Mac King: Mac King's Other Rope Routine
King, Mac: Mac King's Other Rope Routine
©1990 P.M. King, KY
Softcover, stapled manuscript, 8.5x11", 20 pages
Mac King's Other Rope Routine
Image courtesy eBay seller gdz2101
Mac King's Other Rope Routine
Image courtesy eBay seller gsaudioinc

Comments: based on Shigeo Takagi's routine, with multiple restoration phases and a Do-As-I-Do format with a spectator. No gimmicks needed.

Contents (courtesy Denis Behr's

1 Introduction
1 Preparation: needs 8 feet of rope and scissors and a volunteer
1 Routine: in three phases
2 Phase One Effect: cut and restored
7 Phase Two Effect: spectator cuts, knot tied and slipped off
11 Phase Three Effect: a Do-As-I-Do finale
