Evans, Henry Ridgely: Hours With the Ghosts
or Nineteenth Century Witchcraft
©1897 Henry Ridgely Evans, Laird & Lee Publishers
Hardcover, no dj, 298 pages
Henry Ridgely Evans: Hours With the Ghosts
Image courtesy e-Bay seller PotterAuctions
Henry Ridgely Evans: Hours With the Ghosts

Comments: Illustrated investigations into the phenomena of Spiritualism and Theosophy. Updated in 1902 as "The Spirit World Unmasked"


11 Author's Preface
18 Introductory Argument

18 Part First: Spiritualism
18 I. Divisions of the Subject
23 II. Subjective Phenomena
22 - 1. Telepathy
40 - 2. Table Tilting, Muscle Reading
46 III. Physical Phenomena
46 - 1. Psychography or Slate-writing
93 - 2. The Master of the Mediums - D.D. Home
135 - 3. Rope Tying and Holding Mediums; Materializations
135 -- The Davenport Brothers
149 -- Annie Eva Fay
154 -- Charles Slade
160 -- Pierre L.O.A. Keeler
175 -- Eusapia Paladino
182 -- F.W. Tabor
188 - 4. Spirit Photography
197 - 5. Thought Photography
201 - 6. Apparitions of the Dead
207 IV. Conclusions

210 Part Second: Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophists
213 I. The Priestess
237 II. What is Theosophy?
250 III. Madame Blavatsky's Confession
265 IV. The Writings of Madame Blavatsky
268 V. The Life and Death of a Famous Theosophist
272 VI. The Mantle of Madame Blavatsky
287 VII. The Theosophical Temple
290 VIII. Conclusion
298 List of Authorities
