Smith, Aaron: Mr. Gadfly Issues
1-5 A Journal for Card Magicians ©2001 Aaron Smith, Tulsa, OK Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5.5x8.5", about 45-60 pages per issue |
![]() Volume 1 Number 1 |
![]() Volume 1 Number 2 |
![]() Volume 1 Number 3 |
![]() Volume 1 Number 4 |
![]() Volume 2 Number 1 |
Comments: This is the contents for all 5 issues of the Mr. Gadfly magazine, which ran from 2001 to 2002 and was distributed by Magic City, CA.
Contents (from books)
Mr. Gadfly Volume One, Number One, May-June 2001
2 Advertisement: Pips-A-Poppin' by Tony Lewis
4 Creative Priority (Aaron Smith): editorial
5 Advertisements: McBride Legends of Magic Master Class; David
Solomon's Four Flusher from Meir Yedid Magic
6 Frog Hair (Diamond Jim Tyler): playing card flips over in the
8 Sandwich Thru & Thru (Ben Harris): Jokers collecte a
10 Advertisement: Left Handed Gun by Aaron Smith
11 The Third Shuffle (Jason England): an almost instant card
14 Honest Transposition (Brother John Hamman, Aaron Smith): an
over the phone card trick
17 Advertisement: Escaping the Blues by David Neighbors
18 The Coinjurer on Cards (David Neighbors): the underneath the
glass transposition
20 Nothing to Fear: interview with Steve Fearson
24 Advertisement: Joe Silkie's Silky Smooth Prediction from Meir
Yedid Magic
25 Under Examination (Aaron Smith): reviews
25 - Jerry Andrus, A Lifetime of Magic Videos 1-3
26 - PhillyMagic Cop Stop: small car finds a card
28 - Tony Lewis' Pips-A-Poppin, Magic By Gosh: card trick
30 Mole Notes (Steve Reynolds): discussion of some false card
32 Advertisement: Happy Camper by Bill White
33 Mr. GLADfly (Andi Gladwin): The first relaxing deck switch
36 Mr. BADfly (Jamie Badman): The Four Ace-Assins
39 Advertisement: Diamond Jim Taylor products
40 Covert CardWork (Bill White): Tie One Off comedy card trick
43 Advertisement: Methodical by Aaron Smith
44 Threshold of Revelation (Aaron Shields): an evaluation of Dai
Vernon's Triumph Plot
46 Advertisement: Slither & Just In Case from Mak Magic
47 The FlyPaper (Trini Montes): Editorial on learning magic
49 Beyond Methodical (Aaron Smith): convincing vs. persuading
50 Advertisement: Charge It! from Mak Magic
51 Advertisement: Quarks & Quirks by Ben Harris
52 Advertisement: Herb Zarrow on the Zarrow Shuffle
Mr. Gadfly Volume One, Number Two, July-August 1991
2 The Slug (Martin Nash): card trick
2 Martin Nash Presents His Farewell Lecture: announcement
3 Cheater's Poker (Jim Steinmeyer): Ace assembly
6 The Fly Paper (Trini Montes): selection becomes only face up
card in a mixed face-up face-down deck
9 Another Shifty (Mark Aspiazu): chosen card to top of the deck
11 A Moment With Rosini (Steve Reynolds): on revealing a card,
with application
12 1-2-3 Rise (Wesley James): variation of David Solomon's 1-2-3-4
card routine
16 Situational Magic (Nathan W. Kranzo): article
18 Sideways Stab (Jamie Badman): third card finds two selections
19 Editorial (Aaron Smith): general comments
20 Your Letters
21 Pseudo Selections (John H. Zander): selections found through
cutting, one reversed in the deck, and a transposition
22 Continuing a Classic (Aaron Shields): continued from issue one
25 Red & Blew (Rob James): selection is only red card in a
blue deck, then becomes a blue card out of a red deck
27 Under Examination (Aaron Smith): reviews
27 - David Solomon's Four Flusher: card trick
28 - Joe Silkies's Silky Smooth Prediction: card prediction
28 - Talbot's Acme Portable Hole: hole appears in thought of card
30 Out-Strip (J.K. Hartman): packet switch
32 You Can Do It (Bill White): spectator's lesson on how to be a
33 MMM...Tasty (Andi Gladwin): Magician eats the cards and
produces the selection from his mouth
35 New Wave Tidal Wave (Christopher Faria): reversed card in red
deck matches selection in blue deck
37 Six Card Royal (Doug Edwards): Royal flush trick
39 Tribute to John Evernden (Ren Gaudreau): John passed away on
June 2nd
40 Not Forgotten: short obituaries of Ben Stone, Michael Rogers,
Jerry Camaro
