Simon, Bill: Effective
Card Magic ©1952, 1980 Louis Tannen, Inc., NY Hardcover, 181 pages Card Magic for Amateurs and Professionals (renamed) ©1998 Dover Publications Softcover, perfect-bound ISBN 048640188X (Dover edition) |
![]() Image courtesy e-Bay seller Radnoy |
![]() Dover Edition Image from Magicref |
Comments: Edited by Jean Hugard, Illustrated by Stanley
Jaks. The Dover publication is an unabridged reprint of the 1952 Effective Card Magic. This is
a good compilation of intermediate, practical card magic.
Contents (from 1952 edition book):
vii Foreword by Bill Simon, 1952
ix Introduction by Martin Gardner
xi Table of Contents
13 Observations
13 Specialization
13 Importance of Practice
14 Necessity of Trial
15 Understanding Theory
15 Importance of Studying Simple Moves
16 Manipulation
16 Technicalities
17 Art of Presentation
18 Spontaneous Resourcefulness
19 Conjurer vs. Gambler
19 Best Magic
20 Handling
20 Cultivating Originality In Presentation
20 Unprepared Cards
21 Present Day Sophistication
22 Audience Participation
22 Patter
24 Poker Cards vs. Bridge Cards
25 Accessories
27 Part I: Choice
29 Coincidence: Spectator touches a card in a face down packet and
leaves it sticking out of deck. Cards from face up and face down
packets are removed at the same time until protruding card is
reached. Both cards are same color and value.
32 Business Card Prophesy: Magician's prediction on a business
card correctly identifies the cards it is placed between in the
35 The Instant Reverse: Spectator selects a card from a fan, turns
the card over and inserts it into the deck. When the deck is
spread, all 3 mates are found reversed as well.
37 Three Queens Monte: a Monte effect using the Queens and Aces.
Not quite a packet effect, as the deck is used for card control
39 Sympathetic Control: Three Queens turn face up to match the
Leader Queen while held in packets by three spectators
43 Elevator Cards: Ace, Two and Three of Hearts travel up and down
the deck
48 The Turnabout Cards: A deck shuffled face up and face down into
itself is righted magically
51 Card Affinity: a card suit and value are thought of while a
deck is wrapped in a napkin. Two knives are stabbed, one at the
same value, one at the same suit (set up deck)
54 The Gambler Controls the Ace: the magician shows control over
the 4 Aces
60 A Touching Experiment: Spectator touches two cards and Magician
touches two cards. They are the Aces! Follow up with a traveling
Aces effect
66 The Ambitious Card: a card repeatedly appears at the top of the
69 Part II The Second
71 The Second Deal: Introduction
72 The Component Parts of the Second Deal: detailed
75 Exercises: practicing the deal
79 Tricks With the Second Deal: intro
79 Call to the Colors: magician is able to deal any color he
81 Two Numbers: 2 spectators name a number between 1 and 10.
Magician deals that many numbers and reveals each of two cards
previously returned to the deck
83 Danbury Delusion: Magician will find selection using three
cards. First card turned over tells value (it is actually the
selection). 2nd Card tells the suit. 3rd card tells how many cards
down the selection will be found. Magician counts, the selection
is found at that card! Spectator will jump at first card and find
it to be an indifferent card
86 The Middle Deal: magician can apparently deal from the middle
of the deck
87 The F.B.I. Card: Spectator inserts FBI card into the deck, and
finds previously selected card
89 Four Card Location: Using the Second Deal to locate Four of a
91 Part III New
Sleights and Tricks Therewith
93 The Simon Card Control: apparently cards are fairly inserted
into the deck, but control is retained
95 Set-Up of Four Cards: controlling 4 cards in the deck
97 The Two Card Peek: peeking two cards
99 A Piquant Peek: subtle method of determining card peeked at by
101 The Peek Force: subtle force
102 The Simon Fan Steal: stealing a card returned to a fan
104 Telepathy: Using the Fan Steal, the magician writes a card
selection and written number on a slate
105 Automatic Writing: elaboration of above effect
107 The Simon Secret Addition: Simon's method of secretly adding
109 The Thought-of Ace: the thought of Ace rises to the top of the
111 A Transposition: Four cards transpose to another pile one at a
112 Cover for the Side-Slip
115 Ambitious Bit: touched card in middle of deck immediately
appears on top (side slip)
115 The Helpers: Two cards cut to the middle of the deck sandwich
the selection
116 Predict Switch: a touched card has been predicted by the
119 Part IV Interludes
(Quick Tricks)
121 Discoveries: introduction
121 The Finger-Stab: deck is tossed into the air and magician
plucks selection from the air
123 A Trick With a New Twist: the deck is spun around and the
selection falls out
124 Half and Half (Elimination): Spectator eliminates cards until
one is left - the selection
125 A Strange Card: spectator selects one of a packet of 5, and
the face is rubbed off. Then the card gets its face back, but is
found reversed in the packet
128 Card in the Mouth: Simon's version
131 Four Deep: selected card jumps from spectator's packet to
133 Unexpected: Two red aces change to two blacks, then are used
to "catch" two cards: the red Aces
135 Part V More Choice
137 The Magnetic Cards: a Five "magnetically draws" the other
fives to the face of packets
139 Double Rise: two cards rise to the top of two packets
140 Six Face Up Cards Right Themselves Spontaneously: in a packet
of 12
142 Odd Card Out: a selected card becomes reversed in a packet of
143 Misdirection Plus (for magicians): variation on Six Face Up,
144 The Ubiquitous Jack of Spades: a quicky where the JS remains
at the top
144 Rapid Transit: Two black cards transpose with two reds
145 Mind Reading: magician counts to selected card after an
apparent miscount
148 "Touch" Retouched: a prediction matches a card simply touched
by the spectator
151 Similar Twins: Face up and face down cards are pushed out by
magician and spectator and they match
152 The Locator Three of Clubs: 3 of clubs can be used to select
any of 14 positions (clever idea)
155 The Somersault: a card transposes from a face up packet to a
face down packet
158 Night Club Card Assembly: 4 card assembly
161 Double Prediction: magician predicts two cards
163 Four Deuces and the Ace of Spades: An Ace keeps returning to a
packet of Deuces, then the Deuces turn to Aces
166 Deuces Wild: Black Deuces travel to top of deck, then sandwich
the reds
169 Four Way Coincidence: three spectators select uncommonly
similar cards
173 Part VI Shuffles
and Cuts
175 Shuffles and Cuts: essay
176 The Basic Cut
178 The Simon System of False Riffle Shuffles
178 The Top Stock Control
180 The Bottom Stock Control