Al Smith: A Way With Cards
Smith, Al E.: A Way With Cards
©2013 Al Smith
Softcover, comb-bound, 8.5x11", 65 pages
              Smith: A Way With Cards
Image courtesy eBay

Comments: Available as an eBook from

Contents (courtesy, numbers are not page numbers):

1 Introdecktion
2 Predictional
3 The Twenty-Second Modulation
4 The Diskard Deceit
5 The Diskard Protocol
6 The Diskard Device
7 The Diskard Reversal
8 Forced Valour
9 Run Deep
10 Bluffing The Cut
11 Dice-Section
12 No Dice
13 Trixideckaphobial
14 Heavy Traffic
15 Natural Selection
16 Sauce And Source
17 Not Quite Frankie My Dears
18 Lying Guise
19 Strike A Match
20 Lighter Match
21 Play Your Cards Right
22 Staying Stacked
23 Coincidaces
24 Coincidaces (II)
25 Coincidaces (III)
26 Perduptodate
27 Prophesy Move
28 High Fibre
29 High Vibes
30 Last Whisper
