Harry Price & Eric J. Dingwall (compilers): Revelations of a Spirit Medium
Price, Harry, & Eric J. Dingwall (compilers): Revelations of a Spirit Medium
©1922 Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd, London
Hardcover, no dj, 327 pages

E.P. Dutton & Co., NY

First published in 1891

Harry Price & Eric Dingwall: Revelations of a
              Spirit Medium
Image from Book

Comments: "Facsimile Edition, with Notes, Bibliography, Glossary and Index. First published in 1891 by Farrington & Co., MN, by the author simply listed as, "A. Medium".

Contents (from book - note there are no chapters in the actual book, just one continuous narrative)

vii Preface
xi Bibliographical Note: historical note of the true author of the book
xvii Notes on the Text
xxix Bibliography: intro
xxxi Bilbliography: extensive, for 29 pages
lx Glossary

Revelations of a Spirit Medium, or Spiritualistic Mysteries Exposed (A. Medium)

iii Preface

7 Spiritual Mysteries Exposed
325 Index
