Tucker, Stephen: Spell-Binder Magazine
(complete) ©1981-1982 Stephen Tucker Softcover, 740 total pages PDF Compiled Version ©1984 Martin Breese, U.K. ISBN: 0-947533-79-6 |
![]() Image courtesy MagicGuy.net |
![]() Image courtesy MagicGuy.net |
Contents (from the eBook edition):
I Spell-Binder Days (Martin Breese): introduction
Volume 1 Number 1 May 1981
2 Jargon (Stephen Tucker)
3 Sandwich Box (Stephen Tucker): Marked card effect
3 Mark (Stephen Tucker): another version
4 Curio (Stephen Tucker): a coin routine for magicians
7 Demonology (Stephen Tucker): Runic Card Effect
9 Double Shoot (Joe Dignam): two cards thrown from deck as one
10 Numero (Stephen Tucker): force four cards whose values total
the number on a key fob
12 Ishida (Stephen Tucker): variations on Tenkai Pennies
14 Pseudo (David Britland): cutting Four Aces
Volume 1 Number 2 June 1981
18 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Larry Becker Books, Jon
Racherbaumer's Last Hierophant, etc.
19 Banned (Stephen Tucker): rubber band penetrates Card
19 - T&R: using the above for a Torn & Restored effect
22 Mahatma (Stephen Tucker): Coin Change
23 Revolver (Simon Whitby): Ace Cutting
26 Amalgam (Stephen Tucker): Mental Effect combines billet switch
and one ahead principle
27 - Switch
29 Continuum (David Britand): Ambitious Card Move
30 Counterfeit (Joe Dignam): False multliple Cut
Volume 1 Number 3 July 1981
34 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Dave Bendix "A Case of Mistaken
Identity"; Jon Racherbaumer "Kaballa Volume One"
35 Ajar-Ajar (Stephen Tucker): no-gaff Double Open Prediction
37 The Pink Peeker (Bob Ostin): Book Test
39 Xact (Stephen Tucker): Card Effect featuring a Faro Shuffle
40 Estimateon(Joe Dignam): An interesting approach to finding a
thought of card selection
41 Thud, Thud, Clink (John Fealey): counting two coins as three
41 Warp: idea for using John's move
43 Quadra Queen 3 (Stephen Tucker): complex Card Routine
44 Gags?(Stephen Tucker): some gags and comedy bits for fellow
magicians or to add to your show
46 Acepell (David Britand): fairly easy to perform Ace effect
48 Crayon (Joe Dignam): Pencil thru Table
49 Binge (David Britand): a sandwich card effect
50 Cluster (Bob Ostin): coin turns to 3/4ths and back
Volume 1 Number 4 August 1981
55 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Tenyo effects A Jem Studded Fantasy;
Two Into One Rope; Lucifer's Lock
56 Half & Half (Stephen Tucker): card effect using a half card
double facer
57 Foiled (Stephen Tucker): clever copper silver routine with
bonus idea for the old coin penetration box
58 Computer Deck (Joe Dignam): Card Effect using the plunger
61 Sleeve-Topit (John Fealey): an impromptu tool
62 Tunnel Vision or, Card to Pocket (Wayne Dobson): Queen slid
between Jokers becomes a Joker
64 Card of the Gods (David Britand): The Ten helps magician locate
the card selection
66 Ladies in Waiting (Peter Duffie): card effect featuring the
67 Koran Revisited (Wayne Dobson): gimmick for first part of
Koran's Medallion Effect
69 Kodek (Stephen Tucker): deck becomes a camera where selected
card rises from case
71 A Fist Full of Dollar (Peter Duffie): Coin vanish
72 Subscriptions: about subscribing
Volume 1 Number 5 September 1981
75 Jargon: IBM Convention
76 New Improved Ballon Penetration (Stephen Tucker): Coin in
78 Changling (John Brown): Card Colour Change
80 Pockete (Peter Duffie): a card to pocket routine
81 Hypno (Stephen Tucker): spectator imagines he sees a line on
his card and then locates the card, and the line is gone
82 Duet (David Britand): Card Routine using the Adding the Pips
84 After Image (Peter Duffie): retention of vision coin vanish
85 Domino Match (Stephen Tucker): domino and dice values match
87 Gags (Stephen Tucker): with a calculator, and an audible coin
88 Highland Flop (Wayne Dobson): card trick with red and blue
90 Abort (Stephen Tucker): a comedy self-destructing card routine
92 Control (David Britland): variation of Kelly bottom placement
for cards
Volume 1 Number 6 October 1981
95 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): about some letters from readers, and
a compliment to Martin Breese; and Steve Dusheck's A Case of
96 Spin Out (David Austin): selected card is reavealed as it
pivots out of the deck face up
98 Purseperation (Stephen Tucker): Coin routine using 5 coins, a
