Added 44 new books (and one update) to the Magic Book Table of Contents page (
Thanks again to and, and also to Stephane for some additons!
Adams, Martin: Nexus
Fulves, Karl: Sam Schwartz Day for Any Date
Rubinstein, Michael: Intermediate and Advanced Coin Technique
Rudnick, Danny: The Al Leech Lecture Notes - a Lecture in Sets
Sadowitz, Jerry: Mr. E. Ozo Presents - Out Of Sight
Saileswar: Laugh With Me
Sanders, Richard: Richie's World
Sandison, G.H.: How to Behave and How to Amuse
Sands, George: Encyclopedic Balloon Modeling Course Volume II
Sands, George: George Sands Ropes
Sands, George: Sands' Ropesational
Sanford, Christopher: Masters of Mystery
Sankey, Jay, Andi Gladwin, Joshua Jay: The Definitive Sankey Volume 1
Sankey, Jay, Andi Gladwin, Joshua Jay: The Definitive Sankey Volume 2
Sankey, Jay, Andi Gladwin, Joshua Jay: The Definitive Sankey Volume 3
Sankey, Jay: Lecture Notes 2003
Sankey, Jay: Making People Wonder
Sankey, Jay: Up for Adoption
Sardina, Maurice: Where Houdini Was Wrong
Saterial, George: Timeless Magic
Sawyer, Thomas A.: Professor Hoffman and His Conjuring Serials of 1872 – 1888
Sawyer, Thomas A.: Reflections on Edwin T. Sachs
Sawyer, Thomas A.: Rethinking S.W. Erdnase
Sawyer, Thomas A.: The Late Mr. Edwin T. Sachs
Scarne, John: Classic Ball Routine
Scarne, John: Quartet
Scarne, John: Silver and Copper Trick
Scarne, John: The Odds Against Me
Scarne, John: Triple Coincidence
Schmidt, Joseph K.: Connie Bush's Color Isolation
Schmidt, Joseph K.: R.C. Buff's Knot on the Square
Schmidt, Joseph: The Impromptu Close-Up Card Rise
Schneider, Al: Matrix
Schneider, Al: Off
Schoppenhauer, Sven (Lex Schoppi): The Secrets of Quick Change
Schreck, Prof H.C.: The Mystery Book
Schwartz, Michael: The Center Flip
Schwarzman, Howard: Howard Schwarzman's Lecture Notes (update)
Schwausch, Jay: Nuggets of Knowledge for Mentalists and Magicians
Seabrooke, Terry: Carry On Seabrooke!
Seabrooke, Terry: Professional Idiot
Searles, Lynn: Ultimate Aces
Sedlacek, Bernardo: Nameless Lecture Notes
Severn, Bill: Magic Wherever You Are
Wild, Boris: 10 Max