Thompson, John & Jeff Busby (editor): Polished Polish Prestidigitation
©1981 John Thompson; Busby-Corin, Inc.
Softcover, comb-bound, 6x9", 39 pages
Thompson: Polished Polish Prestidigitation
Image courtesy eBay seller Slacks!

Comment (John Pezzullo):  An assortment of material from one of the living masters of our craft. All of the material is thoroughly described.


1 Les Quick Cartes: Three cards are given the power to become duplicates of three different selections, one at a time.
7 Benson's Bowl: John Thompson's professional handling and presentation of Roy Benson's classic 'Bowl Routine'.
11 Garbage Collectors: John Thompson's original method and handling for Roy Walton's 'Collectors' plot
15 Wings of Warsaw: An origial dove from silk production which may be used in any situation.
19 The Empty Balloon: The 'Signed Card in Balloon' plot brought up to date for close-up work.
23 Polish Epic: A close-up version of 'Mental Epic' done with a minimum of props.
29 Chink-A-Chink: John Thompson's superb handling of the original Max Malini routine.
35 KF + BC + EM² = Another Universal: A 'Universal Card' takes on the identity of three selections, one at a time, and then is shown to be nothing but a blank card.