purse and a spectacle lens
101 Caught in Time (Roy Walton) : card matches the spectator's
103 Half & Half (Stephen Tucker): Card Routine, repeat from
Issue 6
105 Printing History (Phil Goldstein): packet card printing
107 Geiger Find (David Britland): a heavily gaffed card to wallet
Volume 1 Number 7 November 1981
114 Jargon:
115 Status Quo (Stephen Tucker): Torn & Restored Paper
118 Catchers (David Britand): card sandwich effect
120 Ring (Stephen Tucker): ring is removed from rope into a cup,
and jumps back on the rope as it is lowered into the cup
122 Dark Revelation (Eoin Taylor): selection appears face up on
deck with aid of handkerchief
124 Break-Through (Stephen Tucker): a silver coin is tossed
"though" a card to the spectator's palm, but then changes to
125 Diviner (Mike Yin): simple gimmick visual aid to locate cards,
127 Steel Tray (Stephen Tucker): stealing a match box tray
129 Coin Cuff (David Smith): a coin vanish from the arm to the
131 Subscriptions
Volume 1 Number 8 December 1981
134 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Harvey Rosenthal's Close-Up
Sampler's 1 & 2; Melt-Through; Roy Roth Bombshell Wallet;
Roger Curzon's Flim-Flam and All-Backs routines
135 Christmas Time (Stephen Tucker): a watch instantly changes its
136 Tinted Glass (Phil Goldstein): packet trick with a Vernon
Twist aspect
137 Variations Variant (Roger Curzon): interactive Aces Effect
140 Christmas Cord (David Britand): scissors on rope routine
143 Xmas Bonus (Stephen Tucker): a one changes to a five dollar
bill in a snap
145 Flash (Mark Russell): instant revelation of a Five Card Flush
146 Silent Sleight (Bob Ostin): card move to transfer bottom card
to top
148 Fantasia (Stephen Tucker): card routine with blank faced deck
and a few others
149 Down the Chimney (Don Allessandro Riario-Sforza): a coin
149 Letter (Harvey Rosenthal): note that bottom placement in Issue
5 had been previously published
151 Ambition: Harvey's version of the move (Harvey Rosenthal)
Volume 1 Number 9 January 1982
155 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Tucker's Wanderfull, Paul Harris
book, Richard Kaufman coins, etc.
156 Kontract Killer Kards (Stephen Tucker): a Four Kings card
routine with a Mafia theme and using a packet wallet
157 Polo 2 (John Fealey): paying for mints by producing money from
the roll
159 Creased (Roger Curzon): card is folded and unfolded in an
envelope and is unharmed
162 Mind Nova (Basil Horwitz): Spectators correctly predict which
card is theirs
164 Tilt (David Britand): Tilt Move Variation
166 American Express (Stephen Tucker & David Britland): card
and coin routine
167 Smalls: place holder for future advertisements
168 Joker-Mania (Bill Goldman): using a one-way forcing deck and a
few others
170 HQAEBDT - Letters: a sampling of letters received
171 Blood-Money (Stephen Tucker): a bloody coin through the back
of the hand
Volume 1 Number 10 February 1982
175 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): general news, new magazine "For Your
Eyes Only",
175 Clunk Clink Every Trick (Stephen Tucker): Clink Pass for coins
178 Brignall Trio (Paul Brignall): Three Effects
178 - The Siamese Deck: using a deck of cards half red backed and
other half blue backed
179 - F.A.R.T.: a sound gag
179 - Micky: Gag with a wireless mike
181 Karate (Stephen Tucker): splitting a Chinese Coin in two
180 Ear Ear (Stephen Tucker): interesting idea for Mind Reading
with Headphones
184 The Ying Tong Move (Shiv Duggal): variation of the Han Ping
Chien coin move
186 Full Circle (Brown, Britland & Tucker): Cards and coin
187 Best of Mates (Stephen Tucker): uses card supplied with issue
- prediction card trick
188 Square Deal (Basil Horwitz): Mentalism with ESP deck
190 Adder (Britland & Tucker): addition prediction using blank
cards and envelopes
192 Out of Town (Eoin Taylor): Out of this World Variation using a
pre-set deck
193 Tuesday (Stephen Tucker): a cut to the Aces comedy idea
Volume 1 Number 11 March 1982
196 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): general news
195 Goodness Gracious Great Balls of...Sponge? (Stephen Tucker):
using four balls and a sponge rabbit climax
199 Wipe Out the Aces (Roger Curzon): Four Ace Production
201 Mate: (David Britand): selected cards find their reversed
