Cohen, Steve & Richard Kaufman: Japan
Ingenious - a Compendium ©2013 Richard Kaufman, Kaufman and Company Hardcover, w/dj, 251 pages |
Comments: Illustrated by Ton Onosaka and Earle Oakes. "This book is a much expanded version of Winners, originally published in Japan to commemorate the winners of the Masao Atsukawa Prize."
13 Foreword (Richard Kaufman)
15 Introduction (Masao Atsukawa): It All Started With Magic Land
17 Case Card (Masao Atsukawa): card trick using a case-card
19 Warp 9 (Masao Atsukawa): a card puzzle seems to always have an
extra piece, but ends up complete
23 The Volunteer Swindle (Hiro Sakai): Origami bill routine with a
5 that changes to a 10
28 Hairband Mystery (Hiro Sakai): hairband penetrates the thumb
30 A Transient Love Story (Hiro Sakai): a series of effects for
30 - Approach: getting the person's phone number using a center
32 - A Present: producing a bouquet of flowers using an assistant
33 - Reach: matching a hotel room number using the Brown-Wayne
"Room Service" effect
35 - Jab: a quick rice & sardines recipe!
36 - Propose: the engagement ring is vanished, and then appears on
her finger
37 - Strange Relationship: card selected matches her name and same
card value in another color deck has your name
40 Inception (Hiro Sakai): the building on the back of a $100 bill
vanishes and returns
43 The Right-Angle Bill Mystery (Hiro Sakai): one bill turns to
right angles to two other bills, even though held by the spectator
46 The Vanish Which Elevates Tenkai (Hiro Sakai): a coin vanish
48 Inner Inertia (Hiro Sakai): a card loading technique used here
in a prediction effect
50 Celebrity Torn and Restored Card (Hiro Sakai): a card with
performer's and spectator's signatures is torn in two and restored
55 One Man Self-Levitation: levitating with the aid of a small box
60 Zodea (Tomo Maeda): Zodiac prediction is mystic, but when
folded becomes very clear
64 Re-Psychle (Tomo Maeda): spirit writing with a fountain pen
inside a card case
67 The Angle of the Hypothesis (Tomo Maeda): spoon and fork
bending - not real ones but drawings of them - Two Methods
70 Out To Cut (Tomo Maeda): an initial pair of scissors drawn on a
card in a card case cuts out a selected card value
74 Elevator Illusion (Hideki Tani): a selected card appears in the
windows of a cut out card, then lower into the deck to be found
78 Vanishing Wedding Band (Hideki Tani): a finger ring vanishes
and reappears in the fist with rolled up sleeves
82 Card Tapestry (Takanobu Ishida): one of 4 Aces is selected, and
they all drop in a linked fashion with the selected Ace reversed
86 E.T. Rope (Takanobu Ishida): a rope penetration with spectator
90 - Bonus Effect - Static Electricity Rope
91 Date/Time Cards (Takanobu Ishida): magician finds card
selection on a clock dial by using the time
96 Magic Square Card Mystery (Takanobu Ishida): cards and a magic
101 Automatic Ace Triumph (Kuniyasu Fujiwara): Four Aces are mixed
up with 12 other cards but end up face down in the packet
103 Mr. Green's Prediction (Kuniyasu Fujiwara): magician finds the
card that has the spectator's chosen name on it
106 Slice! (Kuniyasu Fujiwara): a ribbon is cut through a card,
but restored
109 Bill Tear Illusion (Kuniyasu Fujiwara): a chopstick is torn
through a borrowed bill but the bill is not harmed
113 The Flying Chopstick (Kuniyasu Fujiwara): pairs of chopsticks
are separated and one placed in one envelope and one in another.
