John Scarne: Triple Coincidence
Scarne, John: Triple Coincidence
©1945 Stars of Magic, Inc., NY
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 8.5x11", 3 pages
John Scarne: Triple Coincidence
Image courtesy eBay seller Addiesma

Comments: Photographs by George Karger, editied by George Starke. Stars of Magic Series 1, No. 2. Two decks with different backs are used. Spectator an Magician shuffles their deck, and Spectator cuts deck three times, exchanging a card with magician. When the cards are spread, the stranger cards are all alike.

Contents (from book):

1 Introduction
1 Effect
1 Preparation: using two decks with backs of contrasting design
2 Instructions
2 Sleight A
2 Sleight B
3 Photographs
