London, Ron: Would You Like to See a Trick?
©Undated, Ron London, West Lafayette, IN
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5.5x8.5", 13 pages
Would You Like to See a Trick?
Image from Magicref
Ron London: Would You Like to See a Trick?

Comments: Diagram illustrated. I've also seen this booklet with a red cover. Note, Ron has a booklet of the same cover title, but with a Blue cover (at least for the copy I have) but with completely different contents. The Inside page sates, "Here's Another One For You" so I've listed that book under the inside title.

Contents (from book):

1 Twin Bouquet Production: from a foulard
2 Liquid From A Buck: bill can be borrowed
3 Cutting A Bill In Half: bill in envelope is cut in half, but bill is unharmed
4 Bill Box: bill vanished and found in sealed box
6 Penetrating Scarf: scarf produced, vanished, produced, and vanished again
8 Tenkai Knots: scarf unties itself
10 Ring Off Rope: borrowed finger ring off rope to appear on finger
13 Cut & Restored String
