Prof H.C. Schreck: The Mystery Book
Schreck, Prof H.C.: The Mystery Book
©1920 Prof. Schreck, J.L. Lewis Press, PA
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 8.5x11", 16 pages
Prof. Schreck: The Mystery Book
Image courtesy eBay seller slydevillasvegas

Comments: There are quite a few stunts in here that are dangerous and not recommended.Very brief descriptions, and a lot of advertisements.

Contents (from book):

2 Magic Escapes and Illusions: Catalog of effects to purchase
2 Marvelous Levitation Act
2 The Invisible Hen
2 Second-Sight Up-to-Date
2 Chinese Ring and String
2 Maervelous Hydrostatic Glass
2 Houdini's Paper Bag Escape
2 Great Prohibition Mystery
2 The Vanishing Assistant

3 Spiritualism As Performed by Prof. Schreck
3 How to Become a Spirit Medium

4 Fortune Telling By Cards
4 Clubs: meanings of the cards
4 Hearts
4 Spades
4 Diamonds
4 Laying the Cards
4 Reading the Rows
4 Long-Distance Mind Reading: advertisement

5 Magic and Sleight-of-Hand
5 Vanishing Glass of Water: under a handkerchief
5 Levitation of a Child
5 Hindoo Sand Mystery: sand removed from water dry
5 Bewitched Canary Bird: using a feather to make it sleep
5 The Phantom Glass: object vanishes from glass
5 Mystic Handkerchief & Ball: colored handkerchief changes to same bolor ball
5 Wter and Wine Variation: water changes to wine in a vase
5 Prof. Schreck's New Marvelous Rising Cards: in a glass
5 The Phantom Ring: Advertisement

6 Mysteries of Fire: fire eating secrets
6 The Human Volcano
6 Eating Flames of Fire
6 Natural Gas Trick
6 Bubbles of Mephisto
6 The Demon Glass
6 Eating Blazing Sealing Wax
6 To Eat Coals of Fire Out of Furnace
6 Banana Of Satan
6 Fireproof Hands and Face
6 Hypnotism - How to Produce Sleep
6 - How to Awaken a Subject

7 Mysteries of Mysticism: three unusual mystery acts for Vaudeville or Side-show
7 Magic Kettle Act: using black art
7 Silent Second-Sight Act: with blindfolded medium
7 Sensational Pin Test: Advertisement
7 Mind Reading and Telepathy
7 The Decapitation Mystery: advertisement

8 Feature Card Tricks
8 Mysterious Rising and Floating Cards
8 The Wandering Queen: Queen vanishes from among three cards
8 Mysterious Ten Spot: magician knows location of the 10 spot
8 Knife and Cards: magician divines card chosen with a knife
8 Wonderful Changing Cards: instant card change
8 The Clairvoyant Card: card location
8 The Spellig Bee Cards: with a stack
8 Prof. Sheck's Wonder Cards: advertisement
8 The Calcultion Mystery: mathematical effect

9 Jail and Handcuff Escapes
9 To Escape From Any Handcuffs
9 Escape From a Locked Safe or Vault
9 The Trunk Escape
9 Challenge Packing Case Escape
9 Straitjacket Escape
9 Challenge Handcuff Act of the World: advertisement
9 Prison Cell Escape
10 How To Go On the Stage: advertisement
10 Vanishing Cigarette: advertisement

10 Ventriloquism
10 Superb Vanisher: advertisement

11 A Night With the Spirits (Prof Schreck): a spirit cabinet
11 Jail Breaking: advertisement
11 Side-Show Tricks Exposed: advertisement

12 Gambler's Secrets Exposed: How they win at cards, dice, slot machines, etc.
12 Their Most Fertile Field: cards, holdouts, etc.
12 Dice Control
12 Beating Slot Machines
12 Marked Cards
12 Te Secret Out: advertisement

13 Side Show, Circus, Vaudeville
13 Window of the Haunted House: a mirrored illusion
13 Schreck's Card Locator: advertisement
13 Thruston's Dove Catching: with confederate
13 Human Pin Cushion: using cocaine!
13 Sword Walking With Bare Feet:
13 The HIndoo Shell Mystery: advertisement
13 The Beheaded Princess: illusion
13 Dancing on Broken Glass
13 Lady From Empty Shawl

14 Wonders, Secrets, Mysteries: Advertisements
14 Startling Card Trick
14 Excelsior Rope Tie
14 Great Houdini Needle Trick
14 Tricks With Cards
14 The Phantom Cards
14 The Hindu Hand of Destiny
14 Escape from 75 Feet of Rope
14 Death-Defying Railroad Escape

15 Tricks of Spirit Mediums: Their tricks and manipulations exposed for the first time
15 Materialization of a Spirit
15 Mysterious Table Lifting
15 The Spirit Hand
15 Spirit Tape Tie
15 Spirit Photographs: chemical magic
15 The Coin Box Mystery: advertisement
15 Marvelous Spirit Communication: question and answer session
15 Spirit Blood Test: message on the arm

16 Marvelous Magical Mysteries: advertisements
16 Spirit Print Card Trick
16 Magic Made Easy
16 Crack Marksmanship Act
16 Entrancing Art Poses
16 Neptunes Bride Illusion
16 The Latest Sensation in Advanced Magic: Thayer catalog
16 Magic Cards: S.S. Adams magic cards
