Bobo, J.B.: The New Modern Coin Magic ©1966 Magic Inc., Chicago, IL Hardcover, w/dj, 519 pages |
![]() Image from Magicref |
Comments: Illustrated by Nelson Hahne, edited by John
Braun. New Modern Coin Magic includes four additional
Chapters in over 150 additional pages- that are not in Modern
Coin Magic. It is my understanding that when Magic Inc.
renewed the copyright for The New Modern Coin Magic, they
didn't realize this didn't include the previous version of the
book, Modern Coin Magic. Dover publishers took the shorter
public domain Modern Coin Magic and published it in
paperback form, and the older version has also been made available
elsewhere such as from
If you can afford the hardcover, I highly recommend it over the
Dover edition..
Contents (from book):
vii Preface
xiii J.B. Bobo: biography by John Braun
xvi Acknowledgments
xvii Prologue Of Coins and Conjuring: the use of coins in magic
1 Chapter I: Coin Concealments
1 The Classic Palm
2 The Edge Palm
3 The Thumb Palm
3 The Downs Palm
4 The Finger Palm
5 The Front Finger Hold
5 The Back Palm
7 The Back Finger Clip
8 The Back Thumb Palm
10 Chapter II: Basic Technique
10 The Bobo Switch: coin switch
11 Utility Switch: show coins in both hands while concealing
12 One Hand Switch
12 Shaw Judah Coin Switch: using a glass
14 The Click Pass: an audible false transfer
15 The Click Pass (Paul Morris): as above
16 The Coin Flip: coin can be flipped while concealing coin
17 Change Over Pass: showing both hands empty
18 The Bottom Steal: keeping the bottom of a stack
19 Producing a Coin from a Spectator's Clothing: use of back palm
20 Taking Advantage of a Fumble: loading under the shoe, into the
cuff, or into the other hand
22 Chapter III: Coin Vanishes
22 Standard Vanish: hand to hand vanish
23 Simple Vanish: starting in palm position
23 Over the Top: unusual tossing vanish
24 The Tunnel Vanish: one hand pushes coin into fist of the other
25 Thumb Palm Vanish: two handed vanish
25 Drop Vanish (Milton Kort): Another toss vanish, and be used as
switch or pass
27 The Bobo Coin Vanish: a retention of vision vanish
28 The Slide Vanish (John Mulholland): another retention of vision
29 The Illusive Coin Pass (T.J. Crawford): yet another retention
of vision vanish
30 A Coin Vanish: as above
32 The Pinch Vanish: for small coins
32 Gone (Bill Simon): vanish from heel clip
34 The New Era Coin Go (Jimmy Buffaloe): uses wrist
35 The Flyaway Coin (Frank Garcia): a lesson in misdirection
36 Behind the Back: a useful toss
37 The French Drop (Le Tourniquet Vanish): A coin is falsely taken
with the other hand.
38 The Reverse French Drop (Dr. E.M. Roberts): as above
39 The Elusive Silver Dollar (Al Saal): requires back palm
40 The Wrist Watch Vanish (Royal H. Brin, Jr.): watch used to
vanish a coin
41 The Pulse Trick (Glenn Harrison): another use of the back palm
42 The Cranium Vanish (Wallace Lee's Version): using your head
43 Vanish with the Aid of a Handkerchief: secretly transfer to
other hand hidden by handkerchief
44 The Heads and Tails Vanish (H. Adrian Smith): stack of coins
vanish in the hands
45 Vanish for Several Coins: a jagged stack of coins is retained
in the hand when audibly dumped
46 A Trio of Vanishes (Ross Bertram): Three variations of the
Tunnel Vanish
49 Chapter IV: Complete Coin Vanishes
49 The Bobo Complete Coin Vanish: coat pocket
50 Complete Thumb Palm Vanish: pocket
50 Knee-zy Vanish: pocket
50 Sucker Vanish: invisible transfer
52 Pocket Vanish: pocket
53 With a Handkerchief Number One: jacket pocket
55 With a Handkerchief Number Two (Jimmy Buffaloe): side coat
56 With a Handkerchief Number Three (Milton Kort): side coat
57 In a Spectator's Pocket: several methods
59 Bluff Vanish: a bluff from a pocket full of change
59 Sucker Bluff Vanish (Milton Kort): as above with watch band
sucker move
61 The Coin Fold: vanish from folded paper
61 The Envelope Vanish: gimmicked
63 Chapter V Quick Tricks
63 Through the Leg: Coin vanished from fold of pants leg and
reproduced from behind. Two methods
64 Rubbed Through the Leg: as above, different method
65 Through the Pocket: Half dollar penetrates through pants
pocket. Several methods, one by Dave Coleman
66 Through the Hand: three methods (Clyde Cairy, Ross Bertram,
68 Through a Handkerchief
71 Double Penetration (Jimmy Buffaloe): two coins yanked through
73 Pants Leg Miracle (Jimmy Buffaloe): Half dollar folded into
pants leg, comes out a dime!
