Smith, Roger: Innovative Magic No. 3
©1977 Roger Smith, & Wilbur Kattner; TX
Softcover, stapled manuscript, 8.5x11", 24 pages

              Innovative Magic No. 3
Image courtesy e-Bay Seller ThunderSoldDad

Comments: Photographs by Roger Smith. A joint publication of Wilbur Kattner and Roger Smith.

Contents: (from book, note that page numbers start at 22)

i Foreword (Wilbur Kattner)
22 All Together (Wilbur Kattner): two in the hand, one in the pocket with peanuts and a kicker ending
26 Notes on Goobers (Wilbur Kattner): ideas on using peanuts in your act
27 Day Dream (Roger Smith): another approach to the card problem from Innovative Magic 1
28 Escalator #1 (Roger Smith): version of Twisting the Aces
29 Escalator #2 (Keith Best): and another version
30 Infi-Twise (Roger Smith): another version of Maxi-Twist from Innovative Magic 2
32 TARSAT (Roger Smith): Tabled Aces Reverse Sympathetic Ace Trick
33 Son of Tarsat (Roger Smith): another version
34 Collected (Wilbur Kattner, Roger Smith): Aces trap the selections, using a Stripper Deck
35 Revolvo Aces (Roger Smith, Steve Saunders): a flourishy production of four Aces
36 Sherlock Coin (Keith Best): marked coin finds three card selections
38 Scatter Coin (Van McGee, Jim Cozzens, Roger Smith, Wilbur Kattner, Gerald Edmondson): a reverse coin assembly trick
B4 Scatter Coin Bonus (Roger Smith): an easy version
