West, Bill: Routines In Rhyme
©1957 Bill West, Supreme Magic, England
Softcover, tape-bound, 8.5x11"
Bil West:
              Routines in Rhyme
Image courtesy e-Bay seller SharpMagic2011

Comments (sharpmagic2011):

Contents (numbers are not page numbers): 

1 Foreword (William G. Stickland)
2 Section 1: 6 Linking Ring Routines
3 Section 2: 7 The Cut & Restored Rope Routines
4 Section 3: 6 Egg Bag Routines
5 Section 4: 6 Multiplying Billiard Balls, Golf Balls or Soap Bubble Routines
6 Section 5: 7 Giant 4 Ace Effects
7 Section 6: 6 Cups and Balls and Ball'n Beakers Routines
