Robert |
Entertainments |
1895 |
Full |
Ganthony, Robert |
Ventriloquism |
1901 |
ToC |
Garavaglia, Carlos & Miguel Angel
Clavello (Greco and Michel) |
Hand or the Hold Out Magic |
2011c |
ToC |
Garcia, Daniel |
Blueprints |
2004 |
Full |
Garcia, Daniel |
Next |
2002 |
Full |
Garcia, Frank & George Schindler | Amedeo's Continental Magic | 1974 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank | Boston
Brainstormer Frank Garcia Lecture |
1958 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank |
Close Up Magic
of Frank Garcia Part I, The |
1982 |
Full |
Garcia, Frank | Close Up Magic
of Frank Garcia Part II, The |
1982 |
Full |
Garcia, Frank |
Bet on It, Real Secrets of 3 Card Monte |
1978 |
Full |
Garcia, Frank | Elegant Card Magic of Father Cyprian | 1980 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank |
of Sponge Ball Magic |
1976 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank |
Card Miracles |
1980 |
Full |
Garcia, Frank |
Card Secrets |
1980 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank | Frank
Garcia Does It Again |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank |
Frank Garcia's
Billiard Balls |
1960 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank | Frank Garcia's
Sponge Balls |
1970 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank | MacDonald's
$100 Dollar Four Ace Trick |
1972 |
Full |
Garcia, Frank |
Magic By Garcia |
1954 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank & George Schindler | Magic With Cards | 1975 |
Full |
Garcia, Frank | Marked
Cards and Loaded Dice |
1962 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank | Million
Dollar Card Secrets |
1972 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank |
Real Secrets
of the Three Ball Routines, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank |
Subtle Card Miracles |
1973 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank | Tells It
All In a Nutshell (3 Shell Game) |
1974 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank |
Very Best of
Cups and Balls |
1979 |
ToC |
Garcia, Frank |
Wild Card
Miracles |
1977 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
12 Tricks
with a Borrowed Deck |
1940 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin | A Die of
Another Color (with Karl Fulves) |
1995 |
Full |
Gardner, Martin | Aha!
Gotcha |
1975 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin | After the Dessert | 1941 |
Full |
Gardner, Martin | Cut
the Cards |
1942 |
Full |
Gardner, Martin |
of Impromptu Magic |
1978 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
Mathematical Puzzles |
1961 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
Gardner Presents |
1993 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
Match-Ic |
1935 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
Carnival |
1975 |
Chapters |
Gardner, Martin |
Circus |
1968 |
Chapters |
Gardner, Martin | Mathematical Magic Show | 1989 |
Chapters |
Gardner, Martin |
Puzzles & Diversions |
1959 |
Full |
Gardner, Martin |
and Mystery |
1956 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
Magic |
1999 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
My Best
Mathematical and Logic Puzzles |
1994 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
Over the
Coffee Cups |
1949 |
Full |
Gardner, Martin | Perplexing
Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers |
1969 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
Magic |
1997 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
Smart Science
Tricks |
2004 |
ToC |
Gardner, Martin |
Table Magic |
1998 |
Full |
Gardner, Martin |
Incredible Dr.
Matrix, The |
1976 |
ToC |
Gardner, Robert |
Through Science |
1978 |
Full |
Garenne, Henri |
Art of Modern
Conjuring, The |
1886 |
ToC |
Garin, Jean |
Magie des Canifs (in French) - color changing knives |
2001 |
ToC |
Garr, Ken |
Paradox |
ToC |
Garrett, Dan |
Connivery #1 |
1984 |
Full |
Garrett, Dan |
Connivery #2 |
1988 |
Full |
Garrett, Dan |
Dan Garrett's Top 10
Lecture Notes |
1996 |
Full |
Garrett, Dan |
Magic for Clowns That Really Entertains |
1978 |
ToC |
Garrett, Dan |
Into the Past |
2012 |
Full |
Garrett, Dan |
In the U.S.A.; Garret Does the U.K. |
1992 |
ToC |
Garrett, Dan | Last
Palindrome, The |
2002 |
Full |
Garrett, Dan |
Hospitality |
1993 |
ToC |
Garrett, Dan | Teasers and Ticklers | 1979 |
Full |
Garrett, Dan |
Top 10 Lecture Notes |
1996 |
ToC |
Garrett, Teral |
26 Living and Dead
Tests |
1942 |
ToC |
Garrett, Teral |
Volume 1 |
1951 |
ToC |
Garrett Teral | Psycho-Gizmo Volume 2 | 1960s |
ToC |
Garrett Teral | Psycho-Gizmo Volume 3 | 1960s |
ToC |
Garrett Teral | Psycho-Gizmo Volume 4 | 1965 |
ToC |
Garth, Ben | Tableside Tips | 2006 |
ToC |
Gauci, Charles |
Encore |
2007 |
ToC |
Gauci, Charles |
Lecture Notes US
Tour 2005 |
2005 |
ToC |
Gauci, Charles |
Makers |
2002 |
ToC |
Gaultier, Camille, I.L.D. |
Apparatus |
1945 |
Chapters |
Gazzo | Gazzo On the Cups and Balls | 2001 |
ToC |
Gazzo |
Cups and Balls |
2006 |
ToC |
Geary, W. (editor) |
Leeds Inner
Circle Magic - Magic For You |
1936 |
ToC |
Geddes, Alan Dee |
Card Magic of Alan
Dee Geddes |
1984 |
Full |
Geddes, Johnny |
Magic |
1959 |
Full |
Geddes, Johnny |
Gags With
Gimmicks |
1952 |
ToC |
Geddes, Johnny |
Pays to Entertain Children Lecture Notes |
Full |
Geer, Brian |
Memories a New Ed/Addition |
1992 |
ToC |
George, Harry |
George Versus Magic |
1965 |
ToC |
Gerard, Andrew |
Cents |
2008c |
Full |
Gerard, Antony |
Triangle of Treasures |
Full |
Geris, Brent Arthur James |
Best of All
Worlds |
2009 |
ToC |
Gertner, Paul |
Gertner's 1987 European Tour |
1987 |
ToC |
Gertner, Paul |
Notes |
1980 |
ToC |
Gervais, Stephen D. | Subterranian Sessions | 2006 |
ToC |
Gibbard, Doug |
Doug's Deceits |
1970s |
ToC |
Gibbons, Bob |
With Kids |
1986 |
ToC |
Gibbs, Barry |
Owl Lecture |
1982 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Advanced Magic,
Fell's Know-It-All-Guide |
2000 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter | After
Dinner Tricks |
1921 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Big Book of
Magic for All Ages |
1980 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Book of Magic,
The |
1978 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter |
of Secrets, Ancient and Modern |
1927 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter | Bunco Book, The (1946 ed) | 1946 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter | Bunco Book, The (1976 ed) | 1976 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Illustrated Book of Card Magic |
1969 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter | Complete
Illustrated Book of Close Up Magic (also Complete
Encyclopedia) |
1980 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Magazine Volume 5, The |
1949 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
of Magic and Conjuring |
1976 |
Chapters |
Gibson, Walter |
Beginner's Guide to Magic; Complete Beginner's Guide |
1978 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter | Fell's Guide to Papercraft | 1963 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter & Morris Young | Houdini
On Magic |
1953 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter | Houdini's Escapes | 1930 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Escapes and Magic Volumes 1 & 2 |
1932 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter & Morris Young |
Fabulous Magic |
1961 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Magic |
1932 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter | Hypnotism |
1970 |
Chapters |
Gibson, Walter |
Magic |
1977 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Knots and How to
Tie Them |
1993 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter | Magic Explained | 1949 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter |
Magic for
Beginners |
1978 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter |
Magic Made Easy |
1932 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Magic With
Science |
1968 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Magic |
1977 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Magicians, The |
1966 |
Chapters |
Gibson, Walter | New Magician's Manual, The | 1936 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter |
Card Tricks |
1928 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Card Tricks Volume One |
1921 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter | Professional Magic for Amateurs | 1947 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter | Secrets of
Magic |
1945 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter |
of Magic Ancient and Modern |
1967 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Master Card Mysteries |
1928 |
ToC |
Gibson, Walter |
Twenty New
Practical Card Tricks |
1925 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter |
Two Dozen
Effective Practical Card Tricks |
1927 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter |
Gibson's Big Book of Magic for All Ages |
1980 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter |
What's New In
Magic |
1956 |
Full |
Gibson, Walter |
Best Book of Magic |
1927 |
ToC |
Gilbert, Alfred C. | Chemical
Magic |
1920 |
ToC |
Gilbert, Alfred C. | Coin
Tricks for Boys |
1920 |
ToC |
Gilbert, Alfred C. | Gilbert's
Table Magic |
2016 |
ToC |
Gilbert, Alfred C. |
Handkerchief Tricks
for Boys |
1920 |
Full |
Gilbert, Alfred C. |
Knots and Splices
With Rope-Tying Tricks |
1909 |
Full |
Gilbert, Alfred C. |
Mysto Magic Book
of Instructions, Set 1 |
1938 |
Full |
Gilbert, B.L. |
Chatter Volume I |
1916 |
ToC |
Gilbert, B.L. | Patter
Chatter Number Two |
1922 |
ToC |
Gilbert, B.L. |
Patter Chatter
Volume I & II |
1971 |
ToC |
Gilbert, B.L. |
to Date Coin Act |
1916 |
ToC |
Gilbert, Charles |
Endless Mirth
and Amusement |
1874 |
ToC |
Gilbert, Ron |
of Ideas Lecture |
1989 |
ToC |
Gilbey, Gordon G. |
Elmsleys and
Doubles and Crimps...Oh My! |
ToC |
Gilbreath, Norman |
Imagination |
2014 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Unpublished |
1987 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Home the Laughs |
1976 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Children Laugh Louder |
1978 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Christmas Magic
Workbook, The |
2006 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Close-Up
A-Ginn |
1974 |
Full |
Ginn, David |
Clown Magic |
1993 |
Full |
Ginn, David |
Magic |
1969 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Comedy Card on
Back |
1974 |
Full |
Ginn, David | Comedy Cut
& Restored Neckerchief |
1974 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Linking Rings |
1974 |
Full |
Ginn, David | Comedy
Warm-Ups |
2002 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Crash Course on Kid
Shows |
2003 |
Full |
Ginn David; Samuel Patrick Smith; Steve
Taylor |
Kid Talk |
2000 |
Chapters |
Ginn, David | Fantasio's
Cane and Candle Book No. 1 |
1971 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Fantasio's
Cane and Candle Book No. 2 |
1973 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Fantasio's
Cane and Candle Book No. 3 |
2005 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Fantasio's
Cane and Candle Book No. 4 |
1984 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Cane and Candle Book No. 5 |
1982 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Feather
Flowers From Nowhere |
1981 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Kidbiz |
1982 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Kidshow List
of Lists |
1990 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Kidshow Magic
Kompendium |
2017 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Legacy |
1998 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Live Kidbiz |
1988 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Live Kidbiz 2 |
2004 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Magic
13, The |
1972 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Magic
and Monsters |
1984 |
Chapters |
Ginn, David |
That Moves Me |
1971 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Magic
Tricks In Black and White! |
2001 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Matchbox
Delights |
1977 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Unpublished |
1989 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
New Dove Magic |
1972 |
Chapters |
Ginn, David | Only 3 Ways to Book Your Show, The | 1996 |
ToC |
Ginn, David | Partly
Unpublished |
1993 |
Full |
Ginn, David | Professional
Magic for Children |
1976 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Promoting Me -
And You! |
1979 |
Partial |
Ginn David |
School Show
Presentation |
1983 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Visuals |
1970 |
ToC |
Ginn, David |
Visuals Two |
1973 |
Full |
Ginn, David | Sure-Fire
Magic |
1979 |
ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto |
Stand-Up Routines |
1987 |
ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto |
Art of
Switching Decks (The) |
2013 |
ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto | Card College 1 | 1992 |
ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto | Card College 2 | 1992 |
ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto | Card College 3 | 1998 |
ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto | Card College 4 | 2000 |
ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto |
Card College 5 |
2003 | ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto |
College Light |
2007 |
Full |
Giobbi, Roberto |
College Lighter |
2008 |
Full |
Giobbi, Roberto |
Confidences |
2012 |
ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto |
Deck Switch |
2012 |
ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto |
Homage to
Dai Vernon |
2009 |
ToC |
Giobbi, Roberto |
Agenda |
2010 |
Full |
Giobbi, Roberto |
Standup Card
Magic |
2016 |
ToC |
Givan, Joe |
Magic from the Attic |
1987 |
Full |
Givan, Joe | More Magic From the Attic | 1987 |
Full |
Gladwin, Andi; Jack Parker |
Explorations; Jack Parker's Final Legacy |
2022 |
ToC |
Gladwin, Andi |
Another Bite of the
Cherry: Cheetah's Handbook Vol2 |
2006 |
Full |
Gladwin, Andi |
Laboratories |
2014 |
ToC |
Gladwin, Andi |
Boy Who Cried
Magic, The |
2020 |
ToC |
Gladwin, Andi & Jamie Badman |
Handbook, The |
2005 |
ToC |
Gladwin, Andi |
Magic from
the Session |
2006 |
ToC |
Gladwin, Andi & Joshua Jay |
Magic From the
Session 5 2010 |
2010 |
ToC |
Gladwin, Andi |
Magic From
the Session 6 2011 |
2011 |
ToC |
Gladwin, Andi; John Campbell |
Robinson's Pure Imagination |
2018 |
ToC |
Gladwin, Andi | Sometimes It's Hard to be a Cardman | 2006 |
ToC |
Gladwin, Andi | Virtual Reality | 2001 |
Full |
Gloviczki, Peter | Magic of Peter Gloviczki: Lecture Notes 1985, The | 1985 |
Full |
Gloviczki, Peter |
First American Tour
1971, The (Lecture) |
1971 |
ToC |
Gloviczki, Peter | Peter Gloviczki Lecture Notes | Full | |
Gloviczki, Peter |
Linking Ropes, The |
Full |
Gloye, Dr. Eugene |
Tricks With Plastic Cups |
1976 |
ToC |
Gloye, Dr. Eugene |
More Fantastic
Tricks With Plastic Cups |
1980 |
Full |
Gloye, Dr. Eugene;
Jay/Frances Marshall |
Table Book, The |
1961 |
Full |
Gloye, Dr. Eugene |
Book II No Drapes! |
1981 |
ToC |
Gloye, Dr. Eugene | Theatrical Magic | 1978 |
ToC |
Golde, Roger |
Treks |
1981 |
ToC |
Goldin, Horace |
Goldin's Secrets of Magic |
1940c |
Full |
Goldin, Horace |
It's Fun to
be Fooled |
1945 |
Chapters |
Goldin, Horace |
Tricks |
1931 |
ToC |
Goldman, Bill | Magic Bar & Grill | Partial | |
Goldman, Bill | Magic Papers | 1990 |
ToC |
Goldman, Bill |
One For the
Money |
2003 |
ToC |
Goldman, Bill |
Two for the Show |
2003 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
12/12 |
2012 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Amperthand |
1986 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Apple of My
Eyes |
2011 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Appleplexy |
2006 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Trans-Atlantic Lecture |
1978 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Blackpool 1989
Lecture Notes |
1989 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Cape Cod
Lecture |
1999 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Card Tricks for People Who Don't Do Card Tricks | 1974 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
I |
2000 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Chicago II |
2000 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Chicanery |
2016 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Chicago Lecture Notes February 1992 | 1992 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Classic
Tackler |
1976 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Cycle |
1979 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Dallas In
December |
2014 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil |
Desert Seminar
Notes |
1996 |
Goldstein, Phil |
Doth |
1987 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Fifth |
1989 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
FISM Madrid
1985 |
1985 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil |
Flaunting Five
Fanciful Formulae |
2002 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil | Focus | 1990 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil |
Goldstein's Gallery | 1979 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) | Hollywood
Hyperbole |
2011 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Houston &
Reality |
2010 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Ideas by Max
(IBM) |
2011 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Isolation |
1975 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Las Vegas Lecture |
2009 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil | Major Minor | 1983 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Masque |
1980 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Notes |
2002 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Again |
2009 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) | MINDvention
Notes |
2004 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil | Mix '86 | 1986 |
ToC |
Goldstein Phil (Max Maven) |
New New York
Notes |
2012 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Next |
1981 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Notions |
1978 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil | OCMC
Notes |
2000 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil |
Phil Goldstein Convention Lecture | 1978 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Prism |
2005 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Quasimodo - A Fine
Mesh |
1981 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil |
RedivideR |
2002 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Saint Louis
Notes |
2003 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil |
'95 |
1995 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Scattershot | 1977 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
SeatteLecture |
2011 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Segreti De
Saint-Vincent |
2016 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) | September in
Seattle |
2009 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil | Shuffled Lecture | 1982 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Silentwe | 1982 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Snow |
1979 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Spectacle |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil & Stan Allen |
One |
1991 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil |
Tearable |
1979 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil (Max Maven) |
Texas Notes |
2000 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil | Thabbatical |
1994 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | Thavant | 1991 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | The Blue
Book of Mentalism |
1976 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
The Green
Book of Mentalism |
1977 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | The Red
Book of Mentalism |
1977 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | The
Violet Book of Mentalism |
1980 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil | The
Yellow Book of Mentalism |
1979 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Thequal |
1984 |
Full |
Goldstein, Phil |
Thunday |
1982 |
ToC |
Goldstein, Phil |
Verbal Control
(Equivoque) |
1976 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Magician's Swan Song |
1934 |
Full |
Goldston, Will |
Annual of Magic
1915-16 |
1916 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Card & Ball Tricks With Patter | 1916 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Magic With Patter Part One |
1919 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Easy
Magic With Patter Part Two |
1919 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Easy Road to Magic
in Seven Lessons |
1916 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Modern Tricks |
1916 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Secrets |
1912 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Secrets |
1912 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Reader |
1990 |
Chapters |
Goldston, Will | Great Magician's Tricks | 1931 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Great Tricks Revealed | 1935 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Secrets |
1911 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Latest
Conjuring |
1905 |
Chapters |
Goldston, Will | Magic for the Forces | 1918 |
Full |
Goldston, Will |
Magical Hints,
Valuable Information, etc. (book three of Tricks that
Mystify) |
1930 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Magician Annual 1907-08 | 1908 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Magician Annual 1908-09 | 1909 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Magician Annual 1909-10 | 1910 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Magician Annual 1910-11 | 1911 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Magician Annual 1911-12 | 1912 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Modern Card Tricks Without Apparatus | 1915 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Secrets |
1912 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
More Modern
Card Tricks (book one of Tricks That Mystify) |
1934 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | More
Tricks and Puzzles |
1919 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | More Tricks and Puzzles Without Mechanical Apparatus | 1930 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Paper Tricks |
1919 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Secrets of Famous Illusionists | 1933 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Secrets of
Magic |
1903 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Sensational Tales of Mystery Men | 1929 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Conjuring Tricks That Anyone Can Perform |
1913 |
Full |
Goldston, Will |
Sleights and
Tricks (Tricks that Mystify Book 2) |
1934 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Stage Illusions | 1912 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Tricks and
Illusions |
1910 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Tricks of the Masters | 1942 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Tricks That
Mystify |
1934 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Tricks You Should Know | 1930 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Who's Who in
Magic (Tricks that Mystify Book 4) |
1934 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Young
Conjurer, The |
1919 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will |
Young Conjurer
Part 2, The |
1919 |
Full |
Goldston, Will | Young Conjuror, The | 1910 |
ToC |
Goldston, Will | Young Conjuror Vol 2, The | 1912 |
Full |
Good, Arthur |
100 Amazing Magic Tricks |
1977 |
ToC |
Good, Arthur | Magical
Experiments or Science in Play |
1892 |
ToC |
Goodliffe |
Simply Wizard |
1946 |
ToC |
Goodrum, John |
Now You See
It...Magic With a New Twist |
1946 |
Full |
Goodsell, David |
A Faker's Dozen |
2010 |
ToC |
Goodsell, David & Larry White |
Oracle, The |
2009 |
Full |
Goodwin, Bill |
Lecture 1988 |
1988 |
ToC |
Goodwin, Bill & Larry Jennings |
in Smoke |
2005 |
Full |
Gordon, Brad (Scarnecky) |
Room 538 |
2010 |
Full |
Gordon, Gene |
Gene Gordon's
Magical Legacy |
1980 |
ToC |
Gordon, Gene | Gene Gordon's
Routines No. 1 |
1940 |
Full |
Gordon, Gene |
Gene Gordon's
Routines No. 2 |
1940c |
Full |
Gordon, Henry |
Gordon's World of Magic Revealed! |
1989 |
Chapters |
Gordon, John |
Disappearing Nightly! |
2009c |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul |
Footprints |
2008 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul |
Collective |
2007 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul | Card Magic
Companion |
2003 |
Partial |
Gordon, Paul | Card Magic
Miracles |
2001 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul | Card
Magic of Paul Gordon |
1996 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul | Card
Marvels |
2009 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul |
Card Thoughts |
1994 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul |
Cause And Effect |
1999 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul | Gold
Dust |
2012 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul | Gold Dust
Companion |
2012 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul | Gold
Dust Finale |
2012 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul; Tom Craven |
Keeper Card Book,
The |
2008 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul | Nocturnal
Creations |
1997 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul |
Pack Up Your
Cards |
2005 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul |
Paul Gordon Strikes
Back! |
1994 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul | Professional
Card Magic Miracles |
2002 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul | Protean Card
Magic |
1998 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul |
Quidnunc |
2016 |
ToC |
Gordon, Paul |
Unplanned Card
Book, The |
2008 |
ToC |
Gorham, Ace |
People Know
Everything! |
1959 |
Full |
Goshman, Albert |
Magic by
Gosh Lecture Notes |
1965 |
Full |
Goswick, Tim |
Goswick's Evolution |
2006 |
ToC |
Goswick, Tim |
Lost Lecture
Notes |
ToC |
Goswick, Tim | Meng |
ToC |
Goswick, Tim | Victor |
ToC |
Goulet, Ray |
Magic Art of
This N That |
1974 |
ToC |
Govan, Barry & Ian Baxter |
Print Extra - The Magic of Tom Gagnon |
1975 |
Full |
Govan, Barry & Ian Baxter |
Blueprint Volume 1,
The |
1975 |
Full |
Govan, Barry & Ian Baxter | Blueprint Volume
2, The |
1975 |
Full |
Govan, Barry & Ian Baxter | Blueprint Volume
3, The |
1976 |
Full |
Govan, Barry & Ian Baxter | Blueprint Volume 4, The |
1977 |
Full |
Govan, Barry, Ian Baxter, Murray Cooper,
Gerry McCreanor |
Blueprint Volume
5, The |
1978 |
Full |
Govan, Barry, Ian Baxter, Murray Cooper, Gerry McCreanor | Blueprint Volume 6, The | 1979 |
Full |
Govan, Barry & Ian Baxter |
Volume 7, The |
1980 |
ToC |
Govan, Barry |
Close Up Magic Restaurant
Style |
1982 |
ToC |
Govan, Barry |
Close Up
Magic Restaurant Style Vol. 2 |
1992 |
ToC |
Govan, Barry |
Pitch is Worth a Thousand Words |
1981 |
Full |
Graham, Walter B. |
How to Become a
Magician for Fun and Profit |
1967 |
ToC |
Graham, Walter B. |
Secrets From the 7 Circles |
1965 |
ToC |
Grant, Gene | Phantini's
Challenge Mental Act |
1981 |
Full |
Grant, Gene |
Greatest Mental Secrets |
1984 |
ToC |
Grant, Gene |
Incredible Mental Secrets |
1980 |
ToC |
Grant, Gene | Phantini's
Incredible Mental Secrets Vol. 2 |
1981 |
ToC |
Grant, Gene | Phantini's
Lost Book of Mental Secrets |
1955 |
Full |
Grant, Gene | Phantini's
Mental Key |
1956 |
Full |
Grant, Gene |
More Phantini
Mental Secrets |
2021 |
Full |
Grant, Gene |
Revisited |
1982 |
ToC |
Grant, Gene |
Ultimate Mental Secrets |
1989 |
ToC |
Grant, Jamie |
Approach, The |
2013 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
25 One Man
Mind Reading Secrets |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
25 Improved
One Man Mindreading Secrets |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | 25
Rising Card Tricks |
1970 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | 50
Crazy Card Stunts |
1959 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Kute Koin Tricks |
1940 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Ways to Produce a Silk |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. & Gene Gloye |
Tips & Gags |
1983 |
Chapters |
Grant, U.F. |
Bodies In Orbit |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Brain
Busters |
1945 |
Full |
Grant, U.F.; Don Tanner (editor) |
Center Tear Methods |
1962 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Challenge
Magic Act, The |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Chinese Magic and
Illusions |
Full |
Grant, U.F. |
Clever Little
Ideas Presented |
1937 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Magic |
1941 |
Full |
Grant, U.F. |
Counterfeit Card
Miracles |
1931 |
Full |
Grant, U.F. | Eliminators |
1934 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. & Don Tanner (editor) |
of U.F. Grant Magic Part 1, The |
1962 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Great Illusions |
1934 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. & H. Adrian Smith |
Flap Slate
Wrinkles |
1931 |
Full |
Grant, U.F. |
Magic |
1935 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. & Menge | G&M Magic Course | ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Grant's
Annual of Magic (Manual of Magic) |
1935 |
Partial |
Grant, U.F. (Robert J. Smith) |
Brilliant Card Magic |
1969 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. & Don Tanner (editor) | Grant's Fabulous Feats of Mental Magic | 1954 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Illusion Secrets |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Nite Club Illusions |
1930s |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Grant's Patter Folio |
1934 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Grant's Secret
Service |
1975c |
Full |
Grant, U.F. | Grant's
Thirteen Mysteries |
1934 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Grant's
Volume One |
1952c |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Loading Methods |
1941 |
Full |
Grant, U.F. | Medium's
Scrapbook, The |
1951 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Illusions |
1974 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Levitations |
1930c |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Ninety Nine Tips &
Gags |
1937 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Nite Club
Illusions and Illusionettes |
1940c |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | One
Hundred Tips & Gags |
1936 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Stunts for Magicians |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Rope, Chain
and Box Escapes |
1960ca |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Secrets |
1928 |
Full |
Grant, U.F. |
Six Modern
Levitations |
1977 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Slash
Secrets |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
as Silk |
1993 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Snip-Snip Want Ad Test |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Super Magical
Secrets |
1930c |
Full |
Grant, U.F.; Don Tanner (editor) |
Top Secret |
1940c |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Tricks for Kids Shows | 1951 |
Full |
Grant, U.F. |
Tricks With a
One Way Deck |
1935 |
Full |
Grant, U.F. |
Tricks With a
Short Card |
1932 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Tricks With
Cellophane |
1932 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Tricks With Hares |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Tricks
With Magnets |
1935 |
Full |
Grant, U.F. | Valuable
Information for Magicians |
1967 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. | Victory Carton Illusions | 1955 |
Full |
Grant, U.F. |
Stoppers |
1959 |
ToC |
Grant, U.F. |
Master Mental Act |
1940 |
ToC |
Gravatt, Glenn |
50 Modern Card Tricks
You Can Do! |
1974 |
ToC |
Gravatt, Glenn |
More Modern Card Tricks |
1979 |
ToC |
Gravatt, Glenn |
Writings of Glenn Gravatt |
1974 |
Partial |
Gravatt, Glenn |
of Self Working Card Tricks |
1936 |
ToC |
Gravatt, Glenn | Final
Selection |
1957 |
ToC |
Gravatt, Glenn |
Gold Mine Of
Magic |
1977 |
Full |
Gravatt, Glenn |
Collected Writings of Glenn Gravatt |
1982 |
ToC |
Gravatt, Glenn | Second
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, The |
1936 |
ToC |
Gravatt, Glenn | Thayer
Quality Magic Catalog Instruction Sheets Volume One |
1978 |
ToC |
Gravatt, Glenn | Thayer
Quality Magic Catalog Instruction Sheets Volume Two |
1979 |
ToC |
Gravatt, Glenn | Thayer
Quality Magic Catalog Instruction Sheets Volume Three |
1979 |
ToC |
Gravatt, Glenn | Thayer
Quality Magic Catalog Instruction Sheets Volume Four |
1981 |
Gravatt, Glenn | Treasure
Trove of Tricks |
1971 |
ToC |
Green, Allen V. |
Tricks for the Young Magician |
1955 |
ToC |
Green, Cliff |
Professional Card
Magic |
Full |
Green, Harry |
Harry Green
Says You Are A Magician |
1955c |
ToC |
Green, J.H. |
Tricks With Cards |
1868 |
ToC |
Green , Lennart |
Northern Lights Magic |
2008 |
ToC |
Green, Paul |
Up My (Green) Sleeves! |
Full |
Green, Paul |
Take a Stroll
With Me |
Full |
Greene, Charles III |
1996 Baltimore
MD Lecture |
ToC |
Greenway, Nellie |
How to
Entertain a Social Party |
1890 |
ToC |
Grenewetzki, Dave |
How to Make
Your Own Trick Cards |
1980 |
ToC |
Gresham, William Lindsay |
Houdini, the
Man Who Walked Through Walls |
1959 |
ToC |
Griffin, Ken & Roberta |
Show Know-How |
1972 |
ToC |
Griffith, Tony |
Invitation to Mystery |
1969 |
Full |
Griffith, Tony |
Magic |
1986c |
Full |
Griffith, Tony |
Reflections |
2008 |
ToC |
Griffith, Tony |
Griff on Cards |
1964 |
ToC |
Griffith, Tony |
Griff On
Close-Up |
ToC |
Griffith, Tony |
Lecture Notes |
1980c |
Full |
Grippo, Jimmy |
Magic of Jimmy Grippo, The |
ToC |
Grismer, Ray |
1981 |
ToC |
Grismer, Ray | Short
Notes |
ToC |
Grismer, Ray |
Shorty! |
1987 |
Full |
Grismer, Ray |
Spongey |
ToC |
Gross, Henry | Pure Magic! | Full | |
Grosso, Vinny |
Nothing New, Just Different |
2016 |
ToC |
Groves, David |
Be a Street
Magician! |
1998 |
ToC |
Groves, David |
Groves' 3-Card Monte Routine |
1999 |
ToC |
Groves, David |
If Sleeves
Could Talk...A Lecture by Johnny Ace Palmer |
ToC |
Groves, David |
Doth Explain |
ToC |
Groves, David | Silence of
the Lemons, The |
2001 |
ToC |
Grubb, Millard |
Promotional Toolkit, The |
ToC |
Guastaferro, John | G
Notes |
2008 |
ToC |
Guastaferro, John |
One Degree |
2010 |
Full |
Guastaferro, John |
Second Storm |
Full |
Guerra, Rene R. |
Magic With Cubes |
1982 |
ToC |
Guest, Leslie P. |
Lecture-Demain! |
ToC |
Guha, Goutam |
With the Jardine Ellis Ring |
1996 |
ToC |
Guimarães, Helder | Don't Xerox
Lecture Notes |
2008 |
ToC |
Guimarães, Helder |
Reflections |
2011 |
ToC |
Guinn, Scott F. |
2001 A
Magical Odyssey |
2000 |
Full |
Guinn, Scott F. |
Blockbusters: The Magic of Peter Vanspauwen |
2003 |
Full |
Guinn, Scott F. | Cops & Robbers | 1995 |
Full |
Guinn, Scott F. | Great Scott! It's a Magic Lecture! | 2000 |
Full |
Guinn, Scott F. |
Scott! It's Card Magic! |
2000 |
ToC |
Guinn, Scott F. | Great
Scott! It's MORE Magic! |
Full |
Guinn, Scott F. |
Magic That's
Fun...For Profit! |
2003 |
ToC |
Guinn, Scott F. | Magishing
My Way |
2001 |
ToC |
Guinn, Scott F. |
My Best to You
Volume 2: Coins |
2009 |
Full |
Guinn, Scott F. |
My Best
to You Volume 3: Close-Up & Stand-Up |
2009 |
Full |
Guinn, Scott F. |
Miss a Trick |
2000 |
ToC |
Guinn, Scott F. | Officiously
Yours |
2000 |
ToC |
Guinn, Scott F. |
Be Pleasantly Surprised! |
2002 |
ToC |
Gustafson, Dick |
Illusion Building for the Home Craftsman |
1992 |
ToC |
Gustafson, Dick |
On You!, The |
1975c |
Full |
Gustavsson, Christer (El Duco) |
Out of My
Hands |
1978 |
ToC |
Guyatt, Terry |
Evening With Terry Guyatt |
1995 |
ToC |
Gydesen, Water |
Funder Box
Fooleries |
1972 |
Partial |
Gydesen, Walter |
Magic |
1981 |
Full |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Hades, Micky | Conjurors'
Book of Stage Illusions |
1974 |
Full |
Hades, Micky | GeniIllusions |
1979 |
ToC |
Hades, Micky |
How to Make Flashes,
Bangs, and Puffs of Smoke |
ToC |
Hades, Micky |
Magic The Way
I See It |
1968 |
ToC |
Hades, Micky | Make-Up
of Magic |
1962 |
ToC |
Hades, Micky & Bruce Armstrong |
Hades' Encyclopedia of Suspensions and Levitations |
1976 |
ToC |
Hades, Micky |
Hades New Expanded Encyclopedia of Escapes |
2001 |
ToC |
Hades, Micky | New Make-Up Of
Magic, The |
1974 |
ToC |
Hades, Micky |
Magic With the Appearing Cane |
1963 |
ToC |
Hadley, Paul R. |
How to
Develop Mental Magic |
1961 |
ToC |
Hagan, David |
Magic |
1956 |
ToC |
Hagy, James |
English Conjuring Collectors |
1985 |
ToC |
Hagy, James |
Young Prof. Young, The |
1986 |
Chapters |
Hagy, James (editor) | Perennial
Mystics #1 |
1983 |
Full |
Hagy, James (editor) | Perennial
Mystics #2 |
Full |
Hagy, James (editor) |
Mystics #7 |
1989 |
ToC |
Hagy, James (editor) | Perennial
Mystics #12 |
1997 |
ToC |
Hagy, James (editor) | Perennial
Mystics #13 |
1997 |
ToC |
Haines, Ronald |
36 Tricks With
FA-KO Cards |
1962 |
Full |
Haist, Carl |
Beer Bottle
Bafflers |
1948 |
ToC |
Hale, Howard |
of Magic |
1983 |
ToC |
Haley, Louis |
Dramatic Art
of Magic, The |
1910 |
ToC |
Hall, Russel J |
With a Shell Coin |
ToC |
Hall, Trevor |
Card Magic
of Edward G. Brown, The |
1973 |
ToC |
Hall, Trevor |
Nothing Is
Impossible |
1946ca |
Chapters |
Hall, Trevor | Reading is
Believing |
1947 |
Chapters |
Hall, Trevor |
Testament of
R.W. Hull, The |
1945 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
Almost the
Original T.O.T.A.T. |
1997 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
Baby Totat |
1997 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
Best of
Alchemy Card Magic, The |
2003 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
Best of
Mindful Mentalism, The |
2016 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
Card Magic for
the Enthusiast |
2019 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul | Cheap
Close Up Book, The |
1985 |
Full |
Hallas, Paul |
Lecture Notes, The |
1998 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul | Even Cheaper Booklet, The | 1986 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
Magic From
the Overground |
2008 |
Partial |
Hallas, Paul | Magic
From the Overground 2004 Lecture |
2004 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
With Cards |
2012 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
Mix |
1987 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
Mentalism 1 |
1998 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul | Mindful
Mentalism 2 |
2000c |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul | Mindful
Mentalism 3 |
2001 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
O.O.P.S. Magic and
Mentalism |
2018 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul |
But Deadly |
2005 |
Full |
Hallas, Paul |
of TOTAT |
1992 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul | Table-Hopper's
Source Book |
1987 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul | TOTAT |
1987 |
ToC |
Hallas, Paul | TOTAT
Rides Again |
1994 |
ToC |
Hallema, Flip |
An Exposure to the
Flip Experience |
2000c |
ToC |
Hallema, Flip | Fl!p Qu!ck Tr!k Tr!p (Flip Quick Trik Trip) | 1971 |
ToC |
Hallema, Flip |
Manuscriptricks |
1984c |
ToC |
Hallett, David |
Not Magic! |
1962 |
ToC |
Hallett, David |
Profit At
the Party |
1981 |
ToC |
Hallock, Doc |
Patter-Rhymes & Wrinkles |
1940 |
ToC |
Hamilton, Cara |
Storytelling for
Magicians |
2018 |
ToC |
Hamilton, Greg |
Hare Brain
Ideas for the Rabbit In the Hat Puppet Vol 1 |
Chapters |
Hamilton IBM Ring 49 |
Magic Book |
1973 |
ToC |
Hamilton, Steven |
Magical Secrets |
ToC |
Hammond, Rae |
Magic of
Edward Victor's Hands |
1995 |
ToC |
Hammond, Rae |
Complete Methods for Miracles |
1985 |
Chapters |
Hanes, Justin |
Magic |
2003 |
Partial |
Hanes, Justin |
Engineering |
2006c |
Partial |
Hanky Panky Toys |
Magic |
Full |
Hanky Panky |
Super Magic 100
Tricks |
1970s |
ToC |
Hanson, Herman |
Thurston's Floating Ball |
Full |
Hanson, Herman & John Zweers |
Man, The |
1974 |
Chapters |
Harada, Ricardo |
Escamoteur - A
Study About Cone and Ball |
2019 |
ToC |
Harbin, Robert | Demon
Magic |
1938 |
ToC |
Harbin, Robert |
Harbin - Harbin x2 Part I |
2005 |
ToC |
Harbin, Robert |
Harbincadabra |
1979 |
ToC |
Harbin, Robert |
How to be a
Wizard (in Magic) |
1957 |
ToC |
Harbin, Robert |
of Robert Harbin |
1970 |
ToC |
Harbottle, Kainoa | A Petit
Pamphlet on Pasteboards |
2004 |
Full |
Harbottle, Kainoa |
Misbehavin' |
2007 |
Full |
Harbottle, Kainoa |
Coinapalooza |
Full |
Harbottle, Kainoa |
Coins on Edge |
Full |
Harbottle, Kainoa | Cointopia |
2003 |
Full |
Harbottle, Kainoa |
Fec Tas |
2007 |
ToC |
Hardy, Marvin |
Qualatex Presents
Balloon Magic |
1986 |
ToC |
Harel, Nimrod |
Shalosh - Stage Work |
2005c |
ToC |
Hargraves, Bob |
A Lesson in
Magic! |
1992 |
ToC |
Harkey, David & Eric Anderson | A-Ha! | 1997 |
ToC |
Harkey, David |
Language |
1988 |
ToC |
Harkey, David |
the Depths |
1988 |
ToC |
Harkey, David & Ben Harris |
Simplicities |
1988 |
ToC |
Harkey, David | Simply Harkey | 1991 |
Full |
Harlan, Dan |
Instant Classics | 1992 |
ToC |
Harlan, Dan |
Than Meets The Eye |
1992 |
ToC |
Harlan, Dan | My
First 20 or So Years |
2008c |
ToC |
Harlan, Dan |
Plays |
1999 |
Full |
Harlan, Dan & Aaron Fisher | Sleight Album, The | 1995 |
ToC |
Harlan, Dan | Underground |
ToC |
Harlan, Dan |
Prolonged Exposure May Induce Severe Brain Trauma |
ToC |
Harling, Ian & Martin Nyrup |
of Mind |
2004 |
ToC |
Harris, Arthur & Louis F. Preus |
Snappy Club
Magic |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
1 A.M. The Sequel |
1986 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben | 1986
World Lecture Tour Notes |
1986 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
of Gold |
1987 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Crossroads |
2009 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Close-Up Magician's Eyes Only! |
1981 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Friendly Fire |
2010 |
Full |
Harris, Ben |
Revealed |
1985 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Hoodwink |
1999 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Klose-Up |
1983 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Mad Fax and Other
Mysteries |
1990 |
Full |
Harris, Ben |
From Which Memories Are Made! |
1986 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Mentallica Heavy
Mental Magic |
2016 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben | Midnight
Special |
1985 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
New Directions
Issue One |
1985 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Directions Issue Two |
1985 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Directions Issue Three |
1986 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
New Directions
Issue Five |
1987 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
New Directions
Issue Six |
1987 |
Partial |
Harris, Ben |
Off the Wall |
1988 |
Full |
Harris, Ben | Out
of His Mind! |
1985 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben | Premier
Elastic Thread & Routines |
1989 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben | Quarks
& Quirks |
2000 |
Full |
Harris, Ben |
Singapore Lecture
Notes 1985 |
1985 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Supplement (New
Directions) |
1986 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben |
Truly Visual
Card Magic |
2012 |
ToC |
Harris, Ben | Ultimate
Floating Deck, The |
1984 |
ToC |
Harris, B.J. |
Magic |
1988 |
ToC |
Harris, Paul | A Close-Up Kinda Guy | 1983 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | Art of Astonishment, Volume 1 | 1996 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | Art of Astonishment, Volume 2 | 1996 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | Art of Astonishment, Volume 3 | 1996 |
Full |
Harris, Paul |
Connection |
1977 |
ToC |
Harris, Paul | Close-Up Entertainer | 1979 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | Close-Up Fantasies Book I | 1980 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | Close-Up Fantasies Book II | 1980 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | Close-Up Fantasies Finale | 1981 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | Close-Up Seductions | 1984 |
Full |
Harris, Paul |
Connection, The |
1983 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | Inner Circle,
The |
1980 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | Las Vegas Close-Up | 1978 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | New Stars of Magic Presents The Immaculate Connection | 1983 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | Paul Harris Reveals Some of His Most Intimate Secrets | 1976 |
Full |
Harris, Paul | P.H.
Break-Through |
1981 |
ToC |
Harris, Paul | P.H.
