Richard Schlichting: Dynatmite Messages
Schlichting, Richard: Dynamite Messages
© Richard Schlichting
PDF, 70 pages

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Richard Schlichting: Dynamite Messages
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Comments: Illustrated. 25 Explosive Gospel Magic Routines and more

Contents (from book ToC and web descriptions):

5 About the Author
6 Forward
7 Historical Perspectives

9 The Art of Performing Gospel Magic
9 Timing
10 Music
11 Scenery
11 Props
12 Eye Contact
13 Gestures
13 Good Vocal Technique
14 Words

15 Terminology
15 The Language of Magic

16 Basic Coin Sleights
16 The Finger Palm
16 The Classic Palm
17 Front Finger Hold
17 Utility Switch
18 The Simple Vanish
19 The French Drop
19 Retention-Of-Vision Vanish

22 Card Magic Basics
22 The One-Way Deck
22 The Pencil-Marked Deck
22 The Double Card

23 Basic Card Moves & Sleights
23 Squaring the Deck
23 Hand-To-Hand Spread
23 Removing and Displaying Cards
24 The Riffle Shuffle
25 Three-Way False Cut
25 The Palm
27 The Double Lift

30 The Force
30 The Counting Force
30 The Criss-Cross Force

32 Gospel Effects
32 Torn and Restored Card: Healing and restoration in Christ
34 Pen Through Handkerchief: Faith is trusting in what we cannot see
36 Torn and Restored Biscuit: The Lord's Supper
38 The Floating Paper Ball: Raised to life in Christ
39 A Really Magical Cut & Restored String: Restored to Life
41 The Indestructible Balloon: With God all things are possible
42 Broken and Restored Toothpick: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
43 Crayon 'Mind-Blower': Parable of the Banquet. Many are called but few are chosen.
44 Written in Ashes: Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.
46 Super Stretch Handkerchief: Sermon on the Mount. Growing in love for God.
48 The Appearing Knot: God hides things from the wise and reveals them to children.
49 Coins from The Bible: God provides everything we need
50 Heads I Win Tails You Lose: God hasn't told us everything! When will Jesus return?
51 Countdown!: God hasn't told us everything! When will Jesus return?
52 Sheep Rustlers: The Parable of the Good Shepherd
53 Everyone Else Knows Comedy Routine: Seeing through a glass darkly
54 The Magnificent Seven: How many times shall I forgive my brother?
56 Siberian Chain Escape: My yoke is easy
58 Sucker-bluff-vanish: We're not as smart as we think we are
59 Easy Rope Through the Neck: Proclaiming freedom for the captives
60 Floating Pencil Fooler: Be rich in good works
62 Impossible Vision: Spiritual blindness.
63 Paper Breaks Pencil: God sets his people free.
64 A Newspaper Filled With Colour: Each of us has different gifts and talents
66 Matchless Monte: The Parable of the Lost Coin

67 Planning Church Programs