202 News Flash (David Britand): newspaper test using natural
ability as a carbon paper
204 My Mistake (Stephen Tucker): card prediction effect
205 The Magic Coin (Bill Goldman): spectator unwillingly buys a
trick but gets his money back; with coin and bill
207 Pentell: (Mark Lee): a comedy bit during a prediction effect
207 Mail: Vincent de Jong's comments on the size & binding of
209 Have-A-Cardo (Alex East): a series of failed & successful
card selection revelations
210 Suckered (Paul Brignall): a sucker coin through hand effect
212 ESP (Stephen Tucker): using some ESP cards and a plastic card
214 Switched (Graham Smith): selection rides the spread deck and
finds a prediction
Volume 1 Number 12 April 1982
218 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): general news
219 Quartet (Stephen Tucker): approach to a coin assembly with
cards and coins
222 Vol2: comments about volume 2
222 Free For Your Eyes Only: announcement about new magazine
222 Free The Brignall Brainstorm: free offer
223 Poker Logic (Ian Land): trick using Poker dice and based on a
Karl Fulve's effect
225 Double Decker (Stephen Tucker): deck switch when seated at a
227 Coined (Bill Goldman): coin through hand using four identical
229 Black Red (David Britand): approach to the Red and Black Aces
231 12-10=6 (A.R. Mousley): coin or object change in the
spectator's hand
232 LEHK - Letters: Radford on the Hypno trick; Mousley on
233 Converted Cannibals (Stephen Tucker): variation of Cannibal
234 The 24 Card Trick (William McKay): uses a full deck stack
235 Pip-Pip: card effect using a modified double-face gimmick
Volume 2 Number 13 May 1982
239 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): general news, Blackpool Convention
241 Lord of the Ring (Stephen Tucker): stand-up coin routine using
6 coins, a 5" single linking ring, and a coin purse
243 Show-Case (Peter Duffie): vanishing card case
245 Straight from the Top (David Britand): selected card at any
number called from the top
246 Blankety Blank (Bobby Bernard): selection to pocket with a
surprise finish
247 Competition: a SpellBinder contest
248 Pilgrim (Stephen Tucker): progressive Ace routine
250 FantAcey (Ian Land): an Ace trick
251 Gandwich (Tim Gan): a sandwich card effect
253 Christian (David Britand): spelling to the card selection
254 Aces-A-Go-Go (Shiv Duggal): Alex Elmsley's between the palms
plot with cards
255 Signed Card in Pen (Stephen Tucker): signed card revelation
and then appearance in pen
256 Bound Vol I: Advertisement
Volume 2 Issue 14 June 1982
259 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Alec Pendle's Cosmic Connection;
Neil Somerville Mars mentalism; errata for Have a Cardo by Alex
260 Cannibalism (Stephen Tucker): Cannibal Cards using a regular
deck and modified case
263 Mexican Travellers (Steven Hamilton): Four Aces Travel from
hand to table
265 Quicksilver Copper (Eoin Taylor): a copper & silver coin
267 Face to Face (David Britand): A 2nd selection ends up face
down and finds the first selection with aid of a Joker
268 Illusion (Bobby Bernard): an invisible coin becomes visible
with aid of a spoon
270 All Change (Joe Dignam): An Aces and Kings routine
271 Card-Puller (Alex East): a clever custom card method to force
a number
273 Competition 2: another contest
275 Dead Fall (Jerry Sadowitz): The Ace of Spades tranposes with
Four Kings
276 Let Us - Letters: Hans Wittus-Witt follow up to The Magic
Yellow Pages; Bill Worsley's suggestion for Banned effect from
issue 2; tip from Alessandro Riario-Sforza for effect Abort from
Issues 5; request for Magic Tokens for Eddy Taytelbaum
277 Table Through Coin (Stephen Tucker): a move for a single coin
through table
278 Lock of Air (Wayne Dobson): selected card is found padlocked
Volume 2 Issue 15 July 1982
281 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Bob Browns The Loc-Kit; general news
282 Excalibur (Stephen Tucker): uses a standard set of 3 color
changing knives
285 Extremely Difficult Competition 3: another contest
286 Arc de Triumph (Peter Duffie): direct and simple Triumph card
287 Ying + (Duggal and Tucker): copper and silver coin routine
with a large coin climax
290 Strange (David Hamley): three cards reveal the value of the
291 A 4th For Dinner (David Britand): a different approach to
Cannibal cards with a gimmicked card
