Koehlert, Henning: Henning's
Workable & Hands-On Magic ©2008 Henning Koehlert Softcover, stapled manuscript, 8.5x11", 23 pages |
Image courtesy eBay seller EarlofMansfield |
Contents (from ToC, numbers are not page numbers):
1 Invisible Coins: routine to hand out your business card
2 Doppelgänger + A Prophecy Quickie: helper does the trick and a
quick trick with any deck
3 Chaos Queens: funny, semi-automatic effect
4 Pen Through Bank-note: impromptu
5 Las Vegas Dice
6 Einstein: involves a lot of spectators
7 Dexterity & Illusion: multiple-effect packet trick for
rainbow cards
8 Roy Walton’s Beer Mats
9 Bar Code Plus: magical finish for a well-known gag
10 An Experiment with Colours: step-by-step oil & water effect
11 Ring & Rope: Tips, Ideas, Bits & Pieces