Kardyro, Tony: The New Routine Supreme
©1981 Tony Kardyro
Softcover, stapled manuscript, 8.5x11"
New Supreme Routine
Image courtesy eBay seller Dbybell
Tony Kardyro: The New Routine Supreme

Comments: Routine Supreme Encore. This manuscript is devoted entirely to sleights and effects using Tony's "Supreme Key," and how to make and use it.

Contents (from book ToC, numbers are not page numbers):

1 T.K.'s Pro & Con
2 The Magic of the Supreme Key - Why and How
3 Locating the Key Card
4 First and Second Methods
5 Second From the Top
6 Second From the Bottom
7 Shuffling the Cards
8 Getting Rid of the Key Card
9 Second Method and Effect
10 Supreme Key Kontrol Move
11 Double Random Location of Two Selected Cards
12 To Tell the Truth
13 The Gambler Again
14 The Gambler's Educated Fingers
15 At the Mentally Selected Number
16 The Toss Location Supreme
17 Double Ending Total Mystery
18 Now the Sock Ending
19 The Super-Duper Variation of the Double Ending of Total Mystery
20 Another Variation
21 Pre-setting Any Total Amount of Cards
22 Ambitious Routine Supreme
23 The Mental Location Supreme
24 A Sock Variation
25 Let's Make It a Miracle
26 Out of the Blue
27 T.K.'s Nail-Tip Location Supreme
