Justin Higham: All Hands on Deck
Higham, Justin: All Hands on Deck!
©1985 Justin Higham, London
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5.5x8.5"
Justin Higham: All Hands on Deck
Image courtesy Justin Higham

Comments: Available as an ebook from Justin Higham. Assumes understanding of card moves such as the Hao Cut, Ascanio Spreat, etc.

Contents (from web description):

1 Foreword
2 High-AM Rise: elevator routine
3 One by One Ascanio Style: based on Ian Land's One by One routine
4 The LAP Side Steal: based on the Longitudinal Angle Palm
5 EZ2 Third Version: effect with the King and signed Sevens
6 The Carnivor-Ace Aces: vesion of Lin Searles Cannibal Cards plot
7 Revolving Aces Lead-in: allows you to cleanly place the four Aces into different parts of the deck before going into Herb Zarrow's 'Revolving Aces'
8 The Bold Assembly: Ace assembly using the Bold FUFU Switch
9 Paddling in the Oil and Water: version with only one separation
10 Kard Kontrols 3 and 4: two more controls based on Tony Kardyro's
11 No Force Impossible Countdown: version of Jennings' Impossible Countdown with elimination of one of the forces
12 The Crandall Assembly: version of Dai Vernon's Slow Motion Four Aces
