Al Smith: Stealth Working Card Tricks

Smith, Al E.: Stealth Working Card Tricks
©2015 Al E. Smith
eBook, PDF, 70 pages

Available from

Al Smith: Stealth Working Card Tricks
Image courtesy


Contents (courtesy, numbers are not page numbers):

1 Introdecktion
2 Oddment-ality
3 Why Stealth
4 Stealth Working No-Move Moves
5 Nomocon
6 Ose Cut
7 Nosay Cut
8 Nosaytoo Cut
9 Card Discouveries
10 Four Real Reveal
11 Four Group Speller
12 Cut Across Shortly
13 Forcing The Crossing Cut
14 Cross A Cut Shortly
15 A Forcing Disguise
16 Bluffster
17 A Point Of View
18 Dealing And Yawning
19 Stealth Paradox
20 Poker Players Packsnack
21 Quadduble
22 Quadduble II
23 Spellock Holmes
24 Stelf-Working
25 Spredaces
26 Basically Speaking
27 Fakologic
28 Refarcadabra
29 Spelling Circle
30 Spell Those Magic Words
31 Thin Tweaks
32 From Here To There
33 Stealthy Does It
34 Outrodecktion
