Johnsson, Rick: The Scoop
©Undated, Rick Johnsson, NC
Softcover, folded, stapled manuscript, 8.5x11", 13 pages
              Johnsson The Scoop
Image from Magicref
Rick Johnsson: The Scoop

Comments: Lecture notes don't provide all the details, but usually enough to get you going

Contents (from book):

1 Nailed: nail puzzle goes back together in a jar
2 Thinking Caps: the mechanical workings of a two-spectator card prediction, you can work out most of the routine from the basics given
4 First Generation: update to Harry Franke's "computer" card predictor card case
5 Second Generation: another gadget to make for your comedy card revelation
7 Third Generation: card selection is revealed by a punch-card computer
9 Hoarshus: a solid ring in a rope knot
10 Ah Hah!: a bold second ring on the same knot
11 Watch Out!: ending for Roy Johnson's The Ultimate Key (Ultimate Key not described in detail)