Super Sampler, The |
ToC |
Harris, Paul | Super Magic | 1976 |
Full |
Harris, Paul & Tayari Casel | Twilight | 1979 |
Full |
Harrison, John |
The Wonder-Filled Life of Doug Henning |
2009 |
Chapters |
Harrison, Nigel |
Manuscript |
2004 |
Full |
Harsh, Michael |
Coin Magic Lecture
Notes |
1989 |
ToC |
Hart, Harold |
Simple Tricks You Can Do Without Practice |
1943 |
ToC |
Hart, Harold |
You Can Do Without Practice |
1944 |
ToC |
Hart, Steve |
Attacks!!! |
1999 |
ToC |
Hart, Steve |
Magic |
1986 |
ToC |
Hart, Steve |
Tricks to
Make Them Laugh |
1993 |
ToC |
Hartling, Pit |
Fictions |
2003 |
ToC |
Hartling, Pit |
Order to Amaze |
2016 |
ToC |
Hartling, Pit | Little
Green Lecture, The |
1998 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. |
3 Collected
Works of Jerry Hartman |
1980 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. | CAAN
Craft |
2010 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. |
After Craft - More
Card Trickery |
1995 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. |
Card Devilry |
2017 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. |
Dodgery |
2012 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. |
Card Dupery |
2007 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. | Loose
Ends |
1978 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. | Means
and Ends |
1973 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. | Odd
Lifts |
1971 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. |
Packet Magic |
1980 |
Full |
Hartman, J.K. | Secret
Subtractions |
1970 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. | Super
Dupes |
1974 |
ToC |
Hartman, J.K. |
Treats |
1999 |
ToC |
Haskell, Bob |
of Haskell |
1962 |
Full |
Haskell, Bob & Don Lawton |
Shaker |
1972c |
Full |
Hass, Lawrence |
Burger - From Beyond |
2019 |
ToC |
Hass, Lawrence |
Thoughts and Mysteries 2008 |
2008 |
ToC |
Hastings, Arthur, et. al. |
ESP Handbook
and Workshop Kit |
1960 |
Full |
Hasbun, Bob |
Out of the Box |
2012 |
ToC |
Hatton, Henry & Adrian Plate | Magician's Tricks | 1910 |
ToC |
Hauptmann, Henry Rex | How to Routine
Magic |
1930c |
ToC |
Hauptmann, Henry Rex |
Uncle, The |
1930c |
Full |
Havel, Victor |
Fun-Time Magi |
1955 |
Full |
Haversat, David |
The Man With the Magic Hands |
2002 |
ToC |
Havil, Julian |
Impossible? |
2008 |
Chapters |
Hawkesworth, Eric |
A Magic
Variety Show |
1973 |
ToC |
Hawkesworth, Eric |
Art of
Paper Tearing, The |
1970 |
ToC |
Hawkesworth, Eric |
Conjuring |
1971 |
ToC |
Hawkesworth, Eric | Making a
Shadowgraph Show |
1969 |
Chapters |
Hawkesworth, Eric |
Pleated Paper
Folding |
1975 |
ToC |
Hawkesworth, Eric |
Lessons In Magic |
1967 |
Full |
Hawkesworth, Eric |
Puppet Shows
to Make |
1972 |
ToC |
Hawkesworth, Eric |
Rag Picture
Shows |
1974 |
ToC |
Hawthorne, Julian (Editor) |
Library of
the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories |
1908 |
Hay, Henry | Amateur
Handbook, The |
1950 |
Full |
Hay, Henry |
Cyclopedia of Magic |
1949 |
Full |
Hay, Henry | Learn Magic | 1947 |
Full |
Hayden, Allan | Allan Hayden's Fancy Ring Routine | 1983 |
Full |
Hayden, Allan | Bulldogs
& Haydenizms! |
1997 |
ToC |
Hayden, Allan |
Card Sharp on
Duty |
1983 |
ToC |
Hayden, Allan | Haydenizms | 1980s |
Full |
Hayden, Allan |
Modified Mighty Silver Bulldog |
1997 |
ToC |
Hayden, Allan |
Number Two Lecture
Notes |
1993 |
Full |
Haydn, Whit |
Fast and
Loose Lecture Notes 82 |
1982 |
ToC |
Haydn, Whit |
Fast and
Loose Lecture Notes 92 |
1992 |
ToC |
Haydn, Whit | Four Ring Routine | 1982 |
Full |
Haydn, Whit | Intricate Web of Distraction | 1989 |
Full |
Haydn, Whit & Chef Anton | Notes on Fast and Loose | 2000 |
Full |
Haydn, Whit | Notes on Three-Card Monte | 2001 |
Full |
Haywood, Glenn |
Cause for
Applause |
1970c |
Full |
Heath, Royal V |
Mathemagic |
1933 |
ToC |
Hecklau, Axel |
Details (lecture) |
2009 |
ToC |
Hedan, Vincent |
Lecture Notes |
2015 |
Full |
Heddle, Rebecca & Ian
Keable |
Book of Magic Tricks |
1998 |
ToC |
Hedges, Sid G. |
Entertainer, The |
1939 |
Full |
Heinemann, Richard |
Magic |
1945 |
ToC |
Heldman, Ernie |
That Mean Business |
1981 |
Full |
Heller, Robert |
Book of Magic |
1898 |
ToC |
Hemingway, David |
Aspects of
Magic |
1982 |
Partial |
Hemingway, David | Exclusive
Routines Part One - Cabaret, Club, Stage Routines |
1970 |
ToC |
Hemingway, David |
Routines Part Two - Close-Up Routines |
1972 |
Full |
Hemingway, David |
How to Ensure
a Full Datebook |
1967 |
ToC |
Hemingway, David |
Stand-Up Magic
Routined |
ToC |
Henderson, Brad |
Dance, The |
2000 |
ToC |
Henderson, James & Sons (Pub.) |
How to
Give Conjuring and Other Enterainments at Home |
1900c |
ToC |
Henderson, John |
Up Magic Manuscript |
1982 |
ToC |
Henning, Doug |
Houdini His
Legend and His Magic |
1977 |
ToC |
Henning, Eric |
Real World Ideas From a Working Magician |
2003 |
ToC |
Henry, Henry |
Henry Gordon's
World of Magic Revealed! |
1989 |
Chapters |
Henry, Thomas |
of ESP Card Mentalism |
2000 |
ToC |
Herbert, Terry |
of Comedy, The |
2006c |
ToC |
Hercat (R.D. Chater) | Hercat's
Conjuring Up to Date |
1908 |
ToC |
Hercat (R.D. Chater) | Latest
Sleights, Illusions, Mind Reading and New Card Effects |
1903 |
ToC |
Hercat (R.D. Chater) |
Conjuring, Simple Tricks for Social Gatherings |
1912 |
ToC |
Hermalin |
Wizardry |
1923 |
Full |
Herman, Black (Benjamin Rucker) |
Secrets of Magic,
Mystery and Legerdemain |
1925 |
Full |
Herman, Frank |
12 Methods
for Doing the Cut and Restored Nectie [sic] |
Full |
Herman, Frank | 15
Methods for Doing the Cut and Restored Necktie; Necktie
Magic |
1942 |
ToC |
Herman, Frank |
& Their Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Herman, Frank |
That's The
Trouble-Wit |
1982 |
ToC |
Herman, Frank |
Your Money's
Mirth |
Full |
Hermanzo, Dennis |
Mentalized |
2017 |
ToC |
Hermon, Harry |
Hellerism |
1884 |
ToC |
Herrmann, Alexander |
of Magic, Black Art Exposed |
1903 |
ToC |
Herrmann, Alexander | Hermann's Art
of Magic |
1903c |
ToC |
Herrmann, Alexander |
Book of Black Art Magic Made Easy |
1890 |
ToC |
Herrmann, Alexander |
Wizard Manual |
1900 |
Full |
Herrmann, Charles F. III |
Book, The |
1974 |
Full |
Herron, Carl (Brother Shadow) | Art
of Storytelling Magic, The |
1997 |
Full |
Herron, Carl (Brother Shadow) |
The |
1995 |
ToC |
Herron, Carl (Brother Shadow) |
Seance Will Travel |
1995 |
ToC |
Herron, Carl (Brother Shadow) | Papers
of Gautama Siddhartha |
1996 |
ToC |
Herz, Bill & Paul Harris |
of The Astonishing Executive |
ToC |
Heuser, Jim (Editor) |
Another Lecture by
Paul Diamond |
ToC |
Heverly, The Great |
Novelty Act
De-Luxe With Watches and Clocks |
1927 |
ToC |
Hey, Graham |
Cosmonaut, The |
2020 |
ToC |
Heyl, Edgar |
Books 1580 to 1850 |
1963 |
ToC |
Hickey, Preston Langley |
Problems |
1920 |
Full |
Hickey, Preston Langley |
Drawing Room, Club and Stage Patter |
1919 |
ToC |
Hickok, Chuck |
First and
Last Lecture |
2003 |
ToC |
Hickok, Chuck | Mentalism
Incorporated |
2002 |
Full |
Hickok, Chuck |
Incorporated: Volume Two |
2005 |
ToC |
Hickok, Chuck |
Telepathy |
2009 |
ToC |
Higham, Justin |
75% Production and the Trick With No Method, The | 2014 |
ToC |
Higham, Justin |
Bold and
Illogical Card Moves |
2013 |
ToC |
Higham, Justin |
Mental Topper and The Mind-Reader's Dream |
2011 |
ToC |
Higham, Justin |
Illogical Dribble Force, The |
2010 |
ToC |
Higham, Justin |
Dexterity Manual | 2008 |
ToC |
Higham, Justin |
High Lights |
2015 |
ToC |
Hilford, Docc | Band
of the Hand |
2002 |
ToC |
Hilford, Docc |
of Numbers Vol 1 - Mestha |
Full |
Hilford, Docc | Book
of Numbers Vol 2 - Qebhsennuf |
Full |
Hilford, Docc | Book of Numbers Vol 3 - Taumautef | Full |
Hilford, Docc |
of Dr. Tao, The |
2008 |
ToC |
Hill, Ed; Bob Schoof & Andrew J. Pinard |
Yankee Magic
Collector (No. 1-17) |
1983 |
ToC |
Hill, Gordon (a.k.a. Peter
Eldin) |
Card and
Conjuring Tricks |
ToC |
Hills, George |
Hill-Ucinations |
1980 |
ToC |
Hilliar, William John |
Modern Magician's Handbook | 1902 |
ToC |
Hilliard, John | Greater Magic | 1994 |
ToC |
Hilliard, John |
Hilliard's Card
Magic |
1945 |
Chapters |
Hilliard, John |
From My Notebook |
1935 |
Full |
Hilliard, John | Lost
Notebooks of John Northern Hilliard, The |
2001 |
ToC |
Himber, Richard (Ed Levy,
Editor) |
Richard Himber The Man and
His Magic |
ToC |
Hinchliffe, Jeff | Pointing
in Different Directions |
ToC |
Hinchliffe, Jeff |
Riffs - Tuned in the
Key of Mnemonica |
2010 |
ToC |
Hines, George C. |
Modern Mysteries |
1915 |
Full |
Hinsdale, N.H.; Hunter & Co. Publisher |
or Magic Made Easy |
1865 |
Full |
Hira, David |
Neat Things I
Know |
ToC |
Hirata, Haruhito |
from the East |
ToC |
Histed, Louis and Fabian (editor) |
of Louis S. Histed, The |
ToC |
Hitchcock, Scott |
New Same
Old Lecture Notes, The |
Full |
Ho, Kevin |
Operations |
Full |
Ho, Oliver |
Young Magician
Magic Tricks |
2003 |
Full |
Hobbs, Stephen | Essential
Sol Stone, The |
2012 |
ToC |
Hobbs, Stephen & Gene Maze |
Gene Maze and
the Art of Bottom Dealing |
1994 |
ToC |
Hobbs, Stephen |
a Journal of Close-Up Magic |
2015 |
ToC |
Hodgson, A.S; S.A.S. McMillan |
Fifty Years
Later |
1974 |
ToC |
Hoffman, Professor |
Of Mystery |
1880 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Card
Tricks With Apparatus |
1892 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Card
Tricks Without Apparatus |
1892 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Conjuring
Tricks With Coins, Watches, Rings, and Handkerchiefs |
1893 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Conjuring
Tricks With Dominoes, Dice, Balls, Hats, Etc., Also Stage
Tricks |
1893 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Drawing Room
Amusements and Evening Party Entertainments |
1879 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Drawing Room
Conjuring |
1887 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) |
Later Magic | 1904 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Latest Magic | 1918 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Magical Titbits | 1911 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Magic
At Home |
1891 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Mechanical
Puzzles |
1896 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Miscellaneous
Conjuring Tricks From Modern Magic |
1915c |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Miscellaneous
Puzzles |
1901 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Modern Magic | 1876 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | More Magic | 1890 |
ToC |
Hofmann, Professor & Richard Robinson |
Hoffmann's Modern Magic |
1977 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Puzzles Old
and New |
1907 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Tricks With
Cards |
1889 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Tricks
With Cards from Modern Magic (Hoffmann's Card Tricks) |
1919 |
ToC |
Hoffmann, Professor (Angelo John Lewis) | Tricks
With Handkerchiefs |
1925c |
ToC |
Hofner, John |
Quintet, The |
1980 |
Partial |
Hofzinser, J.N., Ottokar
Fischer, Karl Fulves |
Hofzinser's Card
Conjuring |
1931 |
ToC |
Hofzinser, J.N., Ottokar
Fischer, Richard Hatch |
Magic of J.N. Hofzinser,
The |
1985 |
ToC |
Holden, Max |
of Juggling |
194 |
ToC |
Holden, Max | Modern Hand
Shadows |
1935 |
ToC |
Holden, Max |
of Famous Magicians |
1937 |
Full |
Holiday, John Henry |
My Way Volume One |
2004 |
ToC |
Holiday, John Henry | My Way Volume Two |
2004 |
ToC |
Holiday, John Henry | My Way Volume Three
(The Routines) |
2005 |
ToC |
Hollingsworth, Scott |
Cashing In
With Close-Up Restaurant Magic |
1974 |
ToC |
Hollingsworth, Scott |
Coin Routine |
Full |
Hollingsworth, Scott |
Magician, The |
1988 |
ToC |
Hollingworth, Guy | A Collection
of Drawing Room Deceptions |
1999 |
ToC |
Hollingworth, Guy | Once Upon a Time | Full | |
Hollingworth, Guy |
Quartet |
1999 |
ToC |
Hollingworth, Guy |
Renovations |
2015 |
ToC |
Hollingworth, Guy |
for Inspiration |
2008 |
ToC |
Hollins, Edward T. |
Munchies |
1981 |
ToC |
Holmes, Donald | Donald
Holmes' Bag O' Tricks |
1923 |
Full |
Holmes, Donald |
Magic Art, The |
ToC |
Holmes, Donald | New
Card Tricks |
1913 |
ToC |
Holmes, Donald | Some
Modern Conjuring |
1909 |
ToC |
Holmes, Donald |
With Prepared Cards |
ToC |
Holmes, Roy |
as Illustrations |
1991 |
ToC |
Holt, John |
Progress - Tricks I Do for Money! |
2016 |
Full |
Hoole, Norman & J.J. Shepherd |
Magical Novelties |
1921c |
Full |
Hooper, Edwin | A Host of Surprises | 199 |
Full |
Hooper, Edwin | Edwin's Magic Finale | 1991 |
Full |
Hooper, Edwin |
Edwin's Magic Volume
One |
1989 |
Full |
Hooper, Edwin |
Edwin's Magic Volume
Two |
1989 |
Full |
Hooper, Edwin et. al. |
Routined Acts |
ToC |
Hooser, Troy & Mark Tams (editor) |
Triple Threat
Coin Gimmick |
2005 |
ToC |
Hope, James |
Approach to Magic, The |
1982 |
ToC |
Hopkins, Alberta A. |
Magic Stage
Illusions and Scientific Diversions Including Trick
Photography |
1897 |
ToC |
Hopkins, Charles |
Precautions and Challenges for Ambitious Card Workers |
1940 |
ToC |
Hopkins, Julius P. |
Effects |
1952 |
ToC |
Hopkins, Nevil Monroe |
Century Magic |
1898 |
ToC |
Horwitz, Basil |
Mental Magick
of Basil Horwitz |
1981 |
ToC |
Horwitz, Basil |
Mental Magick
of Basil Horwitz, Volume 2, The |
1984 |
ToC |
Horwitz,Basil |
Mental Magic
of Basil Horwitz Volume III |
1994 |
ToC |
Horwitz, Basil |
Magick of Basil Horwitz Volume IV, The |
1997 |
ToC |
Hostetler, W.H. |
of Magic |
1946 |
ToC |
Hotowka, John |
You Wanted to Know About Table-Hopping |
1985 |
ToC |
Houdini, Harry |
Magician Among the Spirits |
1924 |
Chapters |
Houdini, Harry & Clinton
Burgess |
Last Legacy |
1923 |
ToC |
Houdini, Harry |
Great Houdini's
Book of Magic |
1927 |
Full |
Houdini, Harry |
Exposes The Tricks Used by the Boston Medium Margery |
1924 |
ToC |
Houdini, Harry |
Houdini's Book
of Magic and Party Pastimes |
1927 |
Full |
Houdini, Harry |
Houdini's Magic
Secrets |
1968 |
ToC |
Houdini, Harry |
Houdini's Paper
Magic |
1922 |
Full |
Houdini, Harry |
Magical Rope Ties &
Escapes |
1921 |
ToC |
Houdini, Harry & Joseph Dunninger |
Magic and
Mystery |
1967 |
ToC |
Houdini, Harry |
Miracle Mongers and
Their Methods |
1920 |
ToC |
Houdini, Harry |
Right Way
to Do Wrong |
1906 |
ToC |
Houdni, Harry |
of Robert-Houdin, The |
1908 |
ToC |
Houghton, William |
& Wizardry |
1998 |
Full |
Houghton, William S. |
36, The |
1943 |
ToC |
Houston, Opie R. |
Ramblings of an Idle Mind |
1965 |
ToC |
Houston, Will |
Notebook, The |
2009 |
ToC |
Houston, Will |
Thaumaturgy |
Full |
Howard, Max |
Magic From
the Great Southern Sleight of Hand Show |
1986 |
ToC |
Howard, Rupert |
Rupert Howard Magic Course |
1931 |
ToC |
Howarth, David A.S. |
Winners All |
1962 |
ToC |
Howatt, Gordon |
Let's Make
Magic (Original) |
1945 |
Full |
Howatt, Gordon | Let's Make
Magic (Revised) |
1975 |
ToC |
Howatt, Gordon | Restless
Spook, The |
1943 |
ToC |
Howatt, Gordon |
Ghost, The |
1942 |
ToC |
Howie, John |
Howie's Routines With The Jardine Ellis Ring |
1955 |
ToC |
Hoy, David |
Bold and
Subtle Miracles of Dr. Faust, The |
1963 |
Full |
Hoy, David |
With a Message |
1956 |
ToC |
Hudson, Walt |
A Volunteer From
the Audience |
1978 |
ToC |
Hudson, Walt |
on the Kids! |
1975 |
ToC |
Hudson, Walt & Mark Walker |
Capers |
1978 |
ToC |
Hudson, Walt |
for Kids |
1975 |
Full |
Hudson, Walt |
Saturday's Kid
Show |
1980 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Card
Manipulations Series No. 1 and 2 |
1934 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Card
Manipulations Series No 3 |
1934 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Card
Manipulations Series No. 4 |
1935 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Card
Manipulations Series No. 5 |
1936 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Card
Manipulations Series 1-5; 165 Card Tricks and Stunts |
1973 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Close-Up Magic | 1938 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean |
Coin Magic |
1935 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Encyclopedia of Card Tricks | 1937 |
Index Listing |
Hugard, Jean | Encyclopedia of Card Tricks | 1937 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean & Fred Braue | Expert Card Technique | 1940 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean |
Unmasking, Fact Vs. Fiction |
1989 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Hugard's
Annual of Magic 1937 |
1937 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean |
Annual of Magic 1938-1939 |
1939 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean & Fred Braue | Invisible
Pass, The |
1946 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Mental Magic With Cards | 1935 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Money Magic | 1937 |
Full |
Hugard, Jean & Fred Braue |
Methods No. 1 The Stripper Deck |
1941 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean & Fred Braue | Miracle
Methods No. 2 Miracle Shuffles and Tricks |
1942 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean & Fred Braue | Miracle
Methods No. 3 Prepared Cards & Accessories |
1942 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean & Fred Braue | Miracle
Methods No. 4 Tricks and Sleights |
1943 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean |
Modern Magic
Manual |
1939 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | More Card
Manipulations Series 1-4 |
1941 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean |
Card Manipulations Series No. 1 |
1938 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | More
Card Manipulations Series No. 2 |
1939 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | More
Card Manipulations Series No. 3 |
1940 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | More
Card Manipulations Series No. IV |
1941 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean | Royal Road to Card Magic | 1951 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean |
Mysteries of Pocket-Magic |
1930c |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean & Fred Braue |
Stoppers With Cards |
1948 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean |
Silken Sorcery
(Handkerchief Magic) |
1937 |
ToC |
Hugard, Jean |
Magic |
1955 |
Full |
Huggins, Wilfred |
of the Street Conjurer |
1939 |
Full |
Hughes, Jack |
of Magic Volume 1 |
1981 |
ToC |
Hughes, Jack | World
of Magic Volume 2 |
1992 |
ToC |
Hughes, Jack | World
of Magic Volume 3 |
1999 |
ToC |
Hughes, Tom |
Rock |
2018 |
Chapters |
Hughes, Tom |
Dragons and Bookworms Oh My! |
2020 |
ToC |
Hugo, Oscar |
Magi Card System |
1942 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
13 A Baker's Dozen |
1970 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling & U.F. Grant |
30 "One
Man" Mind Reading and Spirit Mysteries |
1935 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | 33 Rope Ties and Chain Releases | 1915 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | All Fair
Want-Ad Test |
1932 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling & Stephen Minch |
World of Mentalism |
1976 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | A
Modern Handkerchief Act |
1915 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
A Modern
Production Act - A Handkerchief Melange |
1929 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Card Miracles and Mental Mysteries |
1944 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Art
of the Stage, The |
1914 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Art Rubber Magic |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Billion
Dollar Bait, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Bulletin of
Latest Sleights and Tricks |
1914 |
Full |
Hull, Burling | Card Act
With Patter - Electra Trance Cards |
1927 |
Full |
Hull, Burling | Challenge
Handcuff Act |
1916 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Double Magic With Cards |
1972 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Double
Magic With Cards |
1935 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Edison
of Magic and His Incredible Creations, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Encyclopedia
of Mentalism |
1970 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Surrounded by the Audiene |
1937 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Billiard Ball Manipulation Part One |
1910 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Expert Billiard Ball Manipulation Part Two | 1910 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Sealed Message Reading Methods |
1944 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Gold
Medal Showmanship for Magicians and Mentalists |
1971 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Handcuff King
Act, The |
1975 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Cigarette Routine |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Last Word
Blindfold Methods, The |
1932 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Master
Book of Blindfolds, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Sleights With Billiard Balls |
1914 |
ToC |
Hull, Burlling |
Floating Light Effects, The |
1931 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Floating Light Effects (revised) |
1958 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism Volume 1 |
1972 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | New
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism Volume 2 |
1988 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | New Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism Volume 3 | 1989 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Great Card Tricks |
1933 |
Full |
Hull, Burling |
One Man Mindreading Act |
1947 |
Partial |
Hull, Burling |
Slate Secrets |
1929 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Real
Secret of the Stage Second Sight Act |
1916 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
Mysteries |
1911 |
Full |
Hull, Burling |
Sleights |
1914 |
Full |
Hull, Burling | Stage
Illusions for the 1, 2 or 3 Performer Show |
1972 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | Three "Wow"
Card Hits |
1939 |
Full |
Hull, Burling |
Giant ESP Thought Projection |
2019 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling |
World's Best
Psychic Book Tests |
1931 |
ToC |
Hull, Burling | World
Famous Cut and Restored Rope Feasts No. 1 |
1930 |
Partial |
Hull, R.W.; Paul Gordon (editor) |
Eye-Openers |
2006 |
Full |
Hull, R.W. | Eye
Openers |
1932c |
Full |
Hull, R.W. | Fifteen
Minutes With a Piece of Rope |
1943 |
ToC |
Hull, R.W. and N.C. Hahne |
In Pasteboard |
1934 |
ToC |
Hull, R.W. |
Eye Openers |
1933 |
Full |
Hull, R.W. |
Name-O-Card |
1932 |
Partial |
Hull, R.W. and N.C. Hahne |
Smart Magic |
1935 |
ToC |
Hull, R.W. |
Mental Discernment |
1943 |
ToC |
Hulsh, Benjamin M. |
at Home Made Easy |
1970 |
ToC |
Hummer, Bob | 3 Pets |
1953 |
ToC |
Hummer, Bob |
A Baker's Dozen
Hummers |
20?? |
ToC |
Hummer, Bob | A Pair
from Bob Hummer |
ToC |
Hummer, Bob |
Secrets |
1981 |
ToC |
Hummer, Bob | Face
Up Face Down Mysteries |
1946 |
ToC |
Hummer, Bob | Fantastric |
1941 |
Full |
Hummer, Bob |
Half-A-Dozen Hummers |
1940 |
Full |
Hummer, Bob | Six
More Hummers |
1941 |
ToC |
Hummer, Bob | Six
Trix for 1944 |
1944 |
Full |
Hummer, Bob |
Still More
Hummers |
20?? |
ToC |
Hummer, Bob |
Spirit |
1941 |
Full |
Hummerston, R.A. |
Book of Fun, Mirth
and Mystery, The |
1924 |
Partial |
Hunt, Douglas & Kari |
Art of Magic or The Art of Conjuring |
1967 |
Chapters |
Hunter, Norman | Hey,
Presto |
1931 |
ToC |
Hunter, Norman |
and Easy Magic |
1925 |
ToC |
Hunter, Norman |
Conjuring Without Skill |
1935 |
ToC |
Hunter, Norman | Puffin
Book of Magic, The or Magic Tricks |
1968 |
ToC |
Hunter, Norman | Simplified
Conjuring For All |
1923 |
ToC |
Hunter, Norman |
Magic for Amateurs |
1952 |
Full |
Hurling, Maurice |
A Short Cut
to Ventriloquism |
1934 |
ToC |
Hurst, Andy and Ryan Matney |
Foo Can...In
Print, The |
2008 |
Full |
Hurst, Andy |
Project Latnem |
2005 |
ToC |
Hurst, Daryl |
Pizazz |
1990 |
Full |
Hurst, Thomas (Publisher) |
Magician and Ventriloquists Guide |
1876 |
ToC |
Hutchison, Edward R. |
Mysteries |
1993 |
ToC |
Hutchison, Edward R. | Psychological
Mysteries |
1977 |
ToC |
Hutchison, G.A. |
Own Book of Indoor Games and Recreations |
1890 |
ToC |
Hutton, Darryl & Micky Hades |
Workers Handbook, The |
1966 |
ToC |
Hutton, Darryl & Micky Hades | Dove
Workers Handbook Volume 2, The |
1969 |
ToC |
Hyland, Paul |
Marc Oberon's
Grips, Lines & Looks |
2016 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Ibanez, Juan Pablo |
Body Mentalism |
2019 |
ToC |
Illusionist (pseudonym) |
Popular Magic
for the Amateur Conjurer; or the Amateur Conjurers Guide |
1950 |
ToC |
Impey, Eric F. |
Card Mysteries |
1928c |
Full |
Impey, Eric F. | Try
This One |
1931 |
Full |
Inglese, Gary & Dennis Laub |
Oracle |
1985 |
ToC |
Ioso, Mr. |
Magia con il Falso
Pollice; Thumb Tip Magic |
2000 |
ToC |
Ireland, Frances |
See Entries under Marshall, Frances Ireland |
Ireland, Laurie L. | 1956
Card Annual |
1957 |
ToC |
Ireland, Laurie L. | 1957
Card Annual |
1958 |
ToC |
Ireland, Laurie & Ed Marlo |
Coin Tricks |
1942 |
Full |
Ireland, Laurie L | How To Do
Cigarette Tricks |
1957 |
ToC |
Ireland, Laurie L. | Ireland's
Famous Cup & Ball Routine |
1937 |
ToC |
Ireland, Laurie L. | Ireland's
Famous Lessons in Dishonesty |
1938 |
ToC |
Ireland, Laurie L. | Ireland's
Linking Ring Routine |
1937 |
Full |
Ireland, Laurie L. | Ireland's
New Card and Coin Manipulation |
1935 |
ToC |
Ireland, Laurie L. | Ireland's
Original Cup and Ball Routines |
1937 |
Full |
Ireland, Laurie L. | Ireland Writes a Book | 1931 |
Full |
Ireland, Laurie L. | Ireland
Yearbook Reader Volume 1 (Year Book 1934 - 1950) |
1977 |
ToC |
Ireland, Laurie L. | Ireland
Yearbook Reader Volume 2 (Year Book 1951 - 1960) |
1977 |
ToC |
Ireland, Laurie L. | Ireland
Yearbook Reader Volume 3 (Year Book 1961 - 1970) |
1977 |
ToC |
Ivan, Joseph (editor) |
The Fakir Magazine
- March 1947 |
1947 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Jacobs, Brad |
From Under My
Hat |
1970c |
ToC |
Jacques, Pierre | Complete Course in Pick Pocketing | 1983 |
Full |
Jahn, Viggo (Vic) |
Notes |
1980 |
Full |
Jahn, Viggo (Vic) |
Professional Magic for
Magicians No. 1 |
1978 |
ToC |
Jaks, Dr. Stanley |
Mysteries of
Dr. Jaks, The |
2019 |
Full |
Jaks, Dr. Stanley; J.G. Thompson |
Prophecies |
1960 |
ToC |
Jaks, Dr. Stanley |
Who Is This Dr.
Jaks? |
1951 |
Full |
Jakutsch, Jas |
Mental Vol 1, Three 4 One |
1999 |
Full |
Jakutsch, Jas | Completely
Mental Vol 2 A Kick to the One A Head |
1999 |
ToC |
Jakutsch, Jas | Completely
Mental Vol 3 Divide and Conquer |
1999 |
ToC |
James, Al |
Conjuror At
The Table |
2017 |
Chapters |
James, Ardan |
Magic and
Motion, The Mechanics of Body Illusion |
2001 |
ToC |
James, Kevin |
James Lecture #1 Notes |
1991 |
ToC |
James, Len (Eljay) |
Counting On
Cards |
1991 |
Partial |
James, Len (Eljay) |
Eljay Book of
Ventriloquism |
ToC |
James, Stewart (Editor) | Abbott's Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks for Magicians (Vol 1) | 1941 |
Full |
James, Stewart (Editor) |
Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks Volume II |
1968 |
ToC |
James, Stewart; Gabe Fajuri |
of Rope Tricks |
2005 |
ToC |
James, Stewart |
Call to Cards |
1954 |
ToC |
James, Stewart |
Number 1 |
1944 |
ToC |
James, Stewart |
Magic Mine No. 1 |
1957 |
ToC |
James, Stewart |
The |
1950c |
Full |
James, Stewart |
Hypnotic Tricks |
1950 |
ToC |
James, Stewart |
Number 2 |
1979 |
Full |
James, Stewart |
Stewart James In
Print |
1989 |
ToC |
James, Wesley & Stephen Minch (ed) |
- Magic for Cards and Hands |
2004 |
ToC |
James, Wesley |
Stop Fooling
Us Lecture Notes |
1990 |
ToC |
Jarrett, Guy E.; Jim Steinmeyer |
Jarrett, The |
2001 |
ToC |
Jarrett, Guy E. |
Magic And Stage Craft | 1936 |
Full |
Jarrow, Emil |
Rope Magic |
1941 |
Full |
Jasperson, Stephano; John Machniak |
Novel Ways To Use Your Clipboard |
1980 |
ToC |
Jaxon, Ron | Bar Tab | 2006 |
Full |
Jay, Joshua | A Teen's Routines | 1999 |
ToC |
Jay, Joshua |
Big Magic
for Little Hands |
2014 |
ToC |
Jay, Joshua |
DesTROYers, the
Superlative Magic of Troy Hooser |
2001 |
ToC |
Jay, Joshua |
Five Forty Seven |
2007 |
ToC |
Jay, Joshua |
Jay's Amazing Book of Cards |
2010 |
ToC |
Jay, Joshua | Magic Atlas | 1999 |
ToC |
Jay, Joshua |
Magic In Mind |
2013 |
ToC |
Jay, Joshua |
Magic, The
Complete Course |
2008 |
Full |
Jay, Joshua | Overlap |
2005 |
ToC |
Jay, Joshua |
Rune's World |
2010 |
ToC |
Jay, Joshua |
Session, the Magic of
Joel Givens |
2007 |
Full |
Jay, Joshua |
of Hand and a Twist of Fate |
2005 |
ToC |
Jay, Joshua |
Hooser's The Silver Surf Vol 1 |
1998 |
Full |
Jay, Joshua | Troy
Hooser's The Silver Surf Vol 2, The Flipper Coin |
2000 |
ToC |
Jay, Phil |
the Ladder to Successful Close-Up Magic |
1997 |
ToC |
Jay, Ricky |
Journal of Anomalies |
2001 |
Chapters |
Jay, Simon |
Thing, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Jefferies, Peter |
Perverse Magic of Peter Jefferies, The |
2000 |
ToC |
Jefferson, John N. |
Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Jefferson, John N. |
Magic Lecture |
1975c |
Full |
Jeffreys, Michael |
Magicians, The |
1990 |
Chapters |
Jeffreys, Michael |
With Magic |
1989 |
ToC |
Jeffreys, Michael |
Selling With
Magic |
1989 |
ToC |
Jennings, Madeleine; Colin Francome |
Magic Step by
Step |
2010 |
ToC |
Jensen, Jon; Steve Fearson |
Art of
Close-Up Levitation, The |
1998 |
Full |
Jensen, Jon |
Art of
Stealing Watches, The |
1998 |
ToC |
Jensen, Jon |
Card Miracles |
1997 |
Full |
Jensen, Jon | Duo-Tech
The Book |
2000 |
ToC |
Jensen, Jon |
Goody Bag, Magic Set,
Magic Club Book, The |
1990c |
ToC |
Jensen, Jon |
Too |
1998 |
ToC |
Jensen, Jon | No
Strings - The Art of Close Up Levitation Vol 2 |
2008 |
ToC |
Jensen, Jon |
Routines for the Invisible Thread Reel |
1999 |
ToC |
Jensen, Jon | Professional Sponge Ball Tricks Volume 1 | Full | |
Jensen, Jon | Professional Sponge Ball Tricks Volume 2 | 2000 |
Full |
Jensen, Jon; Robert Olson |
Olson's Miracle Signed Bill in Borrowed Cigar |
1998 |
ToC |
Jensen, Jon; Robert Olson |
Olson's Ultimate Bill in Lemon |
1998 |
ToC |
Jensen, Jon |
Street Monte |
1999 |
ToC |
Jermay, Luke |
3510 |
2007 |
Chapters |
Jermay, Luke |
7 Deceptions |
2002 |
ToC |
Jermay, Luke |
Big Three, The |
2004c |
ToC |
Jermay, Luke |
Building Blocks |
2003 |
ToC |
Jermay, Luke |
Blocks Extended |
2012 |
ToC |
Jermay, Luke |
Fang, The |
2004 |
Full |
Jermay, Luke |
Three Cheers for
the Underrated |
2008 |
Full |
Jermay, Luke |
Real Mind
Reading Notes |
ToC |
Jillette, Penn and Teller |
& Teller's Cruel Tricks for Dear Friends |
1989 |
ToC |
Jillette, Penn and Teller |
& Teller's How to Play In Traffic |
1997 |
Full |
Jillette, Penn and Teller |
& Teller's How to Play With Your Food |
1992 |
Full |
Johnson, Anne Akers |
Buck Book, The |
1993 |
ToC |
Johnson, Deej |
Magic By Phone |
2010 |
ToC |
Johnson, Eli B. |
Drug Store
Magic |
1930c |
ToC |
Johnson, George |
Few Jardine Ellis' Secrets |
1925 |
Full |
Johnson, George |
Tales (fiction) |
1910 |
ToC |
Johnson, George |
Fakes |
1944 |
ToC |
Johnson, George |
Magic of the
Ancients |
1949 |
ToC |
Johnson, George |
Sleights |
1925 |
ToC |
Johnson, Karl |
and the Cardsharp, The |
2005 |
Chapters |
Johnson, Les & Bob Moore |
or Les |
1984 |
ToC |
Johnson, Matthew |
It Up |
2004 |
Full |
Johnson, Matthew |
One Step
At A Time |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy |
A World of
Clocks |
1984 |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy |
Be My Guest |
1989c |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy |
Everyman Cards |
1979 |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy | Feature
Three |
1980 |
Full |
Johnson, Roy | Final
Call |
1979 |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy |
Extra |
1976 |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy | Pure
Gold |
1988 |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy | Roy
Johnson Experience, The |
1970 |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy |
Johnson Lecture Notes, The |
1970 |
Full |
Johnson, Roy |
Roy Johnson's Unique |
1996 |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy |
Second Time
Around |
1971 |
Chapters |
Johnson, Roy |
Secrets 2
- Impressive |
1991c |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy |
Secrets 4 - Snap |
1991 |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy |
Silver Special |
1989 |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy |
Snap |
1991 |
ToC |
Johnson, Roy | Third
Dimension |
1977 |
ToC |
Johnson Smith & Co. |
125 Tricks With Cards or Sleight of Hand | 1930c |
ToC |
Johnson Smith & Co | 250 Parlor Tricks or Magic Made Easy | 1940c |
ToC |
Johnson Smith & Co. | Learn How to Be a Handcuff King and Mystery Man | 1920c |
ToC |
Johnson Smith & Co. |
Secrets of
Ancient & Modern Magic |
1925c |
ToC |
Johnson, Steve | Floating Freely in a Fine Fashion | 1992 |
Full |
Johnson, V.E. |
Chemical Magic |
1920 |
Partial |
Johnson, V.E. | Chemistry and Chemical Magic | 1912 |
ToC |
Johnsson, Rick |
Pi Practical
Impossibilities |
1976 |
ToC |
Johnsson, Rick |
Routines |
1970 |
ToC |
Johnsson, Rick |
The |
Full |
Johnsson, Rick |
One |
1973 |
ToC |
Johnsson, Rick |
Swindival Kit |
1973 |
Full |
Johnston, Hugh R.; F.B. Sterling |
Card Miracles |
1921 |
ToC |
Johnston, Rory |
Magic in
Black and White! |
1977 |
Full |
Jon, Finn |
Jon's Invisible Elastic Thread |
1987 |
ToC |
Jon, Finn |
Magic of
Finn Jon |
1984 |
ToC |
Jon, Finn |
Magic of Finn Jon,
German |
1984 |
ToC |
Jon, Finn |
Magic by Finn Jon |
1985 |
ToC |
Jonas, Luke |
Away With Words |
2021 |
ToC |
Jones, Bascom, Herb Dewey |
King of
the Cold Readers |
1989 |
ToC |
Jones, Bascom (editor) |
MindFields |
1991 |
ToC |
Jones, Davey |
Tricks and Gags |
1950 |
Full |
Jones, David |
Closely |
1991 |
Full |
Jones, Eric |
Fingertips, Pt.
1 |
2007 |
ToC |
Jones, Erwin Beck |
Linking Rings |
1971 |
ToC |
Jones, Gary |
a Beach Volume One |
2019 |
ToC |
Jones, Gary |
a Beach Volume Two |
2019 |
ToC |
Jones, Gary |
No Frills Just
Pure Magic |
2006 |
ToC |
Jones, Graham |
Trade of
the Tricks: Inside the Magician's Craft |
2011 |
ToC |
Jones, Jan |
Assistant, The |
1982 |
ToC |
Jones, Lewis |
If By Magic |
2018 |
Full |
Jones, Lewis |
Card Party |
Full |
Jones, Lewis | Cardiograms |
1993 |
ToC |
Jones, Lewis | Con-Sessions |
1995 |
ToC |
Jones, Lewis |
Counter Feats |
1996 |
ToC |
Jones, Lewis | Encyclopedia
of Impromptu Card Forces |
2010 |
Chapters |
Jones, Lewis | Imp
Romp 2 |
1994 |
ToC |
Jones, Lewis |
Lusions |
1995 |
ToC |
Jones, Lewis |
Move, The |
1992 |
ToC |
Jones, Lewis |
Persona |
Full |
Jones, Lewis | Shampagne |
1994 |
ToC |
Jones, Lewis |
of 52, The |
1994 |
ToC |
Jones, Lewis |
Top Deck |
Full |
Jones, Little Johnny |
So You Want To
Be A Magician! |
1939 |
Full |
Jones, Lloyd E. |
Dime and Penny |
1945 |
ToC |
Jones, Lloyd E. (editor) | Meet the
Boys of the Pacific Coast |
1934 |
Full |
Jones, Lloyd E. (editor) |
Both Sides |
1973 |
ToC |
Jones, Steve |
for All Occasions |
1989 |
ToC |
Jones, Tom & Rachel Wild |
Kiddies to
Korporate Lecture |
2000 |
Full |
Jones, Tom & Rachel Wild (Colombini) |
Wild About
Harry |
2005 |
ToC |
Jonson, Wilfrid | But Not to
Play |
1946 |
ToC |
Jonson, Wilfrid | Card Conjuring;
CardTricks for Beginners |
1950 |
ToC |
Jonson, Wilfrid & Chesley
Barnes (ed) |
Conjuring (or
Wilfrid Jonson's Magic Tricks) |
1950 |
ToC |
Jonson, Wilfrid | Let's Pretend |
1937 |
ToC |
Jonson, Wilfrid |
Magic Tricks
& Card Tricks |
1954 |
ToC |
Jonson, Wilfrid |
Mr. Smith's
Guide to Sleight of Hand |
1945 |
Full |
Jonousky, Josh |
Just Joshin' |
2017 |
Full |
Jordan, Charles |
Four Full
Hands, The |
1947 |
ToC |
Jordan, Charles | Ten New
Impromptu Card Tricks |
1920 |
ToC |
Jordan, Charles |
Ten New
Miscellaneous Tricks |
1920 |
ToC |
Jordan, Charles | Ten New
Pocket Tricks |
1920 |
ToC |
Jordan, Charles | Ten New
Prepared Card Tricks |
1920 |
ToC |
Jordan, Charles | Ten
New Sleight of Hand Card Tricks |
1920 |
ToC |
Jordan, Charles |
Card Mysteries |
1919 |
ToC |
Joro (Bruno Hennig) |
Schwamm Ball Becher Spiel (German) |
1976 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | 12 Brand
New Tricks |
1959 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
12 Stunts
With the Magic Mummy |
1960c |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | 15
Exciting Minutes With a Borrowed Deck |
1950c |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
A Box of
Matches - Match-netism |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | A
Magician Goes to Dinner |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | A
Practical Lesson In Cups and Balls |
1936 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Advanced
Lessons In Cups and Balls |
1938 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Art of Body
Loading & Productions, The |
1950 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Bombay |
1974 |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie |
Card Bonanza |
1959 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Card Magic
of the Mind |
1952 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Coat of
Many Colors |
1952 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Tricks and Gags At The Bar |
1958 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Coin and Money
Magic |
1942 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Come, Good
Spirits |
1948 |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie |
Dumbfounders With Cards, The |
2006 |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie |
Eddie Joseph On...Cups & Balls | 1984 |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie | Eddie's
Dumbfounders With Cards |
1950 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Greater
Card Tricks |
1942 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Heart Throb |
1947 |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie | Hindu
Cups, The |
1956 |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie |
Gaming Shells, The |
1981 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Hitting the
Headlines |
1952 |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie | How Gambler's
Win |
1950 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | How to Pick
Pockets |
1940 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Intuitional Sight | 1938 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Invisible
Influence, The |
1951 |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie | Joseph's
Coat of Many Colors |
1952 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Jumbo Card
Tricks |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie | Last Word
on Cups and Balls, The |
1942 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Magic and Mysteries of India | Full | |
Joseph, Eddie |
Magic of the
Mind |
1952 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Mail Mentalism |
1949 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Manual of the
Three Shell Game, The |
1959 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Blindfold Act |
195x |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Memory of
the Mind |
1952 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Dumbfounders With Cards |
1951 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | My
Favorite Routine With the Cups and Balls |
1949 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | New
Premonition, The |
1970c |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Original
Tricks |
ToC | |
Joseph, Eddie | Premonition |
1948 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Staggered |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie | Strictly Magic |
1939 |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie |
Interception |
1959 |
ToC |
Joseph, Eddie |
Reflection |
1940s |
Full |
Joseph, Eddie |
Tricks for
Informal Occasions |
1952 |
Full |
Joseph, George |
Mucking |
1982 |
ToC |
Josolyne, Sidney E. |
Wonders for Wizards Part I |
1924 |
Full |
Joyal, Martin |
Memorized Deck, The |
1997 |
ToC |
Judah, Stewart |
Magic World of
Stewart Judah, The |
1966 |
ToC |
Judah, Stewart & John Braun |
Problems You Will Do |
1937 |
ToC |
Jules, Stuart |
Secrets |
ToC |
Jupiter |
Magic |
1983 |
Full |
Jupiter |
Lecture Notes
1988 |
1988 |
ToC |
Juzan, Sylvain |
Every Card
You Take |
2021 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Kahn, Scott |
Card Magic |
2017 |
Full |
Kahn, Scott |
Kahnjuring |
2015 |
Full |
Kahn, Scott |
Scams & Kahns |
2022 |
Full |
Kajar (Reuben Bowen) |
Magic Secrets |
1952 |
ToC |
Kalush, William |
Bill Kalush
Presents Cards |
1981 |
Partial |
Kalush, William & Larry Sloman |
Life of Houdini, The |
2006 |
ToC |
Kalver, Bruce |
Party Portfolio |
2002 |
ToC |
Kalver, Bruce |
Bits of Magic |
1991 |
ToC |
Kalver, Bruce |
Details |
Full |
Kalver, Bruce |
Himber Ring
Magic |
1991 |
ToC |
Kalver, Bruce |
Practical |
1996 |
Full |
Kam, Curtis |
All The
World's A Stage |
ToC |
Kam, Curtis |
By All Means |
2007 |
Full |
Kam, Curtis |
Interest |
2006 |
ToC |
Kam, Curtis |
With Magic |
2015 |
ToC |
Kaminskas, Michael |
Material |
1996 |
Full |
Kaminskas, Michael |
Impromptu |
Full |
Kamm, Jonathan |
Restaurant and
Bar Magic |
2015 |
Full |
Kamm, Jonathan |
ToiBox The Ungimmicked
Card to Box |
2006 |
ToC |
Kane, Marty |
Card ChiKANEry |
2017 |
ToC |
Kane, Peter | A
Card Session With Peter Kane |
1967 |
ToC |
Kane, Peter |
A Further
Card Session |
1975 |
ToC |
Kane, Peter | Another
Card Session |
1971 |
Full |
Kane, Peter |
Combined Card
Sessions |
Full |
Kane, Peter; Oscar Weigle (editor) |
Kane |
1982 |
ToC |
Kane, Peter |
Kane At Table |
1989 |
ToC |
Kane, Peter |
Kane's Variant |
Full |
Kane, Peter |
Tedtrad One |
1980 |
ToC |
Kaplan, George |
Fine Art of
Magic, The |
1948 |
ToC |
Kaps, Fred |
See also books under Anthony Brahams as
editor |
Kaps, Fred |
11 Bill Trick |
2023 |
Full |
Kaps, Fred; Pat Page |
Money |
1982c |
Full |
Kaps, Fred, & Paul Stone |
Fred Kaps
Chinese Coin Trick |
1984 |
Full |
Kaps, Fred |
It's So Simple |
1986 |
ToC |
Kaps, Fred |
Kaps on Coins |
ToC |
Kaps, Fred |
Kaps on Kards |
ToC |
Kaps, Fred | Lecture Book | 1972 |
Full |
Kardyro, Tony |
Galore |
1983 |
Partial |
Kardyro, Tony | Close-Up
Deceptions |
1972 |
Full |
Kardyro, Tony (Senor Torino) |
Deceptions |
1955 |
ToC |
Kardyro, Tony (Senor Torino) | Kardyro's Kard
Konjuring |
1955 |
ToC |
Kardyro, Tony |
Klose -Up Konjuring |
ToC |
Kardyro, Tony | Kardyro's Kolossal Kompendium of Klever and Kommercial Klose-Up | Full | |
Kardyro, Tony |
Highway |
1987 |
ToC |
Kardyro, Tony |
Routine Supreme, The |
1981 |
ToC |
Kardyro, Tony |
Supreme, The |
Full |
Kardyro, Tony |
Card Change Supreme Effects |
1966 |
ToC |
Kardyro, Tony |
Your Deck,
Your Card |
1948 |
Full |
Karelis, Charles |
Through Ball & Handkerchief Routine |
Full |
Karges, Craig |
Karges Connection - Mentalism With You in Mind |
1986 |
ToC |
Karlin |
Magic |
1946 |
Partial |
Karmilovich, Ted |
Food for
Thought |
2011 |
Full |
Karmilovich, Ted |
Number - the Manual |
2015 |
ToC |
Karr, Todd (editor) |
Adventures of
Winston Freer, The |
ToC |
Karr, Todd (editor, William Henry Robinson |
of Chung Ling Soo, The |
2001 |
ToC |
Karr, Todd |
Magic |
1996 |
ToC |
Karson, Joe |
Complete Club
Act |
1933 |
Full |
Karson, Joe |
Mental Club Act |
1934 |
Full |
Karson, Joe & Neil Foster (compiler) |
Tips on Zombie |
1963 |
Full |
Karson, Joe |
Hypno Tricks |
1940 |
Full |
Karson, Joe |
Illusion Magic! |
1933 |
Full |
Karson, Joe |
Illusion Magic
2nd Edition |
1943 |
Full |
Karson, Joe; Michael E. Rose; Chris Wasshuber |
Joe Karson
Compilation |
2006 |
Full |
Karson, Joe |
Miniature Mysteries |
1934 |
ToC |
Karson, Joe |
Magic A La Mode |
1939 |
Full |
Karson, Joe |
Poison Swallowing Act |
1934 |
Full |
Karson, Joe |
Tips on Zombie |
1946 |
Full |
Karson, Joe |
Fastest Card Trick |
1948 |
Full |
Kartsakis, Manos |
UnVeil Part I |
2018 |
Full |
Kattner, Wilbur | Destiny and
Beyond |
1987 |
ToC |
Kattner, Wilbur |
Off the
Beaten Path |
1947 |
Full |
Kattner, Wilbur |
Spirit Writes, The |
1945 |
ToC |
Kattner, Wilbur |
On! Magic for One and Two |
ToC |
Kaufman, Gerald Lynton |
Book of
Modern Puzzles, The |
1940 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Gerald Lynton |
How's Tricks? |
1938 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | 100% Sankey | 1990 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard | Amazing Miracles of Shigeo Takagi | 1990 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard |
Lessons In Side-Arm Snookery |
1977 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard; David Berglas |
Effects, The |
2011 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard; So Sato |
Card Magic of
So Sato, The |
2016 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | CardMagic |
1979 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard |
CardWorks |
1981 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | CoinMagic | 1981 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard | Collected Almanac | 1992 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard | Complete Works of Derek Dingle | 1982 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | David Roth's Expert Coin Magic | 1985 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard |
Five Times
Five (Japan) |
1992 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard |
Kurtz Unexplainable Acts |
1990 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard |
Maze Card Book, The |
1980 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard |
Production of Coins, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard |
Jennings '67 |
1997 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard |
Knack Make It
Easy - Magic Tricks |
2010 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard |
Glass, The: Spring 1996 |
1996 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard | Looking
Glass, The: Summer 1996 |
1996 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | Looking
Glass, The: Winter 1996 |
1996 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | Looking
Glass, The: Winter 1998 |
1998 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | Lou
Gallo The Underground Man |
1996 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard |
Jennings Takes It Easy |
2020 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard |
New Magic
of Japan |
1988 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | New York Magic Symposium Collection One | 1982 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard | New York Magic Symposium Collection Two | 1983 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard & Rene Lavand |
of My Life, The |
1998 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard and Ken
Krenzel |
On the
Up and Up |
1978 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | Paul Gertner's Steel and Silver | 1994 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard | Richard's
Almanac One |
1983 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | Sankey
Pankey |
1986 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard | Sawa's
Library of Magic |
1988 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | Secrets Draun from the Underground | 1993 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard | Secrets of Brother John Hamman | 1989 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard |
of So Sato, The |
2016 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard |
Tom Mullica
Starring in Show Time at the Tom Foolery |
1992 |
Full |
Kaufman, Richard |
Uncanny Scot
Ron Wilson, The |
1987 |
ToC |
Kaufman, Richard | Williamson's Wonders | 1989 |
Full |
Kaye, David (Silly Billy) | How
to Peform the Perfect Kid Show Trick |
1999 |
ToC |
Kaye, David (Silly Billy) | How to Solve
the Top 10 Problems of Performing for Children |
2000 |
ToC |
Kaye, David (Silly Billy) |
Kid Show
Kliff Notes |
2001 |
ToC |
Kaye, David (Silly Billy) |
Silly |
2005 |
ToC |
Kaye, David |
Super Sized
Silly |
2016 |
Full |
Kaye, Marvin |
Catalog of
Magic |
1977 |
ToC |
Kaye, Marvin |
Magician, The |
1973 |
ToC |
Kaye, Marvin |
Handbook of
Mental Magic, The |
1975 |
ToC |
Kaye, Marvin |
Stein and
Day Handbook of Magic, The |
1973 |
ToC |
Kazan |
With Fire |
1980 |
ToC |
Keable, Ian |
Professional's Repertoire |
2012c |
ToC |
Keable, Ian | Big Book of Magic Fun | 2005 |
Full |
Keable-Elliott, Ian |
Opus June 1989 |
1989 |
Full |
Keable, Ian |
Stand Up |
2008 |
ToC |
Keable, Ian and Rebecca
Heddle |
Book of Magic Tricks |
1992 |
ToC |
Keene, Robertson | More
Novel Notions |
1907 |
ToC |
Keene, Robertson |
Notions |
1905 |
ToC |
Kellar, Harry |
A Magician's
Tour |
1886 |
Chapters |
Kellar, Harry |
Wizard's Manual |
1892c |
Full |
Kellerhof, Alfred |
Alfred! (Typical Aldred!) - In German |
2003 |
Full |
Kellock, Harold |
His Life Story |
1928 |
Chapters |
Kelly, Frank J. |
Twin Deception |
1948c |
ToC |
Kelly, Kevin; Armando Gutierrez |
Pasteboard Odyssey |
1997 |
ToC |
Kelly, Kevin |
England's Paradox |
2001 |
Full |
Kelly, Kevin | Intermezzo |
1985c |
ToC |
Kelly, Kristen & Ken |
Fun Magic Tricks for Kids |
2016 |
Full |
Kemp, Joseph Elon |
Emergency Full
Evening Show |
1949 |
ToC |
Kendall, Ian |
Basic Training,
The Book |
2012 |
ToC |
Kendall, Lace |
Master of Escape |
1960 |
Chapters |
Kennedy (Ken Dyne) |
Thoughts So Far |
2007 |
Full |
Kennedy, John |
Kennedy's Lecture III |
1983 |
ToC |
Kenner, Chris |
Band Across
The Globe |
1990 |
ToC |
Kenner, Chris | De Ja
Vu A Lecture |
ToC |
Kenner, Chris & Homer Liwag |
Man Examiner, The, Issues 1-4 |
1991 |
Full |
Kenner, Chris | Out of Control / Totally Out of Control | 1992 |
Full |
Kenner, Chris |
Tour Notes |
1991 |
ToC |
Kenyon, John |
Thumbs Up! |
1948 |
Full |
Keppler, Stephen |
Secrets Revealed |
2002 |
Full |
Kerns, Ernie |
How to be a
Magic Clown |
1960 |
ToC |
Kersten, Peter |
Lecture Notes No.
