Norton, Coe: Lecture Notes
©1972 Magic, Inc.
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5.5x8.5", 16 pages
Coe Norton Lecture
Image from Magicref
Coe Norton: Lecture Notes



2 About Coe Norton (Frances Marshall)
3 Cigarette Routine: stand up "impromptu" routine (though not quite impromptu)
4 The Torn Cigarette: using Han Ping Chen with a cigarette
5 Magical Sharpshooting: rope routine with a 9 foot rope
9 The Rising Pencil: using special gimmick
9 Tennis Ball Transposition: with sponge balls and a Crystal Casket
10 Hellsfire Matchbox: gimmicking a matchbox for the commercial Hellsfire utility
11 The Bowl The Balls and the Wand: a sort-of multiplying balls with sponge balls
13 Super Reel: modifying the P&L reel
14 Impossible Serpent Silk: quickie description
14 Coins: summaries of the lecture presentation
14 - Double Transposition: English Penny and half in spectator's hand
14 - Easy Go Easy Come: vanish and reappearing coin
14 - Slow Motion Vanish: coin displayed at fingertips vanishes
15 The Dotted Match: matches and the paddle move
15 Canes and Silks: for stage
