G.H. Sandison: How to Behave and How to Amuse
Sandison, G.H.: How to Behave and How to Amuse
©1895 Louis Klopsch, The Christian Herald, NY
Hardcover, no dj, 296 pages
G.H. Sandison: How to Behave and How to Amuse
Image courtesy eBay seller Opal Illusions
G.H. Sandison: How to Behave and How to Amuse
Image courtesy eBay seller Opal Illusions

Comments: "A handy manual of Etiquette and Parlor Games". Cover title is "Palor Amusements and Social Etiquette", while inside title page is "How to Behave and How to Amuse". An interesting book with entries such as "Causes of Deformed Feet", but also including magic tricks, games, and puzzles.

Contents (from book):

11 Preface
13 Contents

15 Introductions
16 Bowing and Salutation
18 Calls and Calling Cards
19 Style of Cards
21 Cards for Ladies
23 Men's Dress
27 A Young Lady's Début
30 Dinner Parties
34 How to Set the Dinner Table
35 The Wine Question
36 Notes for Diners
37 Breakfasts, Luncheons, Teas and Suppers
38 Supper At Ten O'Clock
39 Luncheons
39 The Kettle-Drum
40 High Teas
42 Dancing
46 Wedding Etiquette
46 Invitations
48 Church Weddings
50 Wedding Breakfasts
51 Wedding Gifts and Other Gifts
53 Wedding Anniversaries
54 Notes About Weddings
55 New Year's Day Calls
57 Birthdays and Christenings
59 Mourning Etiquette
64 Etiquette of Correspondence
66 Behavior in Church

68 Various Points on Deportment
68 Polite Terms of Address
69 Faulty Social Training
70 Tactful Hostesses
70 A Young Girl’s Social Life
73 Innocent and Sinful Pleasure
77 Treatment of Servants
77 Management of the Hands
78 Posing for Effect
78 Winking and Dozing in Public
79 Beautifying the Hands
80 Causes of Deformed Feet
81 Awkwardness in Sitting
81 Care of the Teeth
81 Awkwardness In Sitting
82 About Blushing

84 Stray Hints
84 Enjoy the Present Hour
84 Make Home Attractive
85 A Sunny Temper
86 Value of Female Society to Man
87 Home Maxims
87 True Politeness
88 Mock Modesty
89 Art of Conversation
89 When Small Talk is Timely
90 Monopolizing Talkers
91 A Point on Being Well Dressed
91 Enjoy Your Youth
92 The Superior Hostess
92 A Useful Hint

93 How to Amuse
93 The Dancing Egg
94 The Old Family Coach
95 The Game of Quotations
96 Crambo
97 Pictured Quotations
98 Cross Questions
98 The Game of Rhymes
99 Five Straw Puzzle
99 French Rhymes
100 Where is Your Letter Going?
101 The Divided Pear
102 Wax-Works Gallery
102 The Game of Bouquet
103 All-Around Story Game
103 Tongue Twisters
104 To Balance a Pencil On Its Point
106 My Grandfather’s Trunk
106 How, When and Where?
107 I Love My Love
107 Driving a Needle through a Cent
108 Proverbs
109 Tossing the Rings
110 Magic Figures
111 Force of the Breath
112 Hunt the Ring
113 Shadow Buff
113 Magic Music
114 Going to Jerusalem
114 Bean Bags
115 Throwing the Handkerchief
115 Blind-Man’s Buff
116 A Queer Candlestick
117 To Weigh a Letter with a Broomstick
119 The Tailless Donkey
119 Boston
120 What is Your Age?
121 What, Sir? Me, Sir?
121 Horse
121 Rooster
122 Consequences
122 Mesmerizing
123 Guessing Eyes and Noses
123 Beast, Bird or Fish?
123 Truth
124 Needles and Pins Made to Float
125 Shadows on the Wall
126 Hit or Miss
126 Going Shopping
126 The Three Matches
128 To Spin a Cent Upon a Needle Point
129 Counting Apple-Seeds
129 Spin the Plate
130 Lighting the Candle
130 A Problem in Gymnastics
131 Redeeming Forfeits
131 The Game of Location
131 The Game of Clumps
132 Ant and Cricket
133 Guessing Characters
134 The Magic Candle Extinguisher
135 The Broken Mirror
135 A Parlor Zoetrope
137 A Wonderful Pin
147 Shadows On the Wall
138 Rotation of the Globe
139 Through The Water Dry
139 Hanging Without a Cord
140 The Magic Scorpion
141 Amusing The Children