42 Advertisement: Re-Print by John H. Zander
43 Advertisement: Herb Zarrow on the Zarrow Shuffle
44 Advertisement: John Michael Talbot's Acme Portable Hole!
Mr. Gadfly Volume One, Number Three, Sep-Oct 2001
1 From Our Editor (Aaron Smith): introductory, and electronic
4 Advertisement: Left Handed Gun by Aaron Smith
5 Castle Watch!: events at the Magic Castle
6 And Now, the News!: magic news
7 Ace - Assins Alternative (Phil Goldstein): card effect to preced
Mr. Badman's effect from last issue
8 Dear Magic Castle Member: letter from Max Mavin
10 Magic Live Review (Mike Giusti): review
10 Advertisement: Roberto-Giobbi Video by L&L Publishing
13 Under Examination (Aaron Smith): reviews
13 - Digital Pentagram by Martin Breese
14 - Simon Says by Simon Lovell: book
15 - About Face CD-ROM by SharperMinds: computer based magic
16 - Extra Sensory Poker by Diamond Jim Tyler
18 Advertisement: Frog Tales by Robert Neale from H&R Magic
19 Advertisement: Hades Publications
19 Last Minute News from MagicTimes (Meir Yedid)
20 1-2-3-4 Rise (Wesley James): cards
22 Splitting The Aces (Peter Groning): a four is split to twos and
then to Aces
26 Reward for Stolen Houdini Relic (Aaron Smith): announcement
27 Selected Card At Any Number (Skilldini): selection appears at
number thought of by spectator
28 You Want Me To Suspend What? (Aaron Shields): on the phrase
suspension of belief
29 Where Are They Now? Featuring 'Moe' (Aaron Smith): biography
30 Advertisement: Cards by Martin
31 Faromatic (JK Hartman): opening card routine
34 Suit Yourself Too (Peter Duffie): variatoin of Roy Walton's
Suit Yourself
35 Roller Coaster (Aldo Colombini): a packet card trick
37 A True Legend is Gone (Tony Brook): obituary for Bob Blau.
38 Mole Notes 3 - On A Western Clip (Steve Reynolds): on card
38 - Tensless Bottom Placement
39 - Full Clip Placement
41 Presentation & Performance (Tony Brook): maintaining an
objective view
44 Bashing A Basher (Trini Montes): essay on magicians bashing
other magicians
46 Your Lucky Number (Jamie Badman): top cards of four piles match
spectator's lucky number
47 Another Jazz 1-2-3-5 (Mark Aspiazu): variation on Solomon &
Aronson card trick
48 Monte 101 (Bill White): Bill's approach to the standard Three
Card Monte
50 Advertisement: Diamond Jim Tyler products
51 Two Hindu Shuffle Finesses (Doug Edwards)
51 - Hindu Shuffle Force Finesse
51 - Hindu Shuffle Control Finesse
53 Open Intruder (Alex Elmsley): red & blue card trick
55 Advertisement: Magic Dealers Association
Mr. Gadfly Volume One Number Four, Nov-Dec 2001
i Advertisement: Magic Dealer's Associaton
1 Advertisement: Presenting Michael Gallo; Johnny Dodge's
2 From My Point of View (Aaron Smith): editorial on e-books vs.
3 Advertisement: Robert E. Neale's Frog Tales from H&R Magic
4 And Now the News (Meir Yedid)
5 One Cyp! (Randy Wakeman, Simon Lovell): Interview with Father
10 Advertisement: Harry Potter Book Test
11 Hole and Restored Card (Brandon Burton): center of selected
card is torn out and card is restored
12 Ace, Ace, & the Critter Chase (Andy Luttrell): a coin
matrix with Aces that turn to Queens along with story-line patter
12 Advertisement: The Psychdrome
13 The Numbers Game (Peter Duffie): clever card stack
14 Advertisement: Charlie Frye's Eccentricks Video; misc. effects
15 Under Examination (Aaron Smith): Reviews of Ultimate Card Warp
- Magic City; Presenting Mike Gallo video - Golden Iguana
17 Advertisement: Ed Marlo's Confidential Video, Private Studies,
and Seconds Centers & Bottoms
18 Brother Hamman: Magical Heritage Award announcement and
20 Time With Brother John Hamman (Trini Montes): Trini's encounter
with Brother John
21 Brother John Hamman (Aaron Smith): pre-edit version of article
that appeared in Feb 2001 Linking Ring
24 Advertisement: The Complete Jarrett; The Magic of Alan Wakeling
25 Just For You (Bill White): a "couple's" card effect\
26 Advertisement: David Solomon's Four Flusher
27 Y2K Deck (Aldo Colombini): two signatures change places and
then appear on the same card; uses a deck of double blank cards
