Ian Rowland: Lecture Notes Mindvention 2018
Rowland, Ian: Lecture Notes Mindvention 2018
©2018 Ian Rowland
PDF eBook, 56 pages
Ian Rowland: Lecture Notes Mindvention 2018
Image courtesy TheColdReadingConnection.com

Comments: "These are the Lecture Notes I created for when I lectured and performed at 'Mindvention' in Las Vegas in 2018."

Contents (from book and description at Ian's The Cold Reading Connection site, no longer active):

2 About These Lecture Notes
3 A Brief Note About the Stuff I Do
5 Mind Sniffing: Performer selects the spectator who is thinking of a predicted number
10 Card Warp Script: effect not explained, script uses magic as a metaphor
12 The Lying Game: Spectator writes a name on one card, and X's on three others; and magician knows if the spectator is lying when the cards are shown only to the spectator; in three rounds
18 The Mind Maze: Spectator doesn't see what she thinks she saw, for an informal occasssion
23 Figaro Switch Mindreading: Spectator comes close to reading your mind while you are successful at reading what they wrote on a card
26 Range Finder: Presentational idea for discovering a card stage by stage - colour, suit, and value
30 Twin Think: Spectator B finds mate of card selected by Spectator A
36 Venus Mind Trap: do it anywhere bit of mindreading
40 I Chant Now: someone in the audience thinks of a famous movie and you try to read her mind using some breathing and chanting exercises
44 Parity Party: spectator deals red and black cards into separate piles at random, and red cards in pile A exactly matches the number of black cards in pile B

48 Aimless Musings 1 - The Joy Of Meaning: about putting meaning into magic and the power of 'magic as metaphor'
51 Aimless Musings 2 - The Joy Of Scripts: about the importance and value of properly scripting every piece you perform
52 Aimless Musings 3 - Theory Lectures: why I generally don't look altogether favourably on most 'theory' lectures
54 Aimless Musings 4 - The Joy Of PACE: some thought on what I call PACE people; Performers, Artists, Creative and Entrepreneurs; and why I love them so much

