Thomas A. Sawyer: The Late Mr. Edwin T. Sachs
Sawyer, Thomas A.: The Late Mr. Edwin T. Sachs
©2016 Thomas A. Sawyer
Hardcover, no dj, 190 pages
Thomas A. Sawyer: The Late Mr. Edwin T. Sachs
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Contents (from book ToC):

xiii Preface

3 Chapter One - Edwin T. Sachs And The Triumvirate Of Conjuring Classics
15 Chapter Two - The Conjurer
23 Chapter Three - The Journalist
31 Chapter Four - The Sportsman
45 Chapter Five - A Colleague Looks At Edwin T. Sachs
49 Chapter Six - The State Of Conjuring Literature In 1875
57 Chapter Seven - The Origins Of Sleight Of Hand
65 Chapter Eight - The Intended Audience Of Sleight Of Hand
77 Chapter Nine - The Changes In Sleight Of Hand After The Serialization
87 Chapter Ten - Sleight Of Hand From The Standpoint Of The Collector
99 Chapter Eleven - A Close Look At The Early Printings Of Sleight Of Hand

111 L’Envoi
113 List Of Books Authored Or Edited By Edwin T. Sachs
129 Endnotes
149 Selected Bibliography
163 Matters Of Form
170 Colophon
