Andrews, Val: Explosive Comedy!
©1970(circa), Supreme Magic, UK
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 8x10", 14 pages
Explosive Comedy
Image courtesy e-Bay seller AshsMagicChicago
Val Andrews: Explosive Comedy!

Comments: "Stunts, Tricks and Gags with Flashes,Bangs & Surprises"

Contents (numbers are not page numbers, updated with some descriptions Jan 2022):

1 Intro
2 Noisy Card Location
3 Crack Shot: magician shoots the cigarette in the spectator's mouth
4 Miniature Card Location: card revelation using a "bang-matchbook"
5 Heckler Stopper: idea for the bang-matchbook
6 Comedy Card Trick: cards return to a case with a bang
7 Flash Balls
8 Stab in the back
9 Vanishing Pencil
10 Golden Handshake
11 Sideshow Sensation: illusion, performer and assistant change positions
12 Poor Man's Snake In A Basket: snake reveals selected card
13 Silver Paper Surprise: effect using a "Pharoah's Serpent" firework
14 Card Locating Mouse: a mouse when pulled over the face down cards finds selection
14 Perverse Cup And Ball: prior to a cup & ball routine, the ball keeps retreating from the cup
15 For the stag Show Magician: a clever table to hold the props