143 Games of Arithmetic
143 How to Tell Any Number Thought Of
145 Another Way
145 A Third Way
146 A Fourth Way
146 How to Tell Numbers Thought Of
148 Gold and Silver Game
149 The Number Bag
150 The Mystical Number Nine
151 The Magic Hundred
152 To Guess The Missing Figure
153 The King And The Counselor
153 The Nails In a Horse's Shoe
154 The Dinner Party Puzzle
154 Basket and Stones

155 Living Pictures
158 Dignity and Impudence
158 The Fortune Teller
159 Faith
159 Hope
159 Charity
160 Single Life
160 The Sailor's Farewell
160 Home Again
161 Various Tableaux

162 The Waxworks Gallery
163 The Chinese Giant
164 The Two Headed Girl
164 The Sewing Woman
165 Captain Kidd and the Victim
165 The Siamese Twins
167 The Celbrated Dwarf
168 The Vocalist
168 The Yankee
169 The Cannibal
170 Babes In the Wood
170 Little Red Riding Hood
171 Lady With Golden Locks

173 Optical Illusions
173 Raising a Ghost
174 A Magic Lantern Trick
174 The Phantasmagoria
175 Chinese Shadows
176 A Wonderful Mirror
178 The Disappearing Paper
178 Multiplied Money

179 Sleight of Hand
179 To Balance an Egg
179 The Juggler's Lunch
179 Ring and Ribbon
180 The Changing Ball Trick
180 A Sensitive Goblet
181 To Light a Candle by Smoke
181 The Magic Re-Illmination
181 Fascinated By a Feather
182 The Moving Ball
182 The Paper Furnace
182 Storm and Calm
183 The Knotted Thread
183 The Imps of the Bottle
184 The Bird in the Box
184 The Multiplying Mirror
185 The Half-Dollar Upheld
185 The Bowing Beau
185 The Vanishing Wafers
186 The Cut Lace Rejoined
186 Vanishing Dime
187 The Adhesive Stick
189 The Magic Thread
190 The Long Pudding
190 The Changeable Watch
191 The Vanishing Ring
192 The Handkerchief Trick
193 The Canary In The Egg
193 The Money Box Trick
194 A Startling Metamorphosis
195 A Volcano Under Water
195 The Magic Spoon
195 Magic Dyes
195 Incombustible Paper
196 Visibile and Invisible Portraits
196 The Dancing Egg
196 To Put an Egg in a Bottle
196 The Ice Candle
197 The Changing-Colored Ribbon
197 Consulting the Oracle
197 The Witch's Cave
198 The Four Elements
198 Phosphoric Oyster Shells
199 Flaming Phosphorus
199 A Mask of Flame
199 A Miniature River on Fire
199 The Illuminator and Extinguisher
200 To Light a Candle By a Glass

201 Punch and Judy: puppets
204 Punch and Judy Play

213 The "Art" Exhibition
213 Sample Catalogue
216 Explanation

220 Conjuring Tricks with Coins
220 Passes
221 Palming
222 The Vanishing Trick
223 Heads or Tails
224 Odd or Even, or the Mysterious Addition
225 To Rub One Dime Into Three
226 The Capital Q
227 The Wandering Dime
227 The Magic Cover and Vanishing Pennies
229 The Pepper Box For Vanishing Money
230 A Nest of Boxes
231 The Ball of Berlin Wool
233 Miscellaneous Tricks
233 The Raisin Tortoise
233 The Lemon Pig
234 The Seasick Passenger
234 The Enchanted Raisins
235 The Demon Lump of Sugar
236 The Mysterious Production
237 The Family Giant
237 The Animated Telescope
238 The What-Do-You-Think?
239 The Giraffe
240 The Dwarf
241 The Two Hats
242 The Knight of the Whistle
243 He Can Do Little
244 Throwing Light
246 Multiplying Shadows
247 The Vanishing Knots
248 The Dancing Sailor

249 Conundrums and Riddles
249 Conundrums
257 Enigmas
262 Answers to Conundrums

268 Rebusses
270 Anagrams
272 Logogriphs
278 Solutios to Rebusses
279 Solutions to Anagrams
281 Solutions to Logogriphs

283 Charades

289 Juvenile Games
289 What D’ye Buy
291 A Trip to Paris
293 The Cook Who Doesn’t Like Peas
293 Word-making
295 Young Folks’ Concert
295 Mary’s Little Lamb
296 Funny Outlines