293 Problems: a card, coin, and rope problem suggested for the
readers to solve
294 FF Color Catchers (Reinhard Muller): color change deck effect
296 Ethereal Steal (Ian Land): a poker demonstration with Aces
297 Letters: general notes
298 Born Free (Jerry Sadowitz): a selected pair moves from top of
packet to middle and jumps to another packet
299 On the Other (Stephen Tucker): points out an interesting
tidbit about Waddington cards
291 T 4 U (Wayne Dobson): loading a ball from the palm while
turning over the cup
Volume 2 Issue 16 August 1982
303 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Phil Goldstein at the Bristol
Convention, the Spell-Binder summer special
304 Simplex (Stephen Tucker): selected card is found via aid of
four 'computer' cards
306 Black Cubed (Paul Brignall): slight modification to the Gosman
sponge ball to cube
307 Diamond Tip (Jerry Sadowitz): Jerry's ending to Elmsley's
Diamond Cut Diamond routine
308 Letter: From the Society of American Magicians
309 Chain Reaction (Wayne Dobson): borrowed finger ring on
necklace in a flash
310 Breese Wheeze (Martin Breese): non-gimmicked method for the
coin through glass plate in a box
311 Compo 4: Competition number four
312 Variants (Reinhard Muller): variations on "Off Color Catchers"
from issue 14
313 Bodkin (Phil Goldstein): packet trick, odds and evens
314 Imagine (Stephen Tucker): a die, coin, and poker chip
mentalism effect
315 It Just Don't Add Up! (Stephen Tucker): Casting out tens card
317 Zap (Stephen Tucker): quick coin production in a clothes pin
318 Specututular (David Britand): spectator cuts to the Aces
319 Cork-Screw (Tim Gan): The Aces sandwich three Queens, the
fourth Queen being the spectator's selection
321 Progress (Terry Shaw): variation on Pilgrim from issue 13
Volume 2 Number 17 September 1982
324 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Duffie & Sadowitz Alternative
Card Magic; Magic-Flash;
325 Bewitched Board (A.R. Mousley): a board brings selection to
top of deck and gets name written on it
326 Imperfect Triumph (Ian Land): another approach to Triumph card
327 1 in 52 (Tim Gan): application of Marlo's visual retention
change for cards
329 Quiz 5: results of Quiz from issue 15
330 A Tribute to Talon: about the Talon magazine, and the draft
Oracle II magazine
330 Red Alert (David Britand): selection has only red back in a
blue backed deck using a gimmicked card
333 Cash Card (David Britand): Ace keeps returning to packet, then
packet turns into bills
334 Blurb: Britland's Angel Card Rise and Spooky; Britland's
Zennerisiv; Milbourne Christipher's Illustrated History of Magic;
Magic and Mystery - The Incredible Psychic Investigations of
Houdini and Dunninger
335 ETC: Oracle II news
335 Solutions - Card Problem (Michael P. Pettitt): torn and
336 - Coin Problem (Michael P. Pettitt): coin in match box
336 - Rope Problem (Michael P. Pettitt): cut and restored rope
336 - Rope Problem (Uwe Ohlenporf)
336 - Card Problem (Ivor Notion)
337 This Months Problems: Banknote, finger, and ESP Cards
338 The Musical Deck (Alex East): a song, composer, and singer
prediction with an extra climax
339 - Effect 2: another version for a couple
341 Shocker (David Britand): coin production in a flash
342 Two Timing (Bill Worsley): a packet trick based on Goldstein's
Packet Rainer
344 Explosion (Stephen Tucker): ESP card trick uses the Bob Ostin
paddle move
Volume 2 Issue 18 October 1982
347 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Cumuppence by Wyllie/Mason;
348 2 for the Price of 1 (Stephen Tucker): a double card
revelation with a torn and restored
350 EZ4U (Justin Higham): a coin vanish
351 Interflight (Phil Goldstein): routine with a borrowed deck
353 EZ2 (Justin Higham): card trick with the four 7's
355 Super Triumph in Triumph (Reinhard Muller): another variation
on Triumph
356 Not My Type (John Brown): a mental effect with the spectator
using a typewriter
357 I Rise (Stephen Tucker): instant pick-pocket of selected card
using a Devano style rising card deck
358 Letter (Phil Goldstein): alternative and notes on Britland's A
4th For Dinner
359 Ambition Accomplished (John McClements): Two Aces in an
ambitious card sequence and used to locate a selection
361 Another Double Coincidence (Harvey Rosenthal): two cards