1 |
1977 |
ToC |
Kett, Michael |
Applied Magic |
2000 |
ToC |
Kettelkamp, William |
Magic Made
Easy |
1954 |
ToC |
Kettelkamp, William |
Speech and Ventriloquism |
1967 |
ToC |
Kettelkamp, William |
Spooky Magic |
1955 |
Full |
Khubchandani, Rohit |
Moments |
1998 |
ToC |
Kim, Sungwon |
Seven Thoughts |
2018 |
ToC |
Kimlat, Kostya | A
Lecture Collection |
2004 |
ToC |
Kimlat, Kostya |
Tricks for Strangers, Pets and Magician's Wives |
2006 |
ToC |
Kimlat, Kostya | Card Work Card Play | 2006 |
ToC |
Kimlat, Kostya |
Shenanigans |
2006c |
ToC |
Kimlat, Kostya |
Shenanigans & Card Tricks for Strangers, Pets and
Magician's Wives |
2008c |
ToC |
Kimlat, Kostya |
Joker Game, The |
2000 |
Full |
Kimlat, Kostya | Lecture Collection | 2006 |
ToC |
Kimlat, Kostya | Magic: Experiments with the Art & Thoughts on the Artistry | 2003 |
Full |
King, Bob |
- The Ultimate Crimp, The |
1992 |
ToC |
King, Bob | Breather
- The Ultimate Crimp 2, The |
1993 |
ToC |
King, Bob |
Breather - The
Ultimate Crimp 3, The |
2002 |
ToC |
King, Bob |
Card Notes |
1997 |
ToC |
King, Bob |
Stand-up Close-Up |
1991 |
Full |
King, Bob |
Up Tutorial 5 Shell Game Plus |
1998 |
Full |
King, Bob | Five
Star Magic |
1996 |
ToC |
King, Bob | Great
Britain '97 |
1997 |
ToC |
King, Bob |
Great Britain
2001 |
2000 |
ToC |
King, Bob | Magician Foolers |
1989 |
ToC |
King, Bob | More
Magician Foolers |
1990 |
ToC |
King, Bob | New Magician
Foolers |
2003 |
ToC |
King, Bob |
Opening Night
Magic |
1995 |
ToC |
King, Bob | Private
Notes |
1999 |
Full |
King, Kevin |
Business of
Magic, The |
1991 |
ToC |
King, Kolby |
Made Easy |
1997 |
Chapters |
King, Mac |
Magic |
2010 |
Full |
King, Mac |
Howdy! I'm
Mac King |
1990 |
ToC |
King, Mac |
Lunchbox O Magic |
2009 |
ToC |
King, Mac |
Mac King's
First Lecture Notes |
1990 |
Full |
King, Mac |
Mac King's
Other Rope Routine |
1990 |
Full |
King, Mac & Mark Levy |
Tricks With
Your Head |
2002 |
ToC |
King, William E. Jr. |
and Magical Life of Bob Kline, The |
1989 |
Chapters |
Kirchner, Gerald |
Daub The Real Deal |
2010 |
Partial |
Kirk, Gene |
Buttons Are Loose! |
1960 |
ToC |
Kirkendall, George |
Magic You
Like to See |
1975 |
Full |
Kirkham, Kirk |
Book of Secrets, The |
1959 |
ToC |
Kirkham, Kirk |
TV Dove
Classics |
1959 |
ToC |
Kirsch, William |
Magical Experiments |
1909 |
ToC |
Kissell, Steve |
of the Rubber Bullet |
1984 |
ToC |
Kissell, Steve |
Top Hat
Treasury |
2006 |
Chapters |
Kitain, Dr. Donald |
- The Infernal Conjuror's Lecture Notes |
1980 |
Full |
Klamm, B.C. | Ring Routine Featuring Klamm's Locking Ring | 1982 |
Full |
Klamm, R.W. |
Buying Magic is Tricky
Business |
1986 |
ToC |
Klamm, R.W. | Rig Up the Ropes,
Expanded |
1982 |
Full |
Klamm, R.W. | Magic of God's Word, The |
1984 |
Full |
Klause, Roger & Jay Evans (editor) |
Notes of Roger Klause |
1981 |
ToC |
Klause, Roger & Tim Trono |
The Stacked Attack |
2000 |
ToC |
Klayder, Jim |
Closely |
1978 |
Full |
Kleefeld, Jim |
Book Test Book,
The |
2020 |
ToC |
Kleefeld, Jim |
Contract Book,
The |
1988 |
ToC |
Kleefeld, Jim |
Locked |
2015 |
ToC |
Kleefeld, Jim |
Stuff |
1992 |
ToC |
Kleefeld, Jim | Volunteer
Book, The |
1990 |
ToC |
Klein, Jim |
With Your Magic |
1994 |
ToC |
Klein, James M. |
of Riedel, The |
1988 |
Full |
Klein James M. |
Magic Magazine Issues 1-4 |
1990 |
Full |
Klein James M | Mortimer's Magic Magazine Issues 5-8 | 1991 |
Full |
Klein James M | Mortimer's Magic Magazine Issues 9-13 | 1992 |
Full |
Kleinman, Benjamen J.; Tan Bah Chee |
of Magic Around The World, The |
1975 |
ToC |
Klingsor, Claude |
and Effective Magic Lecture Notes |
1971 |
Full |
Klutz (Pat Murphy, Michael Stroud) |
Card Trickery |
2008 |
Full |
Klutz (Cassidy, et al) |
Coin Magic |
1997 |
Full |
Klutz (John Cassidy, editor) |
Klutz Book of Card
Games |
1990 |
Full |
Klutz (John Cassidy) |
Klutz Book of Knots,
The |
1985 |
ToC |
Klutz (John Cassidy, Michael Stroud) |
Klutz Book of Magic,
The |
1990 |
Full |
Klutz (John Cassidy, Paula Hannigan) |
No Practice Magic |
2005 |
Full |
Knapp Electric Inc. |
of Master Magic Set No. 1 |
1929 |
Full |
Knapp Electric Inc. |
of Master Magic Set No. 2 |
1929 |
Full |
Knapp Electric Inc. |
of Master Magic Set No. 3 |
1929 |
Full |
Knecht, Larry |
Larry Knecht On
Mentalism |
2008 |
ToC |
Kneitel, Ashford |
Born Card$hark (cardshark) |
2001 |
Partial |
Knepper, Kenton |
Enchanted Evening |
2001 |
Partial |
Knepper Kenton |
Thoughts and Meaningful Magic |
2005 |
ToC |
Knepper, Kenton |
Effects |
2006 |
ToC |
Knepper, Kenton |
Q |
2005 |
ToC |
Knepper, Kenton |
Readings |
1999 |
ToC |
Knigge, Bob |
From Me to
You |
1998 |
ToC |
Knigge, Bob | Mini
Pearl |
ToC |
Knight, Devin | A Knight of
Magic |
2009 |
ToC |
Knight, Devin | A Knight
to Remember |
2011 |
Full |
Knight, Devin | A Lifetime in Magic Volume 1 | 2018 |
Full |
Knight, Devin |
A Lifetime in
Magic Volume 2 |
2018 |
ToC |
Knight, Devin; Jerome Finley |
Cloud Busting
Secrets |
2007 |
Chapters |
Knight, Devin |
Knight's Tour
Excalibur |
2011 |
ToC |
Knight, Devin |
2011 Lecture Notes |
2011 |
ToC |
Knight, Devin |
Gravity and Other Self Levitations |
2011 |
ToC |
Knoles, David |
Spooky Magic
Tricks |
1993 |
Full |
Koehlert, Henning |
Workable & Hands On Magic |
2008 |
Full |
Kohler, Bob |
Kardz |
2001 |
ToC |
Kohrs, Lewis |
I'll Bet You
Can't |
1946 |
Full |
Kok, Zenneth |
08 Cards Act II |
2007 |
ToC |
Kok, Zenneth |
15 Maneuvers |
2007 |
Full |
Kok, Zenneth |
A-List Material |
2008 |
Full |
Kok, Zenneth |
Cards You
Softly |
2006 |
Full |
Kolar, Joseph J. |
and Magic Stunts |
1936 |
Full |
Kolb, Fred |
Experiments in ESP |
1970c |
Full |
Kole, Andre |
Illusion to Reality |
1984 |
ToC |
Koornwinder, Dick | Dick Koornwinder's Diverting Kreations (Part One) | 1984 |
Full |
Koran, Al & Jack Lamonte |
Amazement |
1947 |
ToC |
Korem, Danny |
Danny's Bag |
1977 |
ToC |
Korem, Danny; Stephen Minch (editor) |
Without Limits |
1985 |
ToC |
Korem, Danny |
Taking a Stand |
Partial |
Korem, Danny |
Upside Down
Toppit, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Korn, Chris |
Be Fruitful and
Multiply |
2002 |
Full |
Korn, Chris |
Korn Flakes... |
2004 |
ToC |
Korn, Chris |
Nuts |
2014 |
ToC |
Kornfield, Gary |
Close-Up for Stage Magiciains |
1985 |
Full |
Kort, Milton |
Cups &
Balls In Miniature |
1962 |
ToC |
Kort, Milton | Kort is Now in Session | 1962 |
Full |
Kort, Milton; Ron Bauer (editor) |
Milton Kort
Lecture Notes |
1963 |
ToC |
Kort, Milton |
Card Tricks |
1970 |
ToC |
Kosby, Ray |
the Surface |
1986 |
Full |
Kosby, Ray |
Tricks |
1994 |
ToC |
Kosky, Gerald |
of Gerald Kosky, The, Book |
1975 |
Partial |
Kosky, Gerald | Magic
of Gerald Kosky, The, Lecture Notes |
Full |
Kosky, Gerald & Arnold Furst |
of Tenkai, The |
1974 |
ToC |
Kosky, Gerald |
Super Memory
Plus |
1950 |
ToC |
Kovacs, Jozsef |
Cardopia |
2013 |
Full |
Kovari |
Ideas and
Inventions of The Great Kovari, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Kovari |
Kovari's Master Magic |
1978 |
ToC |
Koynini, Tony; George Armstrong (editor) |
Koynini's Card Miracles |
1951 |
ToC |
Kozak |
Kozak on
Coins and Sponge Balls |
Full |
Kozak | Master
Routine With The Sponges |
1974 |
ToC |
Kozlowski, Mike |
Hundred Dollar Bill
Switch, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Kozlowski, Mike |
Techniques and Routines, Lecture #1 |
1997 |
ToC |
Kramer, Seth |
A Modern
Trade Show Handbook |
2006 |
ToC |
Krantz, Thomas |
Serious or What? |
1997 |
ToC |
Kraft, Frederick L. & Arthur | Coin Magnetrix: Paul Diamond Presents his Gems of Magic Book No. 3 | 1973 |
Full |
Kraft, Frederick L. & Arthur | Magicology |
1970 |
Full |
Kraft, Frederick L. & Arthur | Magneticoins: Paul Diamond Presents his Gems of Magic Book No. 1 | 1971 |
Full |
Kranzo, Nathan |
Bill Plots |
2007 |
Full |
Kranzo, Nathan |
Lecture Notes |
2015 |
Full |
Kranzo, Nathan |
Lecture |
2016 |
Full |
Kranzo, Nathan |
The |
2001 |
Full |
Kranzo, Nathan |
Heat of the Desert Lecture Notes | 2004 |
Full |
Kranzo, Nathan and Keven
Williams |
That's Amore | 2001 |
Full |
Kranzo, Nathan |
Things With Cards | 2001 |
Full |
Kraske, Robert |
Houdini - Master of Magic |
1973 |
ToC |
Kraus, Richard G. |
Technics |
1974 |
Full |
Krenz, Jim |
Magic! |
1993 |
Full |
Krenz, Jim | Trio |
1993c |
Full |
Krenzel, Ken |
Close-Up Power |
ToC |
Krenzel, Ken |
Full Deck Levitation |
1987 |
ToC |
Krenzel, Ken |
Vintage Ken
Krenzel |
ToC |
Kronzek, Allen Zola |
52 Ways to Cheat at
Poker |
2008 |
ToC |
Kronzek, Allen Zola |
Deceptions |
2017 |
ToC |
Kronzek, Allen Zola |
Destiny, Chance
and Free Will |
2000 |
Full |
Kronzek, Allen Zola |
Grandpa Magic |
2018 |
ToC |
Kronzek, Allen Zola |
Secrets of
Alkazar |
1980 |
Full |
Kumler, John M. | Jack's
Stunt Book 1924 |
1924 |
Full |
Kumler, John M. |
Stunt Book No. 4, The |
1933 |
Full |
Kunard, Professor R. |
Book of Card
Tricks, The |
1922 |
ToC |
Kunard, Professor R. |
of Modern Conjuring, The |
1890 |
Chapters |
Kundu, Solyl |
Magic of
Merriment, The |
ToC |
Kurtz, Gary | Departures
- Continuations 1 |
1988 |
ToC |
Kurtz, Gary | Leading With Your Head | 1992 |
ToC |
Kurtz, Gary |
Notes From the
Summit |
1995 |
ToC |
Kurtz, Gary |
The Point |
1987 |
ToC |
Kustes, Bill |
With a Hand Puppet |
2000 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Ladanye, Jason |
Deceptions |
2013 |
ToC |
Ladanye, Jason | Game Changer |
2018 |
ToC |
Ladshaw, Tom |
Stuff and Assorted Mysteries |
1992 |
ToC |
Lafllin, David & Teesha |
& Kingdom |
2011 |
Full |
Lafllin, David & Teesha | Creative
Illusions for KidMin |
2014 |
Full |
Lafllin, David & Teesha | Illusions |
2010 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Amazing
Gospel Magic |
1992 |
Chapters |
Laflin, Duane | Amazing
Gospel Illusions You Can Make |
2003 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Anatomy of a
Gospel Magic Show |
2009 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane & Mary |
the Gospel Magician |
1992 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane | Beautiful
Gospel Magic |
1989 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane |
Bag Creativity, Contrivance, and Comedy |
2003 |
Chapters |
Laflin, Duane | Christmas
Magic |
1994 |
Chaplters |
Laflin, Duane | Clown Style
Magic |
2008 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Colorful
Gospel Magic |
1995 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Costuming
for the Gospel Magician and Assistant |
2004 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane | Duane's
Comedy Lists |
1994 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane | Dynamic
Gospel Magic |
1992 |
Chapters |
Laflin, Duane | Effective
Gospel Magic |
1990 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Exciting
Gospel Magic |
1993 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Feather
Plume Magic |
1996 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Gospel
Lessons With a Change Bag |
1996 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane | Gospel
Magician's Open Sesame |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Gospel
Routines For Rope Tricks |
1995 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Greater
Gospel Magic |
2000 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane | Happy
Magic |
1994 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Look
& Laugh |
2006 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Magicisms |
2008 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane | Meaningful
Gospel Magic |
1994 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Miracles,
Who Can Do Them? |
2004 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane | Positive Magic |
1993 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane | Powerful
Gospel Magic |
1992 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane | Practical Gospel Magic | 1988 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Practical
Magic for Entertainers |
1990 |
Partial |
Laflin, Duane | Practical
Routine for the Linking Rings |
1990 |
ToC |
Laflin, Duane | Practical
Magic for Entertainers, Kid Show School Show |
1990 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane | Strong
Gospel Magic |
1991 |
Full |
Laflin, Duane |
Magic With Silks |
1991 |
ToC |
LaGerould, Terry & Wayne Whiting | Terry LaGerould's Pasteboard Presentations | 1992 |
ToC |
Lainsbury, Bill & Ken De Courcy (editor) |
Benbo's Best / Billy Benbow's Best |
1981 |
ToC |
Lair, Michael | Act 1 |
1992 |
Full |
Lair, Michael | Act 2 |
1995 |
Full |
Lair, Michael | Candles |
1987 |
Full |
Lair, Michael P |
Silver |
1985 |
Full |
Lair, Michael P |
2 The Coin Rolls On |
1986 |
ToC |
Lair, Michael | Stage
Cool |
Full |
Lair, Michael |
Standup! |
2002 |
Full |
Lake, Jimmy |
Tearing With a Gospel Message |
1968 |
ToC |
Lakin, Nick |
SuperCool |
2000 |
Full |
Lam, Louis |
Be Deceived |
1939 |
ToC |
Lam, Louis | Watch
Me Closely |
1937 |
Full |
Lam, Louis |
Would You
Believe It? |
1935 |
ToC |
Lamanske, Todd |
In the
Trenches |
1994 |
ToC |
Lamb, Geoffrey | Mental
Magic Tricks |
1973 |
ToC |
Lamb, Geoffrey |
and Paper Tricks |
1977 |
ToC |
Lambert, Gregg & Rob Redmon |
A Rose By
Any Other Name |
1993 |
ToC |
Lamonte, Jack |
Stunts With
Stage Money |
1948 |
ToC |
Lampkin, Al |
Cheating at
Cards |
1973 |
Chapters |
Lampkin, Al |
Magic Show In The World, The |
1978 |
Full |
Lancaster, Lou | Tricks
of the Trade |
1984 |
Full |
Landers, Woody | 24 Hour
Happy Hour Magician |
1997 |
ToC |
Landers, Woody |
& Landers |
1970c |
ToC |
Lane, Frank |
Real Magic Show |
1935c |
Full |
Lane, Frank | Frank Lane's Book of Patter #1 | 1928 |
ToC |
Lane, Frank | Frank
Lane's Book of Patter #2 |
1930 |
ToC |
Lane, Frank | Frank
Lane's Ideas No. 2 |
1936 |
Full |
Lane, Frank |
Frank Lane's Ideas No.
3 |
1937 |
Full |
Lane, Frank |
Funny Talk
For Magicians |
1945 |
ToC |
Lane, Frank | Funny
Talk Vol 1 |
1960c |
ToC |
Lane, Frank | Help
Yourself |
1931 |
ToC |
Lane, Frank | Here's
How |
1934 |
Full |
Lane, Frank & U.F. Grant | They're Off! | 1935 |
Full |
Lanners, Edi |
of 123 Classic Science Tricks and Experiments |
1981 |
ToC |
Larsen, Geraldine Conrad |
of a Magician's Wife, The |
1941 |
ToC |
Larsen, William W. | 12 Illusionettes | 1975 | Full |
Larsen, William Sr. | A Spook Show In Your Parlour | 1947 |
ToC |
Larsen, William W. |
For Children |
1949 |
ToC |
Larsen, William W. |
of Deception |
1940 |
Full |
Larsen, William W. |
Gyp Artist, The |
1949 |
Full |
Larsen, William W. |
I Won't
Play Cards With Him |
1931 |
Full |
Larsen, William & T. Page Wright | L.W. Card
Mysteries, The |
1928 |
ToC |
Larsen, William & T. Page Wright |
Mindreading Mysteries, The |
1928 |
ToC |
Larsen, William & T. Page Wright | L.W.
Mysteries for Children, The |
1928 |
ToC |
Larsen, William & T. Page Wright | L.W.
Pocket and Parlor Mysteries |
1928 |
Full |
Larsen, William, Jr. |
Mysteries and Other Writings of William Larsen Sr. |
1977 |
Chapters |
Larsen, William | Mental Mysteries With Cards | 1974 |
Full |
Larsen, William; T.Page Wright |
More L.W.
Card Mysteries |
2019 |
Full |
Larsen, William & Ormond McGill |
Radio and
Nite Club Mindreading |
1944 |
ToC |
Larsen, William |
Ideas With a Billiard Ball |
1946 |
Partial |
LaRue Robert D. Jr and Steve Spangler | Bouncing Back | 1997 |
Full |
LaRue, Robert D. Jr. |
Volume One Number One |
1998 |
ToC |
LaRue, Robert D. Jr. | Infinity
Volume One Number Two |
1998 |
ToC |
Lasher, Micah | Magic of Micah
Lasher, The |
1996 |
Full |
Latour, Harry |
Suggestions |
1921 |
ToC |
Laub, Denny |
Scams |
1985c |
Full |
Laub, Denny & Gary Inglese |
The |
1983 |
Full |
Lauber, Calvin |
Back Alley
Lecture Notes |
2007 |
Full |
Lauber, Patricia |
Up Your Sleeve |
1954 |
ToC |
Laurie | Forces'
Favourites |
1950c |
ToC |
Laurie | Magical
Compere, The |
1944c |
Full |
Laurie | Magician
Presents, The |
1944 |
Full |
Laurie |
'SMarvellous |
1935 |
Full |
Lavand, Rene |
Magic From the
Soul |
1993 |
ToC |
Lavand, Rene |
New Orleans Soireé;
Dallas Soireé |
1993 |
ToC |
Lavand, Rene |
Slow Motion
Magic Volume I |
1988 |
ToC |
Lavand, Rene |
Slow Motion
Magic Volume II |
1991 |
ToC |
Lawton, Don |
of Lawton |
1971 |
Full |
Lawton, Don & David Hoy (editor) |
Magic Series |
1958 |
ToC |
Leach, Chuck |
Chuck Leach's
Gemini Ring |
2000 |
Full |
Leach, Chuck | Eclipse Wallet | 1996 |
Full |
Leach, Chuck |
Oddities |
1989 |
Full |
Leach, Chuck |
Step Beyond |
1986 |
ToC |
Leach, Chuck |
PK Magic Book Vol One |
1988 |
ToC |
Leach, Chuck | Spring &
Ring Book, The |
1987 |
Full |
Leach, Chuck | Squeak Book, The (with prop) | 1987 |
Full |
Leach, Jamie |
Coin Stuff |
1995 |
Full |
Leamon, Earl |
Magic |
ToC |
Leat, Harry | USA
Depot Magic |
1925 |
ToC |
Leat, Harry | Diversified
Magic |
1924 |
Full |
Leat, Harry | Forty
Years In & Around Magic |
1923 |
ToC |
Leat, Harry | Magic of
the Depots 1923 |
1923 |
Full |
Leat, Harry | Magic of
the Depots 1924 |
1924 |
Full |
Leat, Harry |
Cartoons and Interpolations |
1927 |
ToC |
Leat, Harry | Thoughtful
Magic |
1923 |
Full |
Leat, Harry |
Magic |
1925 |
Full |
LeClair, Jon |
Lecture II, The |
1988 |
ToC |
LeDair, Jack |
Tricks of a
Trouper |
1946 |
Chapters |
Lee, Carol |
Made Easy |
1954 |
ToC |
Lee, Wallace |
X-Jargon |
Full |
Leech, Al | Al Leech's Legacy | 1980 |
Full |
Leech, Al |
of Leech |
1980 |
Full |
Leech, Al |
Cardmanship |
1959 |
ToC |
Leech, Al |
Man Stuff |
1953 |
ToC |
Leech, Al |
Don't Look Now! |
1948 |
ToC |
Leech, Al |
For Card Men Only |
1949 |
Full |
Leech, Al | Handbook of
Card Sleights |
1954 |
ToC |
Leech, Al | Manipulating With Leech | 1981 |
Full |
Leech, Al |
Super Card Man
Stuff |
1965 |
ToC |
Leeds Inner Magic Circle |
Magic For
You |
1936 |
ToC |
Leeming, Joseph | A Real Book
About Magic |
1951 |
Full |
Leeming, Joseph |
Fun With Puzzles |
2008 |
Chapters |
Leeming, Joseph | Fun With
Magic |
1943 |
ToC |
Leeming, Joseph |
Games and Fun with Playing Cards | 1949 |
Full |
Leeming, Joseph |
for Everybody |
1928 |
Chapters |
Leeming, Joseph |
More Fun
With Magic |
1948 |
ToC |
Leeming, Joseph |
New Book of
Magic by Professor Paradise, The |
1927 |
ToC |
Leeming, Joseph |
Tricks Any
Boy Can Do |
1938 |
ToC |
Lees, Walt |
Best of
Close-Up Magic, The |
1994 |
Full |
Lees, Walt | Cardmanship
of Roberto Giobbi |
1984 |
ToC |
Lees Walt & Roger Crosthwaite |
Card Magic of Roger Crosthwaite The |
1982 |
ToC |
Lees, Walt | Complete
Walt Lees Cannibal Act |
1981 |
ToC |
Lees, Walt | Four
Professional Card Tricks |
1981 |
ToC |
Lees, Walt & Lewis Ganson (editor) |
Card Magic of Walt Lees, The |
1980 |
Full |
Lees, Walt |
Professional Card Tricks |
1981 |
Full |
Lees, Walt |
MacMillan's Modern Art of Coin Manipulation |
1981 |
ToC |
Leirpoll, Jarle | Pocket Power | 1995 |
Full |
Lemezma, Marc |
Lemezma's Card Magic |
2008 |
ToC |
Lemezma, Marc | Mind Magic | 2003 |
ToC |
LePaul, Paul | Card Magic of LePaul, The | 1949 |
ToC |
LePaul, Paul | LePaul Presents the Card Magic of Bro. John Hamman | 1958 |
ToC |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster | 101 Tricks
With a Svengali Deck |
2005 |
Chapters |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster | 101
Tricks With Top Secret |
2005 |
Chapters |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster | 25 Tips and
Tricks With a Blank Deck |
2007 |
ToC |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster |
25 Tips
and Tricks With Nickels to Dimes |
2005 |
ToC |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster | 25 Tips and
Tricks With Slush Powder |
2005 |
ToC |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster | 25 Tips
and Tricks With Sponge Balls |
2005 |
ToC |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster | 25 Tips
and Tricks With The Rising Cards |
2007 |
ToC |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster |
25 Tips
and Tricks With The Ultimate Levitation System |
2005 |
ToC |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster | 25
Tricks With a Magnetic Card Box |
2007 |
ToC |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster |
Tricks With Lethal Tender |
2007 |
ToC |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster |
30 Tips
and Tricks With An Invisible Deck |
2007 |
ToC |
Le Pree, Roman; Trickmaster |
50 Tricks
With a Change Bag |
2007 |
Chapters |
LePree, Roman; Trickmaster |
50 Tricks
With Scotch & Soda |
2005 |
Chapters |
LeRoy, Arthur |
LeRoy's Futuristic Fantasies |
1931 |
ToC |
LeRoy, Arthur |
Frank Ducrot
Presents Magic from A2Z |
1930c |
Full |
LeRoy, Arthur & Jimmy Shannon |
Shannon's At Your Fingertips |
1934 |
ToC |
LeRoy, Arthur |
Outline of
Mystery |
1947 |
Full |
Lesley, Ted |
Credit Card
Card Trick |
1985 |
Full |
Lesley, Ted & Liz Tucker |
Close-Up Mentalism for Professional Performers |
1993 |
ToC |
Lesley, Ted |
Mentalism for Professionals |
ToC |
Lesley, Ted | Impossibilities
1999 |
1999 |
ToC |
Lesley, Ted | It's
Paramiraculous |
1997 |
ToC |
Lesley, Ted | Ted
Lesley's Paramiracles |
1994 |
ToC |
Lesley, Ted |
Lesley's Lecture 2000 |
2000 |
ToC |
Leslie, Wally Jr. |
Balloons For
Fun |
ToC |
Levent |
of Levent Lecture Notes #2, The |
1984 |
ToC |
Levent and Todd Karr | Roy Benson by Starlight | 2006 |
ToC |
Lever, Derek | Ken Brooke
& Friends |
1986 |
Full |
Lever, Derek | Stranger
Than Fiction |
1978 |
ToC |
Lever, Derek |
Most Ingenious Magic Apparatus, The |
2010 |
Partial |
Leveratto, Jorge Ernesto |
Space Age
Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Leveridge, Mark | Art of
Hopping Tables |
1986 |
ToC |
Leveridge, Mark |
Close-Up Magic Symposium All 9 Books |
ToC |
Leveridge, Mark | Close-Up
Encounters |
1982 |
ToC |
Leveridge, Mark | Collected
Card Magic of Mark Leveridge Volume One |
2010 |
ToC |
Leveridge, Mark |
Way, The |
1990 |
ToC |
Leveridge, Mark |
Magic of
Close Up, The |
1982c |
Full |
Leveridge, Mark |
MagicSeen Volume 6 |
ToC |
Leveridge, Mark |
Leveridge Lecture Experience |
1990 |
ToC |
Leveridge, Mark |
Routine Series Collected Works, The |
2004 |
Full |
Leveridge, Mark |
Competition, The |
1979 |
ToC |
Leveridge, Mark | Solutions |
1995 |
Full |
Leveridge, Mark |
Flapping |
1983 |
ToC |
Lew, David & Harvey Raft |
Change Bag Routines |
Full |
Lew, David & Harvey Raft |
Routines |
Full |
Lewis, Eric | Abdul's Fez | Full | |
Lewis, Eric | A Choice of
Miracles |
1980 |
ToC |
Lewis, Eric | A
Continuation of Miracles |
1980 |
ToC |
Lewis, Eric |
Big Little
Things, The |
Full |
Lewis, Eric |
Miracles, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Lewis, Eric | Further
Studies in Mystery |
1944 |
Full |
Lewis, Eric |
Genius of
Robert Harbin, The |
ToC |
Lewis, Eric & Dan Bellman | Magic As We
Do It |
1934 |
Full |
Lewis, Eric & Dan Bellman |
of 1936, The |
1936 |
ToC |
Lewis, Eric | Magic To
Entertain |
1947 |
Chapters |
Lewis, Eric |
Mentality |
1933c |
Full |
Lewis, Eric | Martin's Miracles | ToC | |
Lewis, Eric | Modus
Operandi Part One |
1944 |
ToC |
Lewis, Eric | Modus
Operandi Part Two |
1944 |
ToC |
Lewis, Eric | More
Studies In Mystery |
1941 |
Full |
Lewis, Eric & Wilfred Tyler |
Sesame |
1947 |
Full |
Lewis, Eric |
Opus 13 |
1951 |
ToC |
Lewis, Eric | Personal Magic Volume 1 CD ROM | ToC | |
Lewis, Eric & Peter Warlock |
Selbit Magical Innovator |
1989 |
Chapters |
Lewis, Eric | Studies In
Mystery |
1941 |
Full |
Lewis, Eric | Well
I Never! |
1931c |
Partial |
Lewis, Martin |
Lecture Notes
CD |
2002 |
ToC |
Lewis, Martin | Martin
Lewis Lecture |
ToC |
Lewis, Martin | Martin
Lewis Lecture 2001 |
2001 |
ToC |
Lewis, Martin |
Martin Lewis
Lecture 2009 |
2009 |
ToC |
Lewis, Martin |
Lewis Presents the Magic of Eric Lewis |
ToC |
Lewis, Martin | Martin's
Magical Inventions Lecture |
1999 |
ToC |
Lewis, Shari & Dick Zimmerman |
101 Magic
Tricks for Kids to Do |
1990 |
ToC |
Lewis, Shari |
Magic Show in
a Book |
1980 |
Full |
Lewis, Trevor | 1998
Children's Lecture |
1998 |
ToC |
Lewis, Trevor | Children's
Magic |
ToC |
Lewis, Trevor |
Close Up
Lecture Notes |
1977c |
Full |
Lewis, Trevor | Favourite
Party Pieces |
1994 |
ToC |
Lewis, Trevor |
Final Party
Pieces |
1999 |
Full |
Lewis, Trevor |
Party Pieces |
1987 |
Full |
Lewis, Trevor |
More Party
Pieces |
1985 |
Full |
Lewis, Trevor |
Party Pieces |
1978 |
Full |
Lewis, Trevor & Phil Willmarth |
Matter |
2009 |
ToC |
Lewis, Trevor | Still More
Party Pieces |
1990 |
ToC |
Lewis, Trevor |
Trevor Lewis
Lecture Notes |
1984 |
ToC |
Lewis, Trevor | Uncut,
The Complete Party Pieces |
Full |
Lichter, Millard | FunTASTIC Knife Routine | 2000 |
Full |
Liebenow, Erhard |
On Cards |
1980c |
ToC |
Liebertz, Arnold |
Mysteries of Marvillo |
1975 |
ToC |
Life Savers, Inc. |
Life Savers
Book-O-Magic |
1931 |
ToC |
Lindhorst, Will L. | A Bag of
Tricks |
1931 |
ToC |
Lindhorst, Will L. |
Daring's Bag of Tricks |
1933 |
ToC |
Lindhorst, Will L. |
Daring's New Bag of Tricks |
1934 |
ToC |
Lindhorst, Will L. |
Tricks and
Magic |
1934 |
ToC |
Linn, Colin H. |
Stand-Up Card Magic |
1986 |
ToC |
Linn, Colin H. | Stand-Up Card
Magic |
1983 |
ToC |
Lippy, John Jr. |
Magic |
1930 |
ToC |
Lippy, John Jr. & Edward
L. Palder |
Chemical Magic |
1959 |
ToC |
Little, Bob & Bill Nagler |
Wiz, the
Best There Is |
1975 |
Full |
Littwin, Arthur |
Card Shark,
The |
1984 |
ToC |
Litzau, Edward A. |
It's Done |
1938 |
ToC |
Livera, Giovanni; Jon Racherbaumer |
Cigar, The |
1997 |
ToC |
Livera, Giovanni |
of an Italian Magician |
1992 |
ToC |
Livera, Giovanni | Italian
Dressing |
2000 |
ToC |
Lobenstern, Stan |
A Baker's
Dozen |
1968 |
ToC |
Loe, Gerald M. |
Capers |
1955 |
Chapters |
London, Jack | Jack
London's Mentalism Lecture Notes |
1973 |
ToC |
London, Jack |
Mentalism of Jack London Vol 1, The |
1981 |
Full |
London, Ron |
A Magical
Journey |
Full |
London, Ron | Clown
Magic!!! |
Full |
London, Ron | FCM
Conference |
Full |
London, Ron |
Another One For You (Would You Like to See a Trick on
cover) |
Full |
London, Ron | IBM
Convention Lecture 1991 |
1991 |
Full |
London, Ron | Lecture
No. 6 |
ToC |
London, Ron | Lecture
No. 8 |
Full |
London, Ron | Magic In a
Nutshell |
Full |
London, Ron |
Magic Lecture |
1995 |
ToC |
London, Ron | Magical Fun
Stuff (v1) |
Full |
London, Ron | Magical Fun
Stuff (v2) |
Full |
London, Ron | Ron
London 1993 |
1993 |
Full |
London, Ron | Ron London
& Easy to Make Magic! |
Full |
London, Ron | Ron
London Makin' It Easy |
Full |
London, Ron | Session
#1 |
ToC |
London, Ron |
Powerful Magical Routines (v1) |
Full |
London, Ron | Some
Powerful Magical Routines (v2) |
Full |
London, Ron |
You'll Use |
ToC |
London, Ron |
Tricks! Tricks! (v1) |
Full |
London, Ron | Tricks!
Tricks! Tricks! (v2) |
ToC |
London, Ron |
Lexture |
Full |
London, Ron | Would You
Like to See a Trick? |
Full |
Lonergan, D.J. |
Deception |
1934 |
ToC |
Lonergan, D.J. | Slate
Secrets |
1930 |
ToC |
Long, Bob |
Eyes 23-38, Aug 1978 |
1978 |
ToC |
Long, Bob |
Eyes 29-32, Dec 1979 |
1979 |
ToC |
Long, Chad |
Lost Cheesy Notebooks |
1994 |
Full |
Long, Chad |
Lost Cheesy Notebooks
Volume 2 |
1995 |
Full |
Long, Chad |
More Stuff |
1997 |
Full |
Long, Chad |
Some Other Stuff |
2000 |
Full |
Longe, Bob | 101 Amazing Card Tricks | 1993 |
ToC |
Longe, Bob |
Clever Card
Tricks |
2005 |
Full |
Longe, Bob |
Invisible Deck
and Other Card Tricks, The |
1948 |
Full |
Longe, Bob |
Card Tricks |
1995 |
ToC |
Longe, Bob |
Mind Reading Magic
Tricks |
1996 |
ToC |
Longe, Bob |
Money Magic Tricks |
2001 |
ToC |
Longe, Bob | World's Best Card Tricks | 1991 |
ToC |
Longe, Bob | World's Best Coin Tricks | 1992 |
ToC |
Looch |
Project, The |
2015 |
ToC |
Loomis, Dennis |
First Dennis
Loomis Lecture on Magic, The |
ToC |
Loomis, Dennis | Routine for the James Riser/Dennis Loomis Micro Chop Cup | 2002 |
Full |
Loomis, Dennis | Dennis Loomis Cups and Balls Routine | 1985 |
Full |
Loomis, Dennis | Dennis Loomis Cups and Balls Routine 2005 Edition | 2005 |
Full |
London, David | Behind
the Smoke and Mirrors - All Volumes |
1998 |
Full |
London, David |
the Smoke and Mirrors - All Volumes |
2006 |
Full |
Lorayne, Harry |
Afterthoughts |
1975 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Apocalypse Volumes 1-5 | 2000 |
Full |
Lorayne, Harry | Apocalypse Volumes 6-10 | 2000 |
Full |
Lorayne, Harry | Apocalypse Volumes 11-15 | 2001 |
Full |
Lorayne, Harry | Apocalypse Volumes 16-20 | 2002 |
Full |
Lorayne, Harry |
Best of
Friends Volume 1 |
1982 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
Best of
Friends Volume 2 |
1985 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
Best of
Friends Volume 3 |
2007 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Classic Collection | 2005 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
Collection 2 |
2005 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
Collection 3 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Card
Classics of Ken Krenzel, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Close Up Card Magic | 1976 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Deck-Sterity | 1967 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Dingle's Deceptions with Cards and Coins | 1971 |
Full |
Lorayne, Harry | Dingles
Deceptions with Cards and Coins (Revised) |
1976c |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Doug Edwards Packs a Wallop | 1997 |
Full |
Lorayne, Harry | Epitome
Location, The |
1976 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
Lorayne Lecture, The |
1964 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Himber Wallet Book | 1998 |
Full |
Lorayne, Harry | How to Perform Feats of Mathematical Wizardry | 2006 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
Lecture Notes |
1980 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
My Favorite
Card Tricks |
1965 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Personal Collection | 2001 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Personal Secrets | 1964 |
Full |
Lorayne, Harry | Quantum Leaps | 1979 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
Makers |
1971 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
Himber's Ideas in the Hundred Dollar Book |
1963 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
Shots |
1973 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry | Secrets
of Mind Power |
1961 |
Chapters |
Lorayne, Harry | Star Quality: The Magic of David Regal | 1987 |
ToC |
Lorayne, Harry |
Magic Book,
The |
1977 |
Full |
Lorento, Professor |
Amusements |
1878 |
Full |
Lorraine, Sid | A
Magician In the House |
1939 |
ToC |
Lorraine, Sid | Early
Stuff, The |
1973 |
ToC |
Lorraine, Sid | Gags,
Routines and Patter |
1962 |
Full |
Lorraine, Sid |
Patter |
1950 |
ToC |
Lorraine, Sid; Devin Knight |
Folding Giveaways for Magicians |
2015 |
Full |
Lorraine, Sid |
Patter |
1938 |
ToC |
Lorraine, Sid |
Lorraine's Lecture Notes No. 4 |
1977 |
Full |
Lorraine, Sid |
Lorraine's Scrapbook |
1985 |
ToC |
Love, Edward |
Fan-Tasies |
1964 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon | Billion
Dollar Bunko; How to Cheat At Everything |
2003 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon |
Tricks Can Be Fun!! |
1993 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon |
Close Up
Magic To Tapdance To |
1989 |
Full |
Lovell, Simon & Rich Marotta |
Dingle's Last Notes |
2004 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon | Floating Key
Card...Plus! |
1993 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon |
Lecture Notes, Will Travel; Post Accident Lecture Book |
1995 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon & Walt Lees (editor) |
Magic of
Show Business, The |
1982 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon |
P.C.A.M. Convention
1995 |
1995 |
Full |
Lovell, Simon | Second to None | 2001 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon | Simon Says! | 1997 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon | Simon's
American Magic! |
1992 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon | Son of Simon Says! | 2000 |
ToC |
Lovell, Simon | Specialist
Moves |
1994 |
ToC |
Lovick, John |
Sardo's The Mother Load |
1999 |
ToC |
Lovick, John |
The Magic of Jon Allen |
2009 |
ToC |
Lovick, John |
Pieces & Divertissements of Handsome Jack |
2016 |
ToC |
Lovick, John | Skinny
Lecture Notes, The |
1998 |
ToC |
Lovick, John | Switch ($100 Bill Change) | 2006 |
ToC |
Lowig, Eivind |
Stand Up
Coin Power |
1997 |
Full |
Lubin, Jerry |
Favorite Pastimes! |
1970 |
Full |
Lucas, Jerry; Harry Lorayne |
Jerry Lucas
Fifty Greatest Card Tricks Booklet |
1973 |
Full |
Luka, John |
L.I.N.T. - Pocket Stuff
for Close-Up Magicians |
1997 |
ToC |
Luka, John |
Secrets for
the Part Time Magician |
1992 |
ToC |
Luka, John |
Uncovered - Secrets
for the Serious Magician |
2006 |
ToC |
Lunceford, Terry |
Magic for a
Living 1 |
1995c |
ToC |
Lunceford, Terry |
Magic for a
Living 2 |
1995c |
ToC |
Lunceford, Terry |
Pocket Cards |
ToC |
Lupo, Vito & Annmarie |
Vito Lupo |
1984 |
ToC |
Lupo, Vito |
Lupo Lecture |
1992 |
ToC |
Lustig, David J. (La Vellma) | Entertaining
With Ventriloquism |
1939 |
Full |
Lustig, David J. (La Vellma) | LaVellma's
Vaudeville Budget for Mind-Readers, Magicians and
Ventriloquists |
1921 |
Full |
Lustig, David J. (La Vellma) | Vaudeville
Magic |
1920 |
Full |
Lustig, David J. (La Vellma) |
Mind Reading and Kindred Phenomena |
1920 |
Full |
Lustig, David J. (La Vellma) | Vaudeville
Ventriloquism |
1920 |
Full |
Lyons, P. Howard | Ibidem Volume 2 | 2001 |
ToC |
Lyons, P. Howard |
Ibidem Volume 3 and AZIZ
and Beyond |
2002 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
MacAllen, Larry |
Lecture Notes
on Some Pet Ideas |
ToC |
Maccabe, Frederic |
Art of Ventriloquism; Secrets of Ventriloquism |
1875 |
ToC |
MacCarthy, E. Brian |
Cups and Balls, The |
1942 |
ToC |
MacCarthy, E. Brian |
(Legerdemain) |
1948 |
Full |
MacCarthy, E. Brian |
Sleights |
1946 |
ToC |
MacCarthy, E. Brian |
Supreme |
1948 |
Full |
MacCarthy, E. Brian | Slow Sleights |
1934 |
Full |
MacDonald, Gordon |
Tips on
Soft Soap |
1947 |
ToC |
MacDougall, Michael (Mickey) |
Card Mastery,
Including Expert at the Card Table |
1944 |
ToC |
MacDougall, Michael (Mickey) | Danger
in the Cards |
1943 |
Chapters |
MacDougall, Michael (Mickey) |
Don't Gamble |
1939 |
ToC |
MacDougall, Michael (Mickey) | Micky's Trio |
Full |
MacGregor, Jerry | Real World Magic | 1999 |
Full |
Mack Publishing |
Throw-Out Rope Trick |
Full |
MacKay, Hugh |
Conjuring |
1925 |
ToC |
Mackenzie, Geo. M. |
Corner |
1947 |
ToC |
MacMillan, Don |
Gambler's Palm
Revisitied, The |
1977 |
ToC |
MacMillan, Ron | International
Magic Studio's Wizard Pack |
1969 |
Partial |
MacMillan, Ron |
Miracle Trick Playing Cards |
Partial |
MacMillan, Ron | Symphony of the Spheres | 1963 |
Full |
MacTier, Arthur F. |
Card Concepts |
2000 |
ToC |
Madden, Dave |
Jim and
Vic and Shag Lecture Notes II |
1995 |
ToC |
Maddison, Walt |
Aces -
Practical Card Routines |
1982 |
ToC |
Madhok, Raj |
Mysteriouser and
Mysteriouser |
2016 |
Full |
Madsen, Bill & Al Forgione |
Hex! |
ToC |
Madsen, Bill |
Jinx, The |
1962 |
ToC |
Madison, Daniel |
Advocate, The |
2004 |
ToC |
Madison, Daniel |
How to Cheat at
Cards |
2011 |
ToC |
Madison, Daniel |
How To Cheat
at Cards, Revised |
2018 |
ToC |
Madison, Daniel |
III Deception Subterfuge
Sleight of Hand |
Full |
Magic-Con |
Magic-Con San
Diego 2011 Program |
2011 |
ToC |
Magic Fun Factory, The |
Stunts |
1998 |
TocC |
Magic Magazine Editorial Board |
Jumbo Book of Magic,
The; Hatful of Magic |
1976 |
ToC |
Magic Magazine Editorial Board |
Magic for
Beginners |
1976 |
ToC |
Magic Underground |
of Stealing Watches, The |
1998 |
ToC |
Magical Youths International |
MYI Yearbook
'72 |
1972 |
Full |
Magician, Christopher T. (Barnes) |
Show for All Seasons |
2021 |
ToC |
Magician, Christopher T. (Christopher Barnes) |
Just For
Fun |
2017 |
ToC |
Magus, Jim |
Arcana of Bizarre
Magick |
1994 |
Partial |
Magus, Jim |
Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Magus, Jim |
Magical Heroes |
1995 |
ToC |
Magus, Jim | Mysteries
of the Runes |
1991 |
ToC |
Magus, Jim |
Raising The
Dead For Fun and Profit |
1997 |
ToC |
Magus, Jim |
Sex and The
Single Magician |
1974 |
ToC |
Magus, Jim | Something
Old, Something New |
1972 |
ToC |
Magus, Jim |
From the Talking Board |
1990 |
ToC |
Magus, Jim |
Turn of a
Friendly Card |
1985 |
Full |
Mahadevananda (Roger Timms) |
of Mahadevananda |
1983 |
ToC |
Mahendra, M.S. (F.B. Sterling) |
Card Miracles |
1938 |
ToC |
Mahoney, Jim |
Shopping Centres |
1983 |
ToC |
Majikans (Leo Burns) |
Feats |
1948 |
Full |
Malbrough, Jay |
Magic of
the Forks Hotel, The |
Full |
Malcom, Darrel |
It Small! Keep It Simple! Make It Entertaining! |
1981 |
ToC |
Malone, Bill | Lecture In
Southport England 2007 |
2007 |
Full |
Malone, Bill |
is Joe Dudeck? |
ToD |
Maly, Charles J. |
Agent |
1944 |
ToC |
Mandelberg, Robert |
Mind Reading Tricks |
2005 |
ToC |
Mandelberg, Robert |
Reading Card Tricks |
2004 |
ToC |
Mandelberg, Robert |
Mind Reading Tricks |
2002 |
ToC |
Mandelberg, Robert |
With Dollar Bills |
2006 |
ToC |
Mangel, Ray (Dakota Dan) |
Gotta Be Easy |
Full |
Mann, Al |
50 Miracles With
a 5-Star Miracle Deck |
1985 |
ToC |
Mann, Al |
Al Baker's
Manuscript |
1990c |
ToC |
Mann, Al | Brainbusters
'83 |
1982 |
Full |
Mann, Al | Dunninger's
Act |
1983 |
ToC |
Mann, Al |
Factor, The |
1982 |
Full |
Mann, Al | Incredible
Dr. Stanley Jaks, The |
Full |
Mann, Al | Magic Castle
Lecture 1979 |
1979 |
Full |
Mann, Al | Master Slate
Secrets Part I |
1976 |
Full |
Mann, Al |
Master Slate
Secrets Part II Pocket Slates |
1976 |
Full |
Mann, Al | Master Slate
Secrets Part III Trick Slates |
1976 |
Full |
Mann, Al | Master Slate
Secrets Part IV |
1976 |
Full |
Mann, Al | Purloined
Thought, The |
1990 |
Chapters |
Mann, Al |
Seals, The |
1981 |
ToC |
Mann, Al |
The |
1978 |
Full |
Mann, Al | Thinking
Machines, The |
1976 |
Full |
Mann, Al | Third
Ecstasy, The |
1976 |
Full |
Manning, Otis |
Ways to Stop Hecklers |
1941 |
ToC |
Manos, Christopher | Great Chain Con,
The |
1995 |
Full |
Manos, Christopher |
Using Magic
In Drug and Alcohol Prevention Presentations |
1991 |
ToC |
Maples, Larry & Raven |
of the Snowstorm |
1998 |
ToC |
March, Carl |
Made Easy |
1953 |
ToC |
Marcom, Ralph A. |
Magic of
MarcoM, The |
1974 |
ToC |
Marcom, Ralph A. |
Marcom Presents
Magic |
1979 |
Full |
Marconick |
Original Magic |
1967 |
ToC |
Marconick |
Original Magic Book 2 (Nr. 2) |
1968 |
ToC |
Marconick | Marconick's Original Magic Book 3 |
1969 |
ToC |
Marconick |
Marconick's Original Magic Book 4 |
1970 |
ToC |
Marconick |
Original Magic Book 5 |
1973 |
ToC |
Mardo, Senor |
Act, The |
1967 |
Full |
Mardo, Senor |
Applause Winning
Routines |
1947 |
Full |
Mardo, Senor |
and Balls |
1955 |
Full |
Mardo, Senor |
Hands Only, The | 1947 |
Full |
Mardo, Senor | Magic for
Bartenders |
1950 |
Full |
Mardo, Senor | Magic
Memorandum #1 |
1954 |
ToC |
Mardo, Senor |
The |
1975 |
Full |
Mardo, Senor | Routined Magic | 1945 |
Full |
Mardo, Senor |
Sorcery |
1951 |
Full |
Marechal, Greer, Jr. |
Magic for the
Millions; The Complete Magician |
1957 |
Full |
Mark, Richard |
Magic |
1979 |
ToC |
Mark, Richard |
Meltdown |
1992 |
ToC |
Mark, Richard |
Presentations |
1988 |
ToC |
Mark, Richard |
Warp |
1998 |
ToC |
Mark, Richard |
Way Q&A |
2000 |
ToC |
Marks, Dennis | Magic
Castle Lecture |
1998 |
ToC |
Marks, Dennis |
Magic Castle
Second Lecture |
2001 |
ToC |
Marks, Tony & Bev Bergeron |
Marks Aristocrat of Deception |
2002 |
ToC |
Markwood, Bob |
Poof II You!!! |
1996 |
ToC |
Markwood, Bob | Poof, You're
a Frog!!! |
1993 |
ToC |
Markwood, Bob |
Poof, You're a
Pro!!! |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Action
Palm |
1956 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward & Carmen D'Amico |
A Devilish
Miracle |
1948 |
ToC |
Marlo, Ed |
Fingertip Control |
1970 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Amazing,
Isn't It? |
1941 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Cardially Yours |
2008 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
The |
1953 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Card Fan
Productions |
1941 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Magic of Edward Marlo, The |
1993 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Card
Switches |
1961 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Card to Wallet |
1961 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward; Carmen D'Amico |
Foursome |
1956 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Coining Magic |
1957 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Control Systems |
1952 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Deck Deception |
1942 |
Full |
Marlo, Edward |
Marlo |
1964 |
Full |
Marlo Edward |
Ed Marlo on the
Acrobatic Cards |
1968 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Estimation |
1962 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Faro
Controlled Miracles |
1964 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Faro
Notes |
1958 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Faro
Shuffle, The |
1958 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Final Cut, The |
2022 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Fingertip
Control |
1956 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward & Carmen D'Amico |
Classic..., The |
1955 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Future Reverse |
1945 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
K.M. Move (Kardyro-Marlo) |
1962 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Let's See the
Deck! |
1942 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Seven, The |
1954 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Marlo
In Spades |
1947 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Marlo Meets
His Match |
1959 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Marlo's
Discoveries |
1946 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Marlo's
Magazine Volume 1 |
1976 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Marlo's
Magazine Volume 2 |
1977 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Marlo's
Magazine Volume 3 |
1979 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Marlo's
Magazine Volume 4 |
1981 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Marlo's
Magazine Volume 5 |
1984 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Marlo's Magazine Volume 6 | 1988 |
Toc |
Marlo, Edward |
Objectives |
1973 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
M.I.N.T. Volume I |
1988 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Volume II |
1995 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Miracle Card
Changes |
1954 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Multiple
Shift, The |
1961 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Off
The Top |
1945 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Pasteboard
Presto |
1940 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Patented
Shuffle, The |
1966 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward; Elliot Cutler (ed) |
Card Technique |
2003 |
Chapters |
Marlo, Edward | Riffle
Shuffle Finale |
1967 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Riffle
Shuffle Systems |
1959 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Seconds,
Centers, Bottoms |
1958 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward & Jon Racherbaumer (editor) |
Shuffle, The |
1972 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Shoot
The Works |
1943 |
Full |
Marlo, Edward | Side
Steal, The |
1957 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | So Soon? |
1989 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Tabled
Palm, The |
1957 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward | Ten Hand Poker
Stack, The |
1974 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
That's It |
1990 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Those Wild,
Wild Aces |
1971 |
Full |
Marlo, Edward & Bill Gusias |
Tricks With
Daub |
1945 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Thirty Five
Years Later |
1986 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward |
Unexpected Card
Book, The |
1974 |
ToC |
Marlo, Edward & Norman Osborn |
Unlimited |
1953 |
ToC |
Marotta, Rich | Rich
Marotta's Lecture Notes |
ToC |
Marotta, Rich |
Marotta Magic Castle Lecture |
1982 |
ToC |
Marsh, Alexander |
Head Wired |
2015 |
Full |
Marshall, Brookes & Chalkley (Publisher) |
for Amateurs of Both Sexes |
1904 |
Full |
Marshall, Frances |
A Magic
Primer |
Full |
Marshall, Frances | Balloon
Side Show |
1959 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances |
Bunny Book for
Magicians |
1985 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances |
& Their Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances |
Card Tricks for Cardicians | 1978 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances Ireland |
Come Out
Flying! |
1960 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances | Happy
Birthday Business, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances Ireland |
How to
Sell by Magic |
1958 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances & Jay |
You're the M.C. |
1966 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances | Kid Stuff |
1954 |
Full |
Marshall, Frances | Kid Stuff
Volume Two |
1959 |
Full |
Marshall, Frances | Kid Stuff
Volume Three |
1963 |
Full |
Marshall, Frances | Kid Stuff 4 |
1968 |
Full |
Marshall, Frances |
Kid Stuff Five |
1975 |
Full |
Marshall, Frances |
Bookman |
1974 |
Full |
Marshall, Frances |
Magical Christmas Book, The |
1985 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances | Parakeet
Magic |
1970 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances (editor) |
Sponge Book,
The |
1960 |
Full |
Marshall, Frances & Jay |
Book, The Volume 1 |
1973 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances & Jay | Success
Book, The Volume 2 |
1973 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances & Jay | Success
Book, The Volume 3 |
1982 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances & Jay | Success
Book, The Volume Four |
1984 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances |
Super Show, The |
1960 |
Full |
Marshall, Frances | Those
Beautiful Dames |
1984 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances |
Trade Shows
an Inside Insight |
1980c |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances |
With a Folding Coin |
Full |
Marshall, Frances | Wanna
Bet? Volume One |
1969 |
ToC |
Marshall, Frances |
Don't Have to be Crazy |
1946 |
Full |
Marshall, Horace & Edward Seguin |
and Modern Magic |
1964 |
ToC |
Marshall, Jay |
to Perform Instant Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Marshall, Jay |
Thumb Tie |
1939 |
ToC |
Marshall, Jay |
Jinking Rings |
Full |
Martin, Harold |
Minutes With Harold Martin |
ToC |
Martin, Patrick |
Lecture of Patrick, The |
1981 |
ToC |
Martineau, Francis B | Francis B.
