Lewis, Eric: Abdul's Fez
ŠNo Date, Nielsen Magic
Softcover, saddle-stitched 5.5x8.5", 6 pages, with 2 page insert

Lewis: Abdul's Fez
Image from Magicref

 Abdul'z Fez egg bag

Comments: Abdul's Fez is a well made variation on the traditional Egg Bag. The Fez is a red cloth hat gimmicked like and egg bag. The hat can be spun by its tassel when loaded. The set includes the hat, an excellent wooden egg, and two sets of instructions with similar routines, described below. Includes 6 page routine by Eric Lewis (book shown above) and a 2 page sheet with a routine by Wilfred Tyler.


Abdul's Fex A Routine by Eric Lewis:
No date, Nielsen Magic.
6pg paper, stapled
This is a reprint from Eric Lewis' book The Crowning Miracles for the Egg Bag variation: Abdul's Fez. Very similar to the Wilfred Tyler routine.

1 Eric Lewis: biography
2 Abdul's Fez: a diagram and description of the Abdul's Fez egg bag and how to use it
3 The Apparatus: description of equipment require for this routine: 2 imitation eggs, metal goblet, small box, Stodare egg, 30" silk, display stand (all can be made or easily obtained)
4 The Routine: Abdul goes to market to buy a present for his wife, but he loves eggs. First he finds a vase, but inside is an egg. He pops the egg into his hat and walks away. He was caught, but showed he had no egg. When he got home, he shows his wife the egg, but she's not happy, so he goes back to market. Finds box, with egg inside. Repeat as above. Finds silk. Puts silk into Fez. Goes home and reveals: a giant egg! (silk has vanished).

Abdul and His Egg by Wilfred Tyler

Reprinted from Peter Warlock's Pentagram by permission of Edwin Hooper of Supreme Magic
2 page typed manuscript, tiny print

Similar to the Eric Lewis routine, though not as thorough in coverage.

1 Editor's Forward by Peter Warlock
1 Requirements: Abdul's Fez, two large silks, lemon, three imitation eggs, a few trinkets, an Ostrich egg, and an Arabic scroll (optional)
1 Disposition of Articles (setup)
1 The Lines: Abdul goes shopping and drops an egg in his hat. He is caught, but shows he has no egg. He goes home, shows his wife the egg, and is sent back shopping. This is repeated. The third time, Abdul leaves the egg, and takes a silk instead. The silks are taken home in the Fez and shown to the wife, along with a jumbo egg!