inserted by sepectators locate the mates
362 Comp - 6: The sixth competition
363 Hamman Out-Sexed (Alex East): a card effect using one card
with a risque back
365 See Shell (David Britand): signed coin becomes embedded in a
card; uses expanded shell
365 N.B.: Info about Hugo the magician
366 Wow (Tim Gan): a routine with the four Aces
Volume 2 Issue 19 October 1992
370 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): general news
371 By Hook Or … (Stephen Tucker): Oriental coins and sky hook
374 Ideas (Reinhard Muller): using Reinhard's Three Card Catch
from issue 15
374 Card Switchers 1
374 Card Switchers 2
374 Card Switchers 3
375 Quiz 7: another competition
376 Flip (Stephen Tucker): coin switch
378 Drip (Dr Peter Moffat): using an evaporating milk tumbler for
a gag blood transfusion
379 Weird (Stephen Tucker): a finger prediction
381 Twisted Nerve (Al Smith): packet trick with the J, Q, K of
Hearts and Ace of Spades
383 The Back is Gone (David Robertson): card effect using a blank
backed card with the word Gone on it
384 Origami (Gordon Bruce): a folded coin from a folded card
385 A Simple Reverse (Harvey Rosenthal): selection is found face
up in the deck
386 The Torn Up Switch (Colin Linn): a reversed card effect
388 Dynamic Duo (Basil Horwitz): an ESP deck routine; can be
adapted to regular cards
Volume 2 Issue 20 December 1982
391 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Phil Goldstein's 5 Card Polka;
Spectacle; Therrible; Prints Charming; Quasimodo; A Fine Mesh
394 Linear Z (William Zavis): mates from two halves of the deck
are dealt to
395 Coins Table (David Austin): coins through table using four
397 Xmas Time Trip (David Britand): deck become resealed
398 Musical (Alex East): another musical prediction effect
398 Comp-8: competition number 8 and previous answers
400 Early Riser (Gordon Bruce): card rise using IT
401 Slip-Jog (Jerry Sadowitz): utility card move
402 Telepathy: updates from subscribers - P.D. Brunning credit for
Marlo's Cover Up Cut; David Hambley idea for Two Timing from issue
17; Bernard Rasmussen on No Cover Henry Christ Force; Dr. Peter
Moffat on Odd-Job
403 T/C (Basil Horwitz): card prediction
404 Cracker (Paul Brignall): faces and backs change and more
405 Another Technicolour Oddity (Harvey Rosenthal): mathematically
inclined card trick
406 Gifts of Gold (Phil Goldstein): folding coin ideas and routine
407 Xmas is Ear (Wayne Dobson): gag with a cigarette in the ear
407 Santa's Sackfull: notes
408 Five Novel Items (Stephen Tucker)
408 - Jingle Bels: sucker routine where only one bell rings
408 - Rubic Cube Mystery: packet trick with special Rubic Cube
408 - Star of Wonder: revelation for a Star ESP prediction
409 - Magic Square: using a 15 number puzzle with a Magic Square
409 - Torn and Restored Paper: with a flash
Volume 2 Issue 21 January 1983
412 Jargon 83 (Stephen Tucker): general news
413 We 3 Kings (Stephen Tucker): card trick featuring the Kings
415 Conan (David Britand): transpo with coin and die using a
leather cone
416 Plain Clothes Detective (Colin Linn): two blank detective
cards sandwich the 'criminal' card
420 Letraset Instant Lettering (Stephen Tucker): gag magic for
421 Wow Wow! (Roger Crosthwaite): Variant of Tim Gan's Wow from
issue 18
423 Terror! (Al Smith): selection from red deck is only
blue-backed card, with a kicker
425 Escalier (Stephen Tucker): steel bearing melts to a clear ball
and a coin
427 Getting Your Own Back (Paul Brignall): selection is found with
aid of apparently double backed cards
429 Jumping Jokers (Al Smith): a four card assembly from Al's
Cards at Bay book
Volume 2 Issue 22 Feb 1983
433 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): general news
434 Into the Third Dimension (Stephen Tucker): sponge ball routine
using a ball and two half-balls
436 Off-Skanner (Al Smith): Handling of Hofzinzer Card Problem
440 Pandemonium:
440 - Expanding Deck (Justin Higham): a deck seems to grow twice
as high
440 - Trouser Servante (Justin Higham): idea for ditching coins,
with an example coin vanish
440 - Double Selection (Stephen Tucker): comedy revelation of two
spectator's cards
440 - Coins Across (Stephen Tucker): bare bones for a coins across
441 - Four Aces (Pascal Monmoine): a four Ace trick
442 Mechanical Pack (Johnny Johnston): a clever deck switch and