Martineau's Miracle Silk |
1945 |
Full |
Martineau, Francis B | Victory
Bouquet |
1944 |
ToC |
Martineau, Francis B |
Cane Routines |
1945 |
ToC |
Martyn, Topper |
Lecture Notes, American Tour |
1972 |
ToC |
Marucci, Peter | Real-Life Table Hopping | 2001 |
ToC |
Marucci Peter |
Wild West
Wonders |
2002 |
ToC |
Marvin, Gene |
Marvin's Confidential Mental Secrets |
1970c |
ToC |
Marvin's Magic (Marvin Berglas) |
Treasured Magic Tricks |
2019 |
Full |
Marvoyan |
Brain-Bafflers |
1984 |
Full |
Maskelyne, Jasper & Arthur Groom |
Book of Magic |
1937 |
Full |
Maskelyne, Jasper |
White Magic
The Story of the Maskelynes |
1936 |
ToC |
Maskelyne, John Nevil | Maskelyne
On the Performance of Magic |
1976 |
Chapters |
Maskelyne, John Nevil |
& Flats |
1894 |
ToC |
Mason, Eric & Barrie Richardson |
Boon for All Seasons |
1982 |
ToC |
Mason, Eric (The Great
Masoni) |
Showmanship Out of
the Hat |
1970c |
ToC |
Mason, Mark |
It Beats
Working! |
2006 |
Full |
Mason, Tom & Dan Danko |
University: Book of All-Stars Magic |
2002 |
Full |
Mason, Tom & Dan Danko | Magic
University: Book of Escapes |
2002 |
Full |
Mason, Tom & Dan Danko | Magic
University: Book of Illusions |
2001 |
Full |
Mason, Tom & Dan Danko | Magic
University: Book of Mealtime Magic |
2002 |
Full |
Mason, Tom & Dan Danko | Magic
University: Book of Mentalism |
2001 |
Full |
Mason, Tom & Dan Danko | Magic
University: Book of Transformations |
2001 |
Full |
Mason, Tom & Dan Danko | Magic
University: Book of Transpositions |
2002 |
Full |
Massey, Edward M. |
New and
Original Magic |
1922 |
Full |
Matney, Ryan |
Bada-Bing! |
2016 |
ToC |
Matney, Ryan | Card
Delusions |
2015 |
ToC |
Matney, Ryan | Card Jones |
2002 |
Full |
Matney, Ryan |
Dirty Work |
2020 |
Full |
Matney, Ryan |
Distilled |
2018 |
ToC |
Matney, Ryan |
End Times, Book
One, The |
2018 |
ToC |
Matney, Ryan |
End Times,
Book Two, The |
2019 |
Full |
Matney, Ryan |
End Times Extra
#1 |
2019 |
ToC |
Matney, Ryan |
Fiver |
2005 |
Full |
Matney, Ryan | Gris-Gris |
2005 |
Full |
Matney, Ryan |
Midnight Oil -
Late Sessions With a Pug |
2004 |
Full |
Matney, Ryan |
Powerful Stuff |
2018 |
Full |
Matney, Ryan | Self-Working
Project |
2015 |
Full |
Matney, Ryan |
Spoiler Alert |
2017 |
ToC |
Matney, Ryan |
Ultramodern |
2016 |
ToC |
Matsouka, Craig |
Gaff Factory, The |
2007 |
ToC |
Matsuura, Gene |
on the Magic of Frank Shields |
1974 |
ToC |
Matthews |
Glass Through
Hat and Other Effects |
1961 |
ToC |
Maue, Rick |
A Taste of
Deception |
2008 |
ToC |
Maue, Rick | Book of
Haunted Magick, The |
2000 |
ToC |
Maue, Rick |
Imagine |
2007 |
Full |
Maue, Rick | MV2006 |
2006 |
Full |
Maue, Rick |
Magic Samper, The |
2003 |
ToC |
Maue, Rick |
PsiWave |
2008 |
ToC |
Maue, Rick | Raw |
2008 |
Full |
Maue, Rick |
The Road |
2010 |
Full |
Maue, Rick |
Deception |
2001 |
ToC |
Maurice, Edward |
and Presentation |
1946 |
ToC |
Maurin, Eric |
Secrets |
1992 |
Full |
Maven, Max | See entries under Phil Goldstein |
Max the Magician and Diane |
Max the
Magician and Diane Lecture Notes |
1985 |
ToC |
Maxwell | Clever Card Tricks That Anyone Can Do | 1934 |
ToC |
Maxwell, Rev. J.B. |
Still More
Magical Object Messages |
1945c |
Full |
Maxwell, Mike |
Classic Magic of Larry Jennings | 1986 |
Full |
Maxwell, Mike |
Commercial Magic of J.C. Wagner | 1987 |
Full |
Maxwell, Mike |
Jennings' The Cardwright |
1988 |
Full |
Maxwell, Mike |
Falanga's Lake Tahoe Card Magic |
1985 |
ToC |
Maxwell, Mike |
Skinner's Ultimate 3 Card Monte |
1990 |
Full |
Maxwell, Mike |
2000 Lecture Notes |
2000 |
ToC |
Mayer, Ralph |
Short Changed |
1958 |
Partial |
Mayhew, Chris |
A Clockwork
Apple |
2009 |
Full |
Mayhew, Steve & John Lovik (ed) | Full Frontal
Mayhew |
2011 |
ToC |
Mayhew, Steve & John Lovik (ed) |
Mahew What
Women Want |
2014 |
ToC |
Mayne, Andrew | 50 Ways to
Make Money With Magic |
2004 |
ToC |
Mayne, Andrew | Andrew
Mayne's Facelifter |
2002 |
ToC |
Mayne, Andrew | Andrew
Mayne's Specter Cabinet |
2004 |
ToC |
Mayne, Andrew | Body
Morphin' |
2003 |
ToC |
Mayne, Andrew |
Illusion Book |
2001 |
ToC |
Mayne, Andrew |
F/X |
2003 |
Full |
Mayne, Andrew | IllusionTech
Volume 01 |
2005 |
ToC |
Mayne, Andrew |
Mad Mojo |
1998 |
ToC |
Mayne, Andrew | Mayhem |
2003 |
Full |
Mayne, Andrew | Mind f/X | 2003 | Full |
Mayne, Andrew |
Sawing-In-Half |
ToC |
Mayne, Andrew | Secret
Illusion Show, The |
2004 |
Full |
Mayne, Andrew | Shock
Magic Volume One |
2000 |
ToC |
Mayne, Andrew | Solo-X |
1999 |
Full |
Mayne, Andrew | Touching
Sky |
2003 |
Full |
Mayne, Andrew | Zero
Memorization Memorized Deck, The |
2004 |
ToC |
Mayoh, William | Magic by HoYam | 1949 |
ToC |
Mayol, Henry |
Good Magic |
1994 |
ToC |
Mayoral, Juan |
Today's Magic I |
1992 |
ToC |
Maze, Gene |
Maze Unpublished |
1997 |
ToC |
McAllister, Bob |
Dot's Magic |
1993 |
Full |
McAllister, Bob | Lecture
No. 1 |
1984 |
Full |
McAllister, Bob | Magic
Stuff Lecture Notes |
Full |
McAllister, Bob |
Magnet Notes |
ToC |
McAllister, Bob |
That Extra
Touch |
1963 |
Full |
McAthy, George | Gags,
Tricks and Patter |
1936 |
Full |
McAthy, George | Laff
Letters |
1950 |
ToC |
McAthy, George |
Dialogues |
1945 |
ToC |
McAthy, George |
MagiComedy |
1967 |
ToC |
McAthy, George |
Magic From the Dope Den | 1967 |
ToC |
McAthy, George |
Laff-Tested Dialogues |
1967 |
ToC |
McAthy, George |
Business for Magicians & M.C.'s |
1946 |
Full |
McAthy, George | Smart
Comedy for Magicians & M.C.'s |
1950 |
Full |
McAthy, George |
Smart Stuff |
1970 |
Full |
McAthy, George | Smart
Talk for Magicians & M.C.'s with Added Material |
1945 |
Full |
McAthy, George |
Tricks for Magicians & M.C.'s |
1947 |
ToC |
McBride, George |
Best of
Osmosis |
1995 |
Full |
McBride, George |
Cardville |
2002 |
Full |
McBride, George |
2 |
1977 |
ToC |
McBride, Jeff | Kundalini Rising | 1991 |
Full |
McBride, Jeff |
Without Tears |
2003 |
ToC |
McBride, Jeff | McBride
Unmasked |
1991 |
ToC |
McCabe, Peter |
PM Card Mark
System Plus Assorted Miracles |
2010 |
ToC |
McCabe, Peter | Scripting
Magic |
2007 |
ToC |
McCarron, B.W. (Mercurio) | Clearly
Mental! |
1989 |
Full |
McCarron, B.W. (Mercurio) |
Magician, The |
1976 |
ToC |
McCarron, B.W. (Mercurio) | Propshop, The | 1975 |
Full |
McCarthy, Daniel |
After Hours |
1987 |
ToC |
McCarthy, Daniel |
Dreams of Reality |
1985 |
ToC |
McCarthy, Daniel | Sly Glances |
1991 |
ToC |
McCarthy, Daniel |
and Shades |
1984 |
ToC |
McCarthy, Daniel |
Hits Bottom, The |
1983 |
Full |
McCarthy, Donald |
With Science Magic |
1984 |
ToC |
McClintock, Reed | All
Aboard the Trans-Euro Express |
2006 |
ToC |
McClintock, Reed |
Defiance II |
2003 |
ToC |
McClintock, Reed |
Busters Vol. 1 |
2002 |
Full |
McClintock, Reed | Knuckle
Busters Vol. 2 |
2002 |
Full |
McClintock, Reed | Knuckle
Busters Vol. 3 |
2002 |
Full |
McClintock, Reed | Knuckle
Busters Vol. 4 |
2003 |
Full |
McClintock, Reed | Knuckle
Busters Vol. 5 |
2004 |
ToC |
McClintock, Reed | Knuckle
Busters Vol. 6 |
2004 |
ToC |
McComb, Billy | Billy
McComb's Hole Collection |
1961c |
ToC |
McComb, Billy |
Book of William, The |
1947 |
Full |
McComb, Billy |
Five Rings of
William, The |
Full |
McComb, Billy | Homb
From Homb With McComb |
1990c |
ToC |
McComb, Billy |
I Did It My Way |
1972 |
ToC |
McComb, Billy |
McComb Comes Home |
1990 |
ToC |
McComb, Billy |
Millennium Miracles |
1999 |
ToC |
McComb, Billy |
Magic 25 Years Wiser |
1972 |
Full |
McComb, Billy |
Touch, The |
1987 |
ToC |
McComb, Billy |
Touch, The, Revised |
2003 |
ToC |
McCord, Louis |
Mora's Four Ball And Net Routine |
1949 |
Full |
McCormack, Alan J. |
Magic and
Showmanship for Teachers |
1990 |
ToC |
McCormick, Tom |
Chalk Talks |
1971 |
ToC |
McCoy, Elin; Joe Gannon |
Card Games and
Tricks |
2010 |
ToC |
McDaniel, Robert |
Ventures |
1984 |
ToC |
McDaniel, Robert | Pipe Dreams |
ToC |
McDaniel, Robert |
Royal Treatment,
The |
1981 |
ToC |
McDermott, Hurt |
Artifice, Ruse
& Erdnase |
2012 |
ToC |
McDonald, L.A. |
Magic Wins Kids |
1950 |
Full |
McDonald, Peter |
Mediocre Tricks |
1975c |
ToC |
McDuff, Algonquin |
Bag, The |
1996 |
Full |
McDuff, Algonquin | M.C. Bit Book |
1980 |
ToC |
McDuff, Algonquin |
McDuff on
Close-Up |
1991 |
ToC |
McDuff, Algonquin | Money Maker
Machine Manual |
1998 |
ToC |
McDuff, Algonquin | Spirit
Cloth Book |
1984 |
ToC |
McDuff, Algonquin | Watch Winder
Handbook |
1992 |
ToC |
McElhone, Fritz & Peg |
Mysteries Magic Made Easy |
1929 |
ToC |
McFalls, E.M. |
Lord of the Rings |
ToC |
McFalls, E.M. | Cellini The
Royal Touch |
1997 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond | 21
Gems of Magic |
1946 |
Full |
McGill, Ormond |
Art of
Stage Hypnotism, The |
1975 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond |
Atomic Magic |
1950 |
Full |
McGill, Ormond |
Magic and Other Tricks |
1986 |
Full |
McGill, Ormond | Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism | 1947 | ToC |
McGill, Ormond | Entertaining
With Magic |
1977 |
Full |
McGill, Ormond |
How to
Produce Miracles |
1976 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond | Magic and
Illusions of Lee Grabel |
1986 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond | Magic With
Soap Bubbles |
1987 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond |
Mind Magic |
1955 |
Full |
McGill, Ormond |
Paper Magic |
1992 |
Full |
McGill, Ormond |
Psychic Magic |
1983 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond | Psychic Magic
Volume One |
1951 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond | Psychic Magic Volume Two | 1951 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond | Psychic Magic
Volume Three |
1951 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond | Psychic Magic
Volume Four |
1951 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond | Psychic Magic
Volume Five |
1951 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond | Psychic Magic
Volume Six |
1951 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond |
Real Mental
Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
McGill, Ormond |
Science Magic |
1984 |
Full |
McGill, Ormond | Voice Magic |
1992 |
ToC |
McGuire, Eddie |
of the Card Table, The |
1969 |
ToC |
McGuire, Eddie |
Phantom of
the Card Table - Critical Edition |
2020 |
ToC |
McLachlan, John |
- Stand Up Coin Mysteries |
2012 |
ToC |
McLanachan, Peter | A
Force Much Greater Than Luck |
2006 |
Full |
McLanachan, Peter |
Second Album, The |
2012 |
Full |
McLaury, Bill |
of Escapes |
1964 |
ToC |
McLaury, Bill |
of Escapes II |
2007 |
Chapters |
McLeod, Colin |
Contributions |
2009 |
ToC |
McLeod, Colin |
Divine |
2013 |
ToC |
McLeod, Colin |
Epiphanies |
2015 |
ToC |
McLeod, Colin | Lessons
In Reading Minds |
ToC |
McLeod, Colin |
Will Read
Minds for Cash |
2012 |
Full |
McLittle, Alex |
S7V7N |
2002 |
Full |
McMahan, Greg |
Balloons On
the Mailbox |
1989 |
ToC |
McMahan, Greg | Birthday Fun! |
1992 |
ToC |
McMahan, Greg |
Kids Think
It's Funny! |
2005 |
Full |
McMaster, Shawn |
50 Nifty Super
Magic Tricks |
1997 |
Full |
McMaster, Shawn |
60 Super
Simple Magic Tricks |
1996 |
Full |
McMillen, Jack |
& Swindles |
1981 |
ToC |
McMylor, Tony |
200 Gags, Intros and
One Liners for Magicians |
2009 |
ToC |
McQuade, W.T. |
Magic |
1922 |
Full |
McVicar, Wes |
Clown Act
Omnibus |
1960 |
ToC |
Mead, Eric |
Tangled Web | 2006 |
Full |
Medrington, Charles |
A Dozen
of Magic for Practical Conjurers |
1917 |
Full |
Medrington, Charles | Magical
Novelties |
1906 |
ToC |
Medrington, Charles |
Stage-Craft |
1908 |
ToC |
Medrington, Charles |
Book of Patter, The |
1906 |
ToC |
Meech, Oliver | 5 for £5 Coffee |
2009 |
Full |
Meech, Oliver | 5 for £5 Kids |
2009 |
Full |
Meech, Oliver | 5 for £5 Stage |
2009 |
Full |
Meech, Oliver | Mister Meech's
Merged Mail Outs |
2010 |
ToC |
Meech, Oliver |
Plot Twists |
2010 |
ToC |
Meech, Oliver |
Plot Thickens, The |
2008 |
Full |
Mees, Rainer; Thomas Heine |
Impression |
2010 |
ToC |
Melissa & Doug |
Deluxe Magic
Set Instructions |
2018 |
Full |
Mellissa & Doug |
Discovery Magic
Set Instructions |
Full |
Melissa & Doug |
Apprentice Vol 1 - Card Tricks |
Full |
Melissa & Doug |
Apprentice Vol 2 - Thumb Tricks Ungloved |
Full |
Melissa & Doug |
Magic In a
Snap! Abracadabra Collection |
Full |
Melissa & Doug |
Magic In a
Snap! Hocus Pocus Collection |
Full |
Melissa & Doug |
Magic In a
Snap! Magician's Pop-Up Hat With Tricks |
Full |
Mellon, Ed |
Mental-Wise Volume
4 |
1958 |
ToC |
Melville, Leslie |
Magictales |
2005 |
ToC |
Melville, Leslie |
Magictales Two |
2011 |
Partial |
Menard, Kevin |
Magic |
2006 |
ToC |
Menard, Kevin |
Spellers |
2006 |
ToC |
Menard, Kevin |
Kevin Menard
Presents (Red Cover) |
1977 |
Full |
Menard, Kevin |
Menard Presents (Yellow Cover) |
1981 |
ToC |
Mendoza, John F. | Book
of John, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Mendoza, John F. |
Presentation |
1979 |
ToC |
Mendoza, John F. | Don England's
T.K.O.'s |
1980 |
ToC |
Mendoza, John & David Stahl |
Don't Stall,
Stahl! |
1978 |
ToC |
Mendoza, John F. |
Dan Fleshman |
1983 |
Full |
Mendoza, John F. |
John F. Mendoza
Lecture, The |
ToC |
Mendoza, John F. |
John Verse Two |
1980 |
ToC |
Mendoza, John F. | Magician
Audience Approved The Magic of Dan Fleshman |
1985 |
Full |
Mendoza, John F. | Mendoza Cups and Balls Routine | 1971 |
Full |
Mendoza, John F. | Mendoza
Lecture No. 2 1/2, The |
Partial |
Mendoza, John F. | Mendoza
Portfolio No. 1, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Mendoza, John F. | Mendoza
Series of Personal Instruction |
1980c |
Full |
Mendoza, John F. | Professional
Approach The |
1991c |
Full |
Mendoza, John F. |
Stuff, The Magic of Chris Kenner, The |
1985 |
ToC |
Mendoza, John F. | Sequel to the Mendoza Cups and Balls Routine | 1971 |
Full |
Mendoza, John F. |
the Switch |
1982 |
ToC |
Mendoza, John F. |
Made Easy |
1955 |
ToC |
Menotti, Francis | Creativity
Show, The |
2004 |
ToC |
Menotti, Francis |
Mouthing Off |
2012 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Cavalcade of Magic Lecture - Close Up Notes |
1997 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Cavalcade of Magic Lecture - Club & Stage Notes |
1997 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Another Close-Up Cavalcade | 1975 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Skill With Cards |
1981 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Card
Cavalcade |
1972 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Cavalcade II |
1974 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Cavalcade 3 |
1975 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Cavalcade Four |
1977 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Card
Cavalcade Finale |
1979 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Card File |
1993 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Card File Two |
2000 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Routines Number Two |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Card to
Wallet the Book |
1991 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry | Cards
and Cases |
1975 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Coins |
1986 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Cavalcade |
1973 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Cavalcade Finale |
1977 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Close-Up Cues |
1975 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Close Up File | 1994 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Club Clues |
1975 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Counts, Cuts, Moves & Subtlety | 1977 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry | Cunning Card Miracles | 1999 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Fechter's Dice Holdout Methods for Magicians |
1974 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Cups & Balls |
1984 |
Partial |
Mentzer, Jerry | Fechter |
1993 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Forcing a Card |
1982 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
How to Do
The Dancing Cane |
1976 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
John Murray's One
Cup & Coins (w/Al Cohen) |
1994 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Lecture Three |
1983 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Magic of Paul Harris, The | 1976 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry | Magic With a Copper/Silver Coin | 1988 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
With Credit Cards |
1992 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Magic
With Finger Rings |
1984 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
With Himber Rings |
1994 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
The Magic of Eddie Fechter |
1974 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Ball and Silk Manipulation |
1973 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Push Thru Control |
1973 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | New
and Novel Knowledge |
1975 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
On the
Corner Short |
1984 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Packet Tricks | 1982 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry, Paul Harris |
Paul Harris'
Super Swindle! |
1977 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Curtis Kam - Deceptions in Paradise |
1996 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Lecture |
1976 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Potpourri |
1979 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry | Simple Yet Effective Tricks With Cards | 1982 |
ToC |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Lecture Close Up Notes |
1994 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Lecture Club & Stage Notes |
1994 |
Full |
Mentzer, Jerry |
Super Cents |
1972 |
Full |
Mephisto |
A Touch
of Professionalism |
1981 |
ToC |
Merlin, Jack | ...And a Pack
of Cards |
1940 |
ToC |
Merlin, Jack |
Merlin At the
Card Table |
1928 |
Full |
Merlin, Jack |
Master Manipulations |
1927 |
ToC |
Merlin, Jack |
Master Miracles |
1928 |
ToC |
Merlin, Jean |
Great Balloons! |
1994 |
ToC |
Merlin, Jean |
Rope Series Part
1 |
1973 |
Full |
Merlin, Jean | Rope Series Part
2 |
1973 |
Full |
Merlin, Jean | Rope Series Part
3 |
1973 |
Full |
Merlin, Jean | Rope Series Part
4 |
1973 |
Full |
Merlini, Jim |
Parade |
1956 |
ToC |
Merrill, R.D. | Merrill's Knife Book | 1981 |
Full |
Merrill, Rick |
Home Schooled |
2005 |
ToC |
Merrill, Rick |
Home Schooled
Magic #2 Playing Cards |
2009 |
Full |
Merry, Richard, Val Andrews, Clifford David |
Bits & Patter Quips |
1981 |
Partial |
Mertz, Ray |
Close Up Magic
of Ray Mertz |
1977 |
Full |
Mertz, Ray | Forks Hotel,
The Close Up Magic of Ray Mertz |
Full |
Mertz, Ray |
#4 |
1991c |
Full |
Mesika, Yigal |
Miracles |
1999 |
Full |
Messina, Jason |
Impossible |
2008 |
ToC |
Mestrovich, Kenwood |
Best of
Zombie 1958-1961 |
1962 |
ToC |
Mestrovich, Kenwood |
Volume 03, Number 10 |
1961 |
ToC |
Meyer, David |
Magic |
1992 |
ToC |
Meyer, David |
Exposed, The |
1987 |
ToC |
Meyer, Orville & R.M. Jamison |
13 Jumbo Card
Effects |
1937 |
Full |
Meyer, Orville |
Magic In the Modern
Manner |
1949 |
ToC |
Meyer, Orville |
In Action |
1961 |
Chapters |
Michaels, Chris |
I Could Have
Been a Brain Surgeon |
ToC |
Michaels, Loren |
Hide In
Plain Sight |
2001 |
ToC |
Michaels, Loren | How to
Spot a Miracle |
ToC |
Michaels, Loren |
Kick the
Trick |
2002 |
ToC |
Michaels, Loren |
Shhhhhh! A
Lecture on Silent Magic |
ToC |
Michaels, Loren |
A Walk on the Wild Side |
ToC |
Michalski, Martin |
Magic Made
Easy |
1968 |
ToC |
Micheli, Pietro |
Lived By Tricks |
2012 |
ToC |
Miesel, William P. |
Card Magic of William P. Miesel |
1980 |
Full |
Miesel, William P. | Fork
Full of Appetizers |
1982 |
Full |
Miesel, William P. | Fork Full
of Appetizers Book 2 |
1983 |
Full |
Miesel, William P. |
Forks Full of
Appetizers |
2022 |
ToC |
Miesel, William P. |
Improvisations |
1981 |
Full |
Miesel, William P. | On MOE
and His Miracles With Cards |
1986 |
ToC |
Miesel, William P. | Visionary
Card Effects |
1995 |
ToC |
Mignon, Ludovic |
ESP Origins -
the Book |
2012 |
ToC |
Milburn, George |
Handbook for Amateur Magicians (Little Blue Book) |
1926 |
Full |
Miller, Anthony (Tony) |
Bar Magic |
1982 |
ToC |
Miller, Anthony (editor) |
Channel One
Magazine Volume 1 |
1999 |
ToC |
Miller, Anthony (editor) | Channel One
Magazine Volume 2 |
2000 |
ToC |
Miller, Anthony (editor) | Channel One
Magazine Volume 3 |
2001 |
ToC |
Miller, Anthony (editor) | Channel One
Magazine Volume 4 |
2001 |
ToC |
Miller, Anthony (Tony) |
Screwball Ideas! |
2000 |
Full |
Miller, Basil |
Illustrations |
1946 |
ToC |
Miller, Bob |
Ring & String Routine, The |
1991 |
Full |
Miller, Charles & Robert Parrish (editor) |
Evening With Charlie Miller |
1961 |
Full |
Miller, Charles |
Art Well Tricks |
1969 |
ToC |
Miller, Charles |
Miller Lecture Notes |
1967 |
ToC |
Miller, Charles & Ron Wilson |
Miller on the Card Index |
1955c |
ToC |
Miller, Colin & Jamie Badman |
Legacy - Heirloom's
Darkest Secrets |
2006 |
Full |
Miller, Colin & Jamie Badman |
Collection |
2005c |
Full |
Miller, Colin & Jamie Badman |
Collection Volume Two |
2006c |
Full |
Miller, Gordon (editor) | Abbott's Anthology of Card Magic Volume One | 1968 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon (editor) | Abbott's Anthology of Card Magic Volume Two | 1968 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon (editor) | Abbott's
Anthology of Card Magic Volume Three |
1968 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon (editor) | Anthology
of Card Magic |
1989 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon (editor) |
Seabrooke, Terry McComb Lecture |
1989 |
Full |
Miller, Gordon (editor) | Bag
O' Trix |
1989 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon (editor) |
Tonight |
1983 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon (editor) |
Illusions! |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon |
(The) A Gospel Magician's Reference Guide |
1988 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon |
Secrets Volume One |
1984 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon | Strange
Secrets Volume Two |
1984 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon | Strange
Secrets The Addenda |
1984 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon (editor) | Talk! A
Panorama of Professional Patter |
1984 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon (editor) | TOPS Treasury
of Ball Manipulation |
1999 |
ToC |
Miller, Gordon (editor) |
Treasury of Thimble Magic |
1999 |
ToC |
Miller, Hugh | A Pocketful of Miracles | 1970 |
ToC |
Miller, Hugh (editor) |
Koran Professional Presentations |
1967 |
Full |
Miller, Hugh | Al Koran's
Legacy |
1972 |
ToC |
Miller, Hugh |
Koran's Legacy, Revised |
2009 |
ToC |
Miller, Hugh |
Art of Eddie
Joseph, The |
1968 |
ToC |
Miller, Hugh | Horace Bennett's Prize Winning Magic | 1968 |
Full |
Miller, Hugh |
Magic for
Minors |
1967 |
ToC |
Miller, Hugh (editor) |
Magic of Roy
Baker in Baker's Bonanza |
1968 |
Full |
Miller, Hugh (editor) | Rink's Magic from Holland | 1968 |
Full |
Miller, Hugh (editor) |
Original Rope Mysteries |
1970c |
Full |
Miller, Hugh | Secrets
of Gambling, The |
1970 |
Full |
Miller, John |
Lecture Notes
No. II |
Full |
Miller, Jule L. | Spiritual
Applications for Tarbell 1 |
1976 |
Chapters |
Miller, Jule L. | Spiritual Applications for Tarbell 2 | 1999 |
Chapters |
Miller, Jule L. | Three Dozen Tricks With the Dock Haley Svengali Deck | 1986 |
Full |
Miller, Justin |
Huh? |
2005 |
Full |
Miller, Justin |
Locked In a
Room Without Cards |
2005 |
Full |
Miller, Leonard |
Magic |
1959 |
ToC |
Miller, Professor |
and Diversions With Cards |
1875 |
Full |
Miller, Tony |
Magic |
1982 |
ToC |
Millidge, Bertram |
Jardine Ellis Ring-On-Ribbon Routines |
1953 |
Full |
Millward, George |
Notes |
ToC |
Mills, Ralph C. |
It's Do It Yourself
Magic |
1976 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Martin Nash |
Any Second Now |
1977 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Vanni Bossi |
Aretalogy of
Vanni Bossi, The |
2016 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen |
Book of
Forgotten Secrets |
2009 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen | Book
of Thoth, The |
1974 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen |
John Hamman's Seven Deadly Miracles |
1984 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Bruce Cervon |
Cervon Hard Boiled Mysteries |
1998 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Earnest Earick |
By Forces Unseen - The Innovative Card Magic of Earnest Earick | 1993 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen & Alex
Elmsley |
Works of Alex Elmsley, Volume 1 |
1991 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Alex Elmsley |
Collected Works of Alex Elmsley, Volume 2 | 1994 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Martin Nash |
Colors on the
March |
1980 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen | Creations
of a Magical Madman |
1977 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Daryl |
Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus | 1987 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Daryl |
For Your Entertainment Pleasure, Revised |
2016 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen | Elastrix Volume 2 | 1995 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Martin Nash | Ever So
Sleightly |
1975 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Daryl | For Your Entertainment Pleasure Magic by Daryl | 1982 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen & Martin Nash |
Four Class Acts |
1979c |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen | From
Witchcraft to Card Tricks |
1991 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen |
Gary Plants
on the Zarrow Shuffle |
2004 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Giacomo Bertini |
Bertini's System for Amazement |
2018 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Martin Nash |
Jacks or Better |
1980 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & John Carney |
John Carney's Carneycopia | 1991 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen & Ken
Krenzel |
Ken Krenzel's
Close-Up Impact! |
1990 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen & Ken Krenzel |
Krenzel's Ingenuities |
1997 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Ken Krenzel |
Ken Krenzel's
Relaxed Impossibilities |
2009 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Larry
Jennings |
Jennings' Neoclassics |
1987 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen | Lovecraftian Ceremonies | 1979 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen |
Magic of
Milt Kort |
1999 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen |
Mind &
Matter |
1975 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen |
Melds, a Precognitive Hexameron |
1984 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen | Mind
Novas |
1980 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen | New York Magic Symposium Collection Three | 1984 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen | New York Magic Symposium Collection Four | 1985 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen | New York Magic Symposium Collection Five | 1986 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen & Martin Nash |
Ovation |
1980 |
ToC |
Stephen & Daryl |
Secrets of a Puerto Rican Gambler | 1980 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen & Martin Nash |
Sleight Unseen | 1979 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen | Spectacle | 1990 |
Full |
Minch, Stephen |
Faces of Steve, The |
1987 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Dai Vernon |
Vernon Chronicles, V1, Lost Inner Secrets, The | 1987 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Dai Vernon |
Chronicles, V2, More Lost Inner Secrets, The |
1988 |
ToC |
Minch, Stephen & Dai Vernon |
Chronicles, V3, Further Lost Inner Secrets, The |
1989 |
ToC |
Mingo, Jack |
Magic Card
Tricks |
1995 |
ToC |
Minnesota MindPsi |
In the
Mind's Eye - Minnesota MindPsi Collection |
1993 |
ToC |
Mishell, Ed & Prof. Abraham B. Hurwitz |
Elastrix |
1979 |
ToC |
Mishell, Ed & Louis Tannen (editor) |
Hold Out
Miracles |
1969 |
ToC |
Mishell, Ed & Ted Collins |
Wax Fax |
1953 |
ToC |
Mitchell, Barry |
Let Me
Tell You a Story... |
2009 |
ToC |
Mitchell, Barry |
Magic of
Thinking Creatively, The |
2003 |
ToC |
Moehring, John |
Life of Marshall Brodein, The |
2007 |
Chapters |
Moehring, John |
A Texan
Trixter |
1986 |
Full |
Moffat, Dr. Peter |
on Prescription |
ToC |
Mogar, Joe | Mogar's Fantasy Knives Routine | Full | |
Mogar, Joe | Mogar's Miracle Knife Routine | Full | |
Mole, H.C., A.C.P. Medrington & Ernest
Hammond |
of To-Morrow, The |
1919 |
Full |
Mole, H.C. |
Entertaining Years |
1949 |
ToC |
Molinari, James |
to Cards |
ToC |
Molinari, James |
Lecture Notes
I |
2002 |
ToC |
Molinari, James |
Notes II |
2003 |
Partial |
Monros, Monica "Monique" |
Costume Changes |
2001 |
ToC |
Montague, Frederick, M.P. |
Wizardry |
1929c |
ToC |
Montalbano, Dean |
Factory Volume 2 |
2011 |
ToC |
Montalbano, Dean |
Quietus of
Creativity |
2005 |
Full |
Montana, Tony |
Facing a Mirror |
2009 |
Partial |
Montandon, Roger & Logan Wait |
Not Primigenial |
1942 |
Full |
Montes, Trini |
Ideas |
2001c |
ToC |
Montes, Trini |
to New Orleans |
ToC |
Montgomery, William Henry |
& Better Magic |
1947 |
ToC |
Monti, Joe (Safuto) |
Coins Cups The Early Years |
ToC |
Monti, Joe (Safuto) |
York Notes |
ToC |
Moore, Bob | And
There's Moore... |
1990 |
ToC |
Moore, Bob | Moore
The Merrier Lecture, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Moore, Bob |
Owen Moore's
Almanack |
1983 |
ToC |
Moorehouse, Hank | 3
Views of Hank Moorehouse |
1978 |
Chapters |
Moorehouse, Hank | Handbook
for Adult Banquet Shows |
1982 |
ToC |
Moorehouse, Hank |
Moorehouse Presents Comedy on Stage |
1988 |
ToC |
Moorehouse, Hank |
So You
Want to Make Money in Magic? |
ToC |
Moorehouse, Hank | Words
From the Wizard |
1985 |
ToC |
Moran, Lorraine |
Murder Mysteries |
Full |
Morgan, Rhys & Robert West |
Parlour Tricks |
2020 |
ToC |
Morrell, Reginald A. & Frederick Lloyd |
Magical Sleights & Fakes |
1906 |
Full |
Morrell, Reginald |
Mystical Sleights & Illusions |
1900 |
ToC |
Morris, Bud |
I Am Curious
(Magic) |
ToC |
Morris, Bud |
More Magic With
Electronics |
1975 |
ToC |
Morris, Don |
Encounters |
1981 |
ToC |
Morris, E.W. Bud & Sam Dalal |
Magic in
the Morris Manor |
1974 |
ToC |
Morris, Hugh |
Card Tricks |
1936 |
ToC |
Morris, Philip & Dennis Phillips |
to Operate a Financially Successful Haunted House |
1980 |
ToC |
Morris, S. Brent |
Magic Tricks Card
Shuffling and Dynamic Computer Memories |
1998 |
ToC |
Morrison, Ken (editor) |
Magic Volume 1 |
2007 |
ToC |
Morrissey | Combination Chop Cups and Balls | Full | |
Morrissy, John |
New Look |
1990 |
ToC |
Moulton, Henry Jefferson |
History of Magic in Boston 1792-1915 |
1983 |
ToC |
Mount, Dennis & Crocker |
Gospel Magic
Illustrations Vol 1 |
1975 |
ToC |
Mount, Dennis & Crocker | Gospel Magic
Illustrations Vol 2 |
1975 |
ToC |
Mount, Dennis & Crocker | Gospel Magic
Illustrations Vol 3 |
1975 |
ToC |
Mount, Dennis & Crocker | Gospel Magic
Illustrations Vol 4 |
1975 |
ToC |
Mueller Walter & Mark |
Magic You Can Make | ToC |
Muerte, Manuel |
Manuel Muerte
Lecture 1998 |
1998 |
ToC |
Muir, Jimmy |
Gaglets an' Guffaws |
1957 |
Full |
Mulcahy, Colm |
Card Magic |
2013 |
ToC |
Mulholland, John |
Art of
Illusion, The |
1944 |
Full |
Mulholland, John |
Magic Shows, The |
1945 |
Full |
Mulholland, John | John
Mulholland's Story of Magic |
1935 |
Chapters |
Mulholland, John | Magic
for Entertaining |
1944 |
Chapters |
Mulholland, John & Milton M. Smith |
Magic In
the Making |
1925 |
Chapters |
Mulholland, John |
Magic of
the World |
1965 |
Full |
Mulholland, John |
Mulholland's Book
of Magic |
1963 |
Full |
Mulholland, John |
Than the Eye |
1932 |
ToC |
Muller, Reinhard | Escorial
79 Gilbreath's Principles |
1979 |
ToC |
Muller, Reinhard | Escorial
86 EStimacion (Estimation) |
1986 |
ToC |
Muller, Reinhard |
88 Glimpse, Carte Ojeada |
1988 |
ToC |
Muller, Reinhard | Escorial
89 Gray Code, Codigo Pulsera |
1989 |
ToC |
Muller, Reinhard | Escorial
90 Card Indexes, Los Clasificadores |
1990 |
ToC |
Muller, Reinhard | Escorial 97
Vernon Lectures in Germany |
1997 |
ToC |
Muller, Reinhard | Flying Cards
Cards Across An Overview |
1985 |
ToC |
Mullica, Tom |
Booklet Hawaii '83 |
1983 |
ToC |
Mullica, Tom |
Tom Mullica Lecture |
1996 |
ToC |
Munari, Geno |
Card Magic |
1995 |
ToC |
Munding, Howard |
Too Hot to
Handle |
1990 |
ToC |
Munoz, Oscar |
Real Thing, The |
ToC |
Munro, George |
Sketcher, The |
1925 |
Full |
Munro, Mark |
Big |
1994 |
ToC |
Murphy, Chris |
Illusion:Reality |
2004 |
Chapters |
Murphy, T.G. | Imagication |
1988 |
ToC |
Murphy, T.G. |
Cut, The |
1976 |
ToC |
Murray, Andrew |
But Ordinary |
2012 |
Full |
Murray, Andrew |
Card Colossus |
2013 |
Full |
Murray, Andrew |
Dare to Be Remarkable |
2010 |
ToC |
Murray, Andrew | Jokers Not
Included |
2010 |
ToC |
Murray, Andrew |
Kaleidoscope |
2012c |
Full |
Murray, Andrew |
Wisdom Begins
With Wonder |
2012 |
Full |
Murray, Barry | Paul Daniel's Adult Magic | 1989 |
Full |
Murray, Barry |
Annual 1989, The |
1988 |
ToC |
Murray, Barry |
Instant Magic Book |
1988 |
Full |
Murray, Barry |
WizBit Magic
Book |
1986 |
Full |
Murray, George | 3D Bunnies (routine by Nielsen & Marvyn Roy) | Full | |
Murray, John |
Mostly Openers |
1970c |
Full |
Murray, Johnnie & Don Tanner | Coffee-Break Magic | 1968 |
Full |
Murray, John | Inside
John Murray |
1984 |
ToC |
Murray, Michael |
A Piece of My
Mind |
2014 |
ToC |
Murray, Michael |
Risk Plus |
2015 |
Full |
Murray, Michael |
Problems & Mental Solutions |
ToC |
Murray, Steve (Dr.) |
Seven Shades |
2009 |
Full |
Murray, Stewart |
With Stewart |
1962 |
Chapters |
Musgrave, Andrew (The Burnaby Kid) |
Almanac of Card Knavery, The |
2018 |
ToC |
Mussey, Barrows |
Magic |
1942 |
Full |
Musson, Clettis |
Weird and Psychic Effects |
1983 |
ToC |
Musson, Clettis | Close-Up Capers | 1982 |
ToC |
Musson, Clettis |
Weird and Psychic Effects |
1983 |
Partial |
Musson, Clettis | Fire
Magic |
1952 |
Full |
Musson, Clettis | Forty-Four
Foolers |
1972 |
Full |
Musson, Clettis | Minute Magic | 1953 |
Full |
Musson, Clettis |
More Weird and
Psychic Effects |
1983 |
ToC |
Musson, Clettis |
Magic |
ToC |
Musson, Clettis |
Comedy For Magicians |
1954 |
Full |
Musson, Clettis | Thirty-Five
Weird and Psychic Effects |
1937 |
ToC |
Myers, Bob |
Lecture Notes |
Full |
Myers, Steve |
Magic Journey |
2023 |
ToC |
Myers, Tom | Designer
Collection |
1987 |
ToC |
Myers, Tom |
Life on
the Living Room Circuit |
1991 |
ToC |
Myers, Tom |
Inflation Work For You |
1991 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Volume 1 On Stage |
1977 |
ToC |
Nagler, Bill, M.D. |
Notes of Bill Nagler, M.D., A.I.M.C., The |
1979 |
Full |
Naldrett, Percy | Collected
Magic |
1920 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy | Expert Magic |
1922 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy | Further
Expert Magic |
1923 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy |
Miscellany, The |
1926 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy | Magical
Notes & Notions |
1913 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy | Miscellaneous
Magic |
1915 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy; H.C. Mole |
of Mystery |
1914 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy | More
Collected Magic |
1921 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy |
Magical Experiments |
1924 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy | More
Miscellaneous Magic |
1919 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy | Volume
Six Collected Magic Series |
1924 |
ToC |
Naldrett, Percy | Volume
Eight Collected Magic Series |
1927 |
ToC |
Narvaez, Amado & Rogert Sherman |
With Deck
in Hand |
1978 |
ToC |
Nash, Martin |
Take It From Me |
ToC |
Nathanson, Leon, M.D. |
Slydini Encores |
1966 |
ToC |
National Magic |
World's Best Card Tricks |
1940ca |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. |
444 and Three More |
2011 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. | Bunny
Bill |
1964 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. |
Folding Money Fooling |
1997 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. | Frog
Tales |
2001 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. |
Braid |
2009 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. | Life,
Death & Other Card Tricks |
2000 |
Full |
Neale, Robert E.; Lawrence Hass |
Magic Inside
Out |
2021 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. |
Magic Matters |
2009 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E.; David Parr | Magic Mirror, The |
2002 |
Full |
Neale, Robert E. |
of Celebrating Illusion, The |
2013 |
Partial |
Neale, Robert E. |
More on the
Six Card Swindle |
1985 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. | More Than
Lecture Notes Number 1 |
1991 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. | More Than
Lecture Notes Number 2 |
1991 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. |
Nine Uneasy
Pieces |
2012 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. |
Sense of
Wonder, The |
2014 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. |
Six Card
Swindle |
1985 |
Partial |
Neale, Robert E. |
This Is Not a
Book |
2008 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. |
Three Magic
Arrows |
1991 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. |
Trans-Action |
1971 |
ToC |
Neale, Robert E. |
of the Imagination |
1991 |
Full |
Neale, Robert E. |
WhatsaBox |
1991 |
ToC |
Nedbalski, Robert (Ned) |
Ultimate Poker Stack |
1978 |
ToC |
Neighbors, David |
Volume One |
1987 |
ToC |
Neighbors, David; Robert D. LaRue, Jr. |
Neighbors Stands Up |
1993 |
Full |
Neighbors, David; Ken Simmons | David
Neighbors on the Double Coin Gimmick |
1988 |
ToC |
Neighbors, David; Mark Tams |
Neighbors Project, Volume 1 |
2013c |
ToC |
Neighbors, David; Robert D LaRue Jr. |
Japan Lecture, The |
1993 |
ToC |
Neighbors, David; Robert D. LaRue, Jr. | Flight Plans |
2005 |
Full |
Neighbors, David; Ken Simmons |
Minted |
1989 |
ToC |
Neighbors, David; Robert D. LaRue, Jr. | Going Blank |
1995 |
ToC |
Neighbors, David; Charles Neff |
Here Comes
the Sun (And the Moon) |
2008c |
ToC |
Neighbors, David | Innovation Lecture |
1991 |
ToC |
Neighbors, David | Las Vegas Lecture | 1997 |
Full |
Neighbors, David |
Less Than
Infinity Number One of Two |
2001 |
ToC |
Neighbors, David |
Mile High
Lecture Notes |
2019c |
Full |
Neighbors, David | Next
Door Neighbors |
1995c |
ToC |
Neighbors, David | Not Just
Coins |
ToC |
Neighbors, David; John T. Hopkins |
Coin Box Magic of Dave Neighbors |
2002 |
ToC |
Neighbors, David; Robert D. LaRue, Jr. | Silver
and Pasteboards |
1993 |
ToC |
Neighbors, David; Peter Donello |
Gaffed |
1990c |
Full |
Neighbors, David; Robert D. LaRue, Jr. | Sound
Routines |
2002c |
ToC |
Neighbors, David |
Stand and
Deliver |
2003 |
Full |
Neil, Charles Lang | After
Dinner Sleights and Pocket Tricks |
1904 |
ToC |
Neil, Charles Lang | Modern Card
Manipulation |
1904 |
ToC |
Neil, Charles Lang | Modern
Conjuror, The |
1902 |
ToC |
Nelmar (Anthony Nelmar Albino) | Twenty
Hypnotic Tricks |
1933 |
Full |
Nelmar (Anthony Nelmar Albino) |
Trix That Klik |
1934 |
ToC |
Nelms, Henning |
Applause & How
to Get It |
ToC |
Nelms, Henning |
Magic and
Showmanship |
1969 |
Chapters |
Nelson, Chad |
Your Pleasure With Playing Cards |
2008 |
ToC |
Nelson, Chad |
Controls |
2010 |
ToC |
Nelson, Earl |
Nelson Workbook, The |
1984 |
ToC |
Nelson, Earl | Variations | 1978 |
Full |
Nelson, Earl | Variations
Revisited |
2003 |
ToC |
Nelson, Earl | West
Coast Quarterly Vol 1 No. 1, Winter 1984 |
1984 |
Full |
Nelson, Earl |
Coast Quarterly Vol 1 No. 2, Summer 1984 |
1984 |
Full |
Nelson, James (Janel) |
Startling Effects |
1943 |
Full |
Nelson, Robert A. | A
Complete Course in Hypnotism |
1935 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. | A Sequel
to the Art of Cold Reading |
1971 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Art of
Cold Reading, The |
1951 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
A Sequel
to the Art of Cold Reading |
1971 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A | Club and
Party Mentalism |
1960 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. | Comedy
Mentalism |
1962 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. | Comedy
Mentalism Volume 2 |
1963 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. | Comedy
Mentalism Volume 3 |
1964 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Of a Medium |
1929 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Deluxe Club
Mind Reading |
1958 |
Full |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Answers to Questions |
1928 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Mentalism |
1944 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
ESP Brain
Busters |
1958 |
Full |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Book of Dark Secrets, The |
1948c |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Hellstromism |
1935 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
How to Book Your
Attraction |
1959 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
How to Read
Sealed Messages |
1961 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Magic As a
Hobby |
1947 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Mindreading Pay |
1956 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Manual of
Publicity and Exploitation for the Mentalist |
1948 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert; Syd Bergson |
& Its Presentation |
1959 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Manual |
1953 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
in Mentalism and Psychic Experimentation |
1945 |
Full |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Effective Answers to Questions |
1973 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Miracles in Mentalism (Revised) |
1959 |
Full |
Nelson Robert A. |
From a Medium's Notebook |
1939 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Answers |
1956 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Methods of Private Readers |
1953 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Answers |
1944 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Effects |
1929 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. | Sensational
Mentalism Part 1 |
1965 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. | Sensational
Mentalism Part 2 |
1968 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. | Sensational
Mentalism Part 3 |
1972 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. | Sensational
Mentalism Part 4 |
1977 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. | Still
More Miracles in Mentalism |
1961 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
Mentality |
1929 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. & E.J. Moore |
Prediction Tricks |
1959 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert |
of the Private Reader |
1936 |
ToC |
Nelson, Robert A. |
TV Mentalism |
1955 |
ToC |
Nemo |
Picks and Tricks |
ToC |
Nemoto, Takeshi |
Trickery |
1967 |
Full |
Nesbit, Bill |
Magic with Bill Nesbit |
1981 |
Full |
Neuville, Christaine |
Tricks |
1975 |
ToC |
Newman, Ed |
Notes Lecture No. 1 |
ToC |
Newman, Nathan |
Discoveries Volume 1 |
2002 |
ToC |
Newmann, C.A. George |
Card Conjuring |
1922 |
Full |
Newton, Geoffrey |
Experi-MENTAL |
2000 |
ToC |
Newton, Geoffrey | Newton Line,
The |
1973 |
ToC |
Niberco |
Magic |
1972c |
Full |
Nielsen, Norm |
New Bottle
Book, The |
1992 |
Partial |
Night, Nicholas |
I Hate to
Perform for Magicians |
1991 |
ToC |
Nightingale, F.B. |
Magic for
Magicians |
1964 |
Chapters |
Nikola, Louis | Hand
Shadows |
1913 |
Full |
Nikola, Louis |
Masterpieces |
1934 |
Full |
Nikola, Louis | Nikola Card
System, The |
1927 |
Full |
Nixon, W.J. & H.A. Osborne |
The Spirit
Paintings |
1916 |
Full |
Noakes, Ernest E. |
Originalities |
1914 |
Full |
Noakes, Ernest E. |
Memories of a Magician |
1920 |
Chapters |
Noble, Lee & Jerry Lubin |
$100 Book
Plus |
1972 |
Full |
Noble, Ray |
Edge of Reality |
2009 |
Full |
Nord, Bill |
Word in Skullo-Cation |
1949 |
ToC |
Nordmann, A.B. |
Hundred Simple Parlour Tricks and Problems |
1923 |
Chapters |
Norman, Anthony |
Card Technique |
1948 |
ToC |
Norman, Anthony |
How To Do
Card Fanning |
1950c |
ToC |
Norman, Dick |
Handcuff Secrets for Magicians |
1957 |
Chapters |
Norman, Karl | Here's How | 1985 |
Full |
Normansell, Andrew |
Hoaxes |
ToC |
Normansell, Andrew | House of
Fortune |
ToC |
Normansell, Andrew |
Lounge |
2010 |
ToC |
North American Assoc of Ventriloquists |
Dialogues Book Number 6 |
1972 |
ToC |
North American Assoc of Ventriloquists | Ventriloquist
Dialogues Book Number 7 |
1972 |
ToC |
North American Assoc of Ventriloquists | Ventriloquist
Dialogues Book Number 8 |
1972 |
ToC |
Norton, Coe |
Norton Lecture Notes |
1972 |
Full |
Nosek, Terry | Fraud!
