Brodien, Marshall: 102 Magic
Tricks ©1972 TV Magic Ltd, ILL Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5.5x8.5", 20 pages |
Image courtesy eBay seller aval-4089 |
Contents (partial from book page images, page numbers are not accurate):
2 Think of a Card: 21 card trick
3 After Dinner Miracle!: determine denomination of coin under cup
with aid of accomplice
2 Four Coins Into Five!: four coins turn into five
2 Label Side Up: matchbox lands desired side up
3 You Can't Lose!: heads or tails gag
3 Disappearing Matches: vanishes with aid of accomplice
3 It's a Fake: wager to duplicate a drawing in a mirror
3 A Heart Breaker: Ace of diamonds vanishes
3 Mysterious Candle: ball balances on wick
3 Magician's Friend: coin vanish
4 Checker Jumping: puzzle
4 Goblet Juggling: glass balances on edge on tablecloth
4 Stars and Circle Trick: find the circle paper amongst the stars
4 It Strikes!: light a match on the shoe
4 Phantom Coin: vanishes as dropped into a glass
4 One or Two: sense of touch illusion
5 He Drinks!: optical illusion
5 Presto-Change-O!: vanisher
5 Coin Vanish Secret: sleight of hand
5 A Physics Mystery: string burns but ring doesn't fall
5 An Obedient Match Box: rises on back of hand
5 Mind Reader: transmit thoughts to a spectator
6 Hole In Your Hand: optical illusion
6 Card Tossing: stunt
6 Houdini's Knife Trick: adheres to hand
6 Vanishing Dime: with aid of half dollar
6 Hypnotized Cigar: sticks to hand
6 Takes Practice...But: spin coin on glass stunt
7 Do Your Eyes Lie?: optical illusion
7 Four Ace Production: while blindfolded
7 Think of a Number!: 1089 trick
7 Rising Cigarettes: impromptu with pack
7 Ghost Writing: appears on paper with heat
7 Balancing Playing Card: glass balances on card
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