Ed Solomon: Magic By the Seat of Your Pants
Solomon, Ed: Magic By The Seat Of Your Pants
©2004 Ed Solomon, TX
eBook, distributed on Floppy Disk
Ed Solomon: Magick By the Seat of Your Pants
Image courtesy Denomolos.com

Comments: Color photo illustrated. Book #6 in the Presentations for the Storyteller series. Was later compiled into the hardcover The Complete Works of DeNomolos, Volume 1, along with books other of the first six books in the series.Reviewed in the March 2005 The Linking Ring.

Contents (courtesy Denomolos.com, numbers are not page numbers):

i Foreword (Brother Shadow, Carl Herron)

1 All Good Things: List
2 Arachnid Analysis: Spider And Fly
3 Bagel And Lox: Bagel And Locks
4 Christmas Story: Star
5 Conversation With Inanimate Objects: Water Pot
6 Cookie Choice: Two Cookies
7 Demons In Tibet: Amulet
8 Denomolos Knows Noses: Nose
9 Grandfather’s Dreams: Dream Catcher
10 Jeremy’s Egg: Egg
11 Love Affair: Heart Strings
12 More Monkey Business: Mousetrap
13 OK, Where’s The Hammer?: Nails
14 Old Fisherman: Flower
15 Peace: Bird Nest
16 Remember: Arrow Head
17 Scottish Tales: Boots
18 Take A Hard Look: Watch
19 Teddy Bears: Bear
20 The Light That Failed: Light Bulb
21 Time To Go: Timer
22 You Gotta Have Heart : Stone Heart
