Joe: Magic From
the Attic ©1987 Joe Givens, Miracles Productions Softcover, comb-bound, 8.5x11", 27 pages |
Image courtesy e-Bay seller Movie-Movies |
i Introduction
1 Day of the Jack-Less: effect using toy jax set
4 VooDoo Putty: signature stretches on both the silly putty and a
dollar bill
7 The Crazy Couch Cushion: version of portable hole (David Roth)
coin trick
14 Black Holes Thru-and-Thru: three coins penetrate cards in
clear, stacked glasses
16 Clear the Ear: Q-tip in the ear
18 Shoe-In: signed card in shoe
21 Mississippi Switch: version of Peter Kane's Gypsy Curse
24 Suspendabill: mid-air suspension
25 A Bloody Good Point: holes placed on drawing appear on
magician's hand