Brown, Derren: Pure Effect: Direct Mindreading and Magical Artistry
©2000, H & R Magic Books
Hardcover, w/dj, 164 pages
Derren Brown: Pure Effect
Image courtesy e-Bay seller Creature_Blacklagoon

Comment (Shogo): Derren Brown's book focuses more on mentalism effects such as divining a selected card but the real value of the book comes from his insights into the performance aspects of mental magic. This was the first book that got me really thinking about the 'whys' rather then the 'hows' of magic.


9 A moment of your exceptionally valuable time

13 Part One - Practical
13 Making Contact
19 Working With the Spectator...In Mind
31 Risk and Delight

55 Part Two - Magical Artistry
55 Zamiel's Card: Magician removes real cards from an invisible deck to find a selection
63 A Three Card Routine: Audience are entertained and exhausted by the magical antics of three cards
87 Magicall: cards become a mobile phone and the performer calls a helpline to find the selected card
89 Magno Conatu Magnus Nugas: selection of moves, sleights, and assorted nonsense

101 Part Three - Direct Mindreading
101 Invisible Compromise and an Approach to Mind Reading
107 Communicative Subtleties
113 You're Supposed to be Reading Minds
119 Smoke: thought of card disappears from deck and appears in place of magi's cigarette
129 Plerophoria: Spectator fairly shuffles a deck and magi is able to identify every card and any number removed, with his back turned
145 Perfect Coin Reading: performer can tell the denomination and date of coin held in spectator's fist w/o ever seeing the coin (dated effect)
149 Transformation: An intimate, metaphorical routine using numerological readings from cards
155 Two Verbal Card Forces: methods for forcing mental selections, using only suggestion and gesture. no cards are used.

161 Final Thoughts
163 Thank-Yous