73 Half Dollar to Quarter (Milton Kort): Half changes to quarter
as it is dropped into spectator's hand. Hands are shown clearly
empty (back finger clip)
75 The Charmed Coin: half dollar changes to candy charm, which is
75 The Coin of Metamorphosis (Dr. E.M. Roberts): borrowed penny
instantly and visibly changes to a half dollar in the performer's
hand, then changes back to a penny
78 Coin to Key (J.G. Thompson): half dollar transforms into a key
80 Change for a Half: Half changes into a quarter, two dimes and a
80 Much from Little (John Braun): Nickel transforms into an
English Penny and Half, one in each hand
81 The Topsy Turvy Coins (Karell Fox and Roy Kissel): Five
borrowed halves are overlapped on the palm alternating heads up
& down. They are gathered into a stack, and allowed to fall
singly into the other hand, all one way!
82 The Impromptu Mint (Jimmy Buffaloe): nickel changes into a half
dollar after being covered with a card, and changes back again.
83 Smart Coin Trick (Frank M. Chapman): a coin is cleanly vanished
and reappears with use of a handkerchief. Hands are shown empty
85 Impromptu Version (J.G. Thompson, Jr.): As above, no silk
85 The Switchover (Jimmy Buffaloe): coin is produced from
87 The Appearing Half (Jimmy Buffaloe): uses The Switchover in a
different manner
88 Coin Production from Two Cards: Two playing cards shown front
and back, coin appears between them
90 The Touch of Midas (Cardini): Hand is shown empty, and closed.
Other hand touches wrist. When hand opened, a coin appears. This
is repeated for four or five coins.
92 One to Four (Cal Emmett): multiplying coins effect
93 One to Six (Jack Chanin): as above
96 Chapter IV Cuffing
96 Dr. E.M. Roberts' Method
98 Louis Tannen's Method
99 Chapter VII The Art of Sleeving
100 Delayed Action Sleeving
100 Improved Method
101 The Pumpkin Seed Vanish
102 Reverse Pumpkin Seed Vanish (Ross Bertram)
102 The Catapult
103 Judah Method (Stewart Judah)
103 A Unique Sleeving Move (Ross Bertram)
104 The Throw (J.A. Bowling)
105 Kort Method (Milton Kort)
106 Kirk Stiles Method
107 A Method of Sleeving One of Several Coins (Milton Kort)
107 Dr. E.M. Roberts' Method
111 Loading: loading the sleeve to start clean
112 Switching: methods of switching coins
112 The Sleeve Pocket: special pocket
113 Tricks Using Sleeving
113 Penetration: Coin is tapped on table, spectator presses
magician's hand into table, coin penetrates
114 Migration: Coin travels from hand to hand, despite wrists
being held by spectators
115 Transposition (Dr. E.M. Roberts): Clean transposition of two
coins, each wrapped in separate handkerchiefs
117 Devaluation: Half placed on back of hand transforms into a
118 Inflation: Follow up to Devaluation. Quarter changes back to
118 Transformation: Nickel is slapped and "flatted out" to a half
119 Variation: using the pumpkin seed vanish and various objects
120 Dime and Penny for the Wiseacre (Al Saal and Milton Kort):
121 A Novel Vanish and Reproduction: coin vanish and repro using
pencil and sleeves
121 The Vagabond Coins (Milton Kort): Four halves pass from one
hand to the other
123 Splitting the Atom (Dr. E.M. Roberts): Borrowed half changes
to two quarters
124 Change for a Dollar (Dr. E.M. Roberts): Two halves change to a
dollar bill
124 The Stratosphere Quarters (Dr. E.M. Roberts): Four quarters
are picked up from the table and tossed into the air, where they
vanish one by one
125 The World's Fastest Coin Vanish and Reproduction (Dr. E.M.
Roberts): A fast vanish and repro
127 Die to Dime (Kirk Stiles): One hand change of die to dime,
ring, or other object
127 Almost a Transposition (Stewart James and Milton Kort): Penny
in left, Dime in right: they transpose, but dime has split into
two nickels. Three versions
129 Chapter VIII Coins Across
129 Copper and Silver Transposition (Milton Kort): Copper and
Silver change places
130 Second Method (Stewart Judah)
131 Third Method (Arthur Punnar)
132 Fourth Method (Ross Bertram)
134 Guess Which Hand (C. James McLemore): Spectator can be always
right or always wrong, coin vanishes at end
139 Quarter and Half Dollar Transposition (L.L. Ireland): Quarter
and half change places various times, half changes to two
142 The Curious Nickel (Thomas H. Bearden): Nickel passes from
hand to hand while wrists are held, then vanishes, then reappears.
