Eberhard, Riese: Foundations - The Art of Staging Magic
Riese, Eberhard: Foundations - the Art of Staging Magic
©2006 Eberhard Rise, SIC! Publisher, Germany
Hardcover, no dj, 177 pages
ISBN 3-9808898-5-8
Eberhard Riese: Foundations
Image courtesy QuickerThanTheEye.com

Comments: Eberhard Riese, director of many successful magic acts, recipient of the 2006 Creative Fellowship of The Academy of Magical Arts and for many years editor of the German magic magazine "MAGIE", puts his cards on the table: expounding his experience and his knowledge of all the "other" aspects of the creation and development of a magic act.

Contents (courtesy scintnl, magicbooks.be):

1 Foreword (Jim Steinmeyer)
2 Foreword (Topas)
3 Foreword (Franklin)

4 The Prerequisites
5 Why This Book?
6 The Ideas
7 The Team
8 Ideas From Where?
9 Obstacles To Originality In Magic

10 The Building Blocks of a Magic Act

11 The First Stage: The Dreamer - Theory and Planning
12 Character
13 Costume
14 Objects
15 Effects
16 Focus And Plots
17 Music
18 Patter
19 The Fairer Sex
20 Double Acts

21 The Second Stage: The Realist - Putting the ideas into actions
22 Choice Of Effects
23 Effects And Technique
24 Structure, Dramaturgy And Narrative Sequence
25 Music-Practical Realisation
26 Patter-Practical Hints
27 Lights
28 Practise Methods

29 The Third Stage: The Critic-Attainment and Quality Control
30 Stage Fright and Attainment Control
31 Formats
32 Magic and Television

33 Finale

34 Appendix
35 Biographical Informations
36 "Stuttgart" Prize-Winners
37 Bibliography
