Friedhoffer, Robert: How to Haunt a House for Halloween
©1989 Franklin Watts Publishers
Softcover, perfect-bound, 8.5x11", 95 pages
ISBN 978-0531151228
Friedhoffer: How
              to Haunt a House
Image from Magicref

Comments: Illustrated by Richard Kaufman. This is a clever children's book on making a haunted house, but interestingly enough it also includes several magic tricks and effects.

Contents: (Chapters only)

7 A Note from the Authors
8 So You Want to Haunt a House
9 Getting Ready
21 Tableaux
27 Sound and Touch Effects
31 Tricks, Effects, and Magical Illusions
68 Card Tricks
71 The Mad Professor's Laboratory
78 Holding a séance
88 In Conclusion

89 Suppliers and Clubs
91 For Further Reading
93 Index
