Hemingway, David: Exclusive Routines Part One Cabaret, Club, Stage Routines
©1970 (circa) David Hemingway, Preston, England
Softcover, comb-bound, 8.5x11", 31 pages
Exclusive Routines
              Part 1
Image courtesy e-Bay seller LomaVistaMagic
David Hemingway: Exclusive Routines Part 1


Contents (Updated Mar 2017 from book ToC):

2 Comedy Tear: full patter and moves for a torn & restored
5 Newspaper Opener-Linker-Closer: almost a complete act
10 Elliot's Chair Levitation: full scale illusion
12 Substitution Trunk Revisited: different effect produced
13 Spirit Painting: visual comedic gag
15 Half a Rope: novel and funny rope effect
18 The Pound Note and Radio Waves: new routine using a standard comedy prop
19 Bewitched Bottled & Bewildered Again: mentalist no-move miracle
21 Battle of the Bottles (Michael Elliott): 15 minute bottle routine act; a book within a book
