Wonder, Tommy: Wonder Material
The special supplementary lecture notes supplied FREE with
The Tommy Wonder Close Up Symposium Lecture Video
©1992 Tommy Wonder; Video by Mark Leveridge Magic
Softcover, saddle-stitched, 5.5x8.5", 20 pages
Wonder Material
Image from Magicref

Comments: I'm not even sure where I got this, since I don't have the Tommy Wonder video. These notes are meant to accompany the video based on Tommy's 1991 lecture at the 2nd British Close Up Magic Symposium. The notes, however, do not seem to rely on the video and do provide complete descriptions. Some good material is packed in this little volume.


3 Introduction: by Mark Leveridge
4 Thanks to Paul Harris: suggestions for improving Paul Harris' Torn  & Restored card as described in Supermagic (Harris' routine not described)
5 The Complete Restoration: another addition for performing a complete restoration of the card
8 Lighter to Matchbox: a broken lighter is changed into a working box of matches. With description of construction.
11 The Shrinking Box: A card box shrinks. Original version in Genii Vol 46, No. 6, 1982, this one modified for card boxes whose design match the card backs (like most Bicycle boxes). Can be followed by the SQUEEZE effect (below). Shows how to make it.
13 2 Second Card Fold: a card fold in which your hands can be in view at all times, and the card is folded very small. Tommy can fold the card in 2 seconds.
16 Squeeze: instead of enlarging the box to put the cards away, the deck is shrunk to fit! Instructions on building the clever shrinking deck are included.