gaffed deck
444 Unbeatable (David Britand): selection is found with the aid of
the Jokers, with an extra kicker
445 Contagion (Al Smith): card transposition effect
446 Magic By (Dave Hambly):
446 - The 7 Card Spell: a card speller
446 - 3 of a Kind: a version of the three card trick
447 The Magical Mysteries of Reinhard Muller: thoughts on
Goldstein's Inter Flight as solution to Higham's EZ2 and a note on
Basil Horwitz' Dynamic Duo
448 Wrap Up Well (Jim Boyd): presentation for a lock that unlocks
due to spectator's psychic power
449 Deathtrap (Roger Curzon): Solution to Paul Curry's Open
450 Micro + (Alex East): ideas & additions for Paul Scott
Magic's Micro effect
Volume 2 Issue 23 March 1983
453 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Reinhard Muller's Gilbreath
Principle; Phoa Yan Tiong's The Seasons books;
454 Winter (Stephen Tucker): four Ace production, the last while
tearing an indifferent card in half
456 Supermatch (David Britand): clever coin through matchbox
458 One in a Million (Shiv Duggal): Routine for Horwitz Wallet
(locking switch wallet), or Himber Wallet
460 Yippee (Stephen Tucker): idea for addition to coin through
461 Beau Peep: cartoon reprint
462 Hopscotch (Phil Goldstein): five card packet trick
463 First Time Ever (David Britand) Version of Homing Card
466 Cycle (Paul Spencer): card trick using a deck in new order
468 AceMbley (David Britand): David's favorite four Ace routine
Volume 2 Issue 24 April 1983
473 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Peter Kane's Kane book; end of
474 Flash of Light (Tucker & Eddy Taytelbaum):
474 - Devano Rising Deck: idea
474 - Rubber Band Card Change: idea
474 - Full House: clever stack to produce a poker hand found by
spectator inserting card in the deck
475 - Cut and Restored Rope Addition: idea, with a bonus
476 Aze (Stephen Tucker): Ace Production
478 Goldmine (Roger Curzon): three coin production using an
expanded shell
480 Discover (Bill Worsley): selected card vanishes from packet
and appears face up in deck
481 Pri-Mate (Derek Robbins): card mate is found to be original
card, and mate is now face up in deck
482 Comp 9: Competition 9
483 Expedition (David Bentley): coin vanishes and is found in
match box
484 Anatomy Deck (Paul Brignal & Tucker): cleverly gimmicked
deck for a mentalism effect
486 Freewheel or Reverse Haden (Reinhard Muller): a reverse of the
Haden Matrix effect from the Summer Special Issue.
486 - Chicago Variant: coincidence effect with a changing card
487 Rethink (Phil Goldstein): Bingo card mentalism
499 Roundabout (David Britand): packet trick using the cards from
Elmsley's 4 Card Trick
Volume 3 Issue 25 May 1983
493 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Martin Breese taking over publishing
494 Ferryman (Stephen Tucker): a coin matrix with a bent coin
497 Cal-Pass (Monmoine Pascal): a utility move to change one card
to another
498 EZ2 II (Justin Higham): another solution for EZ2 card routine
from issue 18
499 Novel Appearance of a Card (Reinhard Muller)
500 Padded Cell (Paul Brignall): selected card found in sealed
502 Off Colour Jack-Wich (Reinhard Muller): card sandwich
503 Gags? a plastic spoon restaurant gag; a sometimes card
504 Up and Coming (David Britand): follow up to a four Ace routine
506 Copper, Silver, Brass thru Table (Roger Curzon): uses an
English Penny, American Half, Chinese Coin, and Copper/Silver coin
508 Beer-Mat (Gordon Bruce): approach to card under glass
509 That'll do Nicely (David Austin): a credit card finds the card
510 Sleeve Kings? (Stephen Tucker): packet card trick
Volume 3 Issue 26 June 1983
513 Jargon: Harvey Rosenthal Hole Flight and Natcg-Go
514 Time Tunnel (Stephen Tucker): card changes as it passes
through others, uses gimmicked cards
517 Gags?: smelling salts, Hermsetts, touch wood, and quick Aces
518 Pin-Up (Stephen Tucker): card idea using a couple of 52-on-1
520 s.w.a.t. (Stephen Tucker): coin production from Nelson Down's
521 diskus (Stephen Tucker): packet card effect constructed from
some blank faced cards and stickers
523 U.P. up (Ian Land): version of Marlo's Elevator card plot
524 Comp 11: competition
525 Screw-uP (Paul Brignall): twisted card becomes the selection
526 bad backs (Stephen Tucker): card effect requiring a mini
Bicycle deck with 4 duplicate Kings, etc.
