Randlett, Samuel: Folding Money Volume Two
©1968 Magic, Inc., Chicago, Ill
Softcover, comb-bound, 8.5x11", 125 pages
Folding Money Volume
Image courtesy Magicref



5 How It Began
9 Credits
10 Line and Arrow Code
13 Pleating
15 Rotation

17 Alphabet (Victor Frenkil): Every letter of the alphabet

69 Merry Xmas (Victor Frenkil)
79 Corsage (Angela D. Scharr)
81 Leaves (Mary Bounds)
83 Nicktie
85 Small Bill
86 Chicken (John M. Nordquist)

89 Models by Robert Neale
89 Bikini Bra
91 Bikini Trunks
93 Crown
95 Money Talks
99 Flipover Frog
101 Star

105 Models by Neale Elias
105 Ring
106 Money Gift Store: Hagerstown Trust Company photo
107 Bracelet
109 Church
111 Shoe
113 Christmas Tree
115 Cardigan
117 Elephant

120 Magic in Selling (William King)
124 Funny Money Gifts (William King)