The Collected Works of Sigmund Fraud |
1984 |
Full |
Nosek, Terry |
Linking Rings |
1994 |
Partial |
Novak, Bob |
Jack Miller's Linking Ring Routine | 1945 |
Full |
Novak, John |
Art of Escape
Vol. 1 A Modern Handcuff Act |
1979 |
ToC |
Novak, John |
Art of Escape
Vol. 2 Selected
Chain Escapes |
1979 |
Partial |
Novak, John | Art of Escape Vol. 3 Metamorphosis! |
1979 |
ToC |
Novak, John |
Art of Escape
Vol. 4 Escapes From a Strait Jacket |
1979 |
ToC |
Novak, John |
Art of Escape Vol. 5 Bohemian
Torture Escape |
1980 |
ToC |
Novak, John |
Egg Bag Book,
The |
1999 |
Full |
Novak, John |
Jumbo Card
Magic |
1996 |
ToC |
Novak, John |
Two Meter
Magician Book Two, The |
1995c |
ToC |
Nu, Alain | 6 |
2000 |
ToC |
Nu, Alain |
Any Card... |
2007 |
ToC |
Nu, Alain |
Control |
ToC |
Nu, Alain | Four
Told |
2008 |
ToC |
Nu, Alain & Stephen Hobbs |
- The Mentalism of Alan Nguyen |
1995 |
Full |
Nu, Alain |
Mind Over Matter |
1999 |
ToC |
Nu, Alain |
Discoveries |
1998 |
Full |
Nu, Alian; David London |
Nu Secrets &
Realities |
2007 |
ToC |
Nu, Alain | Psycho-Chronetic |
2011 |
ToC |
Nu, Alain |
Serial Thrillers |
2009 |
ToC |
Nu, Alain | Word
Work |
2008 |
ToC |
Nu, Alain |
Work II |
2008 |
ToC |
Nu, Alain |
XXX Hardcore Mentalism |
2003 |
ToC |
Nudelman, Larry |
Money Magic |
ToC |
Nudelman, Larry | Money Magic
Notes Volume 1 |
ToC |
Nudelman, Larry | Money Magic Notes Volume 2 | Full |
Nudelman, Larry | Money Magic Notes Volume 3 | Full | |
Nudelman, Larry | Money Magic Notes Volume 4 | Full | |
Nudelman, Larry | Money Magic Notes Volume 5 | Full | |
Nudelman, Larry | Money Magic Notes Volume 6 | Full | |
Nudelman, Larry | Money Magic Notes Volume 7 | Full | |
Nuzzo, Jimmy & Ed Marlo |
Art and Ardor at the
Card Table |
2003 |
ToC |
Nyman, Andy | Bulletproof |
2010 |
ToC |
Nyman, Andy |
Dirty! |
2002 |
ToC |
Nyman, Andy | Kosher
Products |
2009c |
Full |
Nyman, Andy | Short,
Punchy & Mental |
1997 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Oakes, Earle |
Master Lock
Routine |
1981 |
Full |
Oakley, John |
My Three Angels |
2004 |
ToC |
Oakley, John |
Charlie's Christmas Cards |
1994 |
ToC |
Oberon, Mark |
Epic |
2009 |
ToC |
Obermair, Gilbert |
Puzzles, Tricks & Games |
1977 |
Chapters |
Obrien, Obie |
FFFF Book, The |
2012 |
ToC |
O'Connell, Sheldon |
Incomparable |
1998 |
Full |
Odhams Press |
Home Entertainer |
1948 |
Full |
Offices of the Chemist and Druggist,
Melbourne |
Mysteries |
1891 |
ToC |
Ogden, Tom | Complete Idiot's Guide to
Magic Tricks, The |
1999 |
Full |
Ogden, Tom |
Idiot's Guide to Street Magic, The |
2007 |
Chapters |
Ogden, Tom | First
Time Around, The |
1977c |
Full |
Ogden, Tom |
Tri-Anything |
1983 |
Full |
Ogilvie Publishing Co. |
Guide to Magic and Mystery |
1891 |
Full |
Okal, Bill |
A New
Look at Some Classic Close-Up |
1988 |
ToC |
Okal, Bill |
Card Magic |
1982 |
ToC |
Okamura, Arthur |
Propeller, the Jumping Frog, the Spinning Quarter |
2000 |
Full |
Oldham, Keith |
Coin Magic -
Basic (and a little bit more) |
1981 |
ToC |
Oliver, David |
Twists |
1994 |
ToC |
Olney, Ross & Pat |
Easy to
Make Magic |
1979 |
Full |
Olson, Robert |
Touch, The |
1963 |
Full |
Olson, Robert |
Carl Rosini His Life
and His Magic |
1966 |
ToC |
Olson, Robert |
Life of Howard Franklin Thurston, Volume 1 |
1993 |
ToC |
Olson, Robert |
Life of Howard Franklin Thurston, Volume 2 |
1993 |
ToC |
Olson, Robert |
2 Hands, 3
Pockets, 4 Magic |
1966 |
ToC |
Olson, Robert | Extra! Extra! Extra! | 1984 |
Full |
Olson, Robert |
Builder to Fu Manchu (David Bamberg) |
1986 |
Chapters |
Olson, Robert |
Greatest Magician - a Tribute to Howard Thurston |
1981 |
Chapters |
Olson, Bob & Bob Pearce |
Sorcery |
1961 |
Full |
O'Neal, Don | Trix With Hares | ToC |
O'Neill, Brian |
Miracles |
2002 |
ToC |
Ong, Harapan |
Close Culls |
2014 |
Full |
Ong, Harapan |
Principia |
2018 |
ToC |
Ong, Harapan |
Stylo |
2021 |
Full |
Orben, Robert |
Big Big Laughs |
1963 |
ToC |
Orben, Robert | Comedy Caravan |
1949 |
Full |
Orben, Robert | Encyclopedia
of Patter, The |
1946 |
Full |
Orben, Robert |
Magicdotes |
1948 |
Full |
Orben, Robert |
Standard Tricks |
1954 |
ToC |
Orben, Robert |
Patter Parade |
1947 |
ToC |
Orbit, Donny, Dave Forrest (author) |
Inside the
Head of Donny Orbit |
2007 |
Full |
Orleans, Danny |
Magic Lecture Notes |
2014c |
Full |
Orrin, Edmund |
Art of
Picking Pockets, The |
1966 |
ToC |
Orrin, J.F. | Conjurer's
Vade Mecum, The |
1898 |
ToC |
Orrin, J.F. |
With the Show Part I |
1943 |
Full |
Orrin, J.F. | On
With the Show Part II |
1943 |
Full |
Orrin, J.F. |
Put It Over |
1933 |
ToC |
Orrin, J.F. |
Up the Curtain |
1930 |
ToC |
Ortiz Darwin | Annotated
Erdnase, The |
1991 |
ToC |
Ortiz, Darwin | Cardshark | 1995 |
ToC |
Ortiz, Darwin | Darwin Ortiz At the Card Table | 1988 |
ToC |
Ortiz Darwin |
Confidential Lecture |
1997 |
ToC |
Ortiz, Darwin |
Deceits Lecture Notes No. 2 |
1979 |
Full |
Ortiz, Darwin |
Theories Lecture Notes No. 1 |
1976 |
ToC |
Ortiz, Darwin |
Miracles |
2006 |
ToC |
Ortiz, Darwin | Ephemeral
Lecture Notes |
2007 |
Full |
Ortiz, Darwin | Gambling Scams |
1984 |
ToC |
Ortiz, Darwin |
In Card Mastery |
2012 |
ToC |
Ortiz, Darwin |
Impossible |
2009 |
ToC |
Ortiz, Darwin | Scams & Fantasies with Cards | 2002 |
Full |
Ortiz, Darwin | Strong Magic | 1994 |
ToC |
Osborne, Paul | 1 Man
Illusions and Illusionettes |
2011 |
Full |
Osborne, Paul | Classic
Illusions Volume One, The |
2002 |
Partial |
Osborne, Paul | Classic
Illusions Volume Two, The |
2004c |
Partial |
Osborne, Paul | Classic
Illusions Volume Three, The |
2005c |
Partial |
Osborne, Paul | Easy
Build Illusions |
2001 |
ToC |
Osborne, Paul |
Evil Illusions |
2012 |
ToC |
Osborne, Paul | Haunted
Illusions I |
1996 |
ToC |
Osborne, Paul | Holiday
Illusions |
2011 |
Full |
Osborne, Paul | Illusion
Systems Book One |
1981 |
Full |
Osborne, Paul | Illusion
Systems Book Two |
1982 |
Full |
Osborne, Paul | Illusion
Systems Book Three |
1983 |
Full |
Osborne, Paul | Illusion
Systems Book Four |
1986 |
Full |
Osborne, Paul |
Systems The First Collection |
1996 |
ToC |
Osborne, Paul |
The Evolution and the Revolution of the Magic Box |
1995 |
ToC |
Osborne, Paul | Kidtrix |
2013 |
ToC |
Osborne, Paul | Magical
Mystery Time Machine |
1972 |
ToC |
Osborne, Paul |
Right Up |
ToC |
Osborne, Tom | 3
To One Rope Trick |
1938 |
Full |
Osborne, Tom | A
Card Act |
1987 |
ToC |
Osborne, Tom | Coin
Tricks |
1945 |
Full |
Osborne, Tom | Cups and Balls Magic | 1937 |
Full |
Osborne, Tom | Fun
at Dinner |
1943 |
ToC |
Osborne, Tom | Napkin
Folding |
1945 |
ToC |
Osborne, Tom | One Hundred
and One Opening Remarks for Magicians |
1955 |
ToC |
Osborne, Tom |
Three-to-One Rope Trick |
1938 |
ToC |
Osborne, Tom | Passing the
Buck |
1941 |
Full |
Osborne, Tom | Poker
Demonstration |
1946 |
ToC |
Osborne, Tom |
Shower of
Sweets, The |
1945 |
Full |
Osborne, Tom & Ralph Read (editor) |
Three Shell
Game |
1938 |
Full |
Oslund, Dick |
Lecture Notes |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard | Beyond
Magick |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard & Jeff Busby |
Book, The |
1987 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard | Breakthrough
Card System |
1983 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard |
Quintet |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard | Diverse
Deceptions |
2018c |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard | Dynamic
Mysteries |
1999 |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard | Further
Diverse Deceptions |
2019c |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard |
Magic Real |
2002 |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard |
Real Magic |
2004 |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard |
Metalblast |
2006 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard | Mind
Mysteries Guide Volume 3 The Osterlind Breakthrough Card
System |
2006 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard |
Mysteries Guide Volume 4 More Assorted Mysteries |
2007 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard |
Diverse Deceptions |
2018c |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard |
Breakthrough Card System, 20th Anniversary |
2003 |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard |
The Box |
Chapters |
Osterlind, Richard |
Center Tear and Other Assorted Routines, The |
2003 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard | Principles
of Magic, The |
2005 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard |
Mentalist's Field Manual |
2014 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard | Professional
Mentalist's Intelligence Manual |
2018 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard |
Mentalist's Officers Manual |
2016 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard |
Principle, The |
2021 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard | Rich
With a Twist |
1989 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard |
Six-Shooter |
2012 |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard |
Surprising |
1976 |
ToC |
Osterlind, Richard |
Scan |
1991 |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard |
Miracle Routines |
1986 |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard |
Forces |
2005 |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard | Two
Perfected Professional Routines |
1983 |
Full |
Osterlind, Richard |
Modern Mindreader and Other Miracles, The |
2002 |
ToC |
Ostin, Bob |
Fantasies |
1968 |
ToC |
Ostin, Bob |
Surprising |
1976c |
ToC |
Ostrow, Albert |
A Card |
1955c |
Full |
Oudini (Frank Rowan) |
Mysteries Now Revealed For the First Time, The |
1909 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary | 1991
Lecture, The |
1991 |
Full |
Ouellet, Gary |
Academy's Masters of Magic Series |
2022 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary | Class Act
- The Magic of Tony Binarelli |
1991 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary | Classy Close
Up |
1980 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary | Close Up Illusions | 1990 |
Partial |
Ouellet, Gary |
DeCamps' The Coin Connection |
1986 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary |
Finger on the
Card |
1979 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary |
Homing Ring, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary | Magic
on TV Performance Secrets |
1996 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary | Meir
Yedid's Incredible Close-Up Magic |
1982 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary | Pass, The |
1994 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary | Power Sleights |
1986 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary | ProControl |
1986 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary & Haruhito Hirata |
Passage, The |
1980 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary |
- A Magical Masterpiece |
1979 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary | Threshold |
1981 |
ToC |
Ouellet, Gary |
Goblets, The |
1980 |
ToC |
Ovette, Joseph | Advanced
Magic |
1919 |
ToC |
Ovette, Joseph | Bargain Magic |
1921 |
Full |
Ovette, Joseph |
Ways of Egghibiting With Eggs |
1940 |
Partial |
Ovette, Joseph | Fast
Ones |
1940 |
Full |
Ovette, Joseph |
Paradise, The |
1940 |
Full |
Ovette, Joseph | Magician's
New Field |
1916 |
ToC |
Ovette, Joseph | Miraculous
Hindu Feats |
1947 |
Partial |
Ovette, Joseph |
and Ends in Card-Ology |
1937 |
Full |
Ovette, Joseph |
and Illusionettes |
1944 |
ToC |
Ovette, Joseph |
Telepathy |
1924 |
ToC |
Ovette, Joseph | Publicity
Miracles - A Series |
1928 |
ToC |
Ovette, Joseph | Silk
Creations |
1931 |
Full |
Ovette, Joseph; John Lovik |
Anthony Owen's
Secrets |
2017 |
Full |
Owen, Anthony |
Six |
1994 |
ToC |
Owen, Anthony | Dungeon
Seven |
1995 |
ToC |
Owen, Anthony | Magic
Moments |
1992 |
ToC |
Owen, Anthony |
Some More
Tricks |
2007 |
Full |
Owen, Anthony |
Some Tricks |
2003 |
Full |
Owen, Anthony |
Sticky Blue
Book, The |
1995 |
Full |
Owen, Anthony | Sticky Blue
Book 2.0 |
2009 |
Full |
Owen, Oscar |
Mind Blowing
Magic Tricks for Everyone |
2021 |
ToC |
Owen, Richard |
The Story of a Man and His Magic |
2000 |
ToC |
Owen, Tom |
the World With a Watchwinder |
1999 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Pabon, Abel |
With Abel Pabon |
1988 |
ToC |
Pace, Jim & Bob Wallace |
Pace's "A" Material |
2002 |
Full |
Pace, Jim & Jerry MacGregor |
Worker's Handbook, The |
1996 |
Full |
Page, Patrick | 150 Comedy
Props |
1977 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Book of Tricks |
1974 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Bell's Magic
Book |
1973 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Book of Magic, The |
1976 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Book of
Thumb Tips |
1984 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Card Games
& Tricks |
1982 |
Full |
Page, Patrick & Ken DeCourcy |
1999 |
Full |
Page, Patrick |
How to
Entertain Children With a Glove Puppet |
1990 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Handbook |
1981 |
Full |
Page, Patrick & Albert Goshman | Magic
by Gosh |
1985 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Magic Page
by Page (Lecture) |
1980 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick | Magic Page
by Page |
2011 |
Full |
Page, Patrick | Miser's
Dream, The |
1963 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Page Boy
Speaks, The |
2006 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Pages from
Patrick's Notebook |
1990 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick | Patrick
Page Lecture, The |
1975c |
ToC |
Page, Patrick | Patrick
Page's Lecture Notes |
1990c |
ToC |
Page, Patrick | Patricks
Pages of Magic 73 |
1973 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick | Patricks
Pages of Magic |
1976 |
Full |
Page, Patrick |
Book, The |
1987 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Purse Frame, The |
1988 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Thoughts on Close-Up |
1974 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick | Topit
Handbook, The |
Full | |
Page, Patrick |
Tricks With
Coins |
1974 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
With Handkerchiefs |
1974 |
ToC |
Page, Patrick |
Tricks With
Paper |
1974 |
ToC |
Palfreyman, John |
Magic In a
Game |
1980 |
ToC |
Palhinha, Mariano | Dainty
Deceptions |
1936 |
ToC |
Palhinha, Mariano |
Fastened Card Trick |
1980 |
ToC |
Palhinha, Mariano |
Card Production |
1978 |
ToC |
Palhinha, Mariano |
Payoff!, The |
1978 |
Full |
Palhinha, Mariano | Palhinha
Lecture 1 |
1973 |
ToC |
Pallas, Norvin |
Puzzles, Tricks and Games |
1976 |
ToC |
Pallme, Hermann |
by Magic |
1906 |
ToC |
Palmer, Bill |
History of the Paddle Trick in Print 1584-1901, The |
1993 |
Full |
Palmer, Gloria |
Vampira |
1960 |
Full |
Palmer, H.A. |
Made Merry |
1914 |
ToC |
Palmer, Johnny Ace |
Expressions of
a World Champion Magician |
1991 |
ToC |
Palmer, Johnny Ace |
Magic for
Fun and Entertainment |
1992 |
Full |
Palmer, Mike |
Card Magic |
ToC |
Palmer, Steve |
Method |
2015 |
Full |
Palmer, Tom |
Illusions |
1968 |
ToC |
Palmer, Tom |
Tie Pitch, The |
Full |
Parker, Jack | Set To Kill | 2006 |
ToC |
Parker, Jack |
Set to Stun |
2005 |
Full |
Parker, Jack |
Two-Fer Whiskers Split
& Flip Toss |
2006 |
ToC |
Parker, Mark |
4e Illusion
Design |
2003 |
ToC |
Parker, Mark |
Vivify |
2009 |
Full |
Parker, Robert |
In Smoke and Other Tantalizing Mysteries |
1990 |
Full |
Parr, David |
Food Notes |
1992 |
ToC |
Parr, David | Brain Food | 1998 |
ToC |
Parrish, Robert (Editor) | Bert Allerton: The Close Up Magician | 1958 |
Full |
Parrish, Robert; Oscar Weigle
Jr. |
Do That Again |
1939 |
ToC |
Parrish, Robert |
Magician's Only |
1944 |
ToC |
Parrish, Robert | Great Tricks Revisited, Thoughts on Classics | 1995 |
Full |
Parrish, Robert | Magician's
Handbook, The |
1945 |
Full |
Parrish, Robert |
New Ways
to Mystify |
1945 |
ToC |
Parrish, Robert & Tenkai |
Six Tricks
by Tenkai |
1953 |
ToC |
Parrish, Robert |
About Wizards |
1994 |
Chapters |
Parrish, Robert & John
Goodrum |
You'd Be
Surprised |
1963 |
ToC |
Pashko, Stanley |
Boy's Omnibus |
1945 |
Chapters |
Patry, John Jr. |
My Name is Not Party! |
1992 |
ToC |
Patten, Dennis |
My Magic Book |
1993 |
ToC |
Patton, Jim; Ron Vergilio |
A Visit
With Larry Jennings |
1982 |
ToC |
Patton, Temple C. |
Tricks Anyone Can Do |
1968 |
Full |
Paul, Eric |
How to
Become Your Area's Top Children's Entertainer |
2001 |
ToC |
Paul, Eric |
Family Entertainer, The |
2003 |
ToC |
Paul, Marc |
Enhancers |
1995 |
Full |
Paul, Marc |
Marc Paul's
Notes 98 |
1998 |
Full |
Paulus, Dan |
My Sleeve Book One: Commercial Card Magic |
1998 |
ToC |
Paulus, Dan |
My Sleeve Book Two: Commercial Money Magic |
1998 |
ToC |
Pavel |
100% Magic 100% Pavel
Lecture Notes |
ToC |
Pavel |
Micro Tricks |
1971 |
ToC |
Pavel | Colourful
Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Pavel | Easy-to-Make
Magic |
ToC |
Pavel |
Creation or How to Invent a New Trick |
Full |
Pavel | Magic
for Magicians |
1991 |
ToC |
Pavel | Magic
Selection |
1989 |
Full |
Pavel | Magically
Yours 83 |
1983 |
ToC |
Pavel |
Magic Selection |
1990 |
ToC |
Pavel |
Secrets of Pavel, The |
1968 |
ToC |
Pavel |
Novel Magic, The |
1970c |
Full |
Pavel | Star-Rated
Magic |
ToC |
Pavel |
Successful Magic |
1974 |
ToC |
Payne, James |
of a Clown |
1981 |
Chapters |
Pearce, George |
Pratical Linking Ring Routine |
1938 |
ToC |
Pearlman, Oz |
Born to Perform
Lecture Notes |
2004c |
ToC |
Peck, David A. |
Fragments |
2003 |
ToC |
Pecor, Charles | Magician
on the American Stage 1752-1874, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Pecor, Charles |
Off the Wall
With the Wizard |
1975 |
Full |
Pecor, Charles |
Bizarrerie |
1998 |
ToC |
Pecor, Charles |
Performance Pieces |
Partial |
Pecor, Charles |
Variations |
1994 |
ToC |
Pecore, Joe | A Sonata of Magic (e-book) | 2000 |
Full |
Pemper, Frank |
Card Classics and Close Up Magic |
1977 |
ToC |
Pemper, Frank |
Card Artifice |
1977 |
ToC |
Pemper, Frank |
Diminishing Card Case |
1970s |
ToC |
Pemper, Frank |
Faro Aces |
1970s |
Full |
Pemper, Frank |
Radiant Cards |
1970s |
ToC |
Pemper, Frank |
Satellite Card |
1970s |
ToC |
Pemper, Frank |
Triumph |
1970s |
Full |
Penrose, John |
Collection |
1991 |
ToC |
Penrose, Scott |
Making Your
Magic Magical |
2004 |
ToC |
Pentz, Collins | Better
Magic, Number One |
1920 |
ToC |
Pentz, Collins | Card Tricks
You Will Like |
1935 |
ToC |
Pentz, Collins | Clever
New Handkerchief Tricks |
1935 |
Full |
Pentz, Collins |
Magic |
1943 |
ToC |
Pentz, Collins |
Helpful Hints
to Amateurs |
1917 |
ToC |
Pentz, Collins |
Vaudeville Patter |
1916 |
Full |
Pentz, Collins | Stage
Tricks, Illusions and Escapes |
1935 |
Ful |
Peris, Daniel |
Persistance, The |
2008 |
ToC |
Permin, IB | Hokus
Pokus |
1969 |
ToC |
Permin, IB |
Hokus Pokus Coin
Tricks |
1977 |
ToC |
Permin, IB |
Hokus Pokus
Rope & Scarf Tricks |
1977 |
ToC |
Permin, IB |
Pokus With Wands, Water & Glasses |
1978 |
ToC |
Perovich, Michael; Stephen Minch |
Companion, The |
2014 |
ToC |
Perry, Andrew |
Ex-Perry-ence |
2002 |
ToC |
Perry, Warner |
Mystery, The |
1945 |
ToC |
Peterson, Thom |
Action Packed |
2009 |
Full |
Petrick | 7X
Petrick - Black Cover |
ToC |
Petrick |
Petrick - Blue Cover |
ToC |
Petrick | 7X
Petrick - Green Cover |
ToC |
Petrick |
Petrick - Maroon Cover |
ToC |
Petrick | 7X
Petrick - Orange Cover |
ToC |
Petrick & Jim Kahlert | 7X
Petrick - Purple Cover |
ToC |
Petrick | 7X Petrick
- Red Cover |
ToC |
Petrick & Mia (Krejcik) |
Magic |
ToC |
Petrick & Mia |
of Petrick & Mia Lecture |
ToC |
Petrick |
One Minute
Miracles |
1995 |
ToC |
Petrick | One Minute
Miracles #2 |
1998 |
ToC |
Petrick | One Minute
Miracles #3 |
2003 |
ToC |
Petrick & Mia |
Magic - Coins 1 |
1983 |
ToC |
Pharr, Walter; Ned Rutledge |
Between Two
Minds Too |
2001 |
ToC |
Philadelphia Magic Co. |
Magic Spectacular I - Contributions |
ToC |
Piacente, Sal & Jon Jensen |
Monte |
1998 |
ToC |
Piatt, Ray & Scott Davis |
Book One |
1984 |
ToC |
Piatt, Ray & Scott Davis | Caper-Case
Book Two |
1988 |
ToC |
Piatt, Ray & Lisa |
2000 Book Three |
1997 |
ToC |
Piatt, Ray & Lisa |
Compilation |
2001c |
ToC |
Picard Mitchell S. |
Magical Messages |
ToC |
Piedrahita, Luis |
Coins And
Other Fables |
2017 |
ToC |
Pierce, Jeff |
Tour, The |
2012 |
ToC |
Pierce, Jef |
King Has
Left The Building...With Amnesia |
2004 |
Full |
Pierce, Lance |
Klause In Concert |
1991 |
Full |
Pierce, Lance | Award
Winning Magic of John Cornelius, The |
2001 |
ToC |
Pierre, Roger |
of Francis Carlyle, The |
1975 |
ToC |
Pierri, Nicolas |
Faro or Faro Poetry |
2014 |
ToC |
Pinard, Andrew J. |
Serious Bizness |
1996 |
ToC |
Pinard, Andrew J. |
Experience, The |
2002 |
Full |
Pinchbeck, William Frederick |
The |
1805 |
ToC |
Pinetti, Guiseppe |
Amusements and Diverting Experiments |
1784 |
ToC |
Pinetti, Herman |
Second Sight
Secrets |
1905 |
ToC |
Pinner, Richard |
Octopus |
2001 |
ToC |
Pisciotta, Mike |
From the
Depths |
2016 |
ToC |
Pitchford, Peter | Close
Up Presentation |
2012c |
Partial |
Pitchford, Peter |
Magic |
2012c |
Partial |
Piumatti, Giuseppe (Devil) |
Lecture Notes |
1990c |
ToC |
Planche, Frederick D'Arros |
Amusements for Every One |
1872c |
Chapters |
Plants, Gary | Gary
Plants Lecture Honolulu 2011 |
2011 |
ToC |
Plants, Gary |
Super Session 2004 Dallas Lecture |
2004 |
ToC |
Platiquini, Marcos |
II |
2011 |
Full |
Platt, John |
Famous Cups and Balls |
1975 |
Full |
Plough, Alvin Richard |
Gadgets & Gimmicks |
1937 |
ToC |
Plunkett, Ryan; Michael Feldman |
A New Angle |
2017 |
ToC |
Plunkett, Ryan |
Distilled |
2020 |
Full |
Plunkett, Ryan |
Assembly Required |
2016 |
Full |
Pogue, David | Magic for Dummies | 1998 |
Full |
Poidevin, Jeremy Le |
Magic |
2005 |
ToC |
Poinc, Eugene | Illusions for Princes or Paupers | 1983 |
Full |
Poinc, Eugene |
- The Illusions of Eugene Poinc |
1981 |
ToC |
Poinc, Eugene |
- Journeys Into Grey |
2000 |
ToC |
Poland, Ellison | First
Addendum to Wonderful Routines of Magic |
1973 |
ToC |
Poland, Ellison |
Addendum to Wonderful Routines of Magic |
1994 |
ToC |
Poland, Ellison |
of Magic |
1969 |
ToC |
Pollack, Richard |
Hands Across
The Table |
1981 |
ToC |
Pomeroy, John D. |
Dove, Silk
& Flower Magic |
1975 |
ToC |
Pomeroy, John D. |
Mentology |
1972 |
ToC |
Poncher, Jheff |
A Symbol Act |
Full |
Poncher, Jheff |
Jheffsmind - The
Collected Work of Jheff |
2009 |
ToC |
Poncher, Jheff |
Parimental |
2020 |
ToC |
Pooley, John |
Research! Magic: A Creative Art Vol 1 |
1971 |
ToC |
Pooley, John | That's
Research! Magic: A Creative Art Vol 2 |
1971 |
ToC |
Popular Mechanics Press |
Mechanic Books 1-4, The (Magic Contents Only) |
1999 |
Full |
Porstman, Mike |
Big Edge, The |
1999 |
ToC |
Posgate, Bruce |
Art of
Blowing Bubbles |
1980 |
ToC |
Posgate, Bruce | Dove Pan-ORama |
1972 |
Full |
Posgate, Bruce |
Showmanship |
1961 |
ToC |
Posgate, Bruce | Necklace
Trickery |
1982 |
Full |
Posgate, Bruce |
Table Hopping |
1974 |
Full |
Potts, Don | Trestle Board,
The |
1980c |
Full |
Potts, Michel (Khun Michel) |
Interpolations |
2022 |
Full |
Power, Chris & Johnny Johnston |
Laid Back
Lecture, The |
1986 |
ToC |
Powers, Mike | Close Up
Variety Pack I |
1993 |
ToC |
Powers, Mike |
Close Up
Variety Pack II |
1996 |
ToC |
Powers, Mike | Eye Poppers | 2003 |
ToC |
Powers, Mike | MOJO
Sneak Preview |
1998 |
ToC |
Powers, Mike |
PM Principle |
1990 |
ToC |
Powers, Mike |
Powerful Magic |
1983 |
ToC |
Powers, Mike | Power Plays | 2006 |
Partial |
Powers, Mike |
Out |
2003 |
ToC |
Powers, Mike |
Tesseract |
2019 |
Full |
Powers, Mike | Top Secret
Close-Up Deceptions |
1992 |
ToC |
Powers, Mike |
Top Secret
Stuff |
1990 |
ToC |
Poz |
Kid's Magic |
1976 |
ToC |
Prace, Jeff |
the Box |
2016 |
ToC |
Pradier, Etienne |
Bread Winners |
2002 |
ToC |
Pradier, Etienne |
La Magie
des Cartes |
2009 |
ToC |
Pradier, Etienne |
Think of a
Card |
2014 |
ToC |
Pradier, Etienne |
USA Lecture
Tour 2005 |
2005 |
Full |
Pratt, Bert |
Around In Magic |
1972 |
Full |
Pressley, Steve |
Possibilities |
1991 |
Full |
Presto, Fay |
Gems From the
Junk |
1995 |
ToC |
Presto, Fay | Magic for Kids | 1999 |
Full |
Presto, Fay |
Making Magic |
1993 |
Full |
Preston, Paul |
Magician, The |
1879 |
ToC |
Prete, Neal |
Works of Shake Sphere, The |
1991 |
Full |
Prevost, Jean |
Clever and
Pleasant Inventions, Part One |
1998 |
ToC |
Price, Barry |
1 |
2002 |
ToC |
Price, Barry | Escamotage
2 |
2001 |
ToC |
Price, Barry |
for the Terrified |
2000 |
ToC |
Price, Harry; Eric Dingwall |
of a Spirit Medium |
1922 |
ToC |
Price, Steve |
Comedy Cabaret,
Not How - Why? |
2011c |
ToC |
Priest, Carroll K. |
Enigma |
1980 |
ToC |
Proskauer, Julien J. | How'd Ja Do
That? |
1934 |
Chapters |
Proskauer, Julien J. |
Crooks! |
1932 |
ToC |
Proudlock, Edward |
See entries under Edward
Bagshawe |
Puglisi, Matthew T. |
These Notes
Need No Title |
2003 |
ToC |
Pulver, B. Robert | I Hate Card
Tricks Book of Card Tricks, The |
2008 |
Full |
Pulver, B. Robert | I Hate Card
Tricks Book of Card Tricks V2, The |
2009 |
Full |
Pulver, B. Robert |
I Hate Card
Tricks Book of Card Tricks V3, The |
2017c |
Full |
Pulver, B. Robert |
I Still Hate
Card Tricks Book of Card Tricks, The |
2008 |
Full |
Pulver, B. Robert |
Kards For Kids |
2009 |
Full |
Pulver, B. Robert |
Wacky |
2017 |
Full |
Pulver, B. Robert |
Situations |
2009 |
Full |
Punx (Ludwig Hanemann) | Farewell
Performance |
1991 |
ToC |
Punx (Ludwig Hanemann) | Fourth
Dimensional Mysteries |
1990 |
ToC |
Punx (Ludwig Hanemann) |
Mentalism Night |
1983 |
ToC |
Punx (Ludwig Hanemann) | Magical
Adventures and Fairy Tales |
1988 |
ToC |
Punx (Ludwig Hanemann) | Once
Upon a Time... |
1987 |
ToC |
Purnell, Kyle |
Never Finished
Lecture Notes |
Full |
Putnam, Graham (editor) |
125 Magic
Tricks |
1976 |
Partial |
Pyka, John |
How to Produce
Your Own Theater Show |
2011 |
ToC |
Pyka, John | Just Like Magic | 1998 |
ToC |
Pyka, John |
Magic |
2007 |
ToC |
Quinn, Vernon |
50 Card Games
for Children |
1933 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Racherbaumer, Jon; Giovanni Livera |
Cigar, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
21 Card
Trick, The |
2007 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Another
Roadside Attraction |
1991 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon; Ed Marlo | Arcade Dreams, Marlo Without Cards | 1997 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Arch
Triumphs |
1978 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields | 1976 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Ascanio
Spread, The |
1976 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
At the Table |
1984 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon; Ed Marlo |
Back to
the Future Classic 2.0 |
2002 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon; Paul Diamond |
Easy Card Cunning |
1994 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Card Finesse | 1982 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Finesse II |
1992 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Card Fixes |
1990 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Card Puzzle
and Other Diversions, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Cavorting
Ladies |
1991 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Chronopoly |
1992 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
2.0 |
2002 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Counthesaurus |
2005 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon; Ed Marlo |
Slip Cut, The |
2007 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Presents Card Coins |
1977 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
England's Gaffed to the Hilt! |
1985 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Dreamwork -
Minding the Mindreader's Dream |
2004 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Dustbin
Dossier 1 |
2014 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Dustbin
Dossier 2 |
2014 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Edward
Marlo's Compleat Devilish Miracle |
1993 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Marlo's Compleat KM Move A Retrospective |
1992 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Edward
Marlo's Full Tilt |
1992 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Marlo's Think Ace |
1993 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon | European
Lecture 1993 |
1993 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Facsimile 1 |
1985 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Facsimile 2 |
1994 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Facsimile 3 |
1995 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Number Four |
1996 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Flashpoints - Ed Marlo's Full Tilt and Compleat Devilish Miracle | 1992 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Flight 2.0 |
2003 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Good Turns
& Twists |
1977 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Good Turns
2.0 A Retrospective |
2002 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Greater
Artful Doges of Eddie Fields, The |
1997 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Grifty
Business - Memes to Quicken |
2001 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Hierophant;
Issues 1-8, The |
1969 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Intimations |
1993 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | In a Class By Himself, The Legacy of Don Alan | 1996 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Inside
Tracks 92 |
1992 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Inside
Tracks |
1993 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Jay Sankey, Unleashed | 2004 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Kabbala
A Modern Monthly Volume I |
1980 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Kabbala
A Modern Monthly Volume II |
1981 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Kabbala
A Modern Monthly Volume III |
1976 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Ladies On
the Loose |
1996 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Notes 1 |
1976 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Legendary
Hierophant, The |
1998 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer Jon |
Kabbala, The |
1998 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Lost Pages
of Kabbala, The |
1981 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon; Ed Marlo |
and Cozy |
2015 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Magie
Duvivier |
1996 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Marlo on
Erdnase |
2007 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon & Ed Marlo | Marlo Phile
1 |
1994 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon & Ed Marlo | Marlo Phile
2 |
1995 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon & Ed Marlo |
Back to the Future Classic |
1992 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon & Ed Marlo | Marlo
Without Tears |
1983 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Midwest
Magic Jubilee |
1993 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
MO Modus
Operandi |
2014 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Moves to Use |
1997 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon; Freed; Marlo |
Olram File,
The |
1993 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | On the Clock
Effect |
1971 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Pastiche II |
1994 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Psi-Clones |
1993 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Racherbaumer
Papers II |
1992c |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Fugitive Notes |
1995 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Sea Scams Memes
to Quicken |
2000 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
& Stones (Compiled) |
1977 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Sticks
& Stones (Individual) |
1977 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Synergistic
Sandwiches |
1991 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Ten
Card Mysteries Annemann Would Have Loved |
2009 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Psi |
2000 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Card, The |
1972 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon; T.A. Waters | Virtual
Foolery |
1997 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
When a Hat
Drops |
2002 |
Full |
Racherbaumer, Jon |
Who Was
Gombert And Why Should We Care? |
2004 |
ToC |
Racherbaumer, Jon | Wild Card
Kit, The |
1992 |
ToC |
Rachun, Jim (Penny Ante Jim) |
Changing |
1941 |
ToC |
Rae, Oswald | Between
Ourselves |
1926 |
Full |
Rae, Oswald | More
Practical Patter |
1929 |
ToC |
Rae, Oswald |
You Watch, The |
1938 |
Full |
Rae, Oswald | Original
Magic |
1930 |
Full |
Rae, Oswald |
Patter for Practical Magicians |
1922 |
ToC |
Rae, Oswald | Sub
Rosa |
1928 |
ToC |
Rae, Oswald |
With Watches |
1926c |
Full |
Ragsdale, Bill |
Around the World |
1994 |
ToC |
Ram, Pattabhi; Ivar Utial |
101 Magic Tricks |
2006 |
Full |
Ram, Pattabhi | Magic for
Children |
2007 |
Full |
Ram, Pattabhi |
Magic for Fun |
2008 |
Full |
Ram, Pattabhi | Magic for You |
2006 |
Full |
Randal, Jason |
for Professionals |
1982 |
ToC |
Randi, James |
Conjuring |
1992 |
ToC |
Randi, James; Bert Randolph Sugar |
Houdini, His Life and Art |
1976 |
ToC |
Randlett, Samuel |
Money Volume Two |
1968 |
Full |
Rapp, Augustus |
Comedy Stunts |
1950 |
Full |
Rapp, Augustus |
Life and Times
of Augustus Rapp, The |
1959 |
Chapters |
Rappa, Michael |
Recycling The
Magical Way |
1994 |
ToC |
Rauscher, William V. |
Death Camp
Magicians, The |
2015 |
ToC |
Rauscher, William V. | Great
Raymond, The |
1996 |
Chapters |
Rauscher, William V. | Houdini Code
Mystery, The |
2000 |
Chapters |
Rauscher, William V. | Mind
Readers, Master of Deception, The |
2002 |
Chapters |
Rauscher William V. |
Silent Mora,
The Story of Louis J. McCord |
2014 |
ToC |
Rauscher, William V. |
Adams High Priest of Pranks and Merchant of Magic |
2002 |
Chapters |
Rauscher, William V. | Pleasant
Nightmares |
2008 |
Chapters |
Ravelle & Andree |
50 Trick s
With the Corinda Utility Beaker |
2009 |
ToC |
Ravelle & Andree | Fifty
Tricks With a Paper Cone |
1955c |
ToC |
Ravelle & Andree | Magic A La
Carte |
1960c |
Full |
Ravelle & Andree |
Your Glasses - 50 Tricks With a Bottomless Tumbler |
1960 |
ToC |
Ravetta, William; Otto Waldmann (Walton) |
Magical Ideas |
1920 |
Full |
Rawlins, Christopher |
3ecrets |
2018 |
Full |
Rawson, Clayton (The Great
Merlini) |
Book of Magic, The |
1964 |
ToC |
Rawson, Clayton (The Great
Merlini) |
to Entertain Children with Magic You Can Do |
1962 |
Full |
Ray, Jimmy |
Ray of Magic |
1980 |
Full |
Ray, Jimmy |
Between the Acts |
1961 |
ToC |
Ray, Jimmy |
Show Book |
ToC |
Ray, Joel |
Remember Dante |
1993 |
ToC |
Ray, Shirley |
Balloons |
1994 |
ToC |
Raymond and Magico |
Easily Done |
1948 |
ToC |
Rayot, Ben |
Mentalism |
2002 |
ToC |
RC Promotions |
Easy Does It |
997 |
ToC |
Read, Bob |
Through Coat |
1975c |
Partial |
Read, Bob |
Cups & Balls, The |
1973 |
Full |
Read, Bob |
to Pepys... |
1973 |
ToC |
Read, Ralph | Calostro
Mind Reading Act, The |
1934 |
Full |
Read, Ralph |
One Man Mind
Reading Secrets |
1935 |
Full |
Read, Ralph | Radio
Vision Mind-Reading Code |
1940 |
Full |
Read, Ralph | Three Shell
Game, The |
1938 |
Full |
Ream, Lamont |
Coin Creations |
1981 |
ToC |
Ream, Lamont | Treasured
Treats of Magic |
1987 |
ToC |
Reamer, Eric S. |
Ahead! |
1993 |
ToC |
Redford, Patrick G. |
Applesauce |
2014 |
ToC |
Redford, Patrick G. |
Cardboard |
2020 |
ToC |
Redford, Patrick G. |
Consecution |
2005 |
Full |
Redford, Patrick G. | Glemme |
2008 |
Full |
Redford, Patrick G. | Heptagon + |
2008 |
Full |
Redford, Patrick G. | Largo |
2008 |
Full |
Redford, Patrick G. |
Mendacity |
2005 |
Full |
Redford, Patrick G. | Square + |
2010 |
Full |
Redford, Patrick G. |
Small World |
2016 |
Full |
Redford, Patrick G. | Temporarily
Out of Order - The Redford Stack |
2017 |
ToC |
Redford, Patrick G. | Triangle |
2007 |
Full |
Redmond-Scura, Maureen |
Fool Your
Friends! Hocus Pocus Magic Tricks |
1987 |
Full |
Reed, Jessica |
Magic From
the Heart |
ToC |
Reed, Frank (Publisher) |
Black Art
Fully Exposed and Laid Bare |
1874 |
Full |
Reed, Frank (Publisher) | How
to Entertain A Social Party |
1874 |
Full |
Reed, Graham |
Tested Originalities |
1980 |
Full |
Reed, Graham |
for Every Occasion |
1981 |
Chapters |
Reed, Graham |
Card Trick Collection |
1983c |
Full |
Reeder, Brad & Bill Robinson |
Disbanded |
1987 |
ToC |
Reeder, Brad & Bill
Robinson |
Sparks The Funkenring
Book |
1986 |
Chapters |
Regal, David |
Approaching Magic |
2008 |
ToC |
Regal, David | Close Up & Personal | 1999 |
ToC |
Regal, David | Constant Fooling 1 | 2002 |
ToC |
Regal, David | Constant Fooling 2 | 2002 |
Full |
Regal, David |
DeCamps Compositions of Conjuring |
2001 |
ToC |
Regal, David |
Magic |
2019 |
ToC |
Regal, David | Lecture
Book, The |
1992 |
ToC |
Regal, David |
A Collection of Old and New |
2000 |
ToC |
Regan, John (Publisher) |
16 Book of Parlor Tricks |
1900c |
Full |
Reid, Wally |
Dabba The Mystic |
1942 |
Full |
Reid, Wally | Magic
on Stage |
1980 |
Full |
Reid, Wally |
Fantasy Sketchbook |
1987 |
ToC |
Reilly, S.W. | Index
Brain; or Brain Control |
1937 |
ToC |
Reilly, S.W. |
Fortune Telling |
1950c |
ToC |
Remnet, Andrew B. |
Paper Bag
Magic: A Handbook of Ideas |
2019 |
ToC |
Remnet, Andrew B. | Spring Snake Pandemonium! Volume 1 | 2018 |
ToC |
Renaker, Jeff |
Magic 25 Easy
Tricks |
2004 |
Full |
Reneaux, James |
Tricks of the
Trade |
1953 |
Full |
Repro Magic |
Magic With a
Stacked Deck |
Full |
Reum, Dr. Earl & Lindsay E. Smith |
With Magic |
2002 |
Full |
Reum, Earl |
Magic For the
Civic Club |
1968 |
Full |
Reynolds, Charles |
Card Magic |
1997 |
ToC |
Reynolds, Charles |
and Effects |
1999 |
Partial |
Reynolds, Steve | Arsenal
Notes |
2001 |
ToC |
Reynolds, Steve |
Cosmic Sport |
2001 |
ToC |
Reynolds, Steve |
Ouput Issues
1-20 |
2021 |
ToC |
Reynolds, Steve |
52 |
2010 |
ToC |
Reynolds, Steve | Under the
Radar |
2003 |
ToC |
Reynolds, Steve | Work
Notes |
ToC |
Rezvani, Medjid K. & Michael Landes
(Translator) |
Coussinets De La Princesse, or The Cushions of the
Princess |
1950 |
ToC |
Rhod, Daniel | Techno Card Magic | 2001 |
ToC |
Rhodes, Sheldon H. |
Holidays |
2001 |
ToC |
Riboulet, Thomas |
Choice, The |
2016 |
ToC |
Rice, Harold R. | Capers With
Color |
1943 |
Full |
Rice, Harold R. |
of Silk Magic Volume 1 |
1948 |
ToC |
Rice, Harold R. | Encyclopedia of Silk Magic Volume 2 | 1953 |
Chapters |
Rice, Harold R. | Encyclopedia
of Silk Magic Volume 3 |
1962 |
ToC |
Rice, Harold R. | Exclusive
Magic |
1970 |
ToC |
Rice, Harold R. |
Thru The Dye
Tube |
1943 |
Full |
Richards, Paul |
Close Up
Insider - The Mike Gallo Lecture |
1996 |
ToC |
Richards, Paul |
Deuce |
2002 |
ToC |
Richardson, Barrie |
Two Theater of the Mind |
2005 |
ToC |
Richardson, Barrie |
& Deceptions Lecture Notes |
ToC |
Richardson, Barrie |
Call |
2011 |
ToC |
Richardson, Barrie | Seven
Modest Miracles |
2001 |
Full |
Richardson, Barrie |
Modest Miracles - U.K. Lecture Notes |
2001 |
ToC |
Richardson, Barrie | Six
Powerful Routines You Can Do |
2005 |
ToC |
Richardson, Barrie |
Boldness & Misdirection |
2002 |
Full |
Richardson, Barrie | Theater
of the Mind |
1999 |
ToC |
Richie, Alma M. |
Linking Rubber Band Mystery |
1998 |
ToC |
Richman, Michael S. |
Magic House of
Babcock, The |
2003 |
ToC |
Riding, Joe |
Pack Routine |
ToC |
Riding, Joe |
Close Up Notes
92 |
1992 |
ToC |
Riding, Joe |
Close Up
Notes 2000 |
