Burgoon, Tom: Tom Burgoon's Magic Lecture Notes
©Undated Tom Burgoon Magic Productions, Inc.
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5.5x8.5", 28 pages
Tom Burgoon Magic
Image courtesy Magicref

Comments: Revised Edition


1 Up Front (Tom Burgoon)
2 Destroying the Thumb Tip: approach for hecklers
5 Man Did I Mess Up!: Essay on things going wrong
6 The Balloon Bag Bit: change bag and balloons
8 Ultra Mint Coins: Jumbo Coins and Black Art. Routine not described, just the props
10 Name Tag Opener: gag
10 Smash Your Cash: Penny and quarter become welded together
12 Pocket Bulldog: card in a bulldog clip becomes the signed selection
14 Tom's Fun Pages: satire
16 Let One Rip: idea for the torn wallpaper illusion
16 Three Nuts & a Pea: idea for the three shell game (no routine)
18 Braille Box: idea for locating gimmicked decks in your pockets
19 Tom's Top 10 List: comedy
20 Magic Show Postponed: more satire
21 Clear Chop Cup: idea
21 Table Spoons: a lesson in misdirection with spoon bending
21 I Don't Do That Anymore: a true story of the spiked coin
22 The Bill Watson Coin Drag: coin vanish
25 Your Free Booking Agent: idea
26 Tom's Star Formula: basic rules for a better magician
