Lewis Jones: Card Party
Jones, Lewis: Card Party
© Lewis Jones
Softcover, 7x10", 78 pages
Lewis Jones: Card Party
Image courtesy lewisjonesmagic.co.uk

Comments: Photo illustrated. from lewisjonesmagic.co.uk

Contents (partial listing from Lewis Jones website, number are not page numbers):

1 Number please. Anyone calls out any card, and the deck shows that it knew this card all the time
2 Vernon’s Out of Sight, Out of Mind, updated.
3 I am Spartacus. Five spectators claim to be Spartacus, but you identify the real Spartacus, in spite of not knowing who is lying.
4 Whatever you choose, you’re bound to lose. The 3-card Monte (a Queen and 2 Jokers) in the hands. The cards change, then become two, and in the end you’re left with only a pair of Aces.
5 Spell check. A spectator who loses her card can always find it by spelling her name.
6 Homer. You show how to beat the hacker — by using homing pigeons.
7 HASTERIX. A telephone effect in which it’s the spectator who writes the prediction.
8 Monolith. You search throughout the entire solar system, to find the Galactic Federation’s hidden card.
9 Birthday presence. Four strangers use their birthdays to select cards, and find that all the other cards are blank.
10 The China syndrome. Spectators freely pull cards from a shuffled deck. Your medium unerringly identifies them all.
11 Make a wish. Two people find they have chosen identical cards from different decks. The two selections then change places while still in their hands.

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