Uses sleeving.
143 Two Pennies on the Leg (J.G. Thompson, Jr.): easy but baffling
penny passes to join other penny
144 The Inseparable Pair: coins are shown separate in two hands,
but one joins the other
146 Coins in the Teeth: Similar to above but coin makes stops
between the teeth...
146 The Drop Pass (Jimmy Buffaloe): pickup sleight allows
invisible coin pass
147 The Hippity Hop Half (Jimmy Buffaloe): Two coins, one in each
hand, slapped to the table. Both end up under right hand
148 Rapid Transit (Royal H. Brin, Jr.): Sympathetic coins. One in
left fist, second coin placed on back of fist. Spectator moves
coin to back of magician's right fist, inside coin passes too.
149 Winged Silver (Nelson C. Hahne): Four coins pass from one hand
to the other. Two versions
152 The Flying Eagles: Three coins across
153 Variation (Senor Mardo): uses for copper and four silver
153 Three and Three: Three coins join three others. simple.
154 Chinese Money Mystery: Two rows of pennies are picked up in
alternate hands. Two are tossed back down and picked up again.
Hands are open and instead of four and four, only have 0 and 8!
156 Frank Drobina's Coin Routine: Five dimes pass from hand to
hand. 5 phase routine uses basic sleights.
160 Four Coins to a Glass (Arthur Buckley)
163 Second Version: completely different moves
164 The Traveling Centavos: another coins to cup
168 Miracle Coins to the Pocket (Glenn Harrison): uses unique
gimmicked coat pocket
171 Chapter IX Coin Classics
171 Coin Through a Ring: 2 versions, one using gimmicked coin, one
using regular coin
174 Silver or Copper Extraction (Stewart Judah): Three methods to
remove Silver or Copper from handkerchief
177 Orville Meyer Method
177 Third Method
178 Copper Penetration: follow up to Extraction. Silver given to
spectator in handkerchief, copper vanishes and audibly joins
181 The Expansion of Texture - Expanded! Combination of above two
effects, follows Dai Vernon method
182 The Gadabout Coins: Two in the hand, one in the pocket with
184 The Three Coin Trick (Milton Kort): Three coins vanish and two
reappear, the third is in spectator's pocket. Three versions.
186 The Bent Penny: Penny is given to spectator and told it has
vanished, but it has only bent.
187 Silver Extraction (Dr. Boris Zola): A coin is heated and turns
into molten metal and a clear coin
188 The Ghost of a Coin: Half dollar turns to glass disk in
spectator's hand.
189 Second Method (Wallace Lee)
190 Coins Through the Table: Four coins in the hand pass through
table to join four others in the other hand.
192 Second Version
192 Third Version
192 Fourth Version (Stewart Judah)
193 The Magical Filtration of Four Half Dollars (Al Baker): Coins
through the table one at a time.
196 Version by Frank Garcia|
197 The Sympathetic Coins: Coin assembly or matrix
198 Second Version
198 Al Saal Strategem
199 Third Version
199 Fourth Version The Changing Change (Stewart Judah): uses four
coins of different values
201 The Coin Roll: flourish
202 The Downs Coin Star: flourish
204 Roll Down Flourish with Four Coins
205 Downs Eureka Pass: vanish and reproduction of four coins
206 "Eureka" Routine (Arthur Punnar): Combines Eureka Pass and
Roll Down Production
207 Rattle Box Routine (Stewart Judah): Chinese coin penetrates
cup and table, then spectator's coin vanishes from box and ends up
in cup
208 Thieves and Sheep (Milton Kort, Stewart James): using nickels
and pennies
210 Just Pretend (Stuart Cramer): A coin is "thrown away" from the
hand and vanishes, and reappears
213 The Free and Unlimited Coinage of Silver: a coin is found
under any object selected
214 Coins and Cards (Glenn Harrison): a card trick turns into a
coin trick
217 Chapter X Coin Boxes
217 The Okito Coin Box: explained, handling, turnovers, one hand
method, hand to hand throw
221 Coins Through Box and the Hand: coin penetrates box placed on
the back of the hand
221 Okito Box, Coin and Handkerchief: marked coin passes from box
into knot in handkerchief
223 Routine with an Okito Coin Box and a Silk (Jack Chanin): Silk
placed between box and lid; when removed, the coins have vanished
224 Silver to Copper with the Okito Coin Box (Dr. Carl L. Moore):
Silver changes to copper in box in spectator's hand
224 The Half Dollars and the Okito Box (J. Elder Blackledge):
coins across and more using an Okito box (shell)
230 The George Boston Combination Coin Box: Boston Box described,
and simple coins through the hand explained
231 Copper and Silver Transposition with the Combination Coin Box:
an English Penny and Half Dollar change places inside the box
(Boston Box)
231 The German Coin Box: Essentially a Boston Box without a lid.
Includes simple effect and handling
233 The Paul Fox Coin Boxes: Combo Okito/Boston Box set. Three
routines described.
