Selbit: The Magic Art of Entertaining
Selbit, Percy Thomas (P.T.): The Magic Art of Entertaining
©1907 Selbit, Dawbarn & Ward, Ltd. and G. Ornum & Co., London
Hardcover, no dj, 105 pages plus ads
Selbit: The Magic Art of Entertaining
Image courtesy eBay seller JayAndLefty

Comments: "Twenty inexpensive methods of amusing"

Contents (From book ToC):

9 Preface
11 Introduction
13 The Egg Bag Trick: general routine outlined with patter
18 The Life History of an Egg: useful patter for any egg trick
19 An Entirely New Rising Card Trick: using a glass houlette, and no threads
25 Rice and Water Magic: routine and patter for the Rice Bowls
28 The Twentieth Century Handkerchief Trick ; or Joining the Colours: flag vanishes and moves between two previously shown silks
31 Paper You Cannot Destroy: The torn and restored paper strip
34 Wine, Water or What?: routine and patter, chemicals needed are not detailed
37 Balloons From A Hat: using Calcium Carbide to inflate
40 The S1iding Die Box: a Die box routine and patter
45 “A Night With The Moon": a lightning sketch story
63 A Magic Kettle Act For 7 1/2d: a series of liquid trick using lime and an apparently boiling kettle
70 The Beginning And End Of Paper Folding: Troublewit Up to Date, a total of 76 figures
82 Ventriloquial Dialogue
88 Lightning Sketches
90 - A Triangular Yacht
92 - Oval Oddities
95 - An Animal With Points
98 - The Cat
100 - Fruitful Pear
104 - A Full Man From an Empty Coffin