2000 |
Full |
Riding, Joe |
Comedy Card Effects |
ToC |
Riding, Joe |
Joe Riding's
Cabaret Lecture Notes |
Full |
Riding, Joe |
Joe Riding's
Comedy Cabaret Notes No. 2 |
Full |
Riding, Joe |
Newsletter |
2000 |
Full |
Riding, Joe |
Lecture Notes |
2001 |
Full |
Riding, Joe |
Ten of the Very
Best Close Up Routines |
ToC |
Riding, Joe | Three Card Monte | 1990 |
Full |
Riebe, Wolfgang |
Mental Magic |
2016 |
ToC |
Riebe, Wolfgang | Complete
Works, The |
2017 |
ToC |
Riebe, Wolfgang | It's
a Stage I'm Going Through |
2017 |
ToC |
Riebe, Wolfgang | Kid's Party
Magic |
2016 |
ToC |
Riebe, Wolfgang | Magic
Castle Lecture 2003 |
2003 |
Full |
Riebe, Wolfgang | My
Favourite Mental Effects |
1991 |
ToC |
Riebe, Wolfgang | Sleightly
Close Up |
2017 |
ToC |
Riedel, Clint |
Clint Riedel
Lecture Supplementary Notes |
1990 |
ToC |
Riedel, W.C. |
Bible Magic |
1990 |
Full |
Riese, Eberhard |
Art of Staging Magic |
2006 |
ToC |
Riggs, John | Devious
Contraptions |
2011c |
ToC |
Riggs, John | Fat-Free
Mentalism |
1998 |
ToC |
Riggs, John | Heavy
Mental |
1994 |
ToC |
Riggs, John |
Magic from the
Ambient Domain |
1996 |
ToC |
Riggs, John | Man With the
$1.98 Hands, The |
1995 |
ToC |
Riggs, John | Psychic
Agenda, The |
1996 |
ToC |
Riggs, John |
Psingularities |
2002 |
ToC |
Riggs, John |
Psychic Soirees |
1995 |
ToC |
Riggs, John |
Charlatan, The |
ToC |
Rigney, Francis J. |
Cub Scout
Magic |
1960 |
Chapters |
Rigney, Francis J. & William D. Murray |
With Paper Folding |
1928 |
ToC |
Ripley, G. Sherman |
Introduction to Magic; 141 Magic Tricks |
1946 |
Full |
Ripley, G. Sherman | Magic for
Boys |
1954 |
Full |
Rindfleisch, Joe |
Notes From the Underground |
Full |
Riobòo, Ramòn | Thinking the Impossible | 2012 |
ToC |
Riser, Harry |
of an Escamoteur |
2006 |
ToC |
Rix, Claude |
Original Close-Up Routinesi | 980c |
Full |
Robbins, Apollo | Apollo
2001 |
2001 |
Full |
Robbins, Apollo |
Time for a
Change |
2002 |
Full |
Robbins, Barry |
Book of Magic |
1947 |
Full |
Robbins, David |
Startling Tricks You Can Learn Quickly |
1944 |
Full |
Robbins, David | Over
264 Instant Magic Tricks |
Full |
Robbins, David | Practical Magic | 1953 |
Full |
Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugene |
Card Sharping
Exposed |
1863 |
Full |
Robert-Houdin & Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie |
of Robert-Houdin |
1859 |
ToC |
Robert-Houdin & AJL Hoffmann | Secrets
of Conjuring & Magic, The |
1878 |
ToC |
Robert-Houdin & AJL Hoffmann | Secrets
of Stage Conjuring |
1881 |
Chapters |
Roberts, Charles & Charles Crayford |
Card and Conjuring Tricks |
1924c |
Full |
Roberts, Charles |
Tricks With
Cards |
1921c |
Full |
Roberts, Gary |
Magic |
ToC |
Roberts, Gary |
Magic II |
ToC |
Roberts, Gary |
Red Hot Magic
Tricks |
2019 |
ToC |
Robertson, John |
Magic Dozen |
1983 |
ToC |
Robertson, Robin |
Modes |
1983 |
ToC |
Robertson, Robin |
With Care |
1964 |
ToC |
Robinson, Fred |
of Fred Robinson, or Waiting for the 11.27 |
1983 |
ToC |
Robinson, Geoffrey |
As A Pastime |
1960 |
ToC |
Robinson, Richard |
Magic In the Bedroom |
1999 |
Full |
Robinson, Richard | Science
Magic In the Living Room |
Full |
Robinson, Scott |
- A Lecture |
1993 |
ToC |
Robinson, Scott | Last Night at
the Round Table |
2007c |
ToC |
Robinson, Scott | Last Night at
the Round Table Vol 2 |
2008 |
ToC |
Robinson, Scott |
Methods |
2012 |
ToC |
Robinson, William |
Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena |
1898 |
Full |
Robson, Stuart & Ralph
Reed |
Flash Paper
Tips |
1937 |
ToC |
Robson, Stuart |
Tips on Thumbs |
1945 |
Full |
Rodney, Dan |
For Children |
1983 |
ToC |
Rogers, Don |
Magical Chatter |
1984c |
ToC |
Rogers, John |
Rogers Lecture Notes #3 |
2005c |
ToC |
Rogers, John |
Know Sleight
Intended |
2001 |
ToC |
Rogers, John |
Know Sleight
Intended, Again! |
2002 |
ToC |
Rogers, Mike |
Rendezvous With Sorcery |
1970 |
Full |
Rogers, Mike | Complete
Mike Rogers, The |
1975 |
Full |
Rogers, Mike |
Lecture Notes 1972 |
1972 |
Partial |
Rogers, Mike | Multiplying Bunnies | Full | |
Rogers, Mike |
All Work |
ToC |
Rogers, Mike | Unconquered Card | 1989 |
Full |
Rogers, Terri |
Little Book
of Ventriloquism, The |
1994 |
Chapters |
Rogers, Terri | More Secrets |
1988 |
ToC |
Rogers, Terri | Secrets the Original
Magic of Terri Rogers |
ToC |
Rogers, Terri |
Rogers' Boromian Link |
1986 |
ToC |
Rogers, Terri |
Top Secrets |
1998 |
ToC |
Rogers, Terri |
Wipe Out |
1986 |
ToC |
Rogers, Wayne (Chicane) |
Nothing to
Declare |
2002 |
ToC |
Rollins, Walt |
Walt Rollins Collection of Laid Back Close In Magical
Effects |
1981c |
Full |
Rollins, Walt |
Knavery |
1965 |
ToC |
Romaine |
Persian Pearls, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Romano, Charles J. | Art of
Deception, The |
1997 |
Chapters |
Romano, Charles J. |
of Cards (Paul Rosini) |
1999 |
Full |
Romano, Charles J. |
of Marvels, The |
2006 |
Chapters |
Romanoff, Professor |
Tricks |
1916 |
Full |
Rome, Fred | Conjuring
Chatter |
1919 |
Full |
Rome, Fred | More
Patter |
1936 |
ToC |
Rome, Fred |
Patter for Prestidigitateurs Part I |
1917 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul; Wayne Rogers |
Illusion |
2011 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul |
On a Cruise Ship |
2009 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul; Hal Spear |
Magic Makeover Comedy Classics |
2009 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul |
Key Note
Speaking For Magicians |
2010 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul & T.C. Tahoe |
Lunch is
Served |
2008 |
Full |
Romhany, Paul |
From Down Under |
2009 |
Full |
Romhany, Paul |
Epic Compendium |
2010 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul | Multiplying
Bottles |
2011 |
Partial |
Romhany, Paul |
Merge - Close Up
Linking Finger Rings |
2014 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul |
Mentalism for Young Minds Volume 1 |
2011 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul |
Mentalism for Young Minds Volume 2 |
2012 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul |
Real Deal, Survival
Guide for Magicians |
2012 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul |
of a Walkabout Ventriloquist |
2009 |
ToC |
Romhany, Paul; Wayne Rogers |
Card on Blue Stake |
2011 |
ToC |
Roper, David |
Winning Comedy Magic No. 1 Comedy Opening Routine |
Full |
Roper, David |
Magic Textbook |
1986 |
ToC |
Rose, Ed |
and Training With Magic |
1997 |
ToC |
Rose, Jim |
Snake Oil |
2016 |
ToC |
Rose, Michael E. |
Karson Beyond Zombie |
1999 |
ToC |
Rosenfeld, Sam |
Magic |
1959 |
ToC |
Rosenthal, Harvey | Close-Up
Sampler Part 1 |
1976 |
ToC |
Rosenthal, Harvey | Close-Up
Sampler Part 2 |
1976 |
ToC |
Rosenthal, Harvey |
Card & Coin Magic of Larry Jennings |
Partial |
Rosenthal, Harvey |
Miracles With Small Objects |
ToC |
Rosenthal, Harvey |
Share My
Pleasure |
Full |
Ross, David | Egg-Foolery | 1977 |
Full |
Ross, Richard |
Lecture Note
(German) |
1981 |
ToC |
Ross, Richard | Ring Routine
Book, The |
1982 |
ToC |
Roterberg, August |
Card Tricks;
How to Do Them and Sleight of Hand |
1902 |
ToC |
Roterberg, August | Latter Day
Tricks |
1896 |
ToC |
Roterberg, August | Modern
Wizard, The |
1895 |
ToC |
Roterberg, August | New Era Card
Tricks |
1897 |
ToC |
Roth, David |
A Lecture
by David Roth Coins Close-Up |
ToC |
Roth, David | A
Lecture by David Roth Coins Close-Up (red) |
ToC |
Roth, David |
A Lecture On
Magic |
ToC |
Roth, David |
A Lecture
on Magic (blue cover) |
2004 |
ToC |
Roth, David |
A Magical
Lecture |
ToC |
Roth, David |
Coins Lecture
(Red Cover) |
ToC |
Rothbart, Dr. Laszlo |
Deck in Hand Magic
of the Magyar |
ToC |
Rourke, Dennis |
Card Tricks Book, The |
2005 |
ToC |
Routledge, Warne & Routledge (Pub) |
Little Boy's Book |
1856 |
Full |
Routledge, Warne & Routledge (Pub) | Games
of Skill and Conjuring |
1861 |
Full |
Rowe, Dr Richard | 50 Easy
Pocket Tricks |
1929c |
Full |
Rowe, Dr Richard |
New Tricks
and Stunts |
1934c |
Full |
Rowe, Dr Richard | Thirty
Pocket Tricks That Anyone Can Do |
1929 |
Full |
Rowland, Ian |
2016 Lecture
Notes |
2016 |
Full |
Rowland, Ian |
Series Lecture Notes Set 1 Mentalism |
2003 |
Full |
Rowland, Ian |
Series Lecture Notes Set 2 Cards |
2003 |
ToC |
Rowland, Ian |
Full Facts
Book of Cold Reading |
1998 |
ToC |
Rowland, Ian |
Lecture Notes
Mindvention 2018 |
2018 |
Full |
Rowland, Ian |
One Hundred
Quick Tricks |
Partial |
Rudy Roxo |
Modern Master
Magic |
1949 |
Full |
Roy, Fergus; Val Andrews |
Illusions Secrets
From The World of Magic |
1985 |
ToC |
Roy, Marvyn |
Electric Unplugged |
2005 |
ToC |
Roy, Rob |
Easy Card Magic |
1944 |
Full |
Royal, H.W. |
and Confidence Games Exposed |
1896 |
ToC |
Rubinstein, Michael |
Lecture Notes |
2003 |
Full |
Rubinstein, Michael |
Coin Magic Lecture 1 |
1985 |
ToC |
Rubinstein, Michael | Creative
Coin Magic Lecture 2 |
1983 |
ToC |
Rubinstein, Michael |
Coin Magic Lecture 4 |
1990c |
ToC |
Rubinstein, Michael |
Street Magic |
1985 |
ToC |
Rubinstein, Michael |
and Advanced Coin Technique |
1982 |
Full |
Rubinstein, Michael |
Coin Magic |
2020 |
Full |
Rudnick, Danny |
Al Leech
Lecture Notes, The |
ToC |
Ruetz, Matt |
Stencil Techniques |
ToC |
Ruiter, Andrew de |
Design Book Four |
2002 |
ToC |
Ruiter, Andrew de | Illusion
Design Book Three |
2001 |
ToC |
Rungie, Herb |
Card Routine With Patter |
1965 |
ToC |
Russell, W. |
Conjuring |
1908 |
ToC |
Ruthchild, Myriam & Clettis Musson |
Gazing Then & Now |
1982 |
ToC |
Ryan, Dick |
Booking Report #1 |
1989 |
ToC |
Rydell, Wendy & George Gilbert |
Book of Magic, The |
1976 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Sachs, Edwin | Sleight of Hand | 1877 |
Full |
Sadowitz, Jerry |
Cards Hit |
1994 |
ToC |
Sadowitz, Jerry | Cards on the Table | 1989 |
ToC |
Sadowitz, Jerry | Cut Controls |
2004 |
ToC |
Sadowitz, Jerry & Peter Duffie | Inspirations |
1987 |
ToC |
Sadowitz, Jerry |
Mr. E. Ozo
Presents Out of Sight |
1993 |
ToC |
Sadowitz, Jerry | Thanks to
Zarrow |
1997 |
ToC |
Saileswar |
Laugh With Me |
1998 |
ToC |
Saint (St.) James, Jesse |
Lucky Seven
Unique Ilusions |
1992 |
Full |
Saint (St) John, Eddie |
Svengali Routine |
1950 |
ToC |
Sakai, Hiro |
Notes 1999 |
1999 |
ToC |
Salvano |
Lecture Ropes |
1985 |
ToC |
Salvano |
1985 Lecture
Thumb Tip |
1985 |
ToC |
Salwak, Dale |
A Trip to
the Orient |
1963 |
Partial |
Salwak, Dale | For
That Special Occasion |
1968 |
ToC |
Samelson, Peter | Cod
Pieces The Lecture |
1990c |
ToC |
Samelson, Peter |
Sensations |
1982 |
Full |
Samelson, Peter |
Cabaret The Lecture |
ToC |
Samelson, Peter | Theatrical Close Up | 1984 |
Full |
Sanders, Richard |
Cool Tricks |
1980's |
ToC |
Sanders, Richard |
World |
1980's |
ToC |
Sanders, Richard & Jay Sankey |
When Creators
Collide |
1987 |
ToC |
Sanders, Toby |
to Be a Compleat Clown |
1978 |
Chapters |
Sanderson, George P. | Concealed
Art of Magic, The |
1972 |
Full |
Sanderson, George P. |
Magic |
1981 |
ToC |
Sanderson, George P. |
Under Their Noses |
1977 |
Full |
Sandison, G.H. |
How to Behave and
How to Amuse |
1895 |
Full |
Sands, George | 3
Sandsational Rope Effects |
1983 |
ToC |
Sands, George |
50 Years of Magic |
1987 |
Full |
Sands, George | 51 Years of Magic |
1988 |
ToC |
Sands, George | 52 Years of Magic |
1989 |
ToC |
Sands, George | 53 Years of Magic |
1990 |
ToC |
Sands, George | 54 Years of Magic |
1991 |
ToC |
Sands, George | 55 Years of Magic |
1992 |
ToC |
Sands, George | 56 Years of Magic |
1993 |
ToC |
Sands, George | By
George, It's Sands-ational |
1975ca |
ToC |
Sands, George |
Balloon Modeling Course |
1971 |
ToC |
Sands, George |
Balloon Modeling Course Volume II |
1972 |
ToC |
Sands, George |
Sands Lecture Notes |
1976 |
ToC |
Sands, George |
Sands Ropes |
2009 |
ToC |
Sands, George | Sandsational
Rope 1949 |
1949 |
ToC |
Sands, George | Sandsational
Rope 1971 |
1971 |
ToC |
Sands, George |
Improved Ropesational |
1962 |
ToC |
Sands, George |
Ropesational |
1961 |
ToC |
Sands, George |
Sandslide |
1980ca |
ToC |
Sanford, Christopher |
of Mystery |
2011 |
Chapters |
Sankey, Jay | Amazing
Tricks |
2000 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay |
Secrets |
2003 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay; Andi Gladwin; Joshua Jay |
Definitive Sankey
Volume 1, The |
2012 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay; Andi Gladwin; Joshua Jay | Definitive Sankey
Volume 2, The |
2012 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay; Andi Gladwin; Joshua Jay | Definitive Sankey
Volume 3, The |
2012 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay | Jay
Sankey 1994 Volume One |
1994 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay | Jay
Sankey 1994 Volume Two |
1994 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay |
Lecture Notes
2003 |
2003 |
Full |
Sankey, Jay |
People Wonder |
1989 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay |
Fiction of Jay Sankey, The - Cards |
1990s |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay | Material
Fiction of Jay Sankey, The - Coins & Misc |
1990s |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay | Memorable
Images |
1986 |
Full |
Sankey, Jay |
Real Simple
Magic |
1995ca |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay |
Magic |
2001 |
Full |
Sankey, Jay |
1990-97 |
1997ca |
Full |
Sankey, Jay | Sankey 1996 |
1996 |
Full |
Sankey, Jay |
Sankey Goes
Public |
Full |
Sankey, Jay | Sankey
UK 1999 Tour Volume One |
1999 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay | Sankey
UK 1999 Tour Volume Two |
1999 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay | Sankey Up to Date |
1995ca |
Full |
Sankey, Jay | Tricks of the
Trade |
199x |
Full |
Sankey, Jay | Twenty Years of
Magic |
2003ca |
Full |
Sankey, Jay |
Up for Adoption |
1987 |
ToC |
Sankey, Jay |
Zen and the
Art of Stand-Up Comedy |
1998 |
ToC |
Santini, Steve |
Handcuffs -
Top Secrets Methods of Escape |
1992 |
ToC |
Sardina, Maurice |
Magic of
Rezvani, The (La Magie Du Sorcery) |
1949 |
ToC |
Sardina, Maurice |
Houdini Was Wrong |
1950 |
Chapters |
Saterial, George |
Magic |
2004 |
ToC |
Saunders, Arthur |
Magic Gusher,
The |
1971 |
ToC |
Saville, Thomas & Herb Dewey |
Red Hot
Cold Reading |
1980 |
ToC |
Sawyer, Thomas A. |
Late Mr. Edwin
T. Sachs, The |
2016 |
Chapters |
Sawyer, Thomas A. |
Hoffman and His Conjuring Serials of 1872-1888 |
2016 |
Chapters |
Sawyer, Thomas A. |
on Edwin T. Sachs |
2016 |
Chapters |
Sawyer, Thomas A. |
S.W. Erdnase |
2015 |
Chapters |
Scaife, Lawrence |
On The Card Sharp |
1933 |
ToC |
Scalbert, Geoffrey | Scalbert's
Selected Secrets |
1982 |
ToC |
Scalbert, Geoffrey |
There's a
Trick In It |
1987 |
ToC |
Scarlett, Peter |
Entertaining Lecture Notes |
1986 |
ToC |
Scarne, John | 100
More of Scarne's Magic Tricks |
1951 |
Full |
Scarne, John |
100 of
Scarne's Magic Tricks |
1951 |
ToC |
Scarne, John & Audley Walsh | A Treatise on the Sucker Effects of Three Card Monte | 1933 |
Full |
Scarne, John |
World of John Scarne, The |
1956 |
Chapters |
Scarne, John |
Ball Routine (Stars of Magic) |
1945 |
ToC |
Scarne John |
On Card Tricks |
1950 |
Full |
Scarne John | Scarne
on Cards - How to Win |
1977 |
Chapters |
Scarne, John |
Scarne on Dice |
1945 |
Chapters |
Scarne, John |
Complete Guide to Gambling |
1961 |
ToC |
Scarne, John |
Magic Tricks |
1951 |
Full |
Scarne, John |
Scarne's Quartet |
1950 |
ToC |
Scarne, John | Scarne's
Tricks |
1950 |
Full |
Scarne, John |
Silver and
Copper Trick (Stars of Magic) |
1945 |
ToC |
Scarne, John |
The Odds
Against Me |
1966 |
Chapters |
Scarne, John |
Think a Card |
1938 |
ToC |
Scarne, John |
Coincidence (Stars of Magic) |
1945 |
ToC |
Schalk, Larry |
Magic of
Custom Advertising |
1981 |
ToC |
Schar, Lorenz |
Against Reality |
2019 |
ToC |
Schattenreich, De'vo vom |
Books of De'vo Volume 1 |
2009 |
ToC |
Schatz, Dr. Edward R. |
Contact Mind Reading |
1988 |
ToC |
Schenk, Uwe & Michael Sondermeyer |
Magic of Paul
Potassy, The |
2005 |
ToC |
Schenk, Uwe & Michael Sondermeyer | Performing
Magic for Children |
2000 |
ToC |
Scherer, Christian |
Card News |
1984 |
ToC |
Schieszer, Steve |
Magic/Illusion |
1995 |
ToC |
Schiffman, Nethaniel |
Secret Methods Magicians Use |
1997 |
Full |
Schindler, George |
Standing Up Lecture Notes |
1977c |
ToC |
Schindler, George |
First! |
1977 |
Full |
Schindler, George | Magic With Everyday Objects | 1976 |
Full |
Schindler, George |
Magic for the Beginner |
1977 |
ToC |
Schindler, George |
- Magic With Your Voice |
1979 |
ToC |
Schindler, George | Zack Stacks |
1980 |
ToC |
Schlichting, Richard |
Messages |
ToC |
Schlutz, Ryan |
False Anchors |
2020 |
ToC |
Schlutz, Ryan |
False Anchors
Volume Five |
2021 |
Full |
Schlutz, Ryan |
the Cut |
2011 |
ToC |
Schmidt, Joseph K.; Conrad Bush |
"Connie" Bush's Color Isolation |
1988 |
ToC |
Schmidt, Joseph K. |
Close-Up Card Rise |
1968 |
ToC |
Schmidt, Joseph K.; R.C. Buff |
R.C. Buff's
Knot on the Square |
1987 |
ToC |
Schmidt, Joseph K. |
New Card
Control Systems |
1995 |
ToC |
Schmidt, Joseph K.; R.C. Buff |
Buff's the Best of Buff |
1987 |
ToC |
Schneider, Al |
Schneider Magic |
2011 |
ToC |
Schneider, Al |
Schneider On Coins |
1975 |
ToC |
Schneider, Al |
Schneider on Zombie |
1981 |
ToC |
Schneider, Al |
Matrix |
1974 |
ToC |
Schneider, Al |
Off |
1975 |
ToC |
Schneider, Al |
On Close-Up |
1980 |
ToC |
Schneider, Al | Theory and
Practice of Magic Deception, The |
1998 |
Chapters |
Schneiderman, Steve |
It it
Fits, Sleeve It, The Magic of Rocco Silano |
1990 |
ToC |
Schneiderman, Steve |
(periodical) |
1988 |
ToC |
Scholes, Ken |
StunTrix |
1980 |
ToC |
Schoneck, F.V. |
the Deck |
1960c |
Full |
Schoppenhauer, Sven (Lex Schoppi) |
Secrets of
Quick Change |
2003 |
ToC |
Schorb, George |
and Drawing Room Magic |
1904 |
Full |
Schreck, Prof. H.C. |
Mystery Book,
The |
1920 |
Full |
Schulte, George F. |
Monologues |
1919 |
Full |
Schulte, George F. |
Paragraphs |
1921 |
Full |
Schulte, George F. |
Talks for
Tricks |
1916 |
ToC |
Schulte, George F. | Words for
Wizards |
1924 |
ToC |
Schultz, Edd |
Magic Workshop |
1990 |
Full |
Schwartz, Michael |
Center Flip,
The |
1988 |
ToC |
Schwartz, Michael; S. David Walker |
At the Pitch Table, The |
1993 |
ToC |
Schwartz, Michael; Eddie Fields |
Secrets Revealed |
1976 |
ToC |
Schwartz, Sam |
Play It
Again, Sam |
1977 |
Full |
Schwartz, Walter A. | CIGAM |
1931 |
Full |
Schwartz, Walter A. |
1933 |
ToC |
Schwarzman, Howard |
Deceptions |
1961 |
Partial |
Schwarzman, Howard |
Schwarzman's Lecture Notes |
1978 |
ToC |
Schwausch, Jay |
of Knowledge for Mentalists and Magicians |
ToC |
Schwerin, Arthur H. |
Make-Up Magic |
1939 |
Full |
Science & Mechanics Publications |
Handbook (1961) |
1961 |
Full |
Science & Mechanics Publications | Magic
Handbook (1968) |
1968 |
ToC |
Scot, Reginald |
Discoverie of
Witchcraft |
1584 |
ToC |
Scott, Ken |
Success In The
Library Market |
ToC |
Scott, Lionel T. | Fire Mysteries
or Doing Tricks With Fire |
1921c |
Full |
Scott, Lionel T. | Practical
Paper Tricks |
1920c |
Full |
Scott, Lionel T. | Scott's
True Black Art for the Entertainer |
1922 |
Full |
Scott, Lionel T. |
Twists and
Fancies of the Modern Magician |
1912c |
Full |
Scott, Walter I. |
Phantom of
the Card Table, The |
1951 |
ToC |
Seabrooke, Terry | Beyond Compere: A Pocket Guide to Being an Emcee | 1993 |
Partial |
Seabrooke, Terry |
Carry On
Seabrooke! |
1987 |
Partial |
Seabrooke, Terry |
Here I Go
Again |
1983 |
Full |
Seabrooke, Terry |
Idiot |
1981 |
Partial |
Seabrooke, Terry | Seabrooke's
Book |
1986 |
Full |
Seabrooke, Terry |
Seabrooke's American Lecture |
1975 |
Full |
Searles, Lynn (Lin) |
Expert, The |
1938 |
ToC |
Searles, Lynn (Lin) |
Lucky Aces |
1950 |
Full |
Searles, Lynn (Lin) |
Slow Motion Poker Deals |
1959 |
ToC |
Searles, Lynn (Lin) |
Ultimate Aces |
1958 |
ToC |
Sebastiano, The Great |
Book of
Magic Bollocks, The |
2011 |
Chapters |
Sedlacek, Bernardo |
Lecture Notes |
2016 |
ToC |
Seewald |
Tricks by Seewald |
Full |
Seidenstein, Morris (Moe) |
Miracles |
ToC |
Seitz, Werner G. |
the Copenhagen Coin Routine |
1970c |
Full |
Selbit, P.T. |
Patter Volume One |
1920c |
Full |
Selbit, P.T. | Conjuring
Patter Volume Two |
1920c |
Full |
Selbit, P.T. |
Magic Art of
Entertaining, The |
1907 |
Full |
Selbit, P.T. | Magical
Entertainer, The |
1906 |
Full |
Selbit, P.T. |
Handbook, The |
1901 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom |
New Card Tricks |
1936 |
Full |
Sellers, Tom |
Best Sellers |
1980 |
Full |
Sellers, Tom |
Tricks That Work |
1934 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom | Condensed
Conjuring |
1941 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom |
Immediate Magic |
1937 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom | Magical
Mixture |
1943 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom | Magical
Pleasantries |
1932 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom | Magic Hits |
1937 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom | More
Magical Mixture |
1943 |
Full |
Sellers, Tom |
More Secrets |
1933 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom | Novel
Necromancy |
1935 |
Full |
Sellers, Tom |
Tricks |
1935 |
Full |
Sellers, Tom | Scots
Magic |
1939 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom | Sellers Secrets |
1931 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom |
Sorcery |
1938 |
Full |
Sellers, Tom | That's
Good! |
1942 |
Full |
Sellers, Tom |
Three For
Magicians Only |
1982 |
Full |
Sellers, Tom |
Top 20 |
1958 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom | Tricks That
Work |
1927 |
ToC |
Sellers, Tom | Trick
Tracks |
1942 |
Full |
Sellers, Tom |
Twenty Tricks |
1943 |
ToC |
Setteducati, Mark & Anne Benkovitz |
Show, The |
1999 |
Full |
Setterington, Arthur | Joe Smith
Mysteries, The |
1965c |
ToC |
Setterington, Arthur | Magic - Fun
and Games! |
1979 |
Full |
Setterington, Arthur | Off
Beat Mentalism |
1975 |
ToC |
Setterington, Arthur |
of Perception |
1976 |
ToC |
Setterington, Arthur | Power
of Persuasion |
1975 |
ToC |
Setterington, Arthur |
Line Mysteries |
1972 |
ToC |
Setterington, Arthur | Stranger
Mysteries |
1967 |
ToC |
Severin, Florian |
What Lies
Inside |
2012 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill |
Amazing Magic |
1992 |
Full |
Severn, Bill |
Magic |
1990 |
Full |
Severn, Bill | Big Book of
Magic |
1973 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill | Complete
Book of Magic |
1995 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill | Guide
to Magic As A Hobby |
1979 |
Chapters |
Severn, Bill |
Here's Your Hat |
1963 |
Chapters |
Severn, Bill | Impromptu
Magic |
1982 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill |
Magic Across
the Table |
1972 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill | Magic and
Magicians |
1958 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill |
As a Hobby |
1979 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill |
Magic Fun
For Everyone |
1986 |
Full |
Severn, Bill | Magic
Comedy |
1968 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill | Magic
In Mind |
1974 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill |
Magic In
Your Pockets |
1964 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill | Magic
Shows You Can Give; Magic In 4 Acts |
1965 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill |
Magic Wherever
You Are |
1957 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill |
Magic With Coins
and Bills; Magic Money |
1977 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill | Magic With
Paper |
1962 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill | Magic
With Rope, Ribbon & String |
1982 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill |
Workshop |
1976 |
Full |
Severn, Bill | Packs
of Fun |
1967 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill |
Roundup; Boof of Rope and Knots |
1960 |
ToC |
Severn, Bill | Shadow
Magic |
1959 |
Chapters |
Severtsen, Arty |
Call Me Mr. Peabody But My Name is Arty Severtsen |
ToC |
Sewell, Len J. |
Magi Magic |
1940 |
ToC |
Sewell, Len J. |
Tricks |
1918 |
Full |
Shalit, Nathan |
Magic Tricks |
1981 |
ToC |
Shane, R. |
Automata |
2006 |
ToC |
Shane, R. |
Five |
2005 |
ToC |
Shane, R. |
Four |
2005 |
ToC |
Shane, R. |
One |
2003 |
ToC |
Shane, R. |
Pentalogy |
2006 |
ToC |
Shane, R. |
Three |
2004 |
ToC |
Shane, R. |
Tractare |
2007 |
Full |
Shane, R. |
Two |
2004 |
ToC |
Shankar, Junior |
How's That??? |
1995 |
ToC |
Shannon, Jimmy |
At Your
Finger Tips |
1934 |
ToC |
Sharp, Eric |
Sharp's Specialised Children's Entertainment |
1981 |
ToC |
Sharp, Eric | Eric
Sharp's Specialised Children's Routines |
1984 |
ToC |
Sharp, Eric |
Sharp's Specialised Hat Productions & Comedy Magic
Sketches |
1985 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Alton C. |
Card Chicanery |
1971 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Alton C. |
Card Conjuring |
1968 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Alton C. | Expert
Card Mysteries |
1969 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Alton C. |
Expert Hocus
Pocus |
1973 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Alton C. | Sharpe's
Ollapodrida Apr 1998 |
1998 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. | Conjured
Up |
1935 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. |
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Secrets |
1991 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. | Conjurers'
Mechanical Secrets |
1992 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. |
Optical Secrets |
1985 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. | Conjurers'
Psychological Secrets |
1988 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. | Devant's
Delightful Delusions |
1990 |
Chapters |
Sharpe, Sam H. | Good
Conjuring |
1936 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. | Great
Magic |
1938 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. |
Magic Play, The |
1976 |
Full |
Sharpe, Sam H. |
Neo-Magic |
1932 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. |
Artistry |
2000 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. (Translator) |
Ponsin on
Conjuring |
1987 |
ToC |
Sharpe, Sam H. |
to Robert-Houdin |
1983 |
Chapters |
Sharps, Les |
Sorcery |
1977 |
ToC |
Shaw, C.K. |
Book of Magic, The |
1955 |
ToC |
Steve Shaw |
See entries under Banacek |
Shaw, WHJ |
Magic And
Its Mysteries |
1893 |
ToC |
Shaw, WHJ | Magic
Up to Date |
1896 |
ToC |
Shaw, WHJ |
Ideas in Magic, Illusions, Spiritualistic Effects, Etc. |
1902 |
ToC |
Shaw, WN |
1951 Mammoth
Gadgets Annual |
1952 |
Chapters |
Shaxon, Alan | Alan Shaxon
Lecture, The (blue#1) |
ToC |
Shaxon, Alan |
Shaxon Lecture, The (blue#2) |
ToC |
Shaxon, Alan |
Alan Shaxon Lecture,
The (red) |
ToC |
Shaxon, Alan | Alan
Shaxon Lecture, The (yellow) |
ToC |
Shaxon, Alan | Ideal
Entertainment |
1970c |
ToC |
Shaxon, Alan |
Special |
ToC |
Shaxon, Alan |
Kind of Magic |
1970 |
ToC |
Shaxon, Alan |
Sorcery |
1976 |
ToC |
Shaxon, Alan | Sophisticated
Sorcerer, The |
2014 |
Toc |
Shay, Gene |
of Magic Revealed |
1977 |
ToC |
Sheehy, Dick |
Sheehy Lecture Notes |
1972 |
Full |
Sheets, Bob |
Accumulations |
1999 |
ToC |
Sheets, Bob |
Book #1 |
ToC |
Sheldon, George |
Magician, The |
1940 |
Chapters |
Shelley, Mike |
Invisible Deck
Book - A How To Guide |
ToC |
Shelley, Mike |
Mysteries |
ToC |
Shelley, Mike |
Shelley Goes International |
1992 |
Full |
Shepherd, Jack |
A Lesson in
Card Magic |
1957 |
Full |
Shepherd, Jack |
Who Done It? |
1957c |
Full |
Sherman, Jim |
Clever Card Tricks With the Svengali Deck |
1940 |
ToC |
Sherman, Jim | Flash
Lites |
1950 |
ToC |
Sherman, Phil |
Take a Tip From Me... |
1992 |
ToC |
Sherman, Roger | D.G.T. |
Full |
Sherman, Roger |
Volume 2 |
Full |
Sherman, Roger |
Tricky Stuff |
1982 |
Full |
Sherms Magic |
Secrets of
Super Magic |
1930c |
Full |
Sherwood John C. |
Sorcerer, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Shields, Aaron |
Block Pass |
2001 |
ToC |
Shields, Cyril |
Conjuring Tricks |
1930 |
Chapters |
Shields, Michael; Bascom Jones Jr. |
Unbelievable |
1949 |
ToC |
Shiels, Tony, Tony Raven, Roy Fromer |
Then There Were 3 |
1974 |
ToC |
Shiels, Tony |
Bizarre, The Surreal
Sorcery of Tony 'Doc' Shiels |
1988 |
ToC |
Shiels, Tony "Doc" | Cantrip Codex "A
Guide for the Advanced Enigmatist" |
1989 |
Full |
Shiels, Tony "Doc" |
Darklings and Doppelgangers |
ToC |
Shiels, Tony "Doc" | Entertaining
With ESP |
1974 |
ToC |
Shiels, Tony "Doc"; Niacail O'Siaghail |
Shiels Effect,
The |
1976 |
ToC |
Shiels, Tony "Doc" | Something Strange | 1970c |
Full |
Shiels, Tony "Doc" |
Thirteen! |
1967 |
ToC |
Shoesmith, Tim |
and Acorns |
ToC |
Shonk, Ronald |
of the Mind |
1976 |
ToC |
Shotts, Floyd |
Deceits |
ToC |
Shotts, Floyd |
Shotts In
the Dark |
1983 |
ToC |
Show Talent Enterprises |
Your Break
in Show Business |
1955 |
ToC |
Shrewesbury Publishing |
Magic for
Home and Stage |
1929 |
Chapters |
Shrott, Steve |
Tricks With Self-Stick Memo Notes |
2005 |
Full |
Shryock, John |
Magic |
2000 |
Full |
Shryock, John |
Tricky |
1994 |
Partial |
Shufton, Steve |
All Out Magic |
2024 |
Full |
Shute, Merlyn T. | Cups Cups Cups | 1980 |
Full |
Shute, Merlyn T. | How To Book of the Chop Cup | 1980 |
Full |
Shute, Merlyn T. |
How To Book of
the Zombie |
1983 |
ToC |
Shute, Merlyn T. |
How To Force a
Card |
1983 |
ToC |
Shute, Merlyn T. |
Things, The |
1982 |
Full |
Shute, Merlyn T. |
Modern Classics |
1980 |
Full |
Shute, Merlyn T. |
Nits 'N Bits |
1980 |
Full |
Shute, Merlyn T |
Out of Your
Pocket |
1982 |
ToC |
Shutters, Rev. Daniel |
Ministry |
ToC |
Sibbernsen, Michael |
Enigmas |
1997 |
Full |
Sibbernsen, Michael | Enigmas
Lecture Tour 2001 |
2001 |
ToC |
Sicnarf |
Half Hour of Magic |
1910 |
ToC |
Siegel, Paul J. | Doorway to
Delusion |
1972 |
ToC |
Siegel, Paul J. |
Mentalism A
La Mode |
1974 |
ToC |
Siegel, Paul J. |
Windows To
The Mind |
1968 |
ToC |
Siegel, Roger |
Roger's Rubber
Ark |
1971 |
ToC |
Siegel, Roger |
Roger's Rubber
Jungle |
1978 |
ToC |
Siegel, Roger |
Roger's Rubber
Magic Vol 1 |
ToC |
Siegfried & Roy |
A Life of
Magic |
1999 |
ToC |
Silano, Rocco |
A Lesson In
Sleeving |
1992 |
ToC |
Silk, Dave |
Entertainment, the Business |
ToC |
Silkie, Joe; Steve Pittella |
Walrus Tails |
ToC |
Silver, Mickey |
1 Ounce of Pure
Silver |
2010 |
ToC |
Silverman, Kenneth |
The Career of Ehrich Weiss |
1996 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken | A Final
Farewell Lecture - A Tribute to Edward Marlo |
1992 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken | Amazing Magic Tricks With Scotch & Soda or Dime & Penny | 1982 |
Full |
Simmons, Ken | Banded Deck
Effects |
1991 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken |
With a Different Touch |
1981 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken |
Choice Effects
Number One |
1992 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken |
Choice Effects
Number Two |
1992 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken | Choice Effects
Number Three |
1992 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken | Choice Effects
Number Four |
1992 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken | Close Up
With Cards |
1982 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken | Finally!
Magic Lecture |
1990 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken |
Onyx Number 08,
July 1999 |
1999 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken | Onyx
Number 10, Jan 2000 |
2000 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken |
Onyx Number 11, Apr-May-Jun 2000 |
2000 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken |
The Pasteboards |
1986 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken |
Riffling The
Pasteboards Again! |
1987 |
ToC |
Simmons, Ken | Scotch and Soda Part 1 | 1982 |
Full |
Simmons, Ken | Scotch and Soda Part 2 | 1986 |
Full |
Simmons, Ken | Scotch and Soda Part 3 (Finale) | 1988 |
Full |
Simmons, Ken |
At Your Fingertips Lecture Notes |
1993 |
Full |
Simmons, Ken & David Neighbors |
See under Neighbors, David |
Simon, Bill | Effective Card
Magic; Card Magic for Amateurs and Professionals |
1952 |
Full |
Simon, Bill |
Miracles |
1949 |
Full |
Simon, Bill |
Sensational |
1954 |
ToC |
Simon, Frank |
Versatile Card
Magic |
1983 |
ToC |
Simon, Frank |
Card Magic Revisited |
2002 |
Partial |
Sinclair, Myles |
From the
Sublime to the Meticulous |
ToC |
Sing, Wu Fang (Walter Geary) |
That Are Effective |
1955 |
ToC |
Sing, Wu Fang (Walter Geary) | Magic for
the Bairns |
1948 |
ToC |
Sing, Wu Fang (Walter Geary) |
Magic From
the Spa of Harrogate |
1958 |
ToC |
Sing, Wu Fang (Walter Geary) | Oriental
Temple of Magic |
1937 |
ToC |
Sing, Wu Fang (Walter Geary) | Wonders of
the East |
1938 |
ToC |
Sisti, Jim (Ed) | Magic Menu The First Five
Years, The |
1998 |
Full |
Sisti, Jim (Ed) | Magic Menu Years Six
Through Ten, The |
2001 |
Full |
Sisti, Jim (Ed) |
Magic Menu -
The Final Four Issues, The |
2002 |
ToC |
Sisti, Jim |
of the Menu, The |
1995 |
Full |
Sisti, Jim |
Restaurant Magic |
1991 |
ToC |
Sisti, Jim |
Magic Reader, The |
2009 |
ToC |
Sitta, Alberto |
Magic of Aberto Sitta, The |
1987 |
ToC |
Skinner, Michael | 1995 Lecture
Notes |
1995 |
Toc |
Skinner, Michael |
Sampler |
1996 |
ToC |
Skinner, Michael | Michael
Skinner's Intimate Magic |
1982 |
Full |
Skinner, W.E. |
Wizard's Manual |
1892 |
Full |
Skomp, Steve |
Deceptions |
2003 |
Partial |
Skomp, Steve | S'Komplimentary
Mentalism |
1975 |
ToC |
Slaight, Allan |
Stewart James, The |
2007 |
ToC |
Slaight, Allan |
James File
Volume One, The |
2000 |
ToC |
Slaight, Allan |
James File
Volume Two, The |
2000 |
ToC |
Slaight, Allan |
Spins &
Needles |
2008 |
ToC |
Sleight, George N. |
Magic for
Amateurs |
1930 |
ToC |
Slydini, Tony; Dr. Jacob Daley |
Art of Using
the Lap as a Servante |
1954 |
ToC |
Slydini, Tony; George Starke |
Cigarette Miracle |
1951 |
Full |
Slydini, Tony; George Starke |
Flight of the Paper Balls |
1951 |
ToC |
Slydini, Tony; George Starke |
Flyaway Coin Routine |
1951 |
Full |
Sminkey, Don "The Clown" |
for the Magical Party Clown |
1983 |
ToC |
Sminkey, Don "The Clown" |
It's Not What
You Do, But How You Do It! |
1989 |
ToC |
Smith, Aaron |
Left Handed Gun |
2001 |
Full |
Smith, Aaron | Methodical |
2000 |
Full |
Smith, Aaron |
Gadfly All Issues 1-5 |
2001 |
Full |
Smith, Al |
A Fair Old
Shuffle |
2003 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
A Spell of Cards |
2004 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
A Way With Cards |
2013 |
Toc |
Smith, Al | Another
Card Book |
2013 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Spell of Cards |
2007 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Card Stalking |
2010 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Card Tricks
Now and Then |
2001 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Cards At Bay |
1981 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Cards Cool |
2013 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Cards For Sure |
1981 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Cards In Here |
2009 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Cards on Demand |
1980 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Choice of One |
1987 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Hot Stacks
& Cold Decks |
1991 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Help! It's the SOS
Session With Al Smith |
2008 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Round The Square |
2002 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
SOS Supplemental
with Al Smith, Travis Perkins Special |
2008 |
ToC |
Smith, Al |
Working Card Tricks |
2015 |
ToC |
Smith, Bruce |
of Magic, The |
2008 |
ToC |
Smith, Bruce |
Great Coin
Tricks |
1995 |
ToC |
Smith, Bruce |
Handkerchief Tricks |
1995 |
ToC |
Smith, Bruce |
Rope & Ring Tricks |
1995 |
ToC |
Smith, Bruce |
Tricks |
1995 |
ToC |
Smith, C. Ivor |
My Mysteries,
Original Conjuring Tricks |
1924 |
ToC |
Smith, Chuck |
Earthquake And
Other Ideas Using The Spirit Pen |
1998 |
Partial |
Smith, Chuck |
Nite Club
Thimble Magic |
1950 |
ToC |
Smith, Chuck |
If? |
1994 |
Full |
Smith, Chuck | Why Not? Lecture Notes | 1995 |
Full |
Smith, Chuck |
Ultimate Endless
Chain Routine |
2002 |
ToC |
Smith, H. Adrian |
System Deluxe |
1937 |
ToC |
Smith, H. Adrian | It's
In the Bag! |
1935 |
Full |
Smith, H. Adrian |
Mysteries of 1933 |
1933 |
ToC |
Smith, H. Adrian |
Superb Tricks |
1953 |
ToC |
Smith, Havarston |
Hot Slots |
1985 |
Chapters |
Smith, Imp (William) |
Tips on the Food
Can and Funnel |
1959 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart |
Glimpse Into The Unknown |
1974 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart | An
Approach to Genuine Magic Part 1 |
1969 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart | An Approach to Genuine Magic Part 1 | 1971 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart |
Works of J. Stewart Smith, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart |
Thought On Cards |
1960 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart |
It Can Be Magic |
1963 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart | It Just Happens |
1961 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart |
More Thought On Cards |
1955 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart | Realm of
the Incredible, The |
1968 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart | Silent
Evidence |
1965 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart |
Command |
1966 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart |
Intangible Something |
1968 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart |
Influences |
1972 |
ToC |
Smith, J.Stewart |
Wave of the
Hand, The |
1960 |
ToC |
Smith, J. Stewart |
Influence, The |
1966 |
ToC |
Smith, Lee |
Walkabout Magic
Lecture Notes |
2009 |
Full |
Smith, Les |
Thayer Book, Keep the Wheels Turning Vol 2 |
1992 |
ToC |
Smith, Phillip |
to Marked Cards |
2018 |
ToC |
Smith, Ricky |
Nothing As
It Seems |
2015 |
ToC |
Smith, Ricky |
Nothing As It Seems - Notes |
ToC |
Smith, Roger | Faro Sorcery Trilogy Number 1 | 1975 |
ToC |
Smith, Roger | Innovative
Magic No. 1 |
1976 |
ToC |
Smith, Roger | Innovative
Magic No. 2 |
1976 |
ToC |
Smith, Roger | Innovative
Magic No. 3 |
1977 |
ToC |
Smith, Roger |
Maxi-Twist 2 |
1977 |
ToC |
Smith, Roger |
Card Compositions Slow Motion Ace Switch-a-Roo |
1971 |
ToC |
Smith, Roger |
Smith on Cards
1 The FFF Control System |
1970 |
ToC |
Smith, Roger |
Smith on Cards
2 The K-S Control System |
1971 |
ToC |
Smith, Roger | Ultimate Card Book #1 | 1977 |
ToC |
Smith, Roger | Ultimate
Card Book #4 |
1978 |
ToC |
Smith, Roger |
on Cards 2 |
1971 |
ToC |
Smith, Samuel Patrick | Big Laughs for Little People | 1990 |
ToC |
Smith, Samuel Patrick | Kiddie
Patter & Little Feats |
1993 |
ToC |
Smith, Samuel Patrick | On Stage! | 1999 |
ToC |
Smith, Samuel Patrick |
Your Act With Letters |
1989 |
ToC |
Smith, Samuel Patrick |
Your Act With Posters |
1987 |
ToC |
Smith, Willard S. |
of Willard S. Smith, The |
1981 |
ToC |
Smithkey, John III |
Magical Aces,
The |
1980 |
ToC |
Smithsonian Institution |
Mystery and
Magic |
1993 |
Full |
Snack, Jim |
64 New Ways to
Make Magic Pay |
2003 |
ToC |
Snack, Jim |
Magician's Success Manual, The |
2003 |
ToC |
Snader, Craige McComb, Jr. |
Square |
1985 |
ToC |
Snider, John |
Chop |
1976 |
ToC |
Snyder, Lee |
Just Like Magic! |
1986 |
ToC |
Snyder, Lee |
Deceptions |
1993 |
ToC |
Socrate, Philippe |
Notes |
1983 |
Full |
Solari, Bob |
Aftershock |
1991 |
ToC |
Solari, Bob |
Anomaly |
2010 |
Full |
Solari, Bob | Cunning Stunts |
2004 |
Full |
Solari, Bob |
Cut Rate |
1990c |
Partial |
Solari, Bob | Delusional |
2008 |
Full |
Solari, Bob | G.O.D.