235 Chapter XI Trick Coin Trickery
235 Squeeze Play (Stewart James): Nickel and Penny set used to
push nickel through ring
236 Jimmy Valentine Picks a Lock (Stewart James): similar to above
237 Money Paper (Stewart James): The date of a penny is written on
a paper disk and covered by a nickel on top of a stack of pennies
on top of a business card. The paper vanishes, and is found in the
middle of the business card. Nickel and Penny Set.
238 Almost a Transposition (Stewart James): Penny and dime
transpose, almost! Dime is now two nickels. (Dime and Penny Set,
Nickel and Penny Set)
239 The Homing Coins (Al Caroselli): Two Nickels, dime, and penny
are placed in a handkerchief and removed one at at time. One coin
is placed on the table, and the rest travel back to the
handkerchief (21 cent trick)
240 The Circus Trick: Similar to above, but the coins vanish (21
cent trick)
241 The 16 cents Vanish: Three of four coins are vanished from the
hand, leaving one. (21 cent trick)
241 85 cents Through the Table (Rolland Hamblen): $1.35 trick,
coins through the table
243 Copper and Silver Transposition - Number One. C/S coin, in the
spectator's hand. Bold version.
244 C/S Transpo Number Two - variation of above allows inspection
244 C/S Transpo Number Three - Non sleight version, no spectator.
245 C/S Transpo Number Four (J.G. Thompson): In the spectator's
pocket, left clean.
245 Presto Chango (Thomas H. Bearden): Two Silvers change to Two
Coppers, back to silver, then to C and S. Ends clean. (C/S coin)
246 The Inferior Coin (Milton Kort): A single Copper among Two
Silvers keeps disappearing. At the end, two Silvers change to Two
coppers. (C/S)
249 Thieves and Sheep (Lillian Bobo): Effect as earlier, uses C/S.
249 In and Out (Hen Fetsch): Copper and Silver transpose through
handkerchief (C/S, ends dirty)
250 Up Their Sleeve (Hen Fetsch): Follow up to In and Out, coins
transpose in spectator's and performer's sleeves, and ends clean.
252 Buddha's Coin (Hen Fetsch): A C/S coin adds a punch to the
Buddah Papers
253 The Stack of Quarters (Nate Leipzig): Cap and Pence. Routine
allows you to borrow quarters (more risky today with State coins).
Quarter stack is placed in back of your fist. Spectator lifts
cone, nothing happens. Magician lifts cone which leaps toward the
audience, and the stack of quarters is replaced by pennies, and
the quarters fall from the magician's hand.
255 Stack of Quarters - Second Method: Stack is placed on back of
spectator's hand, and a dollar bill roll is used instead of the
cone. Quarters vanish and are found in the coin purse.
256 The Hook Coin: Described and how to use it.
258 The Magnet: hook up to vanish a steel coin
260 Sundry Gimmicked Coins and Tricks Therewith: Described
briefly, with tips on applications
260 Nickel to Half Dollar: Nickel visibly changes to Half Dollar
260 Liberty Head Half and U.S. Penny: Similar to Dime & Penny
Set, uses large (Quarter size) Old Penny.
