Offices of the Chemist and Druggist: Scientific Mysteries
Offices of the Chemist and Druggist, Melbourne: Scientific Mysteries
©1891 Offices of The Chemist and Druggist, Melbourne
Hardcover, no dj, 100 pages
Offices of The Chemist and Druggist, Melbourne:
              Scientific Mysteries
Image courtesy eBay seller JayAndLefty

Comments: How to Produce the Most Interesting Chemical Optical and Physical Illusions - No author credited. Note that many of these experiments are dangerous, and some use chemicals (such as Mercury) known today to be toxic.

Contents (from book):

1 Ancient and Modern Chemistry
1 The Four Elements
4 Collecting Gases

6 Experiments With the Gases
6 Oxygen
9 Nitrogen
10 Hydrogen
11 Experiements With Hydrogen
11 - Composition of Water
12 - Making Gas From a Bottle
12 - A Model Gas Manufactory
13 - Inextinguishable Flame
13 - Gas Balloons
14 - Musical Flame
15 - Musical Tubes
15 Carbonic Acid Gas
16 - Carbonic Acid Gas From the Lungs
17 Combustion and Respiration
17 Decantation of GAses
18 Weighing Carbonic Acid Gas
19 Chlorine Gas
21 Chlorine Water
22 Laughing Gas

23 Experiments With Phosphorus
23 Phosphorescent Rings
23 Fire Under Water
24 The Will-O-The Wisp
24 The Skeleton In the Cupboard
24 Luminous Bottle or Watch Light
25 The Well of Fire
25 To Cause a Brilliant Explosion Under Water
25 Miniature Fireworks

27 Experiments With Metals
27 Lead and Copper
27 To Engrave on Steel
27 To Melt Silver in a Walnut-Shell
27 Soluble Spoons
28 To Get an Exact Cop of any Coin or Metal, and to Make a Seal or Any Device in Copper
29 To Coat Steel With Copper
29 To Coat Copper With Silver, Iron With Copper, and Tin With Iron, From One Solution
29 To Melt Iron in a Moment
29 Melting Lead on a Card
30 Silver Fire
30 Chemical Fireworks
31 The Magnesium Llight
31 Vapour of Nails
32 Pyrophorus
32 Silver Tree
32 Tin Tree
33 Chemical Vegetation
34 Lead Tree

35 Developments of Colours
35 Invisible Correspondence
35 Magic Ink No. 1
35 Magic Ink No. 2
35 Magic Ink No. 3
35 Magic Ink No. 4
36 Magic Dye
36 To Write With a Brush
36 The Blushing Figure
37 Chameleon Pictures
37 Chameleon Mineral
38 To Restore Colour By Water
38 Red to Blue
38 Blue to Red
38 Blue Destroyer and Blue Producer
38 Chemical Colour Transmutations
39 The Triple Colours
39 Improving on Nature
39 The Conjurer's Wine-Bottle
39 To Produce a Yellow From Two Colourless Fluids
40 To Produce a Red in a Similar Way
40 Silver Precipitates
40 Transformation Liquid

41 Crystallisation Effects
41 The Beauty of Crystallisation
42 The Hoar-Frost Shrub
42 To Make Crystal Room-Ornament
42 How Nature Separates Out Things Which are Different
42 Growth Without Life
43 To Make a Solution Crystallise at the Word of Command
43 Chemical Landscapes
43 Frosted Glass
44 Frost In Summer

45 Parlour Chemical Magic
45 A Company of Ghosts
45 The Magic Bottle: pours different colors
45 Another Wonderful Bottle: another version
46 Blood Writing
47 Inexhaustible Bottle
47 Blood-Red Writing On The Arm
48 Fire-Eater
49 Water and Ink Change Places
50 Another Ink and Water Trick
50 Sheets of Flame
51 The Humorous Egg: egg dances
51 The Mysterious Egg: egg in bottle
51 Pushing Its Way: egg enters bottle
52 Two Liquids From a Solid
58 The Rising Flood
54 The Amazing Wineglass: defies gravity
55 A Liquid Produced By Two Solids
55 Contraction on Mixing Liquids
55 A Paper Boiler
55 Vortex Smoke Rings
56 The Penetrating Smoke
56 To Cut a Flame in Half
57 To Produce a Fire From Two Liquids
57 The Liquid Island
57 To Prove that Sugar Consists Largely of Charcoal
58 To Make Water Boil By the Application of Cold
58 Fire at Command
59 Calling Fourth the Fire From Mount Etna
59 Light a Candle By Word of Command
60 To Burn a Candle Under Water
60 Arithmetic and Chemistry
61 Pressure From Below
62 Artificial Rain and Hail
62 Artificial Lightning
63 Taking a Coin Out of Water Without Wetting The Hand
64 The Floating Beacon
64 To Change White Roses Into Red Ones
65 The Floating Needle
65 The Incombustible Handkerchief
67 Pharaoh's Serpents
68 Heat and Cold
68 The Mysterious Bottle: bottle empties itself
68 Gravitation of Liquids
69 The Cup of Tantalus: clever bottle and liquid toy
70 Chemical Fernery
70 What Holds It Up: water suspends in glass
71 Soap Bubbles
71 Rosin Bubbles
72 Double Bubbles
73 The Diving Imp
73 Curious Fires
73 The Sea on Fire
74 The Revolving Serpent
74 Parlour Fire-Works
75 The Rainbow Fire-Cloud
75 Fire Balloons
75 The Dancing Fire-Ball
76 Optical Delusions
76 The Magic Mirrors
76 Stage Ghosts
78 A Black Back
78 Decapitation No Murder
80 Complementary Colours

81 Miscellaneous Scientific Applications
81 To Engrave Names on Glass
81 Artificial Coral for Grottoes
82 Relief Designs on Egg-Shells
82 To Polish Shells
82 To Take Prints of Leaves, &c.
82 Sun Printing, for Taking True Copies of Tracings, Leaves, Patterns of Lace, &c.
83 The Chemical Weather-Glass
84 To Bleach Flowers
84 Window-Pane Barometers
84 A Fairy Fountain
85 Cobalt Weather-Prophets
85 The Bottle Harmonica
86 The Dancing Corks
87 To Blow a Flame Towards You
88 Hero's Fountain
88 Mercury Fountain
89 Spiral Bottle
90 The Perfumed Star
91 To Make Dresses Fireproof
91 A Simple Electrophorus
92 Leyden Jar
93 Artificial Ice
94 Artificial Ice 2
94 Nihilist Bombs
95 Camphor on Water
96 Coloured Fires
97 Prince Rupert's Drops
98 Fire Designs
98 To Bend a Glass Tube

100 Table of Elementary Substances