An add chopstick is added to one envelope and invisbily jumps to
the other
114 Swizzle Stick Vanish (Kuniyasu Fujiwara): a swizzle stick
vanishes as the magician pokes it into a receipt or napkin
116 Original Card Quake (Kuniyasu Fujiwara): a card rise using a
special card that is shown to the audience
120 Mind Sketchbook (Michiaki Kishimoto): a sketchbook version of
Mental Epic
124 Rubber Band Penetration (Michiaki Kishimoto): a version of
Crazy Man's Handcuffs
126 Blood Type Divination (Michiaki Kishimoto): named blood type
card is the only one reversed and with a different back color
128 Four Card Surprise (Michiaki Kishimoto): magician and
spectator stop dealing at the same time and turn over the same
value card, and the bottom cards also have the same value
131 Silk Card Lasso (Kazu Katayama): a silk with a clip attached
finds a card selection in a paper bag
135 Aluminum Coin (Michiaki Kishimoto): foil wrapper turns into a
137 Red/Blue Oil and Water: Oil and Water using two cards from a
red deck and two from a blue deck
142 The Silken Finger (Michiaki Kishimoto): cut and restored
handkerchief, uses a sixth finger
145 Autumn Mystery (Ichrio Mori): a series of three effects using
the same gimmick
145 - Effect One: a leaf on a bookmark penetrates a sheet of glass
148 - Effect Two: a leaf drawing on a glass vanishes to appear as
a real leaf on a bookmark
150 - Effect Three: torn corner of a bookmark penetrates a glass
sheet and is restored to the bookmark
151 Money In Circulation (Michiaki Kishimoto): a borrowed bill
rotates on top of an instantly made paper tube
152 God of Romance (Michiaki Kishimoto): four-of-a-kind production
with a story of romance
158 One-Armed Tibetan Gambler (Michiaki Kishimoto): A four Ace
Trick turns ito a Royal Flush
165 Fujii Reverse Assembly (Akira Fujii): a challenging reverse
coin matrix, no extra coins or gimmicks
169 Jet Coins (Michiaki Kishimoto): a coin fly routine using the
muscle pass
175 Three Different Coins (Yuji Wada): a Copper-Silver-Brass
routine using the standard set, three 1/2 dollars a purse and a
179 Flip Match (Yuji Wada): an empty matchbook becomes instantly
183 Phantom Drink Penetration (Yasuyuki - Bona Ueki): Tea is
poured into a cup, the cup nested into another cup, and the tea is
suddenly in the bottom cup
186 One Hand Challenge Reverse (Tomoyuki Takahashi): magician
performs instant reversal of cards in the deck
190 Fading Coin (Tomoyuki Takahashi): magical appearance of a
thought-of coin
192 Double X Card (Katsuya Masuda): selected card has two X's on
the back, to match the prediction
196 Subtle Slop Shuffle Aces (Shigeo Takagi): version of the slop
199 Perfect Order (Tenkai Matsuura): messages written on the side
of deck become clear as a prediction
204 Piano Sans Keyboard (Hideo Kato): version of the Piano card
trick where the spectator handles the cards
207 Torn and Restored 2000 (Kenichi Kuroki): bill folded in a gum
wrapper is torn and restored
211 Sneaky Sneaker (Kenichi Kuroki): magician removes the bow from
a tied pair of sneakers and moves it to the bottom of the lace
215 The Tokyo Penetration (Ryu Susato): one bill penetrates
219 Ryu Susato's Business Card (Ryu Susato): variation of the Q
trick using a business card
223 Two Pens With But a Single Thought (Kazuyuki Hase): magician
determines which of two drawings a spectator duplicated
225 The Color Out of Space (Kazuyuki Hase): magician determines
which ESP symbol was drawn using sound as a partial indicator
228 Submarine Coins (Dr. Sawa): a three coin routine using four
coins and a Utility Switch, Ross Bertram's Rubdown, and Slydini's
Imp Pass
232 Ping-Pong Pocus (Dr. Sawa): during a game of ping-pong, the
ball changes color twice and the paddle shrinks
234 Marvelous Coin to Ring (Dr. Sawa): quick coin to ring effect
236 The Copper Queen and Silver President (Dr. Sawa): a copper
& silver routine with no gimmicks
239 The Sleeve Shootout (Dr. Sawa): one-handed sleight to make a
handful of coins turn into jumbo coins in an instant while seated
at a table
241 Remote Control Coins Through Table (Dr. Sawa): clever coins
through the table with a special mat
245 Why a Big Purse? (Dr. Sawa): full coin purse routine with
Jumbo coin climax
250 Origins:
250 - List of Items translated and written by Steve Cohen and
illustrated by Ton Onosaka and represent the original effects from
the Atsukawa Award Winners
250 - List of Items written by Richard Kaufman and illustrated by
Richard Kaufman or Earle Oakes. These effects appeared in Magic,
The Looking Glass, and Genii magazines
250 - List of items written by Max Maven and illustrated by Ton
Onosaka, as appearing in Genii