Al Smith: A Fair Old Shuffle
Smith, Al: A Fair Old Shuffle
©2003 Al Smith, Albacus Press, Yorkshire
Softcover, comb-bound, 8.5x11", 51 pages
Al Smith: A Fair Old Shuffle
Image courtesy Tombland Bookshop, U.K.

Comments: In and Out of the Faro Shuffle

Contents (courtesy cybercardmagic,

7 Intro The Faro
9 Intro The Weave
11 The Faro Shuffle
16 The Non-Perfect Faro Shuffle
18 Staystack
21 The Fingertip Shuffle
25 Interl Aces
27 In Or Out
29 Far Out Shuffle
30 Card Table
32 Out Of In-Terest
34 Another Card Table
36 Outre Ins
37 Farother On
39 Farold Times Sake
41 Finold Deal
44 Reverse Faro
46 Edstimaces
52 Farold Sang Line
