Watkins, Dan: Coinvanish Volume 1
©2002 Dan Watkins
Softcover, comb-bound, 8.5x11", 24 pages
Coinvanish 1
Image from Dan Watkins' CoinVanish

Comments: Coinvanish contains 10 professional sleights and effects intended for those ready to move beyond the basics of coin magic.
Also available as an e-Book from Dan Watkins.

Contents (Source - website description; numbers are not page numbers):

1 The Back Thumb Palm Retention Pass: audience clearly sees the coin tossed into your left hand, and right hand empty yet the coin vanishes
2 The Middle Finger Backclip: utility sleight
3 Wiped Clean: a "hand washing" technique to show both sides of your hands to be apparently empty
4 Coinvanish Trio: magical production of three coins and then vanish one at a time
5 Sleight of Elbow: coin appears and vanishes at the elbow
6 King Midas Spellbound: A quadruple Spellbound routine with gold, silver, copper and brass coins.
7 Lightning Copper/Silver: quick transpo
8 Penetrating Okito & Beyond: Okito box routine
9 Jumbolaya: After a one coin flurry routine, the coin grows to a jumbo size, appears and disappears, etc.
10 Double Take Transposition: another silver/copper transpo