261 The Ring Coin: Half Dollar size
262 Short Changed (Gene Gordon): Handful of change is tossed to
the other hand where all but two coins vanish
263 The Marksman (Jimmy Buffaloe): A hole is shot in a coin
264 The Squirting Nickel: tips on use
265 Chapter XII Shell and Folding Half
265 The Shell Half: old-style and expanded described
265 Mystery with a Half Shell: A quick hand to hand routine using
a shell
266 How to Make Money: A half is produced from another half, then
one turns into a quarter
268 Three Questions (Dave Coleman): Similar to above, with
spectator interaction
268 Coin Through a Glass: Two coins are overlapped in a sideways
glass and a second glass placed underneath. As the first glass is
lifted, one coin penetrates the bottom of the first glass and
falls into the second
270 Perfected Coin Through Handkerchief (Jimmy Buffaloe): uses
272 25 cent and 50 cent Transposition (Dr. Carl L. Moore):
Spectators are always wrong in guessing which hand has the quarter
273 The Peregrinating Halves: Four Coins Across (shell)
276 Coins Through the Table (Milton Kort): Coins through the
table, under a Whiskey Glass (Shell)
279 The Protean Coin (Milton Kort): A "one coin" copper/silver
routine, ends clean
282 The Sympathetic Coins (Milton Kort): Coin assembly/matrix,
only one cover and one of four coins is copper (shell)
285 The Modern Miser: Coin production (shell and hoo coin)
286 The Folding Half: introduction
286 The Half Dollar in the Bottle (Ralph De Shong): routine and
handling tips (folder)
288 Half Dollar in the Bottle Second Method (Stewart Judah): uses
coin fold for coin switch
289 The Magic Mint: A nickel is placed in the hand and is joined
by a half. The half is put away, and the nickel changes into a
290 Biting a Piece from a Coin (Gene Gordon): folder
290 Biting a Coin - Second Version (Tom Hollingsworth): A
home-made gimmick penny and a tooth
291 Coin Through a Card (Dave Coleman): Folder and handkerchief
294 Chapter XIII Stage Coin Magic
294 A Comedy Coin Routine (Dave Coleman): Coin producing wand,
multiplying coin tray, comedy glasses (home made); uses two
spectators; good children's effect
298 Coin in the Banana: Comedy Children's effect. Coin is supposed
to appear in banana, but spectator eats it first. Coin is removed
from spectator's mouth with the Coin producing wand.
299 Coin in Ball of Wool and Nest of Boxes (Rolland Hamblen):
Intricate version with Comedy Water Funnel, nested boxes, glass
disk, and so forth.
303 Flight Three (Glenn Harrison): Three marked coins join a
handful held by a second spectator
306 Chapter XIV The Miser's Dream: discussion of Robert
Houdin and Herrmann versions
308 T. Nelson Downs' Original Version: as found in Modern Coin
Manipulation, with back palms, multiple back palms, and so forth,
with additional commentary added.
316 Production of any Number of Coins at Finger Tips: Downs,
316 To Pass a Coin Through the Knees: Downs, Continued
317 The Elusive Pass: Downs, Continued
318 New Change-Over Palm: More Downs, both hands shown empty
318 Downs' New "Click" Pass: More Downs, Coins to Glass
320 Downs' New Fan Pass: stack of coins
320 The Downs' Eureka Pass: already described (pg 205), Downs'
320 The "Turnover" with Forty Coins: flourish
321 To Palm and Make the Pass With Forty Coins: More Downs, with
note that it is not possible
322 The Miser's Dream (Glenn Harrison): Uses thumb palm, make the
audience laugh!
326 The Miser's Dream (M.S. Whitford's Version): Closeup version
(or stage) with clear glass; no gimmicks
329 A Miser's Dream Routine (Jack Makepeace): Yet another version.
Downs Palm
330 Perpetual Coins (Harry Bernard): Continuous production of
coins, climax produces a cookie
332 Chapter XV The Stanley Collins Section: brief
biographies of coin manipulators by Stanley Collins
332 T. Nelson Downs
332 William J. Hilliar
333 L'Homme Masque
333 Allan Shaw
333 Owen Clark
334 Charles Morritt: describes the Purse Swindle
336 Three Coin Monte: using a small wetted paper on the bottom of
one coin
337 The Jumping Sixpence: bending the wrist can flip a Sixpence
(dime) (Stunt)
338 The Esscee Half-Crown and Wafers Trick: A Crown is marked on
both sides with gummed wafers and suddenly turns into a Penny. The
Crown is found in the pants pocket.
339 Two Heads and a Tail: Two English Pennies are dropped and the
spectator is asked if the bottom coin is heads or tails. They are
wrong, and an additional coin is now on the bottom
340 The Esscee Front and Back Manipulation: show both sides of the
hand empty
341 Chapter XVI Routines: put together from previously
learned moves, page numbers provided
341 No. 1 With a Single Coin: Through the Hand, Through the
Handkerchief, Vanish
341 No. 2 With a Single Coin: Producing and vanishing a coin
around the Knee
342 No. 3 With a Single Coin: Handkerchief production, penetrates,
through the ring, vanish
342 No. 4: C/S routine (C/S coin)
343 No. 5: Two Copper, One Silver and handkerchief
343 No. 6: Nickel to Half and English Penny, and Routine #4
344 No. 7: C/S Transposition, finish with #4
344 No. 8: Half to English Penny, Through the Pocket, Through the
Leg, Vanish
344 No. 9: (shell, glass disk) How to Make Money, Ghost of a Coin,
back to silver, etc.
