Kaufman, Richard (Editor): The
Looking Glass, Spring 1996 ©1996 Richard Kaufman Softcover, saddle-stitched, 8.5x11", 40 pages |
Image from Magicref |
Comments: Second of four issues of a well-done but short-lived periodical. A joint effort by Richard Kaufman, Jon Racherbaumer, and Stephen Hobbs.
Contents (from book):
45 Nomadic Aces (Ed Marlo)
48 Rolling Elmsley (Jay Frasier)
49 Three in Hiding (Alex Elmsley)
51 - Hidey Hole
51 - Racherbaumer Handling
51 - Hobbs Handling
52 Tokyo Penetration (Ryu Susato): bill penetration
55 Six Wave (Jeff Sheridan)
56 Beyond Fabulous (John Bannon)
59 The Mysterious Ring (Martin Gardner)
60 Out of Sweden (Lennart Green)
65 Strong Currency (David Gripenwaldt)
69 Wild by Twos (Miguel Gomez)
71 Tourist Trap (J.K. Hartman)
73 The Un-Topsy-Turvy Deck (William Goodwin)
75 The Jabberwock Way (Jon Racherbaumer)
80 Dear Mr. Busby (Richard Kaufman)
84 The Rational Response (Stephen Hobbs)