Good Outright Deception |
2011 |
Full |
Solari, Bob |
Out of Control |
1990 |
Full |
Solari, Bob |
Offender |
1989 |
Full |
Solari, Bob |
to Kill |
1980 |
Full |
Solari, Bob |
Sudden Impact |
1980 |
Full |
Solari, Bob | Tricked Out |
2008 |
Full |
Solka, Dr. Hans-Christian |
Si Stebbins Pro -
Compendium |
2008 |
ToC |
Solomon, David |
Mind (booklet) |
1983 |
ToC |
Solomon, David |
Notes Blackpool England |
2008 |
ToC |
Solomon, David; Jeffery Siegfried |
Notes European Tour October 2009 |
2009 |
ToC |
Solomon, David | Solomon's
Notes Lecture 2011 |
2011 |
ToC |
Solomon, David; Jeffery Siegfried |
Notes Midwest Magic Jubilee August 2007 |
2007 |
ToC |
Solomon, David |
Secrets |
2018 |
ToC |
Solomon, David; Jeffery
Siegfried |
Wisdom of Solomon, The |
2007 |
Full |
Solomon, Ed |
Book Thirteen -
the Bonus Pages |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Complete Works
of DeNomolos |
2008 |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed; Rolando Santos |
Ed Solomon's
Meaningful Conjuring |
2023 |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Egyptian Magic |
2003 |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Reality |
2008c |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Presentations for the Storyteller |
2008c |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Stories |
2011 |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Heart and Soul |
2011 |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Presentations |
2008c |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Magic By
The Seat Of Your Pants |
2004 |
Full |
Solomon, Ed |
Presentations For The Storyteller |
2008c |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Mission of
the Mage |
2004 |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Matters |
2010 |
Full |
Solomon, Ed |
Oh, No, Not
Another Card Trick |
2011 |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Potpourri of
Presentations |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Sound FX |
2003 |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Offerings |
2003 |
ToC |
Solomon, Ed |
Tales Worth
Telling |
2004 |
Full |
Someeran |
Linking Rings Magic Tutor |
2002 |
ToC |
Someeran |
Watch This
Closely! |
1993 |
ToC |
Somekh, Addi; Charlie Eckert |
Crown - Balloon Hat Book, The |
2001 |
ToC |
Somerfeld, Bob | Mind
Reader's Digest |
1951 |
ToC |
Somerfeld, Bob |
Pieces of Mind |
1952 |
Full |
Sommers, Jim |
by Blow |
1961 |
ToC |
Sommers, Jim |
Your Own Illusions |
1974 |
ToC |
Sommers, Jim |
Jim Sommer's
Lecture Notes |
Partial |
Sorcar, P.C. | 100
Magics You Can Do |
1938 |
Chapters |
Sorcar, P.C. |
Hindoo Magic; Hindu
Magic |
1944 |
Partial |
Sorcar, P.C. |
of Magic |
1970 |
ToC |
Sorcar, P.C. | Indian
Magic |
1970 |
ToC |
Sorcar, P.C. |
Sorcar on Magic |
1960 |
ToC |
Sorensen, Michael J.H. |
Reloaded, A Tribute |
2005 |
ToC |
Spalding |
Penetrable Silk,
The |
1942 |
Full |
Sparks, H.G. |
Pack a Deck |
1927c |
Full |
Spear, Hal; Paul Romhany |
Magic Makeover Comedy Classics |
2009 |
Full |
Spear's Games |
for Hokus Pokus Conjuring Tricks |
ToC |
Spelmann, Marc |
101108 |
2008 |
ToC |
Spence, Jim |
Miracles With
a Pop-Eyed Deck |
1980 |
ToC |
Spencer, Robert Kirkwood |
Magic |
2007 |
Partial |
Sperber, Burton S. |
of My Friends |
1982 |
ToC |
Sperber, Burton S. |
of My Friends II |
2010 |
ToC |
Spiegler, Jack |
50 Card Tricks That Anyone Can Do (1946) |
1946 |
ToC |
Spill, Steve |
Spill Bar and
Grille |
1980 |
ToC |
Spillman, Steve |
Frauds |
1975c |
ToC |
Spillman, Steve |
Imagine Magic |
1974 |
ToC |
Spillman, Steve |
My Hands
Can Be Yours |
1973 |
Full |
Spina, Tony & Old Doc Young |
Bag of Many
Tricks (The Changing Bag) |
1981 |
ToC |
Spina, Tony; Mark Munro |
Amazing Tricks With Your Secret Gimmick |
1991 |
ToC |
Spitari, Laurance W. |
Annual 1913, The |
1913 |
Full |
Spitari, Laurance W. | Wizard's
Annual 1914, The |
1914 |
Full |
Spitari, Laurance W. | Wizard's
Annual 1915-16 |
1915 |
Full |
Spooner, Bill |
A Magical
Spoonerism |
1975 |
ToC |
Spooner, Bill |
Choice or
Chance? |
1975 |
Full |
Spooner, Bill |
Here's Hoo
With Coins |
1974 |
ToC |
Squier, Edward Summer, M.A. |
and Magic Made Easy |
1919 |
ToC |
Sreenivas, A.P. |
Circus |
1993 |
ToC |
Sreenivas, A.P. & Anitha |
Inspirations |
1995 |
Full |
St. John, Eddie |
Svengali Routine |
1950 |
ToC |
Stadelman, Paul |
Art of
Misdirection, The |
1930 |
ToC |
Stadelman, Paul & Windy Higgins |
Easy Magic |
1942c |
Full |
Stadelman, Paul |
Ventriloquists Only |
1964 |
ToC |
Stadelman, Paul |
Wrties Again |
1940c |
ToC |
Stadelman, Paul |
Secrets of
Sandu |
1933 |
ToC |
Stadelman, Paul | Ventriloquism
of Today |
1963 |
ToC |
Stadelman, Paul; Bruce Fife |
Made Easy |
1989 |
ToC |
Stafford, A.H. "Jake" |
At The Bridge Table, The |
1934 |
Full |
Stagnaro, Angelo |
Conspiracy |
2004 |
ToC |
Stagnaro, Angelo |
Mentalist Secrets |
2008 |
ToC |
Stagnaro, Angelo |
for Nothing |
2004 |
ToC |
Stanfield, J.C. |
In My Hands |
1954 |
Full |
Stanfield, J.C. |
Colorfusing Knife |
1952 |
Full |
Stanley, Bernard |
Fun With
Figures |
1950 |
ToC |
Stanley, Harry | Coin
Fakery |
ToC |
Stanley, Harry |
Feke Card
Tricks |
1960c |
ToC |
Stanley, Harry |
Magic |
1945 |
Full |
Stanley, Harry |
Gag Bag, The |
1945 |
Partial |
Stanley, Harry |
Gag Bag No. 2, The |
1946 |
Partial |
Stanley, Harry |
With Jumbo Cards |
1959 |
ToC |
Stanley, Harry |
Wouldn't Like to Play Cards With You |
ToC |
Stanley, Harry; Al Koran |
Coins |
Stanley, Harry |
With Jumbo Cards |
ToC |
Stanley, Harry |
Tricks of the Television Stars |
1960c |
Full |
Stanley, Harry | Reelistic
Magic, Tricks With Reels |
1951c |
Full |
Stanley, Harry |
Tricks of
the Television Stars |
1959 |
ToC |
Stanyon, Ellis | Card
Tricks, a Practical Treatise on Conjuring With Cards |
1900 |
ToC |
Stanyon, Ellis | Conjuring
for Amateurs |
1897 |
ToC |
Stanyon, Ellis |
Fire and
Chemical Magic |
1907 |
ToC |
Stanyon, Ellis | Magic | 1901 |
ToC |
Stanyon, Ellis | New
Juggling Tricks |
1901 |
ToC |
Stanyon, Ellis |
Tricks of Clement De Lion |
1902 |
Full |
Stanyon, Ellis |
Serial Lessons in Conjuring |
1910 |
ToC |
Stapleton, Dan |
Extra Added
Attraction |
1976c |
ToC |
Stapleton, Dan |
Magic for
the Working Magician |
2011 |
ToC |
Stapleton, Dan | Sophisticated
Sorcery |
ToC |
Stapleton, Dan |
That Go Zoom |
1976 |
ToC |
Starke, George & Dr. Jacob Daley | Stars of Magic | 1975 |
Full |
Starke, R.T. |
Finger Foods! |
2009 |
Full |
Stebbins, Si |
Tricks and the Way They Are Performed |
1905 |
Full |
Stebbins, Si |
Men-Telo-Card-Ology |
1939 |
Full |
Stebbins, Si |
Si Stebbins Legacy to
the Magicians |
1935 |
Full |
Steele, W.F. (Rufus) |
50 Tricks |
1946 |
ToC |
Steele, W.F. (Rufus) | 52 Amazing
Card Tricks |
1949 |
ToC |
Steele, W.F. (Rufus) | Card
Tricks That are Easy to Learn, Easy to Do |
1935 |
ToC |
Steele, W.F. (Rufus) |
Tricks You Will Do |
1928 |
ToC |
Steele, W.F. (Rufus) |
Paul Rosini's
Magical Gems, A Memorial |
1950 |
ToC |
Steele, W.F. (Rufus) | Last Word on Cards | 1952 |
ToC |
Stein, Max (Publisher) | Encyclopedia of Magic for Home and Stage | 1941 |
ToC |
Stein, Max (Publisher) |
Magic Card Tricks Anyone Can Do; The Expert at Cards | 1916 |
ToC |
Stein, Max (Publisher) |
Magic Coin
Tricks Anyone Can Do, or Modern Coin Manipulations |
1941 |
ToC |
Stein, Solomon |
Magic Maestro
Please |
1941 |
ToC |
Stein, Solomon |
Magic |
1942 |
ToC |
Steinhauer, Lawrence et al. | Damn Good Tricks | 1973 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
A Tribute
to Robert Harbin |
2009 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim | Art &
Artifice |
1998 |
Chapters |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Conclusions |
2003 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Impuzzibilities |
2022 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Bunko! |
2007 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim | Charles Fort |
2008 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Anthology, The |
2006 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Impuzzibilities |
2020 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim | Device and
Illusion |
1991 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Impuzzibilities |
2015 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim | Discovering
Invisibility |
2001 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Impuzzibilities |
2013 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim | Further
Impuzzibilities |
2006 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Deception, The Double Life of William Robinson |
2005 |
Chapters |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
the Elephant |
2003 |
Chapters |
Steinmeyer, Jim | Impuzzibilities |
2002 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Jarrett |
1981 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Greatest Magician In The World |
2011 |
Chapters |
Steinmeyer, Jim & Alan Wakeling |
Magic of
Alan Wakeling, The |
1993 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Modern Art and
Other Mysteries |
1995 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
But Mystery |
2015 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
& Deceiving |
1997 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim | Strange Power |
1992 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim | Subsequent
Impuzzibilities |
2010 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Uim |
& Understanding |
2009 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Trade Secrets |
1979 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Impuzzibilities |
2014 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim | Two Lectures
on Theatrical Illusion |
2001 |
Partial |
Steinmeyer, Jim | Unexpected
Impuzzibilities |
2020 |
ToC |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
Impuzzibilities |
2020 |
Full |
Steinmeyer, Jim |
of Black Confetti, The |
1989 |
Full |
Stelzel, Christian (Magic Christian) |
Christian Lecture Magic |
1983 |
ToC |
Stelzel, Christian (Magic Christian) | Magic of
Christian, The |
1970 |
ToC |
Stelzel, Christian (Magic Christian) | Magic of Christian of Vienna,
Austria; 2 Part |
1979 |
ToC |
Stelzel, Christian (Magic Christian) |
Non Plus
Ultra Hofzinser's Card Artistry |
2013 |
ToC |
Stelzel, Christian (Magic Christian) | Non Plus
Ultra Magic of the 19th Century (Hofzinser, Vol 1) |
2013 |
ToC |
Stelzel, Christian (Magic Christian) | Top Change,
The |
2017 |
ToC |
Stephens, Warren |
E-Z Stuff |
ToC |
Steranko, Jim |
Steranko On Cards |
1960 |
ToC |
Sterling, Harold |
World's Best Card Tricks |
1946 |
Partial |
Sterling, Harold |
Bottoms, or 50 Tricks With a Bottomless Tumbler |
1949 |
Full |
Sterling, Harold |
Secret of Chalk Talk, The |
1958c |
Chapters |
Sterling, Harold |
Sterling Cups
and Balls Routine |
1939 |
ToC |
Sterling Magic |
Card Coin
Wizardry |
1981 |
ToC |
Sterling, Max |
in Mystery |
1909 |
Full |
Stern, Deane |
No Secrets |
ToC |
Stern, Duke | Latest Thimble Magic | 1945 |
Full |
Stevel |
Art of Fire
Eating, The |
1968c |
Chapters |
Stevens, Eric |
Thought Space |
2019 |
Full |
Stevenson, Alwyn |
Tricks With a Stripper Deck |
1957 |
Full |
Stevenson, Alwyn |
75 Tricks
With a Svengali Deck |
1964 |
ToC |
Stewart, Jeff | Appearing Soda Can Magic | 1984 |
Full |
Stickland, William G. |
Brainwaves |
1977 |
ToC |
Stickland, William G. | Introducing
Bill's Magic |
1970 |
Full |
Stickland, William & Eric Wilson |
Invite You
To Join the Party |
1947 |
ToC |
Stickland, William G. |
Interesting Tricks |
1936 |
ToC |
Stickland, William G. | Wessex
Wizardry |
1931 |
Chapters |
Stiles, Kirk |
Letter, The |
1975 |
Full |
Stiles, Kirk |
With a Light Touch |
1971 |
Full |
Stillwell, George |
Handkerchief Manipulation Act |
1902 |
Full |
Stinett, Dustin |
Up With Milo and Roger |
2007 |
Chapters |
Stodare, Colonel |
Hand-Book of
Magic or Conjuring Made Easy |
1862 |
Full |
Stodare, Colonel |
Stodare's Fly
Notes |
1867 |
ToC |
Stoddard, Edward | First Book
of Magic (1st Ed) |
1953 |
Full |
Stoddard, Edward |
First Book of
Magic |
1980 |
Full |
Stone, Alex |
Fooling Houdini |
2012 |
Chapters |
Stone, Capt. J.E. |
Tricky Tricks and
Telling Talk |
1933 |
Full |
Stone, David |
Close-Up The Book |
2008 |
ToC |
Stone, David | CocOOn |
2002 |
Full |
Stone, David | Light
My Fire |
1999 |
Full |
Stone, David | Made
In France |
2001 |
Full |
Stone, David |
Mietek |
1999 |
ToC |
Stone, David |
Secrets of
Table Hopping |
ToC |
Stone, David |
Lecture Notes |
2001 |
Full |
Stone, Eugene |
Book of Conjuring, The |
1930 |
ToC |
Stone, Jeff |
2020 Lecture Notes |
2020 |
Full |
Stone, Jeff |
2024 Lecture
Notes |
2024 |
Full |
Stone, Jeff |
Where Is The Magic? |
2014 |
ToC |
Stone, Jeff |
Diary of a
Madman |
2021 |
Full |
Stone, Jeff |
Spectral Chill,
Tarot Below Zero |
2011 |
ToC |
Stone, Jeff |
Cold Lecture Notes 2022 |
2022 |
Full |
Stone, Jeff |
Stone Cold
Magic |
2008 |
ToC |
Stone, Jeff |
Stone Cold
Mental Volume I |
2021 |
Full |
Stone, Jeff |
Stone Cold Mental Volume II | 2023 |
Full |
Stone, Jeff |
Stone Cold Mental Volume III | 2023 |
Full |
Stone, Jeff |
Stone Frixion
Fire |
2009 |
ToC |
Stone, Sol |
Punches |
1947 |
ToC |
Stone, Tom | A Bite My Dear? |
2004 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
A Toast for
Charon |
2002 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Passions |
2007 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
the Legion |
2004 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Eye of the Last
Dragon, The |
2007 |
Partial |
Stone, Tom |
Flatland Fever |
2007 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Gravel |
2003 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Maelstrom |
2011 |
ToC |
Stone, Tom |
Monologues |
2009 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Prey of the
Prestidigitator |
2009 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Random Walk |
2007 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Runes of
Tomorrow |
2014 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Skerries |
2002 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
in a Pipedream |
2007 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Snapshots |
2008 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Tripodal by
Sundown |
2009 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Vortex |
2010 |
ToC |
Stone, Tom |
Toolbox, The |
1993 |
Full |
Stone, Tom |
Returns, The |
1996 |
Partial |
Stoner, Dick |
I Spell Magic
F-U-N!! |
1993 |
ToC |
Stoppard, Jimmy |
A Pocket
Book of Patter |
1937 |
ToC |
Strange, Caleb |
Garden of
the Strange, The |
2007 |
Full |
Strange, Dan & Ronnie Ramin |
Strange Happenings |
1991 |
Full |
Strange, Scott |
Nudists Keep Spare Change |
2009 |
Full |
Stride, Richard & Alan Wassilak |
Thought |
1988 |
Full |
Stringer, Charles H. |
Ten Secrets of
Modern Magic |
1927 |
ToC |
Strivngs, Mark |
Omelet for Denver |
2011 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark | Anatomy of a
Successful Magic Show |
2000 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark | Annemann
For the 90's |
1994 |
Full |
Strivings, Mark | Before
the Curtain Rises |
2000 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark |
Mentalism |
1998 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark | Magic for
Young-un's |
1998 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark |
Mentalism With Matches & Money |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark | Miracles
From the Hip |
2000 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark |
Mentalism |
2001 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark | Mobile
Mentalism Volume II |
2004 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark | Pseudo-Psi |
1999 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark | Psi Psampler |
2001 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark |
Mentalism With Playing Cards |
2023 |
Full |
Strivings, Mark |
Thoughts |
2001 |
ToC |
Strivings, Mark |
Invisible Brainwave - The Book |
2000 |
ToC |
Strong, David |
Magic Book, The |
1977 |
ToC |
Strong, Jack |
Good Show |
1973 |
ToC |
Strong, Todd |
Devil Stick Book,
The |
1990 |
Chapters |
Strong, Todd | Dice Stacking Book | 1998 |
Full |
Strout, Cushing |
The Other Side of the Mirror |
2005 |
ToC |
Studebaker, Peter |
Green Peter
Studebaker Lecture |
ToC |
Studebaker, Peter |
File |
1989 |
ToC |
Studebaker, Peter |
Yellow Peter
Studebaker Lecture |
ToC |
Stuthard, Joe |
Around |
1949 |
Full |
Stuthard, Joe | Stuthard's
Svengali Subtleties 1938 |
1938 |
Full |
Stuthard, Joe | Stuthard's Svengali Subtleties 1948 | 1948 |
Full |
Stuthard, Joe |
Trilby Deck |
1948 |
Full |
Suds |
Comedy by Suds Lecture |
Full |
Sugar, Bert Randolph; James Randi |
Houdini His Life and Art |
1976 |
ToC |
Sullivan, Patrick B. |
Bets You Can't
Lose |
1979 |
Full |
Sum, J.C. | Equilateral |
2006 |
ToC |
Sum, J.C. |
Departures |
2004 |
ToC |
Sumpter, Gary |
Shivers |
2005 |
Full |
Sumpter, Gary |
Street Magic |
2006 |
Full |
Supreme Magic | 25 Miniature
Miracles With Miniature Cards |
1960 |
ToC |
Supreme Magic |
27 Tricks With
a Changing Bag |
Full |
Supreme Magic |
Old-English Pennies, the Supreme Stack-O-Pence |
Full |
Supreme Magic |
Sympathetic Silk
Booklet |
ToC |
Surath, Avrom; Webster Bull |
Life With a
Magic Company |
1995 |
ToC |
Surath, Avrom Karl |
Will Be Wonderful Surprises |
2007 |
Chapters |
Sutz, Ian (Magic-Ian) |
Dam Tricks, The; 25 Rubber Penetration Tricks |
1980 |
ToC |
Sutz, Ian (Magic-Ian) |
Magic With a Steel Ball and Tube | 1982 |
Full |
Swadling, Bob |
FFFF Lecture
Notes |
1994 |
ToC |
Swain, James | 21st Century Card Magic | 1999 |
ToC |
Swain, James |
Blink |
1992 |
ToC |
Swain, James |
Miracles With
Cards |
1996 |
ToC |
Swan, Parker |
How To
Force a Watermelon |
1973 |
ToC |
Swezey, Kenneth M. |
Science Magic |
1952 |
ToC |
Swift, Merlin |
Secrets of
Magic |
1946 |
ToC |
Swigert, Ryan |
KickBack, The Real
Work |
2002 |
ToC |
Swinford, Paul |
Cyberdeck, The |
1986 |
ToC |
Swinford, Paul |
Fantasy |
1968 |
ToC |
Swinford, Paul |
Lecture Notes |
1971 |
Full |
Swinford, Paul | More Faro
Fantasy |
1971 |
ToC |
Swinford, Paul | Three File
Problem, The |
1968 |
ToC |
Swinford, Paul |
for Everyone |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian | 10
in 10 |
1987 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian | Animated Ring,
The |
1987 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian | An
Interesting Application of That Principle |
1987 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
Interesting Application of That Principle |
2006 |
Full |
Swiss, Jamy Ian & Scott York |
A Rumor In
Their Own Time |
1988 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
Book Reviews,
Genii Magazine 1994-2000 |
2002 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
Conundrum |
2020 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
Standards |
2011 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
Dichotomies |
2012 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
Light and Heat |
2017 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
Magic of Johnny Thompson Volume 1,
The |
2013 |
Full |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
of Johnny Thompson Volume 2, The |
2013 |
Full |
Swiss, Jamy Ian | Preserving
Mystery |
2017 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian | Shattering
Illusions |
2002 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
Theatrics |
1987 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian | Theatrics
II |
1987 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian | Theories |
1987 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian | Theories
2002 |
ToC |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
Thread |
1987 |
Chapters |
Swiss, Jamy Ian |
Thread II |
1987 |
Chapters |
Swiss, Jamy Ian | Thoughts |
1987 |
TOC Ony |
Swoger, James |
Enchanted Ball
Manipulation |
1959 |
ToC |
Sylber, Charles |
Deceptions With a Changing Bag |
1943 |
ToC |
Sylber, Charles; T.A. Whitney (ed) |
Deceptions With a Changing Bag |
2020 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Tabary, Francis |
Rope Magic of Francis Tabary |
2000 |
ToC |
Tabbo, Dr Fabio |
Close Up Hypnosis
1: Stop Smoking |
2005 |
Full |
Tahoe, T.C. |
Swingers Party |
2015 |
ToC |
Takagi, Shigeo; Jeff Busby |
Shigeo Takagi's
Coin Assembly |
1977 |
ToC |
Takagi, Shigeo; Jeff Busby |
Shigeo Takagi's
Coin Routine |
1978 |
ToC |
Talksalot, Jimmy |
Sidewalk Performer's Study Guide |
ToC |
Tallman, Benjamin W. | Advertising
for Magicians |
1958 |
ToC |
Tallman, Benjamin W. |
Making Magic Pay |
1966 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan |
Five Points In
Magic, The |
1982 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan |
Points in Magic (Revised), The |
1988 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan |
Letters from Juan
Tamariz, Vol 1 |
2022 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan | Letters from Juan Tamariz, Vol 2 | 2022 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan | Letters from Juan Tamariz, Vol 3 | 2022 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan | Letters from Juan Tamariz, Vol 4 | 2022 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan | Letters from Juan Tamariz, Vol 5 | 2022 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan | Letters from Juan Tamariz, Vol 6 | 2022 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan | Magic
Way, The |
1988 |
Full |
Tamariz, Juan |
Magic Rainbow,
The |
2019 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan |
Bewitched Music Vol II |
2004 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan |
Mini-Symbolic Method, The |
1995c |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan | Sonata,
Bewitched Music Vol 1 |
1989 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan |
TPC - The Tamariz
Perpendicular Control |
1981 |
ToC |
Tamariz, Juan | Verbal Magic |
2008 |
Full |
Tams, Mark |
3t - Triple Threat Coin
Gimmick |
2009 |
ToC |
Tams, Mark |
Slice With a
Twist |
2003 |
Partial |
Tams, Mark |
Threat Master Works |
2019 |
ToC |
Tank, J. |
Tidbits &
Touches |
ToC |
Tanner, Don |
See Also Entries under Grant, U.F. | ||
Tanner, Don |
25 Tricks
and Ideas With the Jumbo Phanto Tube |
1980c |
ToC |
Tannner, Don |
25 Tricks
and Ideas With The Square Circle |
1980c |
ToC |
Tanner, Don |
Tricks and Ideas With Spring Flowers |
1958 |
Full |
Tanner, Don | 50 Ways to Use a Card Box | 1960c |
ToC |
Tanner, Don | How to Do Headline Predictions | 1957 |
ToC |
Tanner, Don |
It's In the Bag,
25 Tricks & Ideas With Cloth Bags |
1977 |
ToC |
Tanner, Don |
Magic Made Easy
#1 |
1950c |
ToC |
Tanner, Don | Mammoth Medallion Miracles | 1962c |
ToC |
Tanner, Don | Mentalist, The - Nos 1-12 | 1962 |
ToC |
Tanner, Don; Jack Dean |
The Complete, Nos 1-34 |
2006 |
ToC |
Tanner, Don |
Grant's Magic With Rings 'n Things |
1977 |
Full |
Tappan, Peter; Phil Willmarth |
Princess Expanded |
2011 |
ToC |
Tappan, Peter |
Peter Tappan Lecture |
1990 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan |
Magical After Dinner Stunts |
1930 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan |
Chalk Talk
Manual |
1962 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan |
Chalk Talk
Stunts |
1926 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan | Comedy Stunts
for Laughing Purposes |
1944 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan |
Crazy Stunts
for Comedy Occasions |
1926 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan |
Fun With
Chalk Talk |
1931 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan |
How to
Chalk Talk |
1924 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan |
Wonder Box of Magic - Lesson in Magic |
1954 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan | Tarbell Course In Magic Volume 1 | 1941 |
Full |
Tarbell, Harlan | Tarbell Course In Magic Volume 2 | 1942 |
Full |
Tarbell, Harlan | Tarbell Course In Magic Volume 3 | 1943 | Full |
Tarbell, Harlan | Tarbell Course In Magic Volume 4 | 1948 | Full |
Tarbell, Harlan | Tarbell Course In Magic Volume 5 | 1948 | Full |
Tarbell, Harlan | Tarbell Course In Magic Volume 6 | 1975 | Full |
Tarbell, Harlan & Harry Lorayne | Tarbell Course In Magic Volume 7 | 1972 |
Full |
Tarbell, Harlan | Tarbell Course In Magic Volume 8 | 1993 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan |
Post-Graduate Service in Magic No. 1 |
1930 |
ToC |
Tarbell, Harlan | Tarbell's
Chalk Talk Book |
1920 |
Full |
Tarbell, Harlan |
System Incorporated Magic (correspondence course) |
1926 |
ToC |
Tarr, Bill | 101 Easy-to-Learn Classic Magic Tricks | 1977 |
Full |
Tarr, Bill | Now You See It Now You Don't | 1976 |
Full |
Tarr, Bill |
Now You See
It Now You Don't Notebook, The |
1998 |
Full |
Tarr, Bill | Second Now You See It Now You Don't | 1978 |
Full |
Taub, Jacob, M.D. |
Treats |
1979 |
ToC |
Taub, Jacob, M.D. |
and His Deck, The |
1976 |
ToC |
Taylor, Bev |
Silk Gun
Routines |
ToC |
Taylor, Bev |
Was My Face
Red; Color Changing Silk Routine |
1951 |
Partial |
Taylor, Bob; Neal Elias |
Jiggle Pass and
Variations, The |
1991 |
ToC |
Taylor, Christopher |
Inside Out |
2004 |
Full |
Taylor, Eugene (Ed) |
Antinomy a Quarterly
Journal about Perception & Deception |
2005 |
Full |
Taylor, Harold | Angle
of a Pro, The |
1973c |
ToC |
Taylor, Harold |
Magic As
Entertainment |
1991 |
Chapters |
Taylor, Harold |
Tricks and Topics |
1975 |
ToC |
Taylor, Rex | Cabaret
Mental Act |
1984 |
ToC |
Taylor, Rex |
Hustler |
ToC |
Taylor, Rex | Controlled
Table Hopping |
1990 |
ToC |
Taylor, Rex | Mixed
Grill |
ToC |
Taylor, Sean |
MindCoaster |
2016 |
Full |
Taylor, Sean |
MindStorms |
2008 |
Full |
Taylor, Steve |
3'd a Charm |
2001 |
Full |
Taylor, Steve | Character
Building Magic Routines |
1999 |
Full |
Taylor, Steve | Creating
& Writing Educational Magic Programs |
1996 |
ToC |
Taylor, Steve |
Fantastic Set of Gospel Magic Lecture Notes |
2004 |
Full |
Taylor, Steve |
Ventriloquist, The |
1996 |
ToC |
Taylor, Steve | Making
Your Birthday Biz Go Ballistic |
1996 |
ToC |
Taylor, Steve | Motivating
Educational Magic Routines |
2002 |
Full |
Taylor, Steve |
My Favorite
Gospel Magic Routines, The First Three Years |
1997 |
Full |
Taylor, Steve |
Your Educational Shows |
1996 |
ToC |
Taylor, Steve |
Putting the
'Pro' in Professional |
1996 |
ToC |
Taylor, Steve |
Educational Ventriloquism Routines |
1996 |
ToC |
Taylor, Tony & Micky Hades |
Magic of
Allan Lambie, Volume One |
1970 |
ToC |
Taylor, Tony |
on 101 Great Magic Acts |
1964 |
ToC |
Teale, Oscar S. |
Magic |
1920 |
Full |
Tee, Tan-Choon |
Choon Tee on Mentalism |
1963 |
ToC |
Tee, Tan-Choon |
Variations on
2 Card Classics |
1965 |
ToC |
Temple, Phil | Dante
The Devil Himself |
1991 |
Chapters |
Temple, Phil |
Kellar -
A Magician's Tour - Revisited |
2000 |
ToC |
Temple, Phil |
Thurston The
Magician and Company - Our Life of Magic |
1989 |
ToC |
Tenace, Richard L |
for Magicians |
1998 |
ToC |
Tenace, Richard L. |
Stage Craft for
Magicians |
2009 |
Chapters |
Tenkai; Richard Kaufman |
Manipulative Card Routine |
1945 |
Full |
Thames & Kosmos |
Magic Gold
Edition |
2015 |
Full |
Thames & Kosmos |
Magic Hat |
2011 |
Full |
Thames & Kosmos |
Science or
Magic? |
2012 |
Full |
Thames & Kosmos |
Magic Show |
2017 |
Full |
Thames & Kosmos |
Greatest Magic Show |
2017 |
ToC |
That's Magic |
50 Tricks With
Scotch & Soda |
1995 |
ToC |
Thaw, Barbara; Stephen Ronson |
Magician, The |
1994 |
ToC |
Thayer Studios |
A Complete
Bar Act!!! |
1945 |
ToC |
Thayer Studios |
New Mystical Coin Act |
1918 |
Full |
Theatre Effects |
Effects With Fire and Smoke |
1985 |
ToC |
Theobald, Don |
Magic Circus Magic Book |
ToC |
Theobald, J. Dazley | Amateur
Magician, The |
1880c |
Full |
Theobald, J. Dazley | Magic and
Its Mysteries |
1880 |
Full |
Thomas, Alexander |
Thoughts to Gold |
1992 |
ToC |
Thomas Boys (Publisher) |
Amusement |
1820c |
Full |
Thomas, Frazier |
Tricks for Amateur Magicians |
1939 |
Full |
Thomas, Garrett |
Gift of Magic,
Amazing Moments, Precautions and Approaches |
2021 |
ToC |
Thomas, Garrett |
of Popular Effects and Original Material |
2000 |
ToC |
Thompson, Frank |
Cold Deck, The |
1976 |
Full |
Thompson, Frank |
Thompson's Pass |
1981 |
ToC |
Thompson, George |
Medicine Pitch |
1946 |
ToC |
Thompson, J.G.; Eddie Clever |
Clever &
Thompson Manuscripts |
2020 |
Full |
Thompson, J.G.; Ned Rutledge |
Minds |
1967 |
ToC |
Thompson, J.G.; Ned Rutledge |
Card Party |
1965 |
ToC |
Thompson, J.G. | Centermental |
1961 |
ToC |
Thompson, J.G. |
Thompson Jr. Lecture Notes, The |
1975 |
Full |
Thompson, J.G. |
End, The |
1972 |
ToC |
Thompson, J.G. | Magic to Delight | 1970 |
Full |
Thompson, J.G. |
Miracle Makers,
The |
1975 |
Full |
Thompson, J.G. | My Best | 1945 |
Full |
Thompson, J.G. |
Intended |
1973 |
Chapters |
Thompson, J.G. |
Thought |
ToC |
Thompson, J.G. |
T-Formation |
1961 |
ToC |
Thompson, J.G. | Top Secrets of Magic | 1956 |
Full |
Thompson, J.G. |
Secrets of Magic Volume 2 |
1967 |
Full |
Thompson, J.G. |
Secrets of Magic Volume 3 |
1968 |
ToC |
Thompson, Johnny |
Coin In
Bottle Plus |
1982 |
Full |
Thompson, Johnny | Polished Polish Prestidigitation | 1981 |
Full |
Thornton, Adam |
Tricks and
Truth |
2015 |
ToC |
Thornton, Dr. Spencer |
Secrets of Mental Magic |
1958 |
ToC |
Threadgill, S.D. | Close-Up
Mentalist, The |
1976 |
ToC |
Threadgill, S.D. | Future
Thot |
1979 |
ToC |
Threadgill, S.D. |
Mentalist, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Thumm, Manfred |
Hands Lecture Notes, The |
1985 |
ToC |
Thursday, John | Magic Made
Easy |
1945 |
ToC |
Thursday, John |
Card Tricks |
1945 |
Partial |
Thurston, Howard |
100 Tricks You
Can Do |
1931 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard |
100 More
Tricks You Can Do |
1932 |
Thurston, Howard | 200 Tricks You Can Do | 1926 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard | 200 More Tricks You Can Do | 1927 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard | 300
Tricks You Can Do |
1948 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard |
Tricks You Can Do |
1940 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard |
Tricks At-A-Glance |
1954 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard |
the World (Fooling Millions) |
1928 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard | Howard Thurston's Card Tricks | 1901 |
Full |
Thurston, Howard & Walter Gibson |
Thurston's Magic Lessons |
1928 |
Full |
Thurston, Howard | My Life of
Magic |
1929 |
Chapters |
Thurston, Howard |
One Hundred
Tricks You Can Do |
1912 |
Partial |
Thurston, Howard & Jane Thurston Shepard |
The Magician and Company |
1989 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard |
Book of Magic 1926 |
1926 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard | Thurston's Book of Magic 1927 |
1927 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard |
Book of Mystery |
1930 |
ToC |
Thurston, Howard |
Easy Pocket Tricks |
1911 |
Partial |
Thurston, Howard |
Easy Pocket Tricks Book 2 |
1911 |
Full |
Thurston, Howard |
Easy Pocket Tricks Book 3 |
1914 |
Full |
Thurston, Howard |
Easy Pocket Tricks Book 4 |
1915 |
Full |
Thurston, Howard |
Easy Pocket Tricks Book 7 |
1923 |
Partial |
Thurston, Howard | Thurston's
(Swift) Book of Magic Vol. 1 |
1932 |
Full |
Thurston, Howard | Thurston's
(Swift) Book of Magic Vol. 2 |
1932 |
Full |
Thurston, Howard | Thurston's
(Swift) Book of Magic Vol. 3 |
1932 |
Full |
Thurston, Howard | Thurston's
(Swift) Book of Magic Vol. 4 |
1932 |
Full |
Thurston, Howard | Thurston's
(Swift) Book of Magic Vol. 5 |
1932 |
Full |
Tigner, Steven S. |
With Chalk |
1973 |
ToC |
Tillar, Jack Kent |
Blister Book, The |
2007 |
ToC |
Tillar, Jack Kent |
Duet |
2008 |
ToC |
Tillar, Jack Kent |
Quartet |
2009 |
ToC |
Tillar, Jack Kent |
Quintet |
2008 |
Partial |
Tillar, Jack Kent |
Septet |
2010 |
Full |
Tillar, Jack Kent |
Trio |
2007 |
Full |
Tilley, Brick |
Up Magic From Brick Tilley |
1974 |
ToC |
Tilley, Brick |
Look Out,
Cleveland |
1974 |
Full |
Tilley, Roger |
History of Playing Cards |
1973 |
Chapters |
Timayenis, T.T. |
of the Art of Magic |
1887 |
ToC |
Tiong, Phoa Yan |
Phoa Yan Tion
Lecture Notes |
Partial |
Tiong, Phoa Yan |
and Utility in Magic |
1970c |
Full |
Tissandier, Gaston & Henry Frith
(Translator) |
Half Hours
of Scientific Amusement |
1890 |
Full |
Todd, Jim |
Gospel In Ropes,
The |
1987 |
ToC |
Todd, Joseph P. (pseud) |
Tricks Every
Boy and Girl Can Do |
1953 |
ToC |
Todd, Jospeh |
Tricks Every
Boy Can Do |
1948 |
ToC |
Tomasko, Matt |
2004 Lecture
Discussion |
2004 |
ToC |
Tomkins, David |
Dog Chatters |
2010c |
ToC |
Tong, Dan |
Evening With Dan Tong |
1982c |
Partial |
Tong, Dan | Close Up Magic of | 1972 |
Full |
Tong, Dan |
Commercial Stand-Up
Magic |
1972c |
ToC |
Tong, Dan |
Dan Tong ESP |
1979 |
Full |
Tong, Dan |
Tong's Cabaret |
1999 |
ToC |
Tong, Dan | Dan
Tong's Close Up Magic |
1982 |
ToC |
Tong, Dan |
Danny Tong Lecture,
SAM 1963 |
1963 |
ToC |
Tong, Dan |
Lecture Notes |
1975c |
ToC |
Tong, Dan |
Lecture Notes
75 |
1975 |
Full |
Tong, Dan |
Lecture Series 1 Close-up |
ToC |
Tong, Dan |
Lecture Series 1 Close-Up (yellow) |
1995 |
ToC |
Tong, Dan |
Connections |
1984 |
ToC |
Tong, Dan |
Connections (yellow) |
1984c |
Partial |
Tong, Dan |
& Table Magic |
1970 |
ToC |
Tong, Harry A. |
Twenty Five of
the World's Finest Card Tricks, Section Number 2 |
1946 |
Partial |
Torell, Jan |
Magic By Jan Torell |
1975 |
ToC |
Torre, Jose de la |
World of Knives |
1975 |
Full |
Torre, Jose de la |
Color Changing
Knives...And More |
1976 |
Full |
Torre, Jose de la |
Linking Pins, The |
1993 |
Full |
Torre, Jose de la |
Magicana of
Havana |
1975 |
Full |
Torre, Jose de la |
Jumping Back |
1976 |
ToC |
Torre, Jose de la | Real
Magic |
1978 |
ToC |
Toth, Thomas A. |
Counts (lecture) |
1996 |
Full |
Tower, David |
Magic of
the Mystery Papers, The |
2003 |
Full |
Townsend, Charles |
Catalog of Magic |
1981 |
Chapters |
Townsend, Charles |
Card Games |
1891 |
Full |
Townsend, Charles |
Best Magic Tricks, The |
1993 |
ToC |
Townsend, Charles | World's Greatest Magic Tricks | 1992 |
ToC |
Trace, Arthur |
It's All
Relative |
2006 |
ToC |
Travis, Toby |
Maximum Impact
Strategies |
ToC |
Travis, Toby |
Amateur, The |
1996 |
Chapters |
Treborix |
With Dice |
1953 |
ToC |
Tremaine, Jon |
Amazing Book of
Magic & Card Tricks |
2000 |
Full |
Tremaine, Jon |
Balloon Fun |
2001 |
ToC |
Tremaine, Jon |
Creative Magic |
1995 |
Full |
Tremaine, Jon |
Magic and
Card Tricks |
2002 |
ToC |
Tremaine, Jon |
Magic Box, The |
2001 |
Full |
Tremaine, Jon |
Handbook - Magic With Numbers |
2010 |
Full |
Termaine, Jon |
Handbook - Magical Illusions |
2010 |
Full |
Tremaine, Jon | Magic
Handbook - Paper Tricks |
2010 |
Full |
Tremaine, Jon |
Handbook - Pocket Tricks |
2010 |
Full |
Tremaine, Jon |
Tricks for Grown-Ups |
2006 |
ToC |
Trent, James |
It's Just a
Stage |
2020 |
Full |
Trewey, Felicien |
Art of
Shadowgraphy, How It Is Done |
1919 |
ToC | Inc. | Benson Bowl | 2005 |
Full | Inc. |
Card Index System |
2004 |
ToC | Inc. |
DIY Card
Gimmicks |
2014 |
ToC | Inc. |
Extreme Magic |
2000 |
Full | Inc. |
Visual Coin Vanish |
2009 |
Full | Inc. |
Key Card
Chicanery 1 |
2020 |
ToC | Inc. |
Business Book, The |
2003 |
ToC | Inc. |
Hypnosis |
2003 |
ToC | Inc. |
Cold Reading With Playing Cards |
2009 |
ToC | Inc. |
Stebbins Unplugged |
2003 |
ToC | Inc. | Swindled! Three Card Monte | 2004 |
Full | Inc. | Tradecraft |
2003 |
ToC |
Trikosko, Marion S. |
With Dante |
2006 |
ToC |
Trimble, Mark |
of Silk Magic Volume 4 |
1993 |
ToC |
Tripp, Bob; Robert Nelson |
Phenomenal ESP
Perception |
1962 |
ToC |
Tripp, Scott |
Kid Show
Sampler |
2004 |
ToC |
Trixer, Hans |
Trix |
1955 |
Full |
Trono, Tim & Dean Dill |
Dill Intimate Miracles |
1997 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick | 3
Pet Secrets |
1964 |
Full |
Trost, Nick | 4 Ace
Trix |
1965 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Ace Tricks |
1983 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Card Count |
1975c |
Full |
Trost, Nick |
Card Magic of Nick
Trost, The |
1997 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Packet |
1960c |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Secrets |
1964 |
Full |
Trost, Nick | Cardman's
Secrets Vol II |
1964 |
Full |
Trost, Nick | Card-Pentro |
1965 |
Full |
Trost, Nick |
Card Problems |
1964 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick | Challenge
Poker Deal |
1964 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Classic Card
Tricks |
1983 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Ace Routine |
1965 |
Full |
Trost, Nick |
Packet; Coin Trick Collection |
1965 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick | Dr.
Rhine, Outdone! |
1964 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Session |
1965 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick | Expert Gambling Tricks | 1975 |
Full |
Trost, Nick | Folio
No. 1 - ESP Card Magic |
1979 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick | Folio No.