345 No. 10: (shell, clip) Mystery with Half Shell, Quarter and
Half Dollar Transposition
345 No. 11: One to Six production, Three and Three coins across,
Inseparable Pair, vanish
346 No. 12: Double Penetration, Click Pass, Inseparable Pair,
Coins in the Teeth, Vanish
346 No. 13: Touch of Midas, Sympathetic Coins, Coin Through a
Ring, Vanish
346 No. 14 (Milton Kort): Dice Cup, 5 halves, Silver Dollar. Touch
of Midas or One to Four, Traveling Centavos, Through the Pocket,
Tunnel Vanish, Gadabout Coins. With variations
348 No. 15 Too Many Coins (Milton Kort): Flying Eagles, Winged
Silver, Magical Filtration of Four Half Dollars, Click Pass,
Inseparable Pair, C/S Transposition, Vanish
349 No. 16 (Rolland Hamblen): Expanded Shell, Five halves, Boston
Box, Lippincott Box (loads coin).
350 No. 17 Specious Specie (J.G. Thompson Jr.): Liberty Head Half,
C/S, Shell. Full two part routine
354 Chapter XVII Lessons In Coin Magic
354 Tools of the Trade: essay on basic sleights to start with
355 Technique: How to build into mysteries
356 Change In a Spectator's Hand: building Bobo Switch into an
357 The Come and Go Coin (J.B. Bobo): Coin rises from folds in
handkerchief, penetrates cloth, vanishes
359 The Goshman Pinch (Albert Goshman): described and tips
361 The Instantaneous Coin Change (Howard Schwartzman): Half
changes to English Penny as tossed, and back again. (no gimmicks;
uses Goshman Pinch)
362 Impossible Marked Coins Transposition (Albert Goshman): Two
marked coins change places twice in clean manner (no gimmicks;
Goshman Pinch)
363 The Tenkai Pennies: Penny joins penny in other hand after
being shown cleanly separated
364 Copsil (Edward Marlo): C/S routine, using a pencil
367 Copsil II Standup Version
368 Alternative Stand-Up Ending
369 Psychological Coins Through (Slydini): Coins through the table
371 Stand Up Coins Across (C.L. Schmitt): Four Coins across (five
373 Penny and Nickel Transposition (Herbert G. Zarrow): Tenkai
pennies using two different coins
374 A Trio of Vanishes - The Placement (Milton Kort)
375 A Trio of Vanishes - In the Well (Milton Kort and Dave
375 A Trio of Vanishes - Under the Thumb (Milton Kort and Hugh
376 The Cartwheel Sleight (Kirk Stiles): vanish
377 Progressive Production (Bob Carver): Quick production of 5
378 Coins from Silk (Jack Chanin): coin production from silk, good
intro for any trick
379 The Six Coins In Goblet (S. Leo Horowitz (Mohammed Bey)): Six
coins produced and placed in stemmed goblet. They are dumped out,
and vanish one a time into the goblet
382 Kort's Fourth (Milton Kort): version of Sympathetic coins,
with a change to copper climax
383 Motile (Dr. Jacob Daley): Sympathetic Coins
386 The Waiter's Tip (Silent Mora): A silver dollar placed under a
handkerchief vanishes and reappears
387 Silver Lining (Milbourne Christopher): Half dollar appears
from rolled bill
389 Dollar Flight (Glenn Harrison): Coin passes to other hand as
they are slapped to the table
389 Stand Up Coin Opener (Royal H. Brin, Jr.): Two halves place in
one hand, one flys to the other. It is put away, but flies back to
the other coin
390 Frank Ducrot's Coin Fold (Stewart Judah): coin fold
392 Handkerchief Coin Vanish (Eddie Joseph): useful method to
vanish one or more coins with just a handkerchief
393 Al Leech's Coin Trick: Spellbound with a surprise ending
395 The Great Purse Game Al Baker's Version: Spectator gets the
wrong purse
397 The Passe Coins (John Brearley): Coins change places in purses
held by two spectators
399 Chapter XVIII Selected Coin Tricks
399 Passing the Buck (Thomas James Osborne): four coins are
produced from four cards. Coin vanish, appear under the cards,
jump around, and assemble. No gimmicks
404 Bobo Variation: of above
405 The Mexican Gadabout Coins (Milton Kort): Two in the hand, one
in the pocket. Coins are removed from the purse, and at the end,
they reappear magically in the purse
406 Mexican Gadabout Coins - Second Version
406 Nuts to You (Jerry McDermott): A two in the hand, one in the
pocket routine with two dimes and a nickel, and a NUTty finish
407 Rip-o (Jack Chanin): A coin is wrapped in a handkerchief. To
evidence the coin is there, the handkerchief is ripped to show the
coin. The handkerchief is then restored and returned to its owner
409 Vanishing Coins and Purse (Glenn Harrison): A Chinese coin is
removed from a purse, which is then held over a handkerchief.
