Late December Magic Book Table of Contents update (2024)

For Dec 26th: 105 Magic book table of content listings added.
This update includes some magic instruction books (Marshall Brodien, TrickMaster), and then mostly authors with last name ending in "T"!

Lord willing I'll be adding more books in January 2025!

Brodien, Marshall: 102 Magic Tricks
Brodien, Marshall: 4 Amazing Tricks Set #6
Brodien, Marshall: 50 Card and Dice Tricks
Brodien, Marshall: Amazing 25 Trick Set
Brodien, Marshall: Fifty TV Magic Tricks
Brodien, Marshall: Magic Magician's Set 6
Brodien, Marshall: Secrets of 100 Magic Tricks
Brodien, Marshall: TV Magic Cards
Brodien, Marshall: TV Magic Kit Secret Instructions
Brodien, Marshall: TV Miracle Cards
Burton, Lance: Master Magician Lance Burton Magic Set
Ioso, Mr: Thumb Tip Magic; Magia Con Il Falso Pollice (Italian)
James, Trent: It's Just a Stage
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 101 Tricks With a Svengali Deck
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 101 Tricks with Top Secret
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 25 Tips & Tricks with a Blank Deck
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 25 Tips and Tricks With Slush Powder
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 25 Tips and Tricks With Sponge Balls
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 25 Tips and Tricks With the Rising Cards
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 25 Tips and Tricks With The Ultimate Levitation System
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 25 Tricks With a Magnetic Card Box
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 25 Tricks With Lethal Tender
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 30 Tips and Tricks With an Invisible Deck
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 50 Tricks With a Change Bag
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 50 Tricks With Scotch & Soda
LePree, Roman (TrickMaster): 25 Tips and Tricks With Nickels To Dimes
Tanner, Don: Magic Made Easy Refresher Notes for Grant's Sound Film Lecture #1
Taylor, Steve: 3's a Charm
Thurston, Howard: One Hundred Tricks You Can Do
Tillar, Jack Kent: Quartet
Tillar, Jack Kent: Quintet
Tillar, Jack Kent: The Blister Book
Tilley, Brick: Look Out Cleveland
Tiong, Phoa Yan: Lecture Notes
Todd, Jim: The Gospel In Ropes
Todd, Joseph: Tricks Every Boy Can Do
Tong, Dan: Dan Tong Presents Mental Connections (Yellow Cover)
Tong, Dan: Master Lecture Series I - Close-Up  (yellow cover)
Tong, Dan: The Danny Tong Lecture, SAM 1963
Tong, Harry A.: Twenty Five of the World's Finest Card Tricks, Section Number 2
Townsend, Charles Barry: Merlin's Catalog of Magic
Trace, Arthur: It's All Relative
Travis, Toby: Maximum Impact Strategies
Travis, Toby: The Professional Amateur
Tremaine, Jon: Balloon Fun
Tremaine, Jon: Creative Magic
Tremaine, Jon: Magic and Card Tricks
Tremaine, Jon: Magic Box
Tremaine, Jon: Magic Handbook Magic With Numbers
Tremaine, Jon: Magic Handbook Magical Illusions
Tremaine, Jon: Magic Handbook Paper Tricks
Tremaine, Jon: Magic Handbook Pocket Tricks
Trewey, Felicien: The Art of Shadowgraphy, How It Is Done DIY Card Gimmicks
Trickshop: Cardsource Card Index System
Trickshop: Extreme Magic
Trickshop: Key Card Chicanery 1
Trickshop: Si Stebbins Unplugged
Trimble, Mark: Encyclopedia of Silk Magic Volume Four
Tripp, Bob; Robert Nelson: Phenomenal ESP Perception
Tripp, Scott: Kid Show Sampler
Trosk, Nick: Coinman's Packet
Trost, Nick: Ace Tricks
Trost, Nick: Card Count
Trost, Nick: Classic Card Tricks
Trost, Nick: Kings Royale
Trost, Nick: Mental Fingertips
Trost, Nick: Royal Rendezvous
Trost, Nick: Transposed Thought
Trost, Nick; Charles Randall: Subtle Card Creations Volume 5
Tucker, Stephen: 1987 Lecture
Tucker, Stephen: Chicanery (magazine)
Tucker, Stephen: May the Force Be with You!
Tucker, Stephen: The ‘All-New’ Stephen Tucker Lecture Marathon
Tucker, Stephen: Thought Waves
Tucker, W.M.: The Dead-Ly Serpent
Turley, Hugh: The Scotch and Soda Book
Turnbull Stephanie: Secrets of Magic Close Up Tricks
Turnbull Stephanie: Secrets of Magic Incredible Illusions
Turnbull, Stephanie: Easy Card Tricks
Turnbull, Stephanie: Easy Coin Tricks
Turnbull, Stephanie: Easy Dinner Table Tricks
Turnbull, Stephanie: Easy Mind and Body Tricks
Turnbull, Stephanie: Easy Pen and Paper Tricks
Turnbull, Stephanie: Easy Scarf and Rope Tricks
Turnbull, Stephanie: Secrets of Magic - Card Tricks
Turnbull, Stephanie: Secrets of Magic - Vanishing Tricks
Turnbull, Stephanie: Secrets of Magic Mind Reading Tricks
Turnbull, Stephanie: Secrets of Magic Prop Tricks
Turnbull, Stephanie: Super Skills - Circus Skills
Turnbull, Stephanie: Super Skills - Magic Skills
Turner, Peter (as Henry Lyon): Attic Salt
Turner, Peter: A.P.F.Y.T.
Turner, Peter: New York Lecture Notes
Twinn, Sydney: Golf Ball Routine
Tyler, Daniel: Magic By Theory
Tyler, Diamond Jim: Bamboozlers Volume Four
Tyler, Diamond Jim: Bamboozlers Volume One
Tyler, Diamond Jim: Bamboozlers Volume Three
Tyler, Diamond Jim: Bamboozlers Volume Two
Tyler, Hoby (Paul Ricksecker): Magic Olympics Silver Metal Winners
Tyler, Hoby (Paul Rickseckler): Magic Olympics Gold Metal Winners
Tyler, Wilfred: Playing with Magic
Tyson, Terry: IMR Involuntary Muscle Response
Valentine, Steve: The Inner Secrets of Gambling Cheats


By Admin Last updated: 26 December 2024, 14:18