28 Advertisement: Cards by Martin; Sean Taylor's Pineapple
29 Here It Is (Jamie Badman): a double whammy card selection
31 Orion's Gemini (Andi Gladwin): achieving the visual effect of
the Orion Coint and the physical effect of the Gemini Count
32 Advertisement: IBIDEM, Phil Goldstein's Focus
33 Mole Notes Four (Steve Reynolds): a lesson in misdirection
35 The Doctor Is In (Trini Montes): variation on Dr. Daley's Last
36 Advertisement: Draw a Blank by Aldo Colombini
37 Strip Out Half Pass (Jason Comeaux & Mark Aspiazu): card
38 Advertisement: Randy Wakeman's Special Effects; Best of Randy
Wakeman Video; 50 Uses for a Terroist (book)
39 The Tenkai Top (Doug Edwards): card move
40 Advertisement: Herb Zarrow on the Zarrow Shuffle video
41 Just a Little Trick (Lamont McConnell): a cute miniature card
42 Advertisement: John Talbot's Acme Portable Hole
43 Nostalgia's a Breese! Chango (Roy Walton): card transposition
from the pages of The Pentagram Magazine, September 1954
44 Advertisement: About-Face for Palm Pilot/PC/Mac
45 Advertisement: Randy Wakeman's Rainbow Deck, Nervous Ace and
46 Advertisement: Houdini's Magic offerings
Mr. Gadfly Volume Two, Issue One, Jan-Feb 2002 (Last Issue)
i Advertisement: Guaranteed prop, Ultimate Warp
1 Advertisement: Magic Dealers Association
2 Advertisement: 50 Usesr for a Terrorist; Talbot's Acme Portable
5 Advertisement: The Complete Jarrett and The Magic of Alan
Wakeling by Jim Steinmeyer
6 Advertisement: Herb Zarrow on the Zarrow Shuffle
7 From My Point of View (Aaron Smith): respect for others and
Frank Garcia
9 Your Views: letters from readers
10 And Now, the News! (Meir Yedid)
11 Advertisement: Methodical by Aaron Smith
12 An Odd Decition (David Regal): card named by spectator is only
odd card in the deck
15 The Ruse Sector - Impromptu Invisible Deck (Rich Moratta): move
to reverse a card as you spread the deck, with applications
16 Advertisement: The Psychodrome
17 The Ruse Sector - Wipe Your Ace (Lee Asher): Magician finds
three Aces and transforms wrong card visibly to the last Ace
19 Advertisement: Harry Lorayne's Personal Collection
20 Advertisement: AcmeMagic
21 Advertisement: Edward Marlo Four Book Set by Randy Wakeman;
Hades Publicatioms
22 Advertisement: Draw a Blank by Aldo Colombini; Harry Potter
Book Test
23 Frank Garcia - To Meet Such a Legend (Simon Lovell): on meeting
24 The Man With the Million Dollar Hands (Randy Wakeman):
28 The Giant (Harrison Carroll): more about Frank
30 My Friend Frank (Father Cyprian): Reminiscences
32 I Could Not Help But Feel I Had Lost an Older Brother (Wesley
James): a tribute to Frank
34 Advertisement:
35 Advertisement: Mr. Gadfly Subscription; apparently this wasn't
planned to be the last issue
36 Advertisement: Hand Jobs by Lee Asher
37 Advertisement: Randy Wakeman's Rainbow Deck II
39 Advertisement: H&R Magic Books - Neale's Frog Tales, Ed
Marlo Private Studies, etc.
40 Advertisement: Nervous Ace! by Aaron Smith and more
41 Under Examination (Aaron Smith): product Reviews
41 - Herb Zarrow on the Zarrow Shuffle by Meir Yedid Magic: video
43 - Roberto Giobbi's Card College 4, Hermetic Press: book
44 - Float! Genuine Floating Card by Mark Mason.
45 - Paul Curry's World's Beyond, Hermetic Press: book
47 Cosmic Sport and The Interpretive Truth by Steve Reynolds,
Magic City: book
48 Father Cyprian's The Mini-Tekel Deck, Magic City
49 Advertisement: Mutanz by Bob Farmer and Ro Walton
50 Advertisement: Slush Powder 30 Tricks & Gags
51 Advertisement: Card Zones by Jerry Sadowitz and Peter Duffie
52 Advertisement: Guaranteed prop, Left Handed Gun, and Mind
53 Advertisement: Charlie Frye's Eccentricks Video; Complete
Pentagram CD-ROM
54 Time After Time (Bill White): some by play that could be useful
in a show
56 Blushing Cards (Aldo Colombini): four black cards fly out of
the case leaving four red cards behind
57 Advertisement: Presenting Michael Gallo video
58 Oil & Water World (Jamie Badman): three phase Oil &
Water routine
60 Nostalgia's a Breese! Just Ingog (Dai Vernon): reprint from The