Spectators place coins in the purse, and the Chinese Coin is added
last. The spectator holds the purse through the handkerchief, and
the coins vanish...the spectator is holding only the purse frame.
410 Follow Up Effect: uses discarded leather portion of purse and
21 cent trick
411 Chinese Money Trick (Silent Mora): a Chinese coin is bent into
various shapes
412 Pouring Pennies Through a Table (Mike Rogers): A glass of
pennies is poured through the table
413 The Seven Penny Trick (Terry Lynn): Seven pennies are counted
into the spectator's hand, but he is found to only have six. This
is repeated with six, then five coins.
414 The Runaway Coin (John Giordmain): As above, the missing coin
found back in the purse it started from
414 Penny Prestidigitation (John Braun): A routine with 7 pennies
(copper plated steel), a bent penny, a Chinese Coin, playing cards
and so forth. Combines several effects from the book and one
commercial product, "Penny Ante"
416 Dollar to Dollar (Jack Chanin): Silver Dollar transforms into
417 Stewart Judah's Half Dollar Vanish: wand through the fist
419 Thumb Tax (Howard Schwarzman): Humorous version of Tough of
Midas (pg 90), four half dollar production and penny
420 Wanderful (Howard Schwarzman): Similar to above for stage
420 A Wanderful Production (Howard Schwarzman): Four coins
produced from wand, vanished in handkerchief, and produced one by
one. Finally a shower of coins is produced from the handkerchief
422 Rising Coin Through Handkerchief (Richard N. Oslund)
423 A Funny Finish for a Coin Routine (J.B. Bobo): a comedy way to
divide the spoils
423 The Camera Coin (Paul Morris): Two blank cards are shown and a
coin, which the performer states is a camera. The coin is nested
and the picture taken. When the cards are opened, images of the
coin (with date) are on the cards, the coin is gone
426 Coin to Confetti: use for confetti dropper
426 A Extra Load for the Miser's Dream (John Mulholland): Making a
40 coin load
426 Climax to the Coin Pail (Neil Foster): gimmicking the bucket
427 The Miser's Dream with Paper Bag (Harry Louine)
428 A Surprising Routine (Rolland Hamblen): Silver Extraction
(187) followed by 45 penny production and Lippincott Box
production of the lost coin
429 The Penton Coin Switch (Charles Penton): switch while taking
coin from spectator
430 A Lippincott Coin Box Routine (J.B. Bobo): Uses Penton Coin
430 The Dam Coin Trick: The dental dam trick with variations
433 The Miller Routine For the Miser's Dream (Charles Earl
Miller): all the fine points
437 Chapter XIX Trick Coin Miscellany: gimmicks vs. non
438 Trick Coins: Briefly described. The New Folding Half, Spinning
Nickels, Magnetic Coins, Regular Shell Coins, Expanded Shells,
Squirting Coins, Stack of Halves.
439 The Chinese Quarter: C/S with Quarter/Chinese. Hole is masked
439 Dime to English Penny (Conrad Haden): Dime and Penny type set
439 The New Quarter and Half Dollar Transposition: Steel half,
quarter, and magnet utility for hold out
440 The Sun and Moon (Albert Goshman): C/S and shell gimmicks.
Copper/Silver transposition in amazing manner
442 The Silver and Two Copper Transposition (Conrad Haden): Two
coppers and one silver are shown. Silver is removed, and Coppers
and Silver transpose. This is repeated. Ends clean. Requires
unusual nesting coin.
443 Alternate version: adding a shell
444 A Quarter and a Half (Mohammed Bey (S. Leo Horowitz) and John
Mulholland): A quarter and half are shown, and become two halves,
the a quarter and a half again. (shell)
445 Hulholland's Quarter and Half Routine: addition to above
447 A Surprise Routine With the $1.35 Trick (Conrad Haden):
Chinese coin ending
447 Stoppard's Peregrinating Coins (James T. Stoppard): Evolution
of Peregrinating Halves (p273). Uses shell and coin easel (to
display and vanish coins)
450 Walt Rollins' Coins Through Table: Four different coins
through table. Uses C/S.
452 The Coins and the Matchbooks (Steward Judah's Routine): Coins
vanish beneath matchbooks and travel to join each other (steel
453 The Stack of Nickels and Die (J.B. Bobo): A comedy routine
using a stooge and a "stack of nickels" and a die
455 The Stack of Quarters (J.B. Bobo): version includes a smooth
switch of stack
457 Magnetic Stack of Quarters (Milton Kort): Uses a modified
stack of Quarters for an interesting effect
459 Chinatown Dollar Routine (Stewart Judah): A good routine using
a C/S type Chinatown Dollar/Dollar and a handkerchief. The coins
transpose twice through the table, and the spectator can choose
which coin is where, but is wrong.
