Lamanske, Todd: In The Trenches
©1994 Todd Lamanske
Softcover, comb-bound, 8.5x11", 40 pages
In the Trenches
Image courtesy eBay seller AtlantisMagic
Todd Lamanske: In the Trenches

Comments: Illustrated by Patrick Schlotterback, Edited by Jill Milner.

Contents (from book ToC):

1 Introduction
2 Preface
4 Crazy Eight: Chop Cup routine with 8-ball production
8 2-na Sandwich
12 Freezing Rain
15 4 Out of 5
19 Hopalong Kennedy: four coins to cup with bunny production
26 Double Take
28 Anything for a Buck
31 Happy Birthday Card Trick
33 Minimorphosis
36 Dream On
