Burton, Lance: Master Magician
Lance Burton Magic Set ©1998 Harmony Toy Ltd. Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5.5x8.5", 51 pages |
Image from Magicref |
Comments: Instruction booklet that came with a magic set. Most of the effects use props included in the set.
Contents (from book):
3 Tips From World Famous Magician Lance Burton
3 Magician's Stage: how to assemble
4 Crazy Coins: quarters vanish from a plastic cap
4 Glass Suspension: two plastic cups adhere to the bottom of a
5 Magnetized Wand: sticks to the hand
6 Ring on Wand: a ring rises on a wand
6 Dimes to Half Dollar: using a TT
6 Cut & Restore String: using the TT
7 Balancing Card: on back of hand
7 Rising Wand in Vase
7 Coins From Air: produced at fingertips
8 Quarter to Dime: card placed over quarter changes it to a dime
8 Coin In Air: coin is tossed and vanishes in the air
9 Cut and Restore Facial Tissue: using TT
9 Vanishing Quarter: quarter vanishes in a cup of water
10 The Hat Loader: utility to load objects into a hat
11 Incredible Cup Trick: pencils thrust through a cup of water,
but the water doesn't leak
11 Coin Catcher: utilit to catch coins in the air
12 Mystery Arrows: Arrows seem to illogically change direction
13 Number Mystery: guess the number thought of using special
number cards
13 Magic Spot Card: spots on a card change in number
14 Aladdin's Coin Bank: a coin vanishes from a plastic box
14 Quarter Penetration Box: a quarter penetrates through the lid
of a box
15 Sure Shot Dice: magician always knows the values that will be
on the dice when the box is shaken
15 Crystal Box Illusion: a ball vanishes from a clear plastic box
16 Disappearing Salt: using TT
17 Salt to Pepper: another TT effect
17 Sugar to Candy: using TT
17 Hanky Vanisher: how to use it
18 Coin Tray: coins multiply in spectator's hand
18 Mind Baffler: magician divines the number on a die within a
19 Cups and Balls: basic routine of balls penetrating the cups
20 Rice Bowls: rice doubles then changes to water
21 One Dollar to Ten Dollars: using a card box
21 One Dollar to Four Quarters: another use for the card box
21 Color Changing Rabbit: using the card box and rabbit cards
22 Color Changing Tissue: in your hand
22 Torn and Restored Ad: using the card box and magazine
22 Magic Rabbit Cards: rabbit cards change color, and places
23 Rabbit in Pocket Cards: rabbit cards change color in
spectator's pocket
23 Four Aces to Four Kings: using card box
23 Card Prediction: blank card in card box becomes printed with
name of selected card
24 Water Suspension: a cup passes through a tube, water is poured
into the tube but does not come out
24 Ink to Water: a cup of ink changes to a cup of water
25 Vanishing Quarter: repeat of trick on page 9!
26 Paddle Trick: a bunny on a paddle vanishes and reappears
27 X-Ray Color Vision Box: magician divines the color facing up in
a covered box
27 Super Quarter Trick: an Okito box effect
28 Sword Box Penetration: swords penetrate a coin in a box
29 Wand From Card Case
29 Ball Thru Tube: objects become suspended inside a tube
30 String In Tube: knotted rope through tube becomes unknotted
30 Magic Wand: wand moves on table
30 Color Changing Balls: 3 blue balls go in, red balls come out
31 Nickels to Dimes: as above, with coins
31 Dice In Hat Trick: a die in a box vanishes and appears in a hat
31 Beads of Allah: beads are removed from string
32 Royal Viz-Escape: a plastic strip is removed even though locked
in with a paper fastener
32 Tricky Sponges: simple sponge ball routine
33 Magic Milk Pitcher: milk poured into cone vanishes
34 Number Change: spots on a die change at the fingertips
35 Dice & Card Trick: magician names the card found by a roll
of the dice
35 Wizard Collusion: a card revelation over the phone
35 Mystic Fortune Telling: the one-ahead principle
36 Color Cue: magician names object chosen by audience with aid of
36 Bookworm: a simple book test
37 Good Vibrations: magician reveals number chosen by audience by
reading the assistant's mind
37 Lance Burton Presents Mystery Card Tricks
37 Mystery Behind the Deck: a Stripper deck
38 Card At Your Fingertips: instantly produce a chosen card
39 The Reversed Card: selection found face up in the deck
39 The Four Aces: Aces arrive at the top of the deck
39 Card Through a Handkerchief: card vanishes from deck to be
found under a handkerchief
39 Try Your Luck: instantly cut to selected card
40 Face Up/Face Down Magic: cards dealt face up into the deck are
quickly separated
40 Two to Six Correct: 2 to 6 chosen cards returned to deck are
found under a handkerchief
40 Call Number: the chosen card is pulled out of the pocket at the
number called out
41 All Faces: face cards extracted behind your back
41 The Lone Stranger: chosen card ends up in card pile of the
opposite color
41 The Poker Hand: top five cards of a mixed deck form a Royal
42 Pocket Mystery: chosen card pulled from the deck in your pocket
42 Vanishing Jacks: vanish from deck
42 Mind-Reading Magic: magician mentally reveals the chosen card
42 Birds of a Feather: two chosen cards come together in the deck
43 Cut to the Aces: Magician cuts to the four Aces
43 The Lone Card: the deck is dropped, leaving just the selection
43 Card Found by Name: spelling effect
44 Magic Card Case: cards are dropped from the card case, with the
selection remaining
44 Card Answers To Its Name: selection drops face up
44 Red or Black: produce number of red or black cards as callec by
the audience
44 Magic Cut: magician cuts to selection
45 Cutting to Any Amount of Cards: magician knows how many cards
were cut
45 Red and Black Separation: cards are cut into reds and blacks
45 Sixth Sense: magician finds cards in deck even though out of
the room when it was selected
46 4 Cards & Pocket: magician takes three cards out of this
pocket leaving the fourth, which is the selection
46 Easy Force: of a card
46 Double Lift: sleight
47 Card Locator: using a short card
47 Trading Places: rabbit cards transpose
48 Torn & Restored Card: using card box
48 Mystical Mind Reading Tricks
48 What's the Card: correctly name cards as they are dealt
49 Boy or Girl: magician knows which slips of paper have a boys or
girls name written
50 Card Magic: magician pulls selected card from three in the
51 Predict the Seven Pile: prediction card effect