463 The Witch Doctor's Coin (Horace Goldin): Ring on string
routine using a Chinese Coin and shell. Two versions.
466 Coin on the Stick (J.B. Bobo): Coin passes onto a stick held
by a spectator
468 A Copper and Silver Release (Stewart Judah): A coin off string
effect using a drilled Dime and Penny set
469 The Magic Coin Block Routine (Stewart Judah): A routine using
the Magic Coin Block and the old penny, block, and ring trick,
though the ring & penny trick is exposed.
471 The Flash Silver and Copper (Gerald Bruning): Copper and
Silver placed in paper. The paper is burned in a flash, and only
Silver remains. The copper is under the ashtray. (Scotch &
472 Quick Change (C. Thomas Magrum): Silver Dollar changes to
half, which changes to copper, which vanishes. Dollar is
reproduced, but is bent, slapped, and this straightens it. (C/S,
bent Dollar)
473 Knickel Head (Charles Smith): Gag; a nickel is stuck to your
forehead, and handed to the spectator to try, but the spectator
finds a large nail sticking out
473 The Big Nickel (John Giordmaine): Borrowed nickel to jumbo
coin routine
474 An Alternate Effect: a jumbo coin materializes
475 The Photo Coins (Rolland Hamblen): One coin travels across.
Next, a small photographic paper placed between the coins obtains
the image of a card waved over them.
477 The Bowling Coin Wand (J.A. Bowling): description
478 Nail Through Half Dollar (Paul Morris): A huge nail is pushed
through a half dollar. Home-made gimmick
480 Zella's Space Coins (U.F. Grant): a nice routine for the
Chinatown coin
481 The Phantom Coins (U.F. Grant): Follow up using a C/S coin
482 Second Method
482 The Queen Bows (U.F. Grant): Coin into covered glass (steel)
483 Hanktration (Ed Marlo and Takeshi Nemoto): Handkerchief is
spread over a glass and secured with rubber band. Four coins are
shown on the handkerchief, and one is pushed through the
handkerchief into the glass (expanded shell)
485 Made in Japan (Ron Bauer): Chinatown Half routine
486 Blasted (Louis Tannen): commercial effect
488 Blasted, Jr. (Louis Tannen): commercial effect
489 Chapter XX Latest Coin Box Magic
489 Al 'N Nate (J.B. Bobo): Uses the Al 'N Nate coin box with a
hole in the bottom and a gimmicked coin
491 The Mulholland Box (John Mulholland): Similar to above
492 To Cause Six coins to Disappear Inside A Closed Box: using
Mulholland Box
493 To Return The Six Coins to the Box: using Mulholland Box
494 Coin Penetrating Box and Hand: Okito box w/holes. A cigarette
is used to push the coin through the box and the hand
494 Another Coin Penetration: Okito Box. Coin penetrates business
or playing card
495 Paul Fox Coin Cups Routine (Milton Kort): Coins through the
box and the hand, then repeated. This time, however, the box
penetrates! Two methods described, one seated, one standing. Paul
Fox Coin Boxes.
497 The O-Korto Box Routine (Milton Kort, Walter Wilson, and Ron
Bauer): Coins penetrate box and hand. Spectator can't put a coin
in the box but the performer can. Now, the box penetrates the
hand. Okito, Boston, and Too Small box set with lid.
498 O-Korto Box Routine No. 2: another routine
500 A Coin Box Routine (Kirk Stiles): Copper/Silver routine with
coin boxes, no gimmicked coins
503 Okito Change for a Half (Milton Kort and Cass Dmuchowski):
Half changes to Quarter, dimes and nickel in box
503 Second Version (Milton Kort)
504 Gag Penetration with an Okito Box (Milton Kort and Ron Bauer):
Half to Silver dollar
504 Okito Box Glittering Finale (Gerald Bruning): Coin is placed
in box with hole in the bottom. Glitter falls from the hole as the
coin _slowly_ escapes. When opened, the coin is gone.
506 Stewart Judah's Mystic Coins Routine: Uses commercial box, one
side of coin matches inside of box and can be wedged inside.
507 A Stopper with the Okito Coin Box (John J. Lind): Okito box
and single card routine
509 Okito Box Coin Vanish: Vanish coins in Okito box before doing
invisible coins to glass or such other effect.
511 Bibliography: list of 42 coin routine references and magical
513 Index