Stone, Tom: Deserting the Legion
Subtitle: Five Insubordinate Pieces
©2004, Tom Stone
20 Page e-Book; PDF format, Landscape
$15 Available at:
Deserting the Legion
(Image of cover printed from the e-book)

Comments: Note that Tom's e-books are not always on-offer. It depends on when he has the time to devote to the sales. Check the Genii Forum ( for updates. The emphasis here is on the Ball and Cone, but the other effects are worthwhile as well. Lots of instructional drawings to make things clear.


1 Siamese Booktest: a simple booktest with any two paperback books, only minimal preparation
3 Double Christ (Tomas Blomberg): an extension to the Christ Force
4 Occhamman Now!: Card put aside at the beginning ends up being spectator's signed card.
8 Deja Vu Pen (Jonas Ljung): a pen cap is removed from the pen, twice! Can make your own pen or use Doug Edwards' Wonder-Pen-A-Tration.
10 Conic Relief: Intro to the Ball & Cone
11 The Cone as a Hold-Out
14 The Cone as a Servante
15 Combinations
15 Vernon's Basic Sleight
16 Changes: color changes
19 The Surprise Load
20 Extending it Outwards
