Bordner, Greg (Producer); Chuck Kleiber
(Compiler); Gordon Miller (compiler): The Abbott
Magic Collection Volume 14: Card Magic & Routines ©2018 Abbott Magic Company, Colon, MI Softcover, saddle-stitched, 8.5x11", 142 pages ISBN-13: 978-1717522658 |
![]() Image courtesy Abbott's Magic |
Comments: Collection of card magic collected from Abbott
Magic Company publications of the past.
Contents (from book ToC):
5 False Shuffles And Cuts
5 The False Overhand Shuffle: Erdnase Jog Shuffle
5 False Overhand Shuffle 2 (G.W. Hunter)
5 Hugh Johnstone False Shuffle
6 Riffle False Shuffle (Erdnase)
6 Jordan Fake Cut
7 Triple False Cut
8 Palming Cards
8 Method One
9 Second Method
9 Third Method
10 Return Palmed Card To Deck
10 Palming Cards On The Table
11 The Side Steal
11 The Top Change
11 Turn A Card Over In The Pack
11 The Palm Location
12 Classic Stacked Deck Systems
12 Abbotts Magic Card System: main stack and an effect from
Abbott's original 24 page pocket booklet on the Si Stebbins stack
14 Spelling The Deck: every card in the deck spelled
15 Si Stebbins Stacked Deck
16 Deck Switching
16 The "Magician's Coat" Switch (Herb Rungie)
17 Dit In Dit Out (Don C. Bay): constructing a special deck holder
17 The Sniff Switch (Ormond McGill): misdirection switch
18 Shell Case Switch (Jack Vosburgh): deck shell
19 Hero Switch (Harvey Bair): using special handkerchief
20 Matched Picture Card Effects
20 Matched Picture Cards (Trost/Judah): Court cards end up in
matched pairs
21 Matched Picture Cards (Norm Houghton): another version
22 Matched Picture Cards - Rematched!: variation of Norm's routine
23 Matched Pictures (Al Thatcher): no sleights
24 Impromptu Card Rise (originally published as a booklet
by Abbott's)
24 Introduction
25 Section 1 - The World's Easiest Card Rise (Joseph K. Schmidt)
28 Strip Out Card Rise (Joseph K. Schmidt)
31 Another Method For the Strip Out Card Rise
32 Section Two - The Fan-Atic Card Control (Joesph K. Schmidt)
33 Section Three - Some Notes on the Rising Card Trick (Joseph K.
34 The Improved Salavia Card Rise (Joseph K. Schmidt)
37 The Hunter and the Hunted (George Zacharellis)
39 The Rising Packet (Joseph K. Schmidt)
41 Card Tricks In General
41 A Quick Four Ace Trick (Eddie Joseph)
42 All Do As I Do: with any number of spectators
43 Another Card Location (Lynn Searles): magician fooler
44 Bombay (Eddie Joseph)
46 Card And Pencil Penetration (Milbourne Christopher): pencil
penetrates two cards but only one is harmed
48 Card-In-Case (Nick Trost): selection ends up in banded card
49 Card In Orange
50 Card Trick Extraordinaire: selection named along with position
in the deck
51 Climax Three-Card Trick: a find-the-lady effect
53 Close-Up Rising Cards (George Johnstone): card rise in glass
54 Color I Do As You (George Boston): spectator removes cards from
one deck, and magician duplicates
56 Double Whammy Prediction (Nick Trost)
57 Every Card Rises: any card chosen rises from deck
58 Eyes And No Eyes (Eddie Joseph)
58 - First Effect: using a gimmicked deck
60 - Second Presentation: variation
61 Flip (Ed Ralston): selection found by rotating a pencil
61 Gamblers Expose:
62 - Cut To Any Card
63 - Dealing Seconds
63 - Bottom Dealing
64 - Blindfold Deal
64 - The Drunk Plays Bridge
65 Gilbreath Poker Deal: using a special deck
66 Gilbreath Bottom Deal: a poker deal
67 Ingenio (Jack Yates): naming any card thought of
69 Marked Cards Meandering (R.H. Parrish): marked card found in
spectator's pocket
70 Monte Carlo
72 Out Of This World
75 Out Of This World Another Handling
76 Rapid Flight Cards (Joe Karson): red and blue cards transpose
77 Rising Cards (Rothbart)
79 Rising Card (Thoki Yenn): using a special card
80 Septacon - Forcing 14 With Cards (Phil Goldstein)
80 Silk Or Hanky Card Force
81 Simplex Four Ace Trick
82 Ten: spots on selected card shows how many cards moved
83 Torn Card Trick
83 Tricky Deal: poker deals
84 Trost Ten Card Speller
85 Zens 15 Card Trick: 3 selections pass from one packet to
88 Zens Card Miracle: platform card revelation
90 Double Face Or Backed Or Blank Card Effects
90 In Case: selected, reversed card ends up in card case
91 Two Card Monte
92 Aces Up (Lynn Searles): four Ace trick
94 Instant Printout (Nick Trost): blank cards become printed
95 Slow Motion Color-Changing Backs (Nick Trost)
96 Blankety-Blank Routine (Howard P. Albright): faces and backs
change to blank and reappear
99 Sympathetic Aces: Aces assemble under cardboards
102 Roughing Fluid Effects: with formula for roughing
103 A Red Hot Number (Ed Marlo)
104 Aldini's Predict-O-Deck
105 Aldini More Thoughts Anticipated
106 A Remarkable Coincidence (Eddie Joseph)
108 Narrow, Short, And Stripper Card Effects
110 Short Tips On The Short Card
111 Short Card Location
113 Heavy Cards
113 Expert Thumb-Counter Effect & Presentation
115 Harlequin Deck Effect
116 Miracle In Reverse
117 Guardians Of The Castle
118 Diamond King
118 Expert Card Stabber
119 Sure Card Stabber
120 Ubiquitous Card
120 Trials In The Dark
122 Orderly Card
123 Mystic Seven
123 Back To Back
124 Expert Poker Dealer
124 Card Calling
125 Reverso Cavalcade
126 The Hotel Mystery - Updated
127 Svengali Magic Cards
129 Tenkai's Manipulative Card Routine
129 Effect
129 Phase One
132 Phase Two
134 Phase Three
134 Phase Four
136 Phase Five
138 Phase Six
138 How the Silk is Folded
140 Published by Abbott Magic