528 Looking Glass (Daniel Kalanofski): a card mirror effect or use
a Same Both Sides card
529 Tosheroon Version (David Britand): trick uses an expanded
shell and a deck of cards
530 Jokes: a letter from George Rogers, some other jokes, most a
bit off-color (but not too bad)
Volume 3 Issue 27 July 1983
533 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Owen Moore's Almanack; Hugo the
Magician offerings, more news
534 Mr Universal (David Britand): variations on the Universal card
theme using some gimmicked cards
536 Alien (David Britand): David's original Universal card
537 ?: Contest and answers to last month's questions
538 Back-Hand (Paul Spencer): coin vanish for use with a coins
thru hand effect
539 Double Dutch (Stephen Tucker): card effect results in climax
with Jumbo 5 of Hearts
541 SHrink (Daniel Kalanofski): diminishing coin routine using
U.K. coins
542 Quad-Spell (Stephen Tucker): spelling card trick in the
spectator's hand
543 Triumph? (Pascal Monmoine): unusual Triumph card routine
544 WisperRED (Stephen Tucker): card routine with the Queens
546 Pogo (David Britland & Tucker): coin routine with jumbo
coin and a borrowed coin of same value
548 Knockknock (Paul Brignall): packet trick with an adult theme
549 Vario-6 (Alex East): packet trick
550 Soul Searcher (Stephen Tucker): a Four Ace effect with a twist
Volume 3 Issue 28 August 1983
553 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Michael Ammar Topit book
554 21-5=immortality (Stephen Tucker): 16 card trick based on
effect in Martin Gardner's Mathematics, Magic and Mystery
556 Comp: 13: another competition
557 ffulb ro kcom ssap ((Gordon Bruce): Read backward - bluff or
mock pass
559 Hologram-itis (John Ryan): effect using a Hologram dice image,
dice, and a matching plain glass
561 The Invisible Card (Alex East): with the aid of an
'electronic' deck
563 Thumbsucker (Martin Breese): sucker thumbtip routine
564 Brethtaking (Stephen Tucker): card routine variation from
Gardner's Mathematics, Magic and Mystery, using a two way wallet,
567 Straight to the Heart (Bill Worsley): packet card trick
568 Fingerflinger (Walt Lees): gag for your magician friends
569 Ghost Room (Justin Higham): an Ace trick
570 Psycho Cut (Peter Pellikaan): control selection to bottom of
Volume 3 Issue 29 September 1983
573 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Tucker's lectures; general news
574 Jogger (Stephen Tucker): ambitious card routine ideas
576 Cash Cut (Colin Linn): spectator taps your finger and deck
separates to the card selection
577 Flashy (Pascal Monmoine): idea for glass through table
577 50337 (Paul Brignall): Calculator word prediction trick
579 WhispeReaders (Phil Goldstein): outgrowth of Sadowitz
Whisperer's routine from Alternative Card Magic
582 Hello (Justin Higham): another calculator word card trick
584 Jasper (Stephen Tucker): routine with a guillotine finger
chopper of any style
585 Under Wraps (Stephen Tucker): a sort of card to wallet using
an ungimmicked breast coat pocket sized wallet
587 R.I.P.: contest winner announcement
588 By Gum (Gary Osborne - Gazzo): coin routine using sound
589 Cla$ico (Stephen Tucker): coin routine using a half dollar and
a "China Change" style gimmicked Chinese coin
592 The Rolled Coin and How I Use It (Stephen Tucker): coin vanish
and other ideas for a rolled up coin
Volume 3 Number 30 October 1983
595 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): cover change; Second Stephen Tucker
Magic Video; Meir Yedid Sunny Side Up; Frank Garcia Video Tape
from Tannens Stars of Magic
597 Flipside (Gordon Bruce): producing a coin from between playing
599 Card Olympics (Stephen Tucker): packet card trick
601 Still Counting on a Triumphant Finish (Ian Land): variation of
Kaufman's 4-5-6 Aces from Card Magic
603 The Electronic Cards (Earle Oakes): a variation on the
"Mechanical Pack" from issue 23.