2 - Impromptu Card Magic |
1979 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
No. 3 - Close Up Mentalism |
1979 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
With Cards Part One |
1975 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Tricks With Cards Part Two |
1975 |
Full |
Trost, Nick | Gambling
With Dice |
1975 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
King's Royale |
1964 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Mental Card
Miracles |
1983 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Fingertips |
1964 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick | Nick's
Card Count |
1975c |
Full |
Trost, Nick | Nick's
Quartet |
1965 |
Full |
Trost, Nick | Nick's
Routine With the Cups and Balls |
1971 |
Partial |
Trost, Nick | Nick's
Table Trix |
1972 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Trost's Subtle Card Creations Volume 1 |
2008 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick | Nick
Trost's Subtle Card Creations Volume 2 |
2009 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick | Nick
Trost's Subtle Card Creations Volume 3 |
2011 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick | Nick
Trost's Subtle Card Creations Volume 4 |
2013 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Trost's Subtle Card Creations Volume 5 |
2015 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Trost's Subtle Card Creations Volume 6 |
2017 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Trost's Subtle Card Creations Volume 8 |
2020 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Trost's Subtle Card Creations Volume 9 |
2023 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Rendezvous |
1964 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Subtle Card
Magic Part One |
1976 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Subtle Card
Magic Part Two |
1976 |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Thought |
1960c |
ToC |
Trost, Nick | Triple
Forecast |
ToC |
Trost, Nick |
Marks the Spot |
1965 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
1987 Lecture |
1987 |
Full |
Tucker, Stephen |
33 Cardinal Sins of Stephen Tucker Plus 7 Coin Routines | 1984 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
Abacus Tuckered Up |
2007 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
Stephen Tucker Lecture Marathon |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen | Best of Spell-Binder Collection One | 1987 |
Full |
Tucker, Stephen | Bob Ostin
A Lifetime of Magical Inventions |
2005 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
Card Bored? |
1992 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen | Cardiac
Arrest |
1984 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
Cardiac Pacemakers |
1983 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
Cardiac Stimulation |
1984 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
Card-Mad-gic of
Stephen Tucker |
1984 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
Magazine |
1986 |
Full |
Tucker, Stephen |
Close Up
Sorcery |
1978c |
Full |
Tucker, Stephen |
Compendium |
1984 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
Gemini Book of
Close Up Magik |
1983 |
Full |
Tucker, Stephen |
Ways |
2007 |
Full |
Tucker, Stephen | Immaculate
Conceptions, The |
1980 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
May The Force
Be With You! |
1984 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
(Complete) |
1981 |
Full |
Tucker, Stephen |
Liberties Or...The U.S. Card-Book |
1984 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
Thought Waves |
1985 |
ToC |
Tucker, Stephen |
Torn and
Restored Card Book, The |
1984 |
Full |
Tucker, Tommy |
Century Magic |
1932 | Full |
Tucker, Tommy |
Next! |
1936 |
ToC |
Tucker, W.M. |
Raisers, The |
1960 |
ToC |
Tucker, W.M. |
Dead-Ly Serpent,
The |
1974 |
Partial |
Tuffs, J. Elsden |
Magical Apparatus |
1956 |
ToC |
Tuffs, J. Elsden |
Yourself Magic; Conjuring |
1956 |
Full |
Tullock, Eddie |
Tullock, The
Phantom Founder of Trade Show Magic |
1996 |
ToC |
Tunnah, William F. (Amalfi) |
Workshop and Other Christmas Magic |
1957 |
Full |
Tunstill, Henry & Delveen |
Record, The (almost complete) |
1915 |
ToC |
Turcotte, Dan |
Gone Again Coin Vanish | 2004 |
Full |
Turcotte, Dan |
Comedy Ring on String Routine | 2004 |
Full |
Turcotte, Dan | "In Your Hands" Cups and Balls Monte Routine | 2004 |
Full |
Turley, Hugh |
Scotch and
Soda, The |
1992 |
Partial |
Turnbull, Stephanie | Easy
Card Tricks |
2014 |
Full |
Turnbull, Stephanie | Easy
Coin Tricks |
2013 |
ToC |
Turnbull, Stephanie | Easy
Dinner Table Tricks |
2014 |
ToC |
Turnbull, Stephanie | Easy Mind
and Body Tricks |
2013 |
ToC |
Turnbull, Stephanie | Easy Pen and
Paper Tricks |
2013 |
Full |
Turnbull, Stephanie | Easy
Scarf and Rope Tricks |
2014 |
Full |
Turnbull, Stephanie | Secrets of
Magic - Card Tricks |
2012 |
Full |
Turnbull, Stephanie | Secrets of
Magic - Close Up Tricks |
2012 |
Full |
Turnbull, Stephanie | Secrets
of Magic - Incredible Illusions |
2012 |
Full |
Turnbull, Stephanie | Secrets of
Magic - Mind-Reading Tricks |
2011 |
Full |
Turnbull, Stephanie |
Secrets of
Magic - Prop Tricks |
2012 |
Full |
Turnbull, Stephanie |
of Magic - Vanishing Tricks |
2012 |
Full |
Turnbull, Stephanie |
Skills - Circus Skills |
2013 |
Full |
Turnbull, Stephanie |
Skills - Magic Skills |
2012 |
Full |
Turner, Bill | How To
Do Tricks With Cards / The Card Wizard |
1949 |
Full |
Turner, Peter |
A.P.F.Y.T. |
2017 |
ToC |
Turner, Peter (Henry E. Lyon) |
Attic Salt |
2022 |
ToC |
Turner, Peter |
New York Lecture
Notes |
2018 |
ToC |
Turner, Ray |
Comedy and Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Turner, Richard |
Three Card
Monte Fully Exposed! |
1986 |
ToC |
Turner. W.O. |
Magic |
1940c |
Full |
Twinn, Sydney |
Linking Rings a New Routine |
1957 |
Partial |
Twinn, Sydney |
Golf Ball
Routine |
1957 |
ToC |
Tyler, Daniel |
Magic by
Theory |
2004 |
ToC |
Tyler, Diamond Jim | Bamboozlers
Volume One |
2008 |
ToC |
Tyler, Diamond Jim | Bamboozlers
Volume Two |
2009 |
ToC |
Tyler, Diamond Jim | Bamboozlers
Volume Three |
2016 |
ToC |
Tyler, Diamond Jim | Bamboozlers
Volume Four |
2019c |
ToC |
Tyler, Diamond Jim |
Magic Secrets |
2011 |
ToC |
Tyler, Diamond Jim | Pockets Full of Miracles | 2000 |
Full |
Tyler, Diamond Jim | Precious
Gems Lecture Book |
2002 |
ToC |
Tyler, Hoby (Paul Rickseckler) |
Olympics Gold Metal Winners |
2013 |
ToC |
Tyler, Hoby (Paul Rickseckler) | Magic
Olympics Silver Metal Winners |
2013 |
ToC |
Tyler, Wilfred |
Abdul and
His Egg |
Full |
Tyler, Wilfred |
With Magic |
1953 |
ToC |
Tyson, Terry |
I.M.R. - Involuntary
Muscle Response |
1981 |
ToC |
Author | Title | Descriptions? | |
Ulman, Al (Al the Only) & Todd Karr |
of Restaurant Magic, The |
1985 |
ToC |
Ulster Society of Magicians |
Magic Number Four, Summer 1951 |
1951 |
ToC |
Valentine, Steve |
Secrets of Gambling Cheats, The |
1988 |
ToC |
Vallarino, Jean-Pierre |
Close-Up Man |
1991 |
Partial |
Van Bern, Chris & De Vega |
of Wizardry |
1919 |
Full |
Van de Carr, Michael |
Card Magic |
ToC |
Van Ray, Richard W.G. | Modern Miracles in Magic | 1944 |
Full |
Van Rensselaer, Alexander |
Can't Do It |
1940 |
ToC |
Van Rensselaer, Alexander | Complete
Party Book, The |
1948 |
Full |
Van Rensselaer, Alexander | Fun With
Magic |
1957 |
Full |
Van Rensselaer, Alexander | Fun With
Stunts |
1945 |
ToC |
Van Rensselaer, Alexander | Fun With
Ventriloquism |
1955 |
Full |
Van Rensselaer, Alexander | Magic; or Your Book of Magic | 1952 |
Partial |
Van Rensselaer, Alexander | Try
This One |
1941 |
ToC |
Van Rhee, Tonny |
Van Rhee Lecture Notes |
1988 |
ToC |
Van Zandt, Jeanne |
Magic As You Like It |
1933 |
Full |
Van Zandt, W.F. |
Twenty Five
Entertaining Card Tricks |
1939 |
ToC |
Vaquera, Carlos |
of Illusions |
1990 |
ToC |
Vaquera, Carlos; Vincent Delourmel; Frantz
Rejasse |
The |
2019 |
ToC |
Varro, Steve |
Comedy Is
No Laughing Matter |
1988 |
Chapters |
Varro, Steve | Magic...A
Tricky Business |
1990 |
ToC |
Varro, Steve |
Tricks of
the Trade |
1986 |
ToC |
Veckey, Terry |
Talk |
1992 |
ToC |
Vereker, Sydney |
As a Hobby |
1938 |
ToC |
Vermes, Hal G. |
Quick and Easy Guide to Magic, The |
1963 |
ToC |
Vergilio, Ron |
OffeRing |
1976 |
Full |
Vernon, Dai |
10 Card
Problems (Twenty Dollar Manuscript) |
1932 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai & Harry Stanley |
Dai Vernon
European Tour 1955 |
1955 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai; Faucett Ross |
Early Vernon |
1962 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai | Expanded Lecture Notes | 1964 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai & Faucett Ross |
$25 Dee-Vee Manuscript of Exclusive Card Mysteries |
1932 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai |
California Lecture |
1976 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai | Lecture
Manuscript |
195x |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai |
Revelation |
2008 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai |
Revelations |
1984 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai | Select Secrets | 1949 |
Full |
Vernon, Dai |
Stars of
Magic Lesson 1 Royal Monte |
1950 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai |
Stars of Magic
S2 N1 Triumph |
1946 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai; George Starke |
Stars of
Magic S2 N2 Cutting The Aces |
1946 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai |
Stars of
Magic S2 N3 Spellbound |
1946 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai |
Stars of
Magic S2 N4 Kangaroo Coins |
1946 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai; George Starke |
Stars of
Magic S5 N1 Impromptu Cups and Balls |
1949 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai |
Stars of
Magic S5 N2 Ambitious Card |
1949 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai |
of Magic S5 N3 Mental Card Miracle |
1949 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai, Dr. Jacob Daley, George Starke | Stars of
Magic S6 N1 The Ring On The Wand |
1950 |
Full |
Vernon, Dai, Dr. Jacob Daley, George Starke |
of Magic S6 N2 Slow Motion Four Aces |
1950 |
ToC |
Vernon, Dai, Dr. Jacob Daley, George Starke |
Stars of
Magic S6 N3 The Travelers |
1950 |
ToC |
Vernon Dai; Geore Starke |
Stars of
Magic S10 Vernon on Nate Leipzig |
1952 |
Full |
Vernon, Dai; Geore Starke |
Stars of Magic
S11 Vernon on Malini |
1952 |
Full |
Vernon, Dai |
Vernon Magic Castle Lectures 1963, 1964 (Audio) |
1987 |
ToC |
Viceroy, Monte R. |
40 Best Pocket
Tricks |
1936 |
ToC |
Victor, Edward | Classic Card Tricks | 2004 |
ToC |
Victor, Edward | Further Magic of the Hands | 1946 |
Full |
Victor, Edward | Magic of the Hands | 1937 |
Full |
Victor, Edward |
of the Hands Trilogy |
1995 |
ToC |
Victor, Edward | More Magic of the Hands | 1938 |
Full |
Victor, Edward |
My Rope Trick |
1937c |
ToC |
Vidu, Indi |
- Perfected Presentations Vol 2 |
1940s |
Partial |
Vigil, Paul |
Diplopia |
2007 |
ToC |
Vigil, Paul |
Doors of
Deception, The |
2017 |
Chapters |
Villiod, Eugene; Russell Barnhart |
How They
Cheat You At Cards |
1979 |
Chapters |
Vincent, Michael |
Classics |
2004 |
ToC |
Vincent, Michael |
Magic |
2012 |
ToC |
Vincent, Michael |
of Deception The Booklet |
2008c |
ToC |
Vincent, Michael |
Travelers, The |
2013 |
ToC |
Vinuesa, Carlos |
Cards...and Time! |
2012 |
ToC |
Vitarelli, Robert |
Fun With
Magic Tricks |
1970 |
ToC |
Vladovich, Sam |
Advertising and Magic |
1976 |
Chapters |
Volpe, Luca |
Connection, The |
2018 |
ToC |
Volpe, Luca |
Mentalism Vol. 1 |
2012 |
Partial |
Volpe, Luca | Emotional
Mentalism Vol. 2 |
2013 |
Partial |
Volpe, Luca |
Mentalism Vol. 3 |
2017 |
Full |
Volpe, Luca |
Horus |
2009 |
Partial |
Volpe, Luca |
Nephthys |
2009 |
Partial |
Volpe, Luca |
Psychic Show, The |
2015 |
ToC |
Volpe, Luca |
Triad |
2020 |
Full |
Voorhees, Rev. Ted | Magic For
Ministers |
1930 |
Full |
Vosburg, Matthew Wayne | Vosburg's
Vengence Lecture |
ToC |
Vosburgh, Jack | Little
Miracles |
1944 |
Full |
Vosburgh, Jack |
More Than a
Trick |
1941 |
ToC |
Votaw, Bob | Simply Magic | 1994 |
Full |
Vyson, Ed |
Wizardry A Treatise on
Things Illusory |
1906c |
Full |
Wade, Eddy |
60 Magic Tricks
You Can Do |
ToC |
Wade, Eddy |
Top Secret Magic
& Activity Book |
2015 |
Full |
Wade, John |
Get the Name Right |
1984 |
Full |
Wade, John |
Yourself Magic Tricks |
1992 |
ToC |
Wade, Mark |
Kid Show
Ventriloquism |
1996 |
Chapters |
Wagner, Bob |
Bob Wagner's
Master Notebook of Magic |
1992 |
Full |
Wagner, Bob and Howard Adams |
Dungeon Mentalism |
1972 |
ToC |
Wagner, Bob |
Magic |
1980c |
ToC |
Wagner, J.C. |
Secrets |
1990 |
ToC |
J.C. |
A Few More
Secrets |
1981 |
ToC |
Wagner, J.C. & Segal, Syd |
Full Metal
Jacket |
2005 |
ToC |
Wagner, Karl |
Magic For Children |
1991 |
ToC |
Wakeman, Randy |
Card to Wallet, The |
2003 |
ToC |
Wakeman, Randy & John Mendoza (editor) |
One Closeup |
1985 |
ToC |
Wakeman, Randy |
In The Linking Ring |
2002 |
ToC |
Wakeman, Randy | Rainbow
Deck, The |
1995 |
Full |
Wakeman, Randy |
Wakeman |
1994 |
ToC |
Wakeman, Randy |
Wakeman Presents |
1988 |
ToC |
Wakeman, Randy |
Effects |
Full |
Waldman, Carl & Joe Layden |
of Magic, The (PBS Television Special) |
1997 |
Chapters |
Waldman, Sheldon |
Superb Sorcery |
1987 |
ToC |
Waldman, Sheldon |
Sorcery |
1978 |
Full |
Waldron, Daniel |
A Magician's Life |
1999 |
Chapters |
Walker, A.H. & Horace Walker | Secrets
of Modern Conjuring |
1913c |
ToC |
Walker, A.H. & Horace Walker |
Up to Date
Conjuring |
1913ca |
Chapters |
Walker, Barbara |
Mysteries With Cards |
1980 |
Full |
Walker, Barbi & Robert Seaver (editors) |
Book, The |
1992 |
ToC |
Walker, Dean |
Magic and Special Effects for Magicians |
ToC |
Walker, Mark |
Ghostmasters |
1991 |
Chapters |
Walker, Mark | Key
Bending |
1979 |
ToC |
Walker, Mark |
Illusionists, The |
1983 |
ToC |
Walker, Mark |
Shows on Parade |
1978 |
ToC |
Walker, Robert |
Tricks From
the Tree |
1980 |
ToC |
Walker, Robert & Jon Racherbaumer |
Hyper-Twist |
1975 |
Full |
Walker, Roy |
Card Mysteries |
1933 |
ToC |
Waller, Charles |
Magicians Only |
1923 |
ToC |
Waller, Charles | Happy
Magic (Parts I and II) |
1932 |
Full |
Waller, Charles | Magic From
Below |
1929 |
Full |
Waller, Charles |
Nights at the Theatre |
1980 |
ToC |
Waller, Charles | Up
His Sleeve |
1920 |
Full |
Waller, Charles | Waller's
Wonders |
1927 |
Full |
Walsh, Audley |
Dice Dexterity |
1953 |
ToC |
Walsh, Audley |
Are My Racket |
1952 |
ToC |
Walsh, Audley |
Sponge Ball
Manipulation Plus Master Routine |
1940 |
Full |
Walsh, Audley | Sponge
Ball Manipulation Plus Master Routine Plus Tarbell |
1940 |
Full |
Walsh, David |
Little White
Lies |
2003 |
ToC |
Walstad, Bruce |
Practical Joker Ahead |
2001 |
ToC |
Walton, Roy | Cardboard
Charades |
1972 |
ToC |
Walton, Roy |
Script |
1973 |
ToC |
Walton, Roy | Complete Walton Volume 1, The | 1981 |
ToC |
Walton, Roy | Complete Walton Volume 2, The | 1988 |
ToC |
Walton, Roy |
Complete Walton
Volume 3, The |
2016 |
ToC |
Walton, Roy | Devil's Playthings, The | 1969 |
Full |
Walton, Roy | Some
Late Extra Card Tricks |
1975 |
ToC |
Walton, Roy | Spread
Half-Pass, The |
1978 |
ToC |
Walton, Roy | Tale
Twisters |
1972 |
ToC |
Walton, Roy |
Certain Something... |
1979 |
ToC |
Walton, Roy |
Trigger |
1976 |
ToC |
Ward, Ernest |
With Cards |
1910 |
Full |
Ward, David (Dr. Deejay) |
Professional Mind Reading Show |
ToC |
Ward, David (Ward the Wizard) | New Wiles of
a Wizard, The |
1982 |
Partial |
Ward, David (Ward the Wizard) |
of a Wizard |
1967 |
ToC |
Ward, Gary |
Therapy |
1996 |
ToC |
Ward, Gary |
Part Time Magician's Close-Up Notebook | 1979 |
ToC |
Ward, James |
Little Book
of Thick, The |
2021c |
ToC |
Ward, James |
Magic With
Meaning |
2020c |
Full |
Ward, John (Editor) |
of the Mystic Seven |
1935c |
Full |
Wardell, Peter |
Ideas |
2011 |
Full |
Wardell, Peter | Peter
Wardell Lecture Notes 2010 |
2010 |
Full |
Wardle, Chris | Beyond
Svengali |
2006 |
ToC |
Wardle, Chris; James Ward |
the Impossible, Methods for Magic |
2020 |
ToC |
Wardle, Chris |
the Mene-Tekel Deck |
2003 |
ToC |
Wardle, Chris |
Quirky Forces |
2022 |
ToC |
Wardle, Chris |
Wonders |
2023c |
ToC |
Wardle, Chris |
Ten Mysteries |
2000 |
Full |
Warlock, Elizabeth |
Hundred by Warlock |
2005 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter | A
Haunting We Will Go (Or Edison's Box) |
1968 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter; Mike Caveney |
Bautier de
Kolta, Genius of Illusion |
1993 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter |
Tricks With Slates, The |
1942 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter |
Art Well Tricks for the 80's |
1980 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter (editor) |
Come a
Little Closer |
1953 |
Full |
Warlock, Peter |
Designs for
Magic |
1941 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter (editor) | Magic of
Pavel, The |
1969 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter |
Pentagram Magic (Lecture) |
1979 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter |
for Psychics |
1947 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter |
Peter Warlock's
Book of Magic |
1956 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter |
Plans For
Deception |
1942 |
ToC |
Warlock, Peter | Walter
Jeans Illusioneer |
1986 |
Chapters |
Warlock, Peter |
Way |
1966 |
ToC |
Warwick Press |
Magic and Fun |
1900c |
Full |
Wass, Verrall |
32 New Drawing
Room Deceptions |
1949 |
ToC |
Wass, Verrall | Astound Your Audience Volume 1 Cards | 1936 |
ToC |
Wass, Verrall | Astound Your Audience Volume 2 Simplicity Swindles | 1936 |
Full |
Wass, Verrall | Essence | 1931 |
ToC |
Wass, Verrall | Magically Yours | 1953 |
Full |
Wass, Verrall |
Twelve Tested
Tricks For You |
1936 |
Full |
Wass, Verrall | Visible Magic | 1944 |
ToC |
Wasshuber, Chris |
DIY Tips and Tricks |
2012 |
ToC |
Wassilak, Alan |
of the Quantum Deck |
1993 |
Full |
Waters, Sean |
Canvas |
2014 |
ToC |
Waters, Sean |
Contemplations |
2008 |
Full |
Waters, Sean |
Not Just a
River in Deutschland |
2017 |
ToC |
Waters, Sean | Ode to Ekman |
2008 |
ToC |
Waters, Sean | Ponderings |
2007 |
Full |
Waters, Sean |
Reflections - A
Collection of Realistic Mentalism |
2009 |
Full |
Waters, Sean |
Tailored Suits |
2011 |
Full |
Waters, Sean |
Wonders |
2011 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. |
Cardiact |
1984 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Cerberus |
1981 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Deckalogue |
1982 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. |
of Magic and Magicians |
1988 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Grymwyr |
1982 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Mind,
Myth & Magick |
1993 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Mynd |
1984 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Myxtyr |
1985 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | New Thoughts
for Old |
1979 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Octasm |
1982 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Omnimancy |
1981 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Psychl |
1983 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Psychometry |
1981 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Scrypt |
1981 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Spyryt |
1984 |
ToC |
Waters, T.A. | Thynk |
1984 |
ToC |
Wathen, Douglas L. |
Tricks To Truth |
1999 |
Full |
Wathen, Douglas L. |
Realm of the
Rabbit |
2012 |
ToC |
Watkins, Dan |
Volume 1 |
2002 |
Full |
Watkins, Dan | Coinvanish
Volume 2 |
2003ca |
Full |
Watson, Brian |
Anywhere Cups & Balls |
2014 |
ToC |
Watson, Brian |
Chop Cup Know
How |
2013 |
ToC |
Watson, Brian |
Lecture Notes |
2015 |
ToC |
Watson, Donald "Monk" |
Touch, The |
1945 |
ToC |
Watts, Lester & B.W. McCarron |
Mental Mysteries |
2015c |
ToC |
Wayne, Doc |
Art of
Public Squeeking, The |
1997 |
ToC |
Webb, Gregg |
Best of Feen-X Magazine
Volume 1 |
2000 |
Full |
Webb, Gregg |
Best of Feen-X Magazine
Volume 2 |
2001 |
Full |
Webb, Gregg |
That Casts No Reflection, The |
2005 |
Full |
Webb, Gregg |
That Doesn't Exist, The |
2002 |
Full |
Webb, Gregg | Society of Sleight of Hand Artists | 2002 |
Full |
Weber, Herman |
Money From
Magic |
1936 |
ToC |
Weber, Herman |
Lincoln Rings; Linking Rings |
1922 |
ToC |
Weber, Herman |
Out of the
Spook Cabinet |
1947 |
ToC |
Webb, Jack |
J. Webb's Balloon
Art |
ToC |
Weber, Ken | Maximum Entertainment | 2003 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
2011 Toronto
Workshop Notes |
2011 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael & Tim Trono |
23 |
2017 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
505 |
2009 |
Full |
Weber, Michael |
An Old
(Sheared) Black Ram |
2009c |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
An Old (Sheared)
Black Ram 2 |
2010 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
Back To The
Drawing Boards v2.0 |
2009 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
Black Tears |
2017 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
Twenty Twelve |
2012 |
Full |
Weber, Michael | Blackpool
Twenty Thirteen |
2013 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
Carmageddon |
2011 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
Translation |
2010 |
Full |
Weber, Michael |
Collection |
1991 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
LifeSavers |
1991 |
Full |
Weber, Michael | Life
Savers Lecture |
1992 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael | Making
Things Right |
2015 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
Memorease |
2009 |
Full |
Weber, Michael |
Michael Weber
Reserves |
1990 |
Partial |
Weber, Michael | Old
Dog |
2014 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael | Red
Black Notes |
2013 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael | Side
Effects |
1984 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
Intelligencer, The |
2010 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael | Thirteen
Steps Backwards for Mentalism |
2008 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael |
Untruc |
1990 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael | Weber
2015 |
2015 |
ToC |
Weber, Michael | Weber's
Winning Idea |
2010 |
ToC |
Webster, James |
Tricks and
Magic |
1969 |
Full |
Webster, Richard |
of Secrets |
2012 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
In On Past Lives |
1989 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Reading The Future With Numerology |
1988 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Reading Variations |
1996 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Mentalism |
1994 |
Partial |
Webster, Richard |
Luck From Beijing |
1990 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Order Psychic, The |
1991 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard | Mainly Cards |
2015 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Neal Scryer
& Friends |
2012 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Power For the Psychic Entertainer |
1991 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Psychic's Little Black Book, The |
2011 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Psychic's Little White Book, The |
2012 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
& Effective Cold Reading |
1985 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Black & White |
2013 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Vault |
2014 |
ToC |
Webster, Richard |
Scryer |
2014 |
ToC |
Wehman Brothers, Publishers |
Book of 125
Card Tricks and Sleight of Hand |
1920c |
ToC |
Wehman Brothers, Publishers |
Book of One Hundred and Fifty Parlor Tricks |
1905 |
Full |
Wehman Brothers, Publishers | New
Book of 153 Tricks |
1907 |
Full |
Wehman Brothers, Publishers | New Book of
Fun Magic and Mystery |
1905 |
Full |
Wehman Brothers, Publishers | New Book of
Tricks, The |
1910c |
ToC |
Weibel, Richard J. |
Psychology |
1980 |
ToC |
Weigle, Oscar |
Scheme |
1949 |
ToC |
Weigle, Oscar & Alan Dell |
Money Magic of Mike Bornstein, The |
1980 |
ToC |
Weimer, Bill |
Now You See
Them Now You Don't |
2014 |
ToC |
Weiner, Irv |
An Evening With
Irv Weiner |
ToC |
Weiner, Irv |
Princess Card Trick |
1980 |
ToC |
Weiner, Irv |
No-Nest Impromptu Cup and Ball Routine |
1952 |
ToC |
Weiner, Irv |
Patriotic Cups & Colored Balls Routine |
1952 |
Partial |
Weiner, Irv |
Red Tape Thumb Tie |
1953 |
Full |
Weiner, Irv |
Magic |
1962 |
Full |
Weiner, Irv |
Simplicity Magic Lecture #2 |
1962ca |
Full |
Weiner, Irv |
Soft-Dice |
1953 |
ToC |
Weiner, Irv |
Sponge Ball Routine | 1952 |
Weir, James |
Tricks |
1996 |
ToC |
Weldon, S. James |
Twenty Years a
Fakir |
1899 |
ToC |
Wells, Bill |
Deceptions |
1993 |
ToC |
Wells, Bill |
Subtle Swindles |
1975 |
ToC |
Wells, Scott |
Streams of Revenue in Magic |
2010 |
ToC |
Wells, Scott |
Impressions |
2002 |
ToC |
Wells, Scott |
Masters' Class |
2007 |
ToC |
Wells, Scott |
Monographs and Assorted Presentations |
2006 |
ToC |
Wells, Scott |
Lecture Notes, The |
2002 |
ToC |
Wells, Harold Philmore |
Sermons in
Magic (Compilation) |
1976 |
ToC |
Wells, Harold Philmore | Sermons In
Magic For Youngsters No. 1 |
1961 |
Partial |
Wells, Harold Philmore | Sermons In
Magic For Youngsters No. 2 |
1965 |
Partial |
Wells, Harold Philmore | Sermons In
Magic For Youngsters No. 3 |
1966 |
Partial |
Wells, Harold Philmore | Sermons In
Magic For Youngsters No. 4 |
1968 |
Partial |
Wells, Harold Philmore |
You Can Be
A Magician |
1976 |
ToC |
Wells, Scott |
Alternate Streams of Revenue in Magic | 2010 |
ToC |
Wells, Scott | General Impressions | 2002 |
ToC |
Wells, Scott | Masters' Class | 2007 |
ToC |
Wells, Scott | Selected Monographs and Assorted Presentations | 2006 |
ToC |
Wells, Scott |
Utilitarian Lecture Notes, The | 2002 |
ToC |
Wels, Byron G. | Great Illusions of Magic, The (2 Volumes) | 1977 |
Full |
Wels, Byron G. |
Here Is Your
Hobby - Magic Made Easy |
1967 |
ToC |
Wenk, Timothy |
E Pluribus
Unum - Three Practical Miracles |
1970 |
Partial |
Wenk, Timothy | Insomnia | 1988 |
ToC |
Wenk, Timothy |
Stuff You'll
Use! |
1989 |
ToC |
Werlen, Gabriel |
Green Neck
System, The |
2017 |
ToC |
West, Bill |
With Papers |
ToC |
West, Bill |
Routines In
Rhyme |
1957 |
Chapters |
West, Brother Paul |
Ground Zero
2.0 |
1998 |
ToC |
West, Brother Paul |
Street Rope
Trick, The |
2003 |
Full |
West, Brother Paul |
X Marks
the Spot |
2005 |
ToC |
West, Larry; Art Emerson | A New Direction in Magic - New Surprises (Lecture Notes) | 1982 |
Full |
West, Larry | Corner on the Market | 1990 |
Full |
West, Larry; Ray Eyler |
Count Lives, Long
Live The Count, The |
1990 |
ToC |
West, Larry | Lecture 2 | 1982 |
Full |
West, Larry |
Directions in Magic |
1982 |
Full |
Westbrook, Arthur Co. |
Book of Conjuring |
1909 |
Full |
Western Printing Co. |
Series of 153 Tricks of Magic |
1905c |
ToC |
Weston, Mark |
Effects With
The Card Index |
1982 |
ToC |
Weston, Mark |
Lecture Notes 1985 |
1985 |
ToC |
Weston, Mark |
Ways With Cards |
1994 |
ToC |
Westphal, Arnold Carl |
Fold 'n' Cut
Surprise Sermonettes Book No. 2 |
1968 |
ToC |
Westphal, Arnold Carl |
Fold 'n'
Snip Bible Bits No. 7 |
1974 |
ToC |
Westphal, Arnold Carl | Fold 'n'
Snip Story Sermonettes Number 6 |
1973 |
ToC |
Westphal, Arnold Carl | Gospel
Magic With Home Stuff and Things |
1972 |
ToC |
Westphal, Arnold Carl | Gospel
Surprise Paper Tears Book 13 |
1986 |
ToC |
Westphal, Arnold Carl |
Scissors Truth Talks Book No. 5 |
1971 |
ToC |
Westphal, Arnold Carl |
Tearing Bible Talks Number 4 |
1970 |
ToC |
Westphal, Arnold Carl |
Tearing Evangels Number 8 |
1975 |
ToC |
Westphal, Arnold Carl |
Tearing Gospel Illustrations Number 3 |
1969 |
ToC |
Westphal, Arnold Carl |
Tearing Trick Talks Book Number |
1967 |
ToC |
Whaley, Bart |
Dictionary of Magic 1584-1988 Volumes 1 and 2 |
1989 |
ToC |
Whaley, Bart |
Man Who Was
Erdnase, The |
1991 |
ToC |
Whaley, Bart |
Gambler, The |
2008 |
ToC |
Whitaker, Ian |
107 Modern Magic
Tricks With a Svengali Card Deck |
2016 |
ToC |
White, Bob & Jason Womack |
It's a
Matter of Style |
1997 |
ToC |
White, Brunel |
Master Mysteries |
1923 |
Full |
White, Brunel | Original
Mysteries for Magicians |
1920 |
Full |
White, David James II and Mitzi |
School Assembly Tour Book |
1982 |
ToC |
White, Donald |
Tare It: The Ideal
Paper Tearing Routine |
ToC |
White, Jeff |
Visual Concept in Magic |
1982 |
ToC |
White, Jeff |
Artistry of Jeff White, The |
1981 |
ToC |
White, Jeff |
Inspirations |
1980 |
ToC |
White, Jeff |
Inspirations Part Two |
1980 |
Full |
White, Joseph M. |
5 Micro-Mental
Programs |
1966 |
ToC |
White, Joseph M. |
A Scotch
Brand of Magic |
1967 |
Full |
White, Joseph M. |
A Wee
Wizard's Wiles - a Little Bit Goes a Long Way |
1987 |
ToC |
White, Joseph M. |
Big Magic
For Little Kids |
1980 |
ToC |
White, Joseph M. |
MicroVations |
2024 |
Full |
White, Joseph M. |
Miracles |
1965 |
ToC |
White, Larry |
Devil of a Bar
and Pub |
2007 |
ToC |
White, Laurence |
So You Want
to Be a Magician? |
1972 |
Full |
White, Laurence; Ray Broekel |
Trick Book, The |
1970 |
Full |
Whitehead & Co. (publishers) |
Magic |
1838 |
ToC |
Whiteley, Harry |
of Modern Magic |
1905 |
Full |
Whittaker, J. Burke |
MagicWh |
2021 |
Full |
Wichmann, Ralf |
Thread Manual, The |
1984 |
ToC |
Wichmann, Ralf |
String Book, The |
1973 |
ToC |
Wicks, Frederick |
Reading |
1907 |
ToC |
Widdop, L. |
Card Tricks Without
Sleight of Hand or Apparatus |
1914 |
ToC |
Wiersbe, Warren | Action With
Cards |
1944 |
ToC |
Wiersbe, Warren | Mental
Cases With Cards |
1946 |
ToC |
Wiersbe, Warren |
Thimbles |
1948 |
ToC |
Wiese, Jim |
Science |
1998 |
ToC |
Wiesner, William |
Book of
Magic, The |
1944 |
Partial |
Wild, Boris |
10 Max |
2015 |
ToC |
Wild, Boris |
Wild Lecture 2001 |
2001 |
ToC |
Wild, Boris |
Boris Wild's
Lecture 2006 |
2006 |
Full |
Wild, Boris |
Boris Wild
Marked Deck Lecture Notes |
2012 |
Full |
Wild, Boris |
Card Remix |
2006 |
Full |
Wild, Boris |
Boris Wild Marked Deck, The |
2001 |
ToC |
Wild, Boris |
& Impact |
ToC |
Wild, Boris |
Your Marks, Get Set, Go! |
1998 |
Full |
Wild, Boris |
Sensations |
2017 |
Full |
Wild, Boris |
Transparency |
2012 |
ToC |
Wild, Boris |
Variations |
2021 |
Full |
Wild Goose Company, The | Haredini | ToC |
Wild, Michael |
Tavern Magic
Volume 1 Magic With Coins |
2004 |
Full |
Wild, Michael |
Tavern Magic
Volume 2; 4 Illusions with the Sun & Moon |
2004 |
ToC |
Wiles, Caleb |
High Spots: The
Knockout Magic of Caleb Wiles |
2009 |
Full |
Wiles, Caleb |
Six Pack |
2011 |
Full |
Wiley, Barry H. |
Phenomenon |
2005 |
ToC |
Wilker, Peter |
Creation of
Magic, The |
1991 |
ToC |
Wilker, Peter |
for Minor Miracles |
1993 |
ToC |
Willane, William H.; Ronnie N'Gai |
for Miracles 1 The N'ai Do Race |
1950 |
ToC |
Willane, William H.; Edward Victor |
for Miracles 2 Ring Release From Cord; A Super Card
Transposition |
1950 |
Full |
Willane, William H.; Edward G. Brown |
for Miracles 3 Wandering Card |
1950 |
Full |
Willane, William H.; Edward Victor |
for Miracles 4 The Late E.G. Brown's Diminishing Cards |
1951c |
Full |
Willane, Willliam H.; Peter Warlock |
for Miracles 5 A Glimpse Into The Future & Teleslate |
1952c |
ToC |
Willane, William H.; Edward Victor |
for Miracles 6 Edward Victor's Eleven Card Trick |
1953 |
Full |
Willane, William H.; Peter Warlock |
for Miracles 7 A Matter of Design & Stickertime |
1953 |
Full |
Willane, William H.; Edward Victor |
for Miracles 8 Sympathetic Reverse & Card In The Aces |
1953c |
ToC |
Willane, William H.; Fabian |
for Miracles 9 Intimate Sponge Ball Routine |
1955c |
ToC |
Willane, William H.; Edward Victor |
for Miracles 10 Billiard Ball Manipulation |
1953c |
ToC |
Willane, William H.; Edward Victor |
for Miracles 11 Basic Cigarette Manipulation |
1953c |
ToC |
Willane, William H.; Edward Victor |
for Miracles 12 Coin Manipulation |
1953 |
ToC |
Willane, William H.; Edward Victor |
for Miracles 13 Thimble Manipulation |
1953 |
ToC |
Willane, William H.; Edward Victor |
for Miracles 14 Card Manipulation |
1953c |
ToC |
Willane, William H.; Fabian |
for Miracles 17 Edward G. Brown's Cups & Balls Routine |
ToC |
Willane, William H. |
Wizardry |
1947 |
Full |
Williams, Ben |
Volume 1 |
2009 |
Full |
Williams, Ben |
Volume 2 |
2010 |
Full |
Williams, Burton |
Squares, Tops & Shapes |
1982 |
ToC |
Williams, Dick & Virginia |
Magic |
1959 |
ToC |
Williams, Dick |
Cups &
Balls For the New Millenium |
1999 |
Need TOC |
Williams, Dick & Virginia | Lights!
Cameras! Magic! |
1994 |
Partial |
Williams, Geoffrey | Close Up
Miracles |
Full |
Williams, Geoffrey |
Dust |
1986 |
ToC |
Williams, Geoffrey | Lecture
You Father Never Gave You |
ToC |
Williams, Geoffrey |
Your Mother Never Gave You |
2010 |
ToC |
Williams, Geoffrey | Stuff
That Violates My Parole |
2014 |
Full |
Williams, Geoffrey |
Two Ring
Linking Ring Routine |
1982 |
Full |
Williams, Mike |
Fancy Stuff |
ToC |
Williams, Mike |
One Handed
Pinky Break and Other Oddities |
ToC |
Williams, Mitch |
Notes on
the Art of Magic |
1991 |
ToC |
Williams, Ned |
Six Card
Creations |
1929 |
Full |
Williams, Ned |
New In Magic |
1929 |
ToC |
Williams, Oswald |
Hints to
Young Conjurers |
1919ca |
ToC |
Williams, Walt |
With the Square Circle |
1959c |
Full |
Williamson, David |
2003 Lecture
Notes |
2003 |
Full |
Williamson, David |
Aunt Mary's
Terrible Secret |
2003 |
Full |
Williamson, David | How Magic
Works |
1990 |
Full |
Williamson, David | Striking
Magic |
Full |
Willich, Jörg |
My Stuff |
1995 |
ToC |
Willmarth, Philip | A Ring
and Rope and Around the Table Lecture Notes... |
Full |
Willmarth, Philip |
Revisited |
1996 |
ToC |
Willmarth, Philip |
With a Handkerchief |
1969 |
ToC |
Willmarth, Philip | James P. Ryan Bar Magic Lecture Notes | 1977 |
Full |
Willmarth, Philip |
Ryan Close-Up One Sensational Stunners |
1981 |
ToC |
Willmarth, Philip | Jim
Ryan Close-Up Two Entertaining Card Quickies |
1980 |
ToC |
Willmarth, Philip |
Ryan Close-Up Three Classic Card Routines |
1981 |
ToC |
Willmarth, Philip | Jim
Ryan Close-Up Four The Famous Cups & Balls Routine |
1980 |
Full |
Willmarth, Philip |
Collector, The |
1989 |
ToC |
Willmarth, Philip | Magic From
the Parade #1 |
1984 |
ToC |
Willmarth, Philip |
of Matt Schulien, The |
1959 |
Full |
Willmarth, Philip |
Ring &
Rope Book Volume One, The |
1975 |
ToC |
Willmarth, Philip (Ed) & Trevor Lewis |
Trevor Lewis : ESOLC (That's Close Up) | 1981 |
Full |
Wilson, Colin |
Phenomenon |
1976 |
Chapters |
Wilson, Dave |
The; Number Three |
1992 |
ToC |
Wilson, Del |
12 Gospel
Tricks With a Joy Box |
1994 |
ToC |
Wilson, Del |
12 Gospel Tricks
With a Thumb Tip |
1986 |
Full |
Wilson, Del |
12 Gospel
Tricks With Gadgets & Gizmos |
2004 |
Partial |
Wilson, Del |
12 Gospel
Tricks With Money |
1988 |
ToC |
Wilson, Del |
12 Gospel Tricks
With Paper Sacks and Newspaper |
2000 |
ToC |
Wilson, Del |
12 Gospel
Tricks With Pen & Paper; 12 Ways to Lift Up Jesus |
1985 |
ToC |
Wilson, Del |
12 Gospel Tricks
With Rope |
1985 |
ToC |
Wilson, Del |
12 Gospel Tricks
With Silks |
1985 |
ToC |
Wilson, Del |
12 Gospel
Tricks You Can Make |
1989 |
ToC |
Wilson, Del |
12 Impromptu
Gospel Tricks |
1990 |
ToC |
Wilson, Del |
ABC's of
Ventriloquism, The |
1992 |
ToC |
Wilson, Eric | Art of
Conjuring to Children, The |
1944 |
ToC |
Wilson, Eric |
Magic! |
1923 |
Full |
Wilson, Gregory | Deja
Vu |
1997 |
ToC |
Wilson, Gregory |
Inside Magic |
2001c |
ToC |
Wilson, Gregory |
The |
1995 |
Full |
Wilson, Gregory |
Unpacked |
2007c |
ToC |
Wilson, Gus |
of Professional Table Hopping, The |
1989 |
ToC |
Wilson, John |
Lesser Magic |
2024 |
ToC |
Wilson, John |
Postidigitation |
2020 |
ToC |
Wilson, John |
You And Me And
The Devil Makes Three Vol I |
2016 |
ToC |
Wilson, John |
You And Me And
The Devil Makes Three Vol II |
2016 |
ToC |
Wilson, John |
You And Me And
The Devil Makes Three Vol I, II, III |
2019 |
ToC |
Wilson, Mark |
Chop Cup Book, The | 1979 |
Chapters |
Wilson, Mark |
Magic Is You, The |
1992 |
ToC |
Wilson, Mark | Mark Wilson's Complete Course In Magic | 1975 |
Full |
Wilson, Mark |
Wilson's Greatest Card Tricks |
1993 |
ToC |
Wilson, Mark |
Mark Wilson's
Greatest Close-Up Magic Tricks |
1995 |
ToC |
Wilson, Mark | Mark
Wilson's Greatest Instant Magic Tricks |
1995 |
ToC |
Wilson, Mark | Mark Wilson's Greatest Magic Tricks | 1993 |
ToC |
Wilson, Mark |
Mark Wilson's Magic
Club |
1962 |
ToC |
Wilson, Mark |
Ocean Spray
Mark Wilson Book of Magic |
1985 |
ToC |
Wilson, Robin L. & Patrick Riley |
Magic Penny
Magnet Kit |
1995 |
Full |
Wilson, Ron |
It's the
Little Things |
1976 |
ToC |
Wilson, Ron |
Lecture Notes
From a Lecture-Demonstration IBM |
1978 |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
13 |
2002 |
Full |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Absolute Zero
Evolution |
2003c |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Across the
Void |
2003c |
Full |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Chaos Theories |
1995 |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Crowded |
2000c |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Crash Course In
Brain Surgery |
2001c |
Full |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Double Your
Pleasure |
2003c |
Full |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Fan-2-C |
2004 |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Inslow Effect,
The |
1997 |
Full |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Just Think |
2017 |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Knock 'Em Dead -
Collected Magic |
1999 |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Little Black
Book Lecture Notes |
1995 |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Martini |
2003c |
Full |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Omerta |
2001 |
Full |
Wilson, R. Paul |
One True Ring |
2000c |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Out Of Your
Mind |
2003c |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Poker |
2006 |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Refried Poker |
2006 |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Ricochet! The
Ultimate Reset |
2001 |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Taking Them
Easy |
2003c |
ToC |
Wilson, R. Paul |
Think Again |
2017 |
Full |
Wilson, R. Paul |
West Coast
Slow, The |
2005 |
ToC |
Wilson, Tyler |
Dominatricks | 2006 |
Full |
Wilson, William (Will De Seive) | Sensational
Card Tricks |
1934 |
Full |
Wilson, William (Will De Seive) |
These Card
Tricks |
1936 |
ToC |
Wilson, William (Will De Seive) | What! No
Card Tricks? |
1933 |
Full |
Wiltshire, Neville |
Helping of Punch |
1969 |
Full |
Wimhurst, Andrew |
Down Under Deals |
1998 |
ToC |
Wimhurst, Andrew |
Wicked |
2001 |
ToC |
Winchell, Paul |
How To Be a
Ventriloquist |
1955c |
ToC |
Winchell, Paul |
for Fun and Profit |
1954 |
Chapters |
Wind, Asi |
Wind Chapter One |
2007 |
ToC |
Wind, Asi |
Paper Work |
2019 |
Full |
Wind, Asi |
Repertoire |
2018 |
Full |
Windley, Charles | Backstage
1987 |
1988 |
Full |
Windley, Charles |
1989 |
1990 |
Full |
Windley, Charles |
& Learning With Magic |
1976 |
ToC |
Windsor, Tommy |
64 Ways to
Make Magic Pay |
1952 |
ToC |
Windsor, Tommy |
Merchandising Manual |
1935 |
Partial |
Windsor, Tommy |
Press Book, New Enlarged Edition |
1973 |
Full |
Windsor, Tommy |
Side Show |
1962 |
ToC |
Windsor, Tommy |
Super Market
Magic |
1962 |
Partial |
Windsor, Tommy |
Tommy Windsor's Dye
Box Book |
1947 |
Full |
Windsor, Tommy |
Tommy Windsor Egg
Bag Routine |
1975 |
ToC |
Windsor, Tommy |
Windsor's Pitch Act Book |
1978 |
ToC |
Wisch, Bill |
Ouf of My Mind |
2001 |
ToC |
Wisch, Bill | Slydini
Lecture |
2010 |
ToC |
Wisch, Bill & Rocco Silano |
Edge, The |
1987 |
ToC |
Wisch, Bill |
Wisches |
1980c |
ToC |
Wisch, Bill |
II |
1981 |
ToC |
Wiseman, Richard |
Magic |
2023 |
ToC |
Wiseman, Ronaldo |
Notes |
ToC |
Wissner, Wane, R. |
for the Theme Park Magician |
1990 |
ToC |
Wittekind, Les |
Out of the Attic |
ToC |
Wolfsberger, Gary |
With the Cone and Ball |
1976 |
Full |
Wolfsberger, Gary | Wolfsberger's Chop Cup and Ball Routine | 1976 |
Full |
Wonder, Tommy & Stephen
Minch |
Books of
Wonder Volume 1 |
1996 |
ToC |
Wonder, Tommy & Stephen
Minch |
Books of
Wonder Volume 2 |
1996 |
ToC |
Wonder, Tommy |
Jos Bema
Lecture |
1977 |
ToC |
Wonder, Tommy & Gene Matsuura |
Wonder Entertains |
1983 |
ToC |
Wonder, Tommy |
Material Lecture |
1982 |
Full |
Wonder, Tommy | Wonder Material (Lecture Notes) | 1992 |
Full |
Wood, Elizabeth; Shawn McMaster |
50 Nifty Super
Magic Tricks |
1997 |
ToC |
Wood, J.G. |
Boys' Modern
Playmate |
1981 |
Partial |
Wood, R.W. |
Card Tricks
For Everyone |
1946ca |
ToC |
Woodbury, Rand | Base
Book, The |
ToC |
Woodbury, Rand |
Diversions |
1996 |
Full |
Woodbury, Rand | Illusionworks |
1993 |
ToC |
Woodbury, Rand | Illusionworks
2 |
1994 |
ToC |
Woodbury, Rand |
3 |
1995 |
ToC |
Woodfield, Bill; Frank Csuri |
Gambling and
Magic Notes |
1961 |
ToC |
Wooding, Emma |
Volume One Billets |
2018 |
Full |
Woodward, Chris; Richard Mark |
Maurice Fogel
- In Search of the Sensational |
2007 |
ToC |
Wooldridge, Clifton R. |
Tricks and
Traps |
1919 |
ToC |
Woolston, Clarence Herbert |
Bible Object
Book, The |
1926 |
ToC |
Woolston, Clarence Herbert |
Object Lessons |
1916 |
ToC |
Woolston Clarence Herbert |
Seeing Truth |
1910 |
ToC |
Worgan, Mark |
of Entertaining Children, The |
2008 |
ToC |
Wright, Tim |
Entertainment That is Delightfully Wright |
1998 |
ToC |
Wright, T. Page |
Wright's Manuscript |
1991 |
ToC |
Wright, T. Page; William Larsen |
Wright's Notebook |
1933 |
Full |
Wyler, Rose; Gerald Ames |
Magic |
1972 |
Full |
Wyler, Rose; Gerald Ames | Magic Secrets |
1967 |
Full |
Wyler, Rose; Gerald Ames |
Spooky Tricks |
1968 |
Full |
Wyman, John |
Hand-book of Magic, Second Series |
1855 |
ToC |
Wynnychuk, Marshall |
for Magicians |
1962 |
ToC |
Wyrick, Steve |
Tip Magic |
ToC |
Yaffe, Malcolm |
The Under Fives |
1987 |
Chapters |
Yaffe, Malcolm |
Paths to
Enchantment |
2008 |
Full |
Yanagida, Masahiro |
Unbelievable |
2000ca |
Full |
Yates, Jack |
Yates' Accusation |
1980 |
Full |
Yates, Jack |
Clue and
Other Mysteries |
1986 |
Full |
Yates, Jack | Minds
In Close-Up |
1954 |
ToC |
Yates, Jack |
Minds in
Duplicate |
1956 |
ToC |
Yeager, John |
A Mixed Bag | 1981 |
ToC |
Yeager, John |
Magic |
1975 |
ToC |
Yeager, John | Fun With
Card Tricks |
1979 |
ToC |
Yeager, John |
Magic With Dots |
1982 |
ToC |
Yeager, John |
More Fun With
Card Tricks |
1983 |
ToC |
Yeager, John | More
Magic With Dots |
1979 |
ToC |
Yedid, Meir |
Magical Wishes |
1994 |
ToC |
Yedid, Meir & Harry Lorayne (editor) |
Meir Yedid's
Card Animations |
1987 |
Full |
Yedid, Meir & George Schindler (editor) |
Yedid's Close-Up Hallucinations |
1982 |
Full |
Yedid, Meir & Harry Lorayne (editor) | Meir Yedid's
Finger Fantasies |
1981 |
ToC |
Yedid, Meir |
Yedid's Finger Secrets |
1985 |
ToC |
Yedid, Meir |
Yedid's Memorable Magic |
1993 |
ToC |
Yedid, Meir |
Yedid's Off the Wall |
1983 |
ToC |
Yedid, Meir | Meir
Yedid's Stage Stuff |
1986 |
ToC |
Yedid, Meir | New Wave
Thaumatology Issue 4 Shinko Nagisa's Twisting Arm Illusion |
1989 |
ToC |
Yedid, Meir |
Now-U-Don't |
1990 |
Full |
Yee, Shaun |
In Action |
1963 |
ToC |
Yee, Shaun |
Carsdwitched |
1988 |
ToC |
Yelma | Tricks of To-Day | 1914 |
ToC |
York, Scotty |
A Rumor In
His Own Time |
1992 |
ToC |
York, Scotty | Candy Kiss Machine | 1993 |
Full |
York, Scotty | Coins | 1975 |
Full |
York, Scotty | Color
Pocket Knives, The |
1998 |
Full |
York, Scotty |
& Balls |
1975 |
Partial |
York, Scotty |
Prelection |
1978ca |
Full |
York, Scotty |
For Your Eyes Only |
1993 |
ToC |
York, Scotty | Lecture | 1975 |
Full |
York, Scotty & Tim Conover |
Routines With Aces |
1998 |
ToC |
York, Scotty |
Scotty York Decanted |
1991 |
Full |
York Scotty |
Scotty York's
Passport Wallet |
1995c |
Full |
Youell, Steven |
Card Guy Presents
Stuff I Talked About at IBM 1994 |
1994 |
ToC |
Youell, Steven | Lecture
Notes of Steven Youell |
1991 |
ToC |
Youell, Steven | Weapons
of Mass Deception |
2009 |
ToC |
Youell, Steven | Weapons
of Mass Destruction |
2004 |
Full |
Young, M. (Publisher) |
of Ancient and Modern Magic, The |
1880 |
Full |
Young, Morris N |
Prestige |
1929 |
ToC |
Young, Phillip |
Don't Entertain, People Do |
1982 |
ToC |
Zabrecky, Rob |
An Exploration
At The Intersection of Magic and Theatre |
2011 |
ToC |
Zacharia, Mark |
Markipedia |
Full |
Zachary, Jim (Zee) |
Show Me the
Paddle! |
Full |
Zachary, Jim (Zee) |
Stacks |
1980 |
ToC |
Zak, Frank |
The Boards |
2001 |
Full |
Zaleta, Lex |
Demonstrator's Dream Part 1 |
1978 |
ToC |
Zaleta, Lex | A
Demonstrator's Dream Part 2 |
1978 |
ToC |
Zaleta, Lex | A
Demonstrator's Dream Part 3 |
1980 |
ToC |
Zaleta, Lex | Getting
Down to More Business |
1981 |
ToC |
Zanadu |
Zanadu Rope Magic |
1980 |
ToC |
Zancig, Julius |
In Many Lands |
1924 |
ToC |
Zander, John |
Mixed Bag
Lecture Notes |
2005 |
Full |
Zanto, Lewis |
Treasury of
Magic |
1969 |
Partial |
Zavis, William |
Deceits |
1973 |
ToC |
Zavis, William |
Deception |
Full |
Zella, Frank (U.F. Grant) & Jimmy King |
Woffledusters |
1977 |
ToC |
Zenon, Paul |
Magic - Cool Card Tricks |
2008 |
Full |
Zenon, Paul | Amazing Magic
- Gimmicks and Card Tricks |
2008 |
Full |
Zenon, Paul | Amazing
Magic - Magic of the Mind |
2008 |
Full |
Zenon, Paul | Amazing
Magic - Simple Sleight-of-Hand |
2008 |
Full |
Zenon, Paul |
Tricks |
2005 |
Chapters |
Zenon, Paul | Street
Magic |
2005 |
Chapters |
ZeTuer, Professor |
and Trick Tips for the Kid's Show Magician |
2002 |
ToC |
ZeTuer, Professor |
the Square Circle |
2002c |
ToC |
ZeTuer, Professor | Classic
Illusions |
2002c |
ToC |
ZeTuer, Professor | Gold
Mine in Kid's Magic - Booking Business and Promoting
Yourself |
2002 |
ToC |
ZeTuer, Professor | Ingenious
Tips, Tricks and Secrets for the Kid's Show Magician |
2002 |
ToC |
ZeTuer, Professor | Magic Rabbit
Book |
2002c |
ToC |
Zimmerman, Dick |
Magic |
1973 |
Full |
Zingg, Allen |
Billets -
Naturally |
2005 |
ToC |
Zingg, Allen |
Sam's The
Magic of Sam Schwartz |
2003 |
Full |
Zodiastar | Match
Tricks |
1941 |
ToC |
Zodiastar |
Magic for the Amateur Conjuror |
1940ca |
Full |
Zoerman, Robert J. Jr. |
Potpourri Lecture |
2002 |
ToC |
Zollweg, Ron |
A Magical
Interlude |
2000 |
ToC |
Zollweg, Ron | It's
Commercial! |
1986 |
ToC |
Zollweg, Ron |
Routines of Ron Fredrick |
1982 |
Full |
Zorn, Steven |
Little Book of
Magic Tricks |
1994 |
ToC |
Zoss, Tom |
Business of Magic - Finding The Money in Magic |
1975 |
ToC |