607 Seconds Out… (David Britand): card mystery of the missing
cloak, using a special set of cards
609 On Patrol (Justin Higham): four Ace effect
611 Top Deck (Stephen Tucker): two ambitious card moves
Volume 3 Issue 31 November 1983
616 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): The No-card issue; Repro White
Lightning; El Duco's Overdrawn;
617 Out & About (Stephen Tucker): coin assembly using a bus
pass or similar instead of cards
620 Pendulum (Justin Higham): Chinese coin penetrates onto a pen
621 Variant (Reinhard Muller): Improvement on Reverse Haden Matrix
from issue 24
622 Slydinknot (John Brown): rope and knot move you can add to
your act
625 Wild - I'm Not Really (Stephen Tucker): variation of Grant's
Million Dollar Bill Mystery
628 1, 2 Many (Ted Lesley): coin up sleeve routine
630 Thriller (Daniel Kalanofski): taking a bite from a Sponge Ball
631 Stalking (Gary Osborne - Gazzo): coins trough table
633 4929 (Martin Breese): credit card fact you could use in a
mentalism routine
634 Paperbacks (Stephen Tucker): idea on a book test
Volume 3 Issue 32 December 1983
637 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Gary Ouellet Realistic Karate Coin;
Tucker's Flip-It 2
638 Christmas Cord Knot Again (Stephen Tucker): rope and knot
641 Fagin (Brian Flannigan): a no-sleight card prediction
643 Peek Crimp (Pascal Monmoine): method of crimping a peeked card
644 Muzarre Vanish (Reinhard Muller): seemingly cause a card to
vanish when put between two others
646 We 3 Queens? (Bill Worsley): card packet transposition effect
648 Fagin 2 (Paul Brignall): comedy bill to cigarette
650 Xmas Sale (Daniel Kalanofski): utility move used here to load
a coin in a coin purse
651 Behold (Stephen Tucker): a card to pocket theme
653 Snowfall (Stephen Tucker): another move for the Ambitious card
655 Ace Rink (Stephen Tucker): four Ace sucker routine
Volume 3 Number 33 January 1984
659 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Tucker's Gemini book
660 Out the Window (Stephen Tucker): elevator card routine
662 Too Hot to Handle (Paul Brignall): packet trick
663 It's a Swindle (Bill Worsley): chosen name is found on back of
card selection
665 Encounters Overland (Ian Land): tip on Brignall's Screw Up
666 David's City (David Britand): idea for coin to glitter globe
667 More than a Key (Justin Higham): card penetrates folded bill
669 Tearaway (Stephen Tucker): linking cards
671 Out of My Mind (Reinhard Muller): variation of Britland/Tucker
Out of Our Minds, Out of This World card routine from 3rd Special
673 Kings 2 (Reinhard Muller): Richard's handling of Sleeve Kings
from Issue 25
674 Flyover (Paul Brignall): selection from Red deck becomes blue
backed, and then transposes with the magician's card selection
677 Yuletied (Stephen Tucker): finger ring and rope move to
incorporate into your routine
Volume 3 Number 34 February 1984
680 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Announcement of the end of
Spellbinder. Books - More Fun With Cards by John Veager; Secret
Thoughts by Ronald J. Dayton; and Card Modes by Robert Robertson.
681 A Tip (Stephen Tucker): gag with a finger tip
682 Stash Cash (Basil Horwitz): a coin transposition in the
spectator's hands
683 Tidier (Ron Dowse): a ditcthing device using your tie
684 Britlan Deck (David Britand): card effect with a specially
marked deck
685 Beyond (Stephen Tucker): convincer for a cut and restored rope
687 Battlefield (Brian Flannigan): mentalism with 8 cards and a
688 Wonderland (Stephen Tucker): some variations on the above
689 Drop-Out (Stephen Tucker): rising card gag for magicians
690 Card Effect (Reinhard Muller): card trick using several
misprinted cards
693 4 Told (Stephen Tucker): torn and restored card - the pieces
recovered from impossible places
694 Red Rust September (Ian Land): a Triumph routine - backs of 2
selections change color
697 Spades (Stephen Tucker): packet trick based on Bob Moore's
You'll Need a Spade
Volume 3 Number 35 March 1983
701 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Your Lucky Number by El Duco
702 Experience (Stephen Tucker): variation of a beginner's card
704 Freight (Shiv Duggal): an Ace production
707 The Chase (Stephen Tucker): a convincing force for a forcing
708 Way Out (Daniel Kalanofski): idea for part of a ring and rope
710 Without a Paddle (Ian Land): Hofzinser's Lost Ace plot
713 Upfront (David Britand): a Spellbound coin change with two
coins - a copper and a silver
715 Mystery Room (Stephen Tucker): signed card tossed into deck is
sandwiched between two other selections
716 In the Master's Image (Al Smith & Stephen Tucker): A
selection of the Kings, two methods and ideas
718 Flushtronic (Paul Brignall): thoughts and variations on
Britland's Poker Face from third Special issue
Volume 3 Number 36 April 1984
722 Jargon (Stephen Tucker): Final issue, Britland's Cardopolis
723 Once and Future Kings (David Britand & Stephen Tucker):
Cannibal Card Routine
725 Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Daniel Kalanofski): safety pins
link in the spectator's hands
726 Reflections (Basil Horwitz): magician determines which ESP
symbol selected, using a packet wallet and 2 sets of 5 ESP cards
728 Read all About It (John Brown): a one coin routine with just
one regular coin
729 A Thousand Ways (Ian Land): three cards selected, one appears
face up sandwiched between the other two
731 Revolution (David Britand): more ambitious card moves
733 Still Counting (David Britand): a 7-Up card locates the
734 Loser (Shiv Duggal): a coin vanish from Spellbound position
736 Twice as Clear (Stephen Tucker): routine to challenge your
false deal
738 Nightmare End (Daniel Kalanofski): rope routine ending using
two pieces of rope and